This paper proposes a novel application system for the generation of three-dimensional (3D) character animation driven by markerless human body motion capturing. The entire pipeline of the system consists of five stages: 1) the capturing of motion data using multiple cameras, 2) detection of the two-dimensional (2D) human body joints, 3) estimation of the 3D joints, 4) calculation of bone transformation matrices, and 5) generation of character animation. The main objective of this study is to generate a 3D skeleton and animation for 3D characters using multi-view images captured by ordinary cameras. The computational complexity of the 3D skeleton reconstruction based on 3D vision has been reduced as needed to achieve frame-by-frame motion capturing. The experimental results reveal that our system can effectively and efficiently capture human actions and use them to animate 3D cartoon characters in real-time.
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Figure 1: Frankenstein (silver) and Adam (gold). This paper presents a 3D human model capable of concurrently tracking the large-scale posture of the body along with the smaller details of a persons facial expressions and hand gestures.
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Its numerous applications make multi-human 3D pose estimation a remarkably impactful area of research. Nevertheless, assuming a multiple-view system composed of several regular RGB cameras, 3D multi-pose estimation presents several challenges. First of all, each person must be uniquely identified in the different views to separate the 2D information provided by the cameras. Secondly, the 3D pose estimation process from the multi-view 2D information of each person must be robust against noise and potential occlusions in the scenario. In this work, we address these two challenges with the help of deep learning. Specifically, we present a model based on Graph Neural Networks capable of predicting the cross-view correspondence of the people in the scenario along with a Multilayer Perceptron that takes the 2D points to yield the 3D poses of each person. These two models are trained in a self-supervised manner, thus avoiding the need for large datasets with 3D annotations.
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In this paper, a Kinect-based distributed and real-time motion capture system is developed. A trigonometric method is applied to calculate the relative position of Kinect v2 sensors with a calibration wand and register the sensors' positions automatically. By combining results from multiple sensors with a nonlinear least square method, the accuracy of the motion capture is optimized. Moreover, to exclude inaccurate results from sensors, a computational geometry is applied in the occlusion approach, which discovers occluded joint data. The synchronization approach is based on an NTP protocol that synchronizes the time between the clocks of a server and clients dynamically, ensuring that the proposed system is a real-time system. Experiments for validating the proposed system are conducted from the perspective of calibration, occlusion, accuracy, and efficiency. Furthermore, to demonstrate the practical performance of our system, a comparison of previously developed motion capture systems (the linear trilateration approach and the geometric trilateration approach) with the benchmark OptiTrack system is conducted, therein showing that the accuracy of our proposed system is $38.3\%$ and 24.1% better than the two aforementioned trilateration systems, respectively.
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在本文中,我们考虑了同时找到和从单个2D图像中恢复多手的具有挑战性的任务。先前的研究要么关注单手重建,要么以多阶段的方式解决此问题。此外,常规的两阶段管道首先检测到手部区域,然后估计每个裁剪贴片的3D手姿势。为了减少预处理和特征提取中的计算冗余,我们提出了一条简洁但有效的单阶段管道。具体而言,我们为多手重建设计了多头自动编码器结构,每个HEAD网络分别共享相同的功能图并分别输出手动中心,姿势和纹理。此外,我们采用了一个弱监督的计划来减轻昂贵的3D现实世界数据注释的负担。为此,我们提出了一系列通过舞台训练方案优化的损失,其中根据公开可用的单手数据集生成具有2D注释的多手数据集。为了进一步提高弱监督模型的准确性,我们在单手和多个手设置中采用了几个功能一致性约束。具体而言,从本地功能估算的每只手的关键点应与全局功能预测的重新投影点一致。在包括Freihand,HO3D,Interhand 2.6M和RHD在内的公共基准测试的广泛实验表明,我们的方法在弱监督和完全监督的举止中优于基于最先进的模型方法。代码和模型可在{\ url {}}上获得。
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我们研究了在紧邻人类机器人相互作用的背景下,最先进的人关键点探测器的性能。在这种情况下的检测是具体的,因为只有手和躯干等身体部位的子集在视野中。特别是(i)我们从近距离图像的角度调查了具有人类姿势注释的现有数据集,并准备并使公开可用的新人(HICP)数据集; (ii)我们在此数据集上进行定量和定性比较人类全身2D关键点检测方法(openpose,mmpose,onphapose,detectron2); (iii)由于对手指的准确检测对于使用交接的应用至关重要,因此我们评估了介质手工检测器的性能; (iv)我们在头部上带有RGB-D摄像头的人形机器人上部署算法,并在3D Human KeyPoint检测中评估性能。运动捕获系统用作参考。在紧邻近端的最佳性能全身关键点探测器是mmpose和字母,但两者都难以检测手指。因此,我们提出了在单个框架中为人体和手介载体的mmpose或字母组合的组合,提供了最准确,最强大的检测。我们还分析了单个探测器的故障模式 - 例如,图像中人的头部缺失在多大程度上降低了性能。最后,我们在一个场景中演示了框架,其中类人类机器人与人相互作用的人类机器人使用检测到的3D关键点进行全身避免动作。
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了解来自第一人称观点的社交互动对于许多应用来说至关重要,从辅助机器人到AR / VR。谈论相互作用的第一步是理解人类的姿势和形状。但是,该领域的研究目前受到数据缺乏的阻碍。现有数据集根据大小,注释,地面真实捕获方式或相互作用的多样性有限。我们通过提出EGOBODY来解决这一缺点,这是一个用于复杂3D场景中的社交交互的新型大规模数据集。我们采用Microsoft Hololens2耳机来记录富裕的EGEntric数据流(包括RGB,深度,眼睛凝视,头部和手动跟踪)。为了获得准确的3D地面真理,我们将耳机用多kinect钻机校准并配合富有呈现的SMPL-X体网格到多视图RGB-D帧,重建3D人类姿势和相对于场景的形状。我们收集68个序列,跨越不同的社会学互动类别,并提出了从自我监视视图的3D全体姿态和形状估计的第一个基准。我们的数据集和代码将在中进行研究。
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由于严重的阻塞,快速身体运动和复杂的相互作用引起的歧义,多人运动捕获可能具有挑战性。现有的框架以2D姿势估算为基础,并通过推理多相机观测值的外观,轨迹和几何一致性来对3D坐标进行三角测量。但是,由于观察角有限,2D联合检测通常不完整,并且由于观察角有限而导致错误的身份分配,这会导致噪音3D三角测量结果。为了克服这个问题,我们建议使用变压器探索骨骼运动的短距离自回归特征。首先,我们提出了一个自适应,身份感知的三角剖分模块,以重建3D关节并确定每个身份的缺失关节。为了产生完整的3D骨骼运动,我们提出了一个双掩模的自动编码器(D-MAE),该自动编码器(D-MAE)用骨骼结构和时间位置编码轨迹完成的骨骼结构和时间位置编码关节状态。 D-MAE的灵活掩蔽和编码机制使任意骨骼定义可以方便地在同一框架下部署。为了证明所提出的模型在处理严重的数据丢失方案方面的能力,我们为多人相互作用与严重遮挡的高临界性和挑战性运动捕获数据集。对基准和我们的新数据集的评估都证明了我们提出的模型的效率,以及其对其他最新方法的优势。
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尽管最近的进步,但是,尽管最近的进展,但是从单个图像中的人类姿势的全3D估计仍然是一个具有挑战性的任务。在本文中,我们探讨了关于场景几何体的强先前信息的假设可用于提高姿态估计精度。为了主弱地解决这个问题,我们已经组装了一种新的$ \ textbf {几何姿势提供} $ DataSet,包括与各种丰富的3D环境交互的人员的多视图图像。我们利用商业运动捕获系统来收集场景本身的姿势和构造精确的几何3D CAD模型的金标估计。要将对现有框架的现有框架注入图像的现有框架,我们介绍了一种新颖的,基于视图的场景几何形状,一个$ \ textbf {多层深度图} $,它采用了多次射线跟踪到简明地编码沿着每种相机视图光线方向的多个表面入口和退出点。我们提出了两种不同的机制,用于集成多层深度信息姿势估计:输入作为升降2D姿势的编码光线特征,其次是促进学习模型以支持几何一致姿态估计的可差异损失。我们通过实验展示这些技术可以提高3D姿势估计的准确性,特别是在遮挡和复杂场景几何形状的存在中。
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大多数实时人类姿势估计方法都基于检测接头位置。使用检测到的关节位置,可以计算偏差和肢体的俯仰。然而,由于这种旋转轴仍然不观察,因此不能计算沿着肢体沿着肢体至关重要的曲折,这对于诸如体育分析和计算机动画至关重要。在本文中,我们引入了方向关键点,一种用于估计骨骼关节的全位置和旋转的新方法,仅使用单帧RGB图像。灵感来自Motion-Capture Systems如何使用一组点标记来估计全骨骼旋转,我们的方法使用虚拟标记来生成足够的信息,以便准确地推断使用简单的后处理。旋转预测改善了接头角度最佳报告的平均误差48%,并且在15个骨骼旋转中实现了93%的精度。该方法还通过MPJPE在原理数据集上测量,通过MPJPE测量,该方法还改善了当前的最新结果14%,并概括为野外数据集。
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3D pose estimation is a challenging problem in computer vision. Most of the existing neural-network-based approaches address color or depth images through convolution networks (CNNs). In this paper, we study the task of 3D human pose estimation from depth images. Different from the existing CNN-based human pose estimation method, we propose a deep human pose network for 3D pose estimation by taking the point cloud data as input data to model the surface of complex human structures. We first cast the 3D human pose estimation from 2D depth images to 3D point clouds and directly predict the 3D joint position. Our experiments on two public datasets show that our approach achieves higher accuracy than previous state-of-art methods. The reported results on both ITOP and EVAL datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on the targeted tasks.
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在本文中,我们介绍一种方法来自动重建与来自单个RGB视频相互作用的人的3D运动。我们的方法估计人的3D与物体姿势,接触位置和施加在人体上的接触力的姿势。这项工作的主要贡献是三倍。首先,我们介绍一种通过建模触点和相互作用的动态来联合估计人与人的运动和致动力的方法。这是一个大规模的轨迹优化问题。其次,我们开发一种方法来从输入视频自动识别,从输入视频中识别人和物体或地面之间的2D位置和时序,从而显着简化了优化的复杂性。第三,我们在最近的视频+ Mocap数据集上验证了捕获典型的Parkour行动的方法,并在互联网视频的新数据集上展示其表现,显示人们在不受约束的环境中操纵各种工具。
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多个摄像机制造的视频录制的可用性越来越多,为姿势和运动重建方法中的减少和深度歧义提供了新的方法。然而,多视图算法强烈依赖于相机参数;特别地,相机之间的相对介绍。在不受控制的设置中,这种依赖变为一旦转移到动态捕获一次。我们介绍Flex(免费多视图重建),一个端到端的无参数多视图模型。 Flex是无意义的参数,即它不需要任何相机参数,都不是内在的也不是外在的。我们的关键思想是骨架部件和骨长之间的3D角度是不变的相机位置。因此,学习3D旋转和骨长而不是位置允许预测所有相机视图的公共值。我们的网络采用多个视频流,学习通过新型多视图融合层的融合深度特征,并重建单一一致的骨架,其具有时间上相干的关节旋转。我们展示了人类3.6M和KTH多视图足球II数据集的定量和定性结果,以及动态摄像头捕获的合成多人视频流。我们将模型与最先进的方法进行比较,这些方法没有参与参数,并在没有相机参数的情况下显示,我们在获得相机参数可用时获取可比结果的同时优于较大的余量。我们的项目页面上可以使用代码,培训的模型,视频示例和更多材料。
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We introduce a new dataset, Human3.6M, of 3.6 Million accurate 3D Human poses, acquired by recording the performance of 5 female and 6 male subjects, under 4 different viewpoints, for training realistic human sensing systems and for evaluating the next generation of human pose estimation models and algorithms. Besides increasing the size of the datasets in the current state of the art by several orders of magnitude, we also aim to complement such datasets with a diverse set of motions and poses encountered as part of typical human activities (taking photos, talking on the phone, posing, greeting, eating, etc.), with additional synchronized image, human motion capture and time of flight (depth) data, and with accurate 3D body scans of all the subject actors involved. We also provide controlled mixed reality evaluation scenarios where 3D human models are animated using motion capture and inserted using correct 3D geometry, in complex real environments, viewed with moving cameras, and under occlusion. Finally, we provide a set of large scale statistical models and detailed evaluation baselines for the dataset illustrating its diversity and the scope for improvement by future work in the research community. Our experiments show that our best large scale model can leverage our full training set to obtain a 20% improvement in performance compared to a training set of the scale of the largest existing public dataset for this problem. Yet the potential for improvement by leveraging higher capacity, more complex models with our large dataset, is substantially vaster and should stimulate future research. The dataset together with code for the associated large-scale learning models, features, visualization tools, as well as the evaluation server, is available online at
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在3D人类姿势估计任务中存在挑战性问题,例如由遮挡和自我封闭引起的性能差。最近,IMU-Vision传感器融合被认为对于解决这些问题很有价值。但是,先前关于IMU和视觉数据的融合的研究(异质性)无法充分利用IMU原始数据或可靠的高级视觉功能。为了促进更有效的传感器融合,在这项工作中,我们提出了一个在参数人运动模型下的框架,称为\ emph {fusepose}。具体而言,我们汇总了IMU或视觉数据的不同信息,并引入了三种独特的传感器融合方法:NaiveFuse,Kinefuse和AdadeEpfuse。 NaiveFuse服务器是一种基本方法,仅融合简化的IMU数据并估计欧几里得空间中的3D姿势。在运动学空间中,KineFuse能够将校准和对齐的IMU原始数据与转换后的3D姿势参数集成在一起。 AdadeEpfuse进一步将这种运动学融合过程发展为一种适应性和端到端的训练方式。进行消融研究的综合实验表明了所提出的框架的合理性和优越性。与基线结果相比,3D人姿势估计的性能得到了提高。在Total Capture数据集上,KineFuse超过了先前的最新技术,该最新仅用于测试8.6 \%。 AdadeEpfuse超过了最新的,该技术使用IMU进行培训和测试的最新时间为8.5 \%。此外,我们通过对人类360万数据集的实验来验证框架的概括能力。
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We describe the first method to automatically estimate the 3D pose of the human body as well as its 3D shape from a single unconstrained image. We estimate a full 3D mesh and show that 2D joints alone carry a surprising amount of information about body shape. The problem is challenging because of the complexity of the human body, articulation, occlusion, clothing, lighting, and the inherent ambiguity in inferring 3D from 2D. To solve this, we first use a recently published CNN-based method, DeepCut, to predict (bottom-up) the 2D body joint locations. We then fit (top-down) a recently published statistical body shape model, called SMPL, to the 2D joints. We do so by minimizing an objective function that penalizes the error between the projected 3D model joints and detected 2D joints. Because SMPL captures correlations in human shape across the population, we are able to robustly fit it to very little data. We further leverage the 3D model to prevent solutions that cause interpenetration. We evaluate our method, SMPLify, on the Leeds Sports, HumanEva, and Human3.6M datasets, showing superior pose accuracy with respect to the state of the art.
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