There has been a recent explosion of impressive generative models that can produce high quality images (or videos) conditioned on text descriptions. However, all such approaches rely on conditional sentences that contain unambiguous descriptions of scenes and main actors in them. Therefore employing such models for more complex task of story visualization, where naturally references and co-references exist, and one requires to reason about when to maintain consistency of actors and backgrounds across frames/scenes, and when not to, based on story progression, remains a challenge. In this work, we address the aforementioned challenges and propose a novel autoregressive diffusion-based framework with a visual memory module that implicitly captures the actor and background context across the generated frames. Sentence-conditioned soft attention over the memories enables effective reference resolution and learns to maintain scene and actor consistency when needed. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we extend the MUGEN dataset and introduce additional characters, backgrounds and referencing in multi-sentence storylines. Our experiments for story generation on the MUGEN, the PororoSV and the FlintstonesSV dataset show that our method not only outperforms prior state-of-the-art in generating frames with high visual quality, which are consistent with the story, but also models appropriate correspondences between the characters and the background.
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We study a challenging task, conditional human motion generation, which produces plausible human motion sequences according to various conditional inputs, such as action classes or textual descriptors. Since human motions are highly diverse and have a property of quite different distribution from conditional modalities, such as textual descriptors in natural languages, it is hard to learn a probabilistic mapping from the desired conditional modality to the human motion sequences. Besides, the raw motion data from the motion capture system might be redundant in sequences and contain noises; directly modeling the joint distribution over the raw motion sequences and conditional modalities would need a heavy computational overhead and might result in artifacts introduced by the captured noises. To learn a better representation of the various human motion sequences, we first design a powerful Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) and arrive at a representative and low-dimensional latent code for a human motion sequence. Then, instead of using a diffusion model to establish the connections between the raw motion sequences and the conditional inputs, we perform a diffusion process on the motion latent space. Our proposed Motion Latent-based Diffusion model (MLD) could produce vivid motion sequences conforming to the given conditional inputs and substantially reduce the computational overhead in both the training and inference stages. Extensive experiments on various human motion generation tasks demonstrate that our MLD achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods among extensive human motion generation tasks, with two orders of magnitude faster than previous diffusion models on raw motion sequences.
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Conventional methods for human motion synthesis are either deterministic or struggle with the trade-off between motion diversity and motion quality. In response to these limitations, we introduce MoFusion, i.e., a new denoising-diffusion-based framework for high-quality conditional human motion synthesis that can generate long, temporally plausible, and semantically accurate motions based on a range of conditioning contexts (such as music and text). We also present ways to introduce well-known kinematic losses for motion plausibility within the motion diffusion framework through our scheduled weighting strategy. The learned latent space can be used for several interactive motion editing applications -- like inbetweening, seed conditioning, and text-based editing -- thus, providing crucial abilities for virtual character animation and robotics. Through comprehensive quantitative evaluations and a perceptual user study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of MoFusion compared to the state of the art on established benchmarks in the literature. We urge the reader to watch our supplementary video and visit
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We introduce M-VADER: a diffusion model (DM) for image generation where the output can be specified using arbitrary combinations of images and text. We show how M-VADER enables the generation of images specified using combinations of image and text, and combinations of multiple images. Previously, a number of successful DM image generation algorithms have been introduced that make it possible to specify the output image using a text prompt. Inspired by the success of those models, and led by the notion that language was already developed to describe the elements of visual contexts that humans find most important, we introduce an embedding model closely related to a vision-language model. Specifically, we introduce the embedding model S-MAGMA: a 13 billion parameter multimodal decoder combining components from an autoregressive vision-language model MAGMA and biases finetuned for semantic search.
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In this work, we present a novel framework built to simplify 3D asset generation for amateur users. To enable interactive generation, our method supports a variety of input modalities that can be easily provided by a human, including images, text, partially observed shapes and combinations of these, further allowing to adjust the strength of each input. At the core of our approach is an encoder-decoder, compressing 3D shapes into a compact latent representation, upon which a diffusion model is learned. To enable a variety of multi-modal inputs, we employ task-specific encoders with dropout followed by a cross-attention mechanism. Due to its flexibility, our model naturally supports a variety of tasks, outperforming prior works on shape completion, image-based 3D reconstruction, and text-to-3D. Most interestingly, our model can combine all these tasks into one swiss-army-knife tool, enabling the user to perform shape generation using incomplete shapes, images, and textual descriptions at the same time, providing the relative weights for each input and facilitating interactivity. Despite our approach being shape-only, we further show an efficient method to texture the generated shape using large-scale text-to-image models.
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人类运动建模对于许多现代图形应用非常重要,这些应用通常需要专业技能。为了消除外行的技能障碍,最近的运动生成方法可以直接产生以自然语言为条件的人类动作。但是,通过各种文本输入,实现多样化和细粒度的运动产生,仍然具有挑战性。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了MotionDiffuse,这是第一个基于基于文本模型的基于文本驱动的运动生成框架,该框架证明了现有方法的几种期望属性。 1)概率映射。 MotionDiffuse不是确定性的语言映射,而是通过一系列注入变化的步骤生成动作。 2)现实的综合。 MotionDiffuse在建模复杂的数据分布和生成生动的运动序列方面表现出色。 3)多级操作。 Motion-Diffuse响应有关身体部位的细粒度指示,以及随时间变化的文本提示,任意长度运动合成。我们的实验表明,Motion-Diffuse通过说服文本驱动运动产生和动作条件运动的运动来优于现有的SOTA方法。定性分析进一步证明了MotionDiffuse对全面运动产生的可控性。主页:
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扩散模型(DMS)显示出高质量图像合成的巨大潜力。但是,当涉及到具有复杂场景的图像时,如何正确描述图像全局结构和对象细节仍然是一项具有挑战性的任务。在本文中,我们提出了弗里多(Frido),这是一种特征金字塔扩散模型,该模型执行了图像合成的多尺度粗到1个降解过程。我们的模型将输入图像分解为依赖比例的矢量量化特征,然后是用于产生图像输出的粗到细门。在上述多尺度表示阶段,可以进一步利用文本,场景图或图像布局等其他输入条件。因此,还可以将弗里多应用于条件或跨模式图像合成。我们对各种无条件和有条件的图像生成任务进行了广泛的实验,从文本到图像综合,布局到图像,场景环形图像到标签形象。更具体地说,我们在五个基准测试中获得了最先进的FID分数,即可可和开阔图像的布局到图像,可可和视觉基因组的场景环形图像以及可可的标签对图像图像。 。代码可在上找到。
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Evaluating and comparing text-to-image models is a challenging problem. Significant advances in the field have recently been made, piquing interest of various industrial sectors. As a consequence, a gold standard in the field should cover a variety of tasks and application contexts. In this paper a novel evaluation approach is experimented, on the basis of: (i) a curated data set, made by high-quality royalty-free image-text pairs, divided into ten categories; (ii) a quantitative metric, the CLIP-score, (iii) a human evaluation task to distinguish, for a given text, the real and the generated images. The proposed method has been applied to the most recent models, i.e., DALLE2, Latent Diffusion, Stable Diffusion, GLIDE and Craiyon. Early experimental results show that the accuracy of the human judgement is fully coherent with the CLIP-score. The dataset has been made available to the public.
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To reproduce the success of text-to-image (T2I) generation, recent works in text-to-video (T2V) generation employ large-scale text-video dataset for fine-tuning. However, such paradigm is computationally expensive. Humans have the amazing ability to learn new visual concepts from just one single exemplar. We hereby study a new T2V generation problem$\unicode{x2014}$One-Shot Video Generation, where only a single text-video pair is presented for training an open-domain T2V generator. Intuitively, we propose to adapt the T2I diffusion model pretrained on massive image data for T2V generation. We make two key observations: 1) T2I models are able to generate images that align well with the verb terms; 2) extending T2I models to generate multiple images concurrently exhibits surprisingly good content consistency. To further learn continuous motion, we propose Tune-A-Video with a tailored Sparse-Causal Attention, which generates videos from text prompts via an efficient one-shot tuning of pretrained T2I diffusion models. Tune-A-Video is capable of producing temporally-coherent videos over various applications such as change of subject or background, attribute editing, style transfer, demonstrating the versatility and effectiveness of our method.
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利用深度学习的最新进展,文本到图像生成模型目前具有吸引公众关注的优点。其中两个模型Dall-E 2和Imagen已经证明,可以从图像的简单文本描述中生成高度逼真的图像。基于一种称为扩散模型的新型图像生成方法,文本对图像模型可以生产许多不同类型的高分辨率图像,其中人类想象力是唯一的极限。但是,这些模型需要大量的计算资源来训练,并处理从互联网收集的大量数据集。此外,代码库和模型均未发布。因此,它可以防止AI社区尝试这些尖端模型,从而使其结果复制变得复杂,即使不是不可能。在本文中,我们的目标是首先回顾这些模型使用的不同方法和技术,然后提出我们自己的文本模型模型实施。高度基于DALL-E 2,我们引入了一些轻微的修改,以应对所引起的高计算成本。因此,我们有机会进行实验,以了解这些模型的能力,尤其是在低资源制度中。特别是,我们提供了比Dall-e 2的作者(包括消融研究)更深入的分析。此外,扩散模型使用所谓的指导方法来帮助生成过程。我们引入了一种新的指导方法,该方法可以与其他指导方法一起使用,以提高图像质量。最后,我们的模型产生的图像质量相当好,而不必维持最先进的文本对图像模型的重大培训成本。
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扩散概率模型(DPM)由于其有希望的结果和对跨模式合成的支持,已成为有条件产生的流行方法。条件合成中的一个关键逃亡者是在条件输入和生成的输出之间实现高对应。大多数现有方法通过将先验纳入变异下限中,隐含地学习了这种关系。在这项工作中,我们采用了另一条路线 - 我们通过使用对比度学习来最大化其共同信息来增强输入输出连接。为此,我们引入了有条件的离散对比扩散(CDCD)损失,并设计了两种对比扩散机制,以有效地将其纳入剥离过程中。我们通过将CDCD与传统的变分目标联系起来来制定CDCD。我们证明了我们的方法在三种多种多样的条件合成任务中的评估中的功效:舞蹈到音乐的生成,文本到图像综合和班级调节图像综合。在每个方面,我们达到最新的或更高的合成质量并提高输入输出对应关系。此外,提出的方法改善了扩散模型的收敛性,将所需扩散步骤的数量减少了两个基准的35%以上,从而大大提高了推理速度。
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Object compositing based on 2D images is a challenging problem since it typically involves multiple processing stages such as color harmonization, geometry correction and shadow generation to generate realistic results. Furthermore, annotating training data pairs for compositing requires substantial manual effort from professionals, and is hardly scalable. Thus, with the recent advances in generative models, in this work, we propose a self-supervised framework for object compositing by leveraging the power of conditional diffusion models. Our framework can hollistically address the object compositing task in a unified model, transforming the viewpoint, geometry, color and shadow of the generated object while requiring no manual labeling. To preserve the input object's characteristics, we introduce a content adaptor that helps to maintain categorical semantics and object appearance. A data augmentation method is further adopted to improve the fidelity of the generator. Our method outperforms relevant baselines in both realism and faithfulness of the synthesized result images in a user study on various real-world images.
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虽然扩散概率模型可以产生高质量的图像内容,但仍然存在高分辨率图像的关键限制及其相关的高计算要求。最近的矢量量化图像模型已经克服了图像分辨率的这种限制,而是通过从之前的元素 - 明智的自回归采样生成令牌时,这是对图像分辨率的速度和单向的。相比之下,在本文中,我们提出了一种新的离散扩散概率模型,其通过使用无约束的变压器架构作为骨干来支持矢量量化令牌的并行预测。在培训期间,令牌以订单不可知的方式随机掩盖,变压器学会预测原始令牌。这种矢量量化令牌预测的并行性反过来促进了在计算费用的一小部分下的全球一致的高分辨率和多样性图像的无条件生成。以这种方式,我们可以产生超过原始训练集样本的图像分辨率,而另外提供每个图像似然估计(从生成的对抗方法的差点)。我们的方法在密度方面实现了最先进的结果(Lsun卧室:1.51; Lsun Churches:1.12; FFHQ:1.20)和覆盖范围(Lsun卧室:0.83; Lsun Churches:0.73; FFHQ:0.80),并执行竞争对手(LSUN卧室:3.64; LSUN教堂:4.07; FFHQ:6.11)在计算和减少训练套件要求方面提供优势。
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