机器学习最近被出现为研究复杂现象的有希望的方法,其特征是丰富的数据集。特别地,以数据为中心的方法为手动检查可能错过的实验数据集中自动发现结构的可能性。在这里,我们介绍可解释的无监督监督的混合机学习方法,混合相关卷积神经网络(Hybrid-CCNN),并将其应用于使用基于Rydberg Atom阵列的可编程量子模拟器产生的实验数据。具体地,我们应用Hybrid-CCNN以通过可编程相互作用分析在方形格子上的新量子阶段。初始无监督的维度降低和聚类阶段首先揭示了五个不同的量子相位区域。在第二个监督阶段,我们通过培训完全解释的CCNN来细化这些相界并通过训练每个阶段提取相关的相关性。在条纹相中的每个相捕获量子波动中专门识别的特征空间加权和相关的相关性并鉴定两个先前未检测到的相,菱形和边界有序相位。这些观察结果表明,具有机器学习的可编程量子模拟器的组合可用作有关相关量子态的详细探索的强大工具。
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我们开发了一种多尺度方法,以从实验或模拟中观察到的物理字段或配置的数据集估算高维概率分布。通过这种方式,我们可以估计能量功能(或哈密顿量),并有效地在从统计物理学到宇宙学的各个领域中生成多体系统的新样本。我们的方法 - 小波条件重新归一化组(WC-RG) - 按比例进行估算,以估算由粗粒磁场来调节的“快速自由度”的条件概率的模型。这些概率分布是由与比例相互作用相关的能量函数建模的,并以正交小波为基础表示。 WC-RG将微观能量函数分解为各个尺度上的相互作用能量之和,并可以通过从粗尺度到细度来有效地生成新样品。近相变,它避免了直接估计和采样算法的“临界减速”。理论上通过结合RG和小波理论的结果来解释这一点,并为高斯和$ \ varphi^4 $字段理论进行数值验证。我们表明,多尺度WC-RG基于能量的模型比局部电位模型更通用,并且可以在所有长度尺度上捕获复杂的多体相互作用系统的物理。这是针对反映宇宙学中暗物质分布的弱透镜镜头的,其中包括与长尾概率分布的长距离相互作用。 WC-RG在非平衡系统中具有大量的潜在应用,其中未知基础分布{\ it先验}。最后,我们讨论了WC-RG和深层网络体系结构之间的联系。
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We present a neural flow wavefunction, Gauge-Fermion FlowNet, and use it to simulate 2+1D lattice compact quantum electrodynamics with finite density dynamical fermions. The gauge field is represented by a neural network which parameterizes a discretized flow-based transformation of the amplitude while the fermionic sign structure is represented by a neural net backflow. This approach directly represents the $U(1)$ degree of freedom without any truncation, obeys Guass's law by construction, samples autoregressively avoiding any equilibration time, and variationally simulates Gauge-Fermion systems with sign problems accurately. In this model, we investigate confinement and string breaking phenomena in different fermion density and hopping regimes. We study the phase transition from the charge crystal phase to the vacuum phase at zero density, and observe the phase seperation and the net charge penetration blocking effect under magnetic interaction at finite density. In addition, we investigate a magnetic phase transition due to the competition effect between the kinetic energy of fermions and the magnetic energy of the gauge field. With our method, we further note potential differences on the order of the phase transitions between a continuous $U(1)$ system and one with finite truncation. Our state-of-the-art neural network approach opens up new possibilities to study different gauge theories coupled to dynamical matter in higher dimensions.
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Machine learning has emerged recently as a powerful tool for predicting properties of quantum many-body systems. For many ground states of gapped Hamiltonians, generative models can learn from measurements of a single quantum state to reconstruct the state accurately enough to predict local observables. Alternatively, kernel methods can predict local observables by learning from measurements on different but related states. In this work, we combine the benefits of both approaches and propose the use of conditional generative models to simultaneously represent a family of states, by learning shared structures of different quantum states from measurements. The trained model allows us to predict arbitrary local properties of ground states, even for states not present in the training data, and without necessitating further training for new observables. We numerically validate our approach (with simulations of up to 45 qubits) for two quantum many-body problems, 2D random Heisenberg models and Rydberg atom systems.
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FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of a Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA). The inputs to a VQA are: a cost function C(θ), with θ a set of parameters that encodes the solution to the problem, an ansatz whose parameters are trained to minimize the cost, and (possibly) a set of training data {ρ k } used during the optimization. Here, the cost can often be expressed in the form in Eq. ( 3), for some set of functions {f k }. Also, the ansatz is shown as a parameterized quantum circuit (on the left), which is analogous to a neural network (also shown schematically on the right). At each iteration of the loop one uses a quantum computer to efficiently estimate the cost (or its gradients). This information is fed into a classical computer that leverages the power of optimizers to navigate the cost landscape C(θ) and solve the optimization problem in Eq. ( 1). Once a termination condition is met, the VQA outputs an estimate of the solution to the problem. The form of the output depends on the precise task at hand. The red box indicates some of the most common types of outputs.
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我们介绍了Netket的版本3,机器学习工具箱适用于许多身体量子物理学。Netket围绕神经网络量子状态构建,并为其评估和优化提供有效的算法。这个新版本是基于JAX的顶部,一个用于Python编程语言的可差分编程和加速的线性代数框架。最重要的新功能是使用机器学习框架的简明符号来定义纯Python代码中的任意神经网络ANS \“凝固的可能性,这允许立即编译以及渐变的隐式生成自动化。Netket 3还带来了GPU和TPU加速器的支持,对离散对称组的高级支持,块以缩放多程度的自由度,Quantum动态应用程序的驱动程序,以及改进的模块化,允许用户仅使用部分工具箱是他们自己代码的基础。
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深度神经网络非常成功,因为高度准确的波函数ANS \“ ATZE用于分子基础状态的变异蒙特卡洛计算。我们提出了一个这样的Ansatz,Ferminet的扩展,以计算定期汉密尔顿人的基础状态,并研究均质电子气。小电子气体系统基态能量的费米特计算与先前的启动器完全构型相互作用量子蒙特卡洛和扩散蒙特卡洛计算非常吻合。我们研究了自旋偏振均质的均质电子气体,并证明了这一点相同神经网络架构能够准确地代表离域的费米液态和局部的晶体状态。没有给出网络,没有\ emph {a emph {a a a emph {a a emph {a e emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {a emph {并自发打破对称性以产生结晶蛋白E基态在低密度下。
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Experimental sciences have come to depend heavily on our ability to organize, interpret and analyze high-dimensional datasets produced from observations of a large number of variables governed by natural processes. Natural laws, conservation principles, and dynamical structure introduce intricate inter-dependencies among these observed variables, which in turn yield geometric structure, with fewer degrees of freedom, on the dataset. We show how fine-scale features of this structure in data can be extracted from \emph{discrete} approximations to quantum mechanical processes given by data-driven graph Laplacians and localized wavepackets. This data-driven quantization procedure leads to a novel, yet natural uncertainty principle for data analysis induced by limited data. We illustrate the new approach with algorithms and several applications to real-world data, including the learning of patterns and anomalies in social distancing and mobility behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Current learning machines have successfully solved hard application problems, reaching high accuracy and displaying seemingly "intelligent" behavior. Here we apply recent techniques for explaining decisions of state-of-the-art learning machines and analyze various tasks from computer vision and arcade games. This showcases a spectrum of problem-solving behaviors ranging from naive and short-sighted, to wellinformed and strategic. We observe that standard performance evaluation metrics can be oblivious to distinguishing these diverse problem solving behaviors. Furthermore, we propose our semi-automated Spectral Relevance Analysis that provides a practically effective way of characterizing and validating the behavior of nonlinear learning machines. This helps to assess whether a learned model indeed delivers reliably for the problem that it was conceived for. Furthermore, our work intends to add a voice of caution to the ongoing excitement about machine intelligence and pledges to evaluate and judge some of these recent successes in a more nuanced manner.
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$ \ Texit {Fermi} $数据中的银河系中多余(GCE)的两个领先假设是一个未解决的微弱毫秒脉冲条件(MSP)和暗物质(DM)湮灭。这些解释之间的二分法通常通过将它们建模为两个单独的发射组分来反映。然而,诸如MSP的点源(PSS)在超微弱的极限中具有统计变质的泊松发射(正式的位置,预期每个来源平均贡献远低于一个光子),导致可能提出问题的歧义如排放是否是PS样或性质中的泊松人。我们提出了一种概念上的新方法,以统一的方式描述PS和泊松发射,并且刚刚从此获得的结果中获得了对泊松组件的约束。为了实现这种方法,我们利用深度学习技术,围绕基于神经网络的方法,用于直方图回归,其表达量数量的不确定性。我们证明我们的方法对许多困扰先前接近的系统,特别是DM / PS误操作来稳健。在$ \ texit {fermi} $数据中,我们发现由$ \ sim4 \ times 10 ^ {-11} \ \ text {counts} \ {counts} \ text {counts} \ text {counts} \ \ text {cm} ^ { - 2} \ \ text {s} ^ { - 1} $(对应于$ \ sim3 - 4 $每pL期望计数),这需要$ n \ sim \ mathcal {o}( 10 ^ 4)$源来解释整个过剩(中位数价值$ n = \文本{29,300} $横跨天空)。虽然微弱,但这种SCD允许我们获得95%信心的Poissonian比赛的约束$ \ eta_p \ leq 66 \%$。这表明大量的GCE通量是由于PSS 。
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The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning.
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可解释的人工智能(XAI)的新兴领域旨在为当今强大但不透明的深度学习模型带来透明度。尽管本地XAI方法以归因图的形式解释了个体预测,从而确定了重要特征的发生位置(但没有提供有关其代表的信息),但全局解释技术可视化模型通常学会的编码的概念。因此,两种方法仅提供部分见解,并留下将模型推理解释的负担。只有少数当代技术旨在将本地和全球XAI背后的原则结合起来,以获取更多信息的解释。但是,这些方法通常仅限于特定的模型体系结构,或对培训制度或数据和标签可用性施加其他要求,这实际上使事后应用程序成为任意预训练的模型。在这项工作中,我们介绍了概念相关性传播方法(CRP)方法,该方法结合了XAI的本地和全球观点,因此允许回答“何处”和“ where”和“什么”问题,而没有其他约束。我们进一步介绍了相关性最大化的原则,以根据模型对模型的有用性找到代表性的示例。因此,我们提高了对激活最大化及其局限性的共同实践的依赖。我们证明了我们方法在各种环境中的能力,展示了概念相关性传播和相关性最大化导致了更加可解释的解释,并通过概念图表,概念组成分析和概念集合和概念子区和概念子区和概念子集和定量研究对模型的表示和推理提供了深刻的见解。它们在细粒度决策中的作用。
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Training generative adversarial networks (GAN) using too little data typically leads to discriminator overfitting, causing training to diverge. We propose an adaptive discriminator augmentation mechanism that significantly stabilizes training in limited data regimes. The approach does not require changes to loss functions or network architectures, and is applicable both when training from scratch and when fine-tuning an existing GAN on another dataset. We demonstrate, on several datasets, that good results are now possible using only a few thousand training images, often matching StyleGAN2 results with an order of magnitude fewer images. We expect this to open up new application domains for GANs. We also find that the widely used CIFAR-10 is, in fact, a limited data benchmark, and improve the record FID from 5.59 to 2.42.
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