深层神经网络(DNN)是通过依次执行线性和非线性过程产生的。使用线性和非线性程序的组合对于生成足够深的特征空间至关重要。大多数非线性运算符是激活函数或合并函数的推导。数学形态是数学的一个分支,为各种图像处理问题提供了非线性操作员。我们调查了将这些操作集成到本文端到端深度学习框架中的实用性。 DNN旨在获得特定工作的现实代表。形态运算符给出拓扑描述符,以传达有关图像中描述的物体形状的显着信息。我们提出了一种基于元学习的方法,将形态算子纳入DNN。博学的结构展示了我们的新型形态操作如何显着提高各种任务(包括图片分类和边缘检测)的DNN性能。
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最近,已经成功地应用于各种遥感图像(RSI)识别任务的大量基于深度学习的方法。然而,RSI字段中深度学习方法的大多数现有进步严重依赖于手动设计的骨干网络提取的特征,这严重阻碍了由于RSI的复杂性以及先前知识的限制而受到深度学习模型的潜力。在本文中,我们研究了RSI识别任务中的骨干架构的新设计范式,包括场景分类,陆地覆盖分类和对象检测。提出了一种基于权重共享策略和进化算法的一拍架构搜索框架,称为RSBNet,其中包括三个阶段:首先,在层面搜索空间中构造的超空网是在自组装的大型中预先磨削 - 基于集合单路径培训策略进行缩放RSI数据集。接下来,预先培训的SuperNet通过可切换识别模块配备不同的识别头,并分别在目标数据集上进行微调,以获取特定于任务特定的超网络。最后,我们根据没有任何网络训练的进化算法,搜索最佳骨干架构进行不同识别任务。对于不同识别任务的五个基准数据集进行了广泛的实验,结果显示了所提出的搜索范例的有效性,并证明搜索后的骨干能够灵活地调整不同的RSI识别任务并实现令人印象深刻的性能。
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Recently, Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has successfully identified neural network architectures that exceed human designed ones on large-scale image classification. In this paper, we study NAS for semantic image segmentation. Existing works often focus on searching the repeatable cell structure, while hand-designing the outer network structure that controls the spatial resolution changes. This choice simplifies the search space, but becomes increasingly problematic for dense image prediction which exhibits a lot more network level architectural variations. Therefore, we propose to search the network level structure in addition to the cell level structure, which forms a hierarchical architecture search space. We present a network level search space that includes many popular designs, and develop a formulation that allows efficient gradient-based architecture search (3 P100 GPU days on Cityscapes images). We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on the challenging Cityscapes, PASCAL VOC 2012, and ADE20K datasets. Auto-DeepLab, our architecture searched specifically for semantic image segmentation, attains state-of-the-art performance without any ImageNet pretraining. 1 * Work done while an intern at Google.
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Deep Learning has enabled remarkable progress over the last years on a variety of tasks, such as image recognition, speech recognition, and machine translation. One crucial aspect for this progress are novel neural architectures. Currently employed architectures have mostly been developed manually by human experts, which is a time-consuming and errorprone process. Because of this, there is growing interest in automated neural architecture search methods. We provide an overview of existing work in this field of research and categorize them according to three dimensions: search space, search strategy, and performance estimation strategy.
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神经体系结构搜索(NAS)可以自动为深神经网络(DNN)设计架构,并已成为当前机器学习社区中最热门的研究主题之一。但是,NAS通常在计算上很昂贵,因为在搜索过程中需要培训大量DNN。绩效预测因素可以通过直接预测DNN的性能来大大减轻NAS的过失成本。但是,构建令人满意的性能预测能力很大程度上取决于足够的训练有素的DNN体系结构,在大多数情况下很难获得。为了解决这个关键问题,我们在本文中提出了一种名为Giaug的有效的DNN体系结构增强方法。具体而言,我们首先提出了一种基于图同构的机制,其优点是有效地生成$ \ boldsymbol n $(即$ \ boldsymbol n!$)的阶乘,对具有$ \ boldsymbol n $ n $ n $ n $ \ boldsymbol n $的单个体系结构进行了带注释的体系结构节点。此外,我们还设计了一种通用方法,将体系结构编码为适合大多数预测模型的形式。结果,可以通过各种基于性能预测因子的NAS算法灵活地利用Giaug。我们在中小型,中,大规模搜索空间上对CIFAR-10和Imagenet基准数据集进行了广泛的实验。实验表明,Giaug可以显着提高大多数最先进的同伴预测因子的性能。此外,与最先进的NAS算法相比,Giaug最多可以在ImageNet上节省三级计算成本。
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语义细分是计算机视觉中的一个流行研究主题,并且在其上做出了许多努力,结果令人印象深刻。在本文中,我们打算搜索可以实时运行此问题的最佳网络结构。为了实现这一目标,我们共同搜索深度,通道,扩张速率和特征空间分辨率,从而导致搜索空间约为2.78*10^324可能的选择。为了处理如此大的搜索空间,我们利用差异架构搜索方法。但是,需要离散地使用使用现有差异方法搜索的体系结构参数,这会导致差异方法找到的架构参数与其离散版本作为体系结构搜索的最终解决方案之间的离散差距。因此,我们从解决方案空间正则化的创新角度来缓解离散差距的问题。具体而言,首先提出了新型的解决方案空间正则化(SSR)损失,以有效鼓励超级网络收敛到其离散。然后,提出了一种新的分层和渐进式解决方案空间缩小方法,以进一步实现较高的搜索效率。此外,我们从理论上表明,SSR损失的优化等同于L_0-NORM正则化,这说明了改善的搜索评估差距。综合实验表明,提出的搜索方案可以有效地找到最佳的网络结构,该结构具有较小的模型大小(1 m)的分割非常快的速度(175 fps),同时保持可比较的精度。
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The automated machine learning (AutoML) field has become increasingly relevant in recent years. These algorithms can develop models without the need for expert knowledge, facilitating the application of machine learning techniques in the industry. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) exploits deep learning techniques to autonomously produce neural network architectures whose results rival the state-of-the-art models hand-crafted by AI experts. However, this approach requires significant computational resources and hardware investments, making it less appealing for real-usage applications. This article presents the third version of Pareto-Optimal Progressive Neural Architecture Search (POPNASv3), a new sequential model-based optimization NAS algorithm targeting different hardware environments and multiple classification tasks. Our method is able to find competitive architectures within large search spaces, while keeping a flexible structure and data processing pipeline to adapt to different tasks. The algorithm employs Pareto optimality to reduce the number of architectures sampled during the search, drastically improving the time efficiency without loss in accuracy. The experiments performed on images and time series classification datasets provide evidence that POPNASv3 can explore a large set of assorted operators and converge to optimal architectures suited for the type of data provided under different scenarios.
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This paper addresses the scalability challenge of architecture search by formulating the task in a differentiable manner. Unlike conventional approaches of applying evolution or reinforcement learning over a discrete and non-differentiable search space, our method is based on the continuous relaxation of the architecture representation, allowing efficient search of the architecture using gradient descent. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, ImageNet, Penn Treebank and WikiText-2 show that our algorithm excels in discovering high-performance convolutional architectures for image classification and recurrent architectures for language modeling, while being orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art non-differentiable techniques. Our implementation has been made publicly available to facilitate further research on efficient architecture search algorithms.
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We present the next generation of MobileNets based on a combination of complementary search techniques as well as a novel architecture design. MobileNetV3 is tuned to mobile phone CPUs through a combination of hardwareaware network architecture search (NAS) complemented by the NetAdapt algorithm and then subsequently improved through novel architecture advances. This paper starts the exploration of how automated search algorithms and network design can work together to harness complementary approaches improving the overall state of the art. Through this process we create two new MobileNet models for release: MobileNetV3-Large and MobileNetV3-Small which are targeted for high and low resource use cases. These models are then adapted and applied to the tasks of object detection and semantic segmentation. For the task of semantic segmentation (or any dense pixel prediction), we propose a new efficient segmentation decoder Lite Reduced Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (LR-ASPP). We achieve new state of the art results for mobile classification, detection and segmentation. MobileNetV3-Large is 3.2% more accurate on ImageNet classification while reducing latency by 20% compared to MobileNetV2. MobileNetV3-Small is 6.6% more accurate compared to a MobileNetV2 model with comparable latency. MobileNetV3-Large detection is over 25% faster at roughly the same accuracy as Mo-bileNetV2 on COCO detection. MobileNetV3-Large LR-ASPP is 34% faster than MobileNetV2 R-ASPP at similar accuracy for Cityscapes segmentation.
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Developing neural network image classification models often requires significant architecture engineering. In this paper, we study a method to learn the model architectures directly on the dataset of interest. As this approach is expensive when the dataset is large, we propose to search for an architectural building block on a small dataset and then transfer the block to a larger dataset. The key contribution of this work is the design of a new search space (which we call the "NASNet search space") which enables transferability. In our experiments, we search for the best convolutional layer (or "cell") on the CIFAR-10 dataset and then apply this cell to the ImageNet dataset by stacking together more copies of this cell, each with their own parameters to design a convolutional architecture, which we name a "NASNet architecture". We also introduce a new regularization technique called ScheduledDropPath that significantly improves generalization in the NASNet models. On CIFAR-10 itself, a NASNet found by our method achieves 2.4% error rate, which is state-of-the-art. Although the cell is not searched for directly on ImageNet, a NASNet constructed from the best cell achieves, among the published works, state-of-the-art accuracy of 82.7% top-1 and 96.2% top-5 on ImageNet. Our model is 1.2% better in top-1 accuracy than the best human-invented architectures while having 9 billion fewer FLOPS -a reduction of 28% in computational demand from the previous state-of-the-art model. When evaluated at different levels of computational cost, accuracies of NASNets exceed those of the state-of-the-art human-designed models. For instance, a small version of NASNet also achieves 74% top-1 accuracy, which is 3.1% better than equivalently-sized, state-of-the-art models for mobile platforms. Finally, the image features learned from image classification are generically useful and can be transferred to other computer vision problems. On the task of object detection, the learned features by NASNet used with the Faster-RCNN framework surpass state-of-the-art by 4.0% achieving 43.1% mAP on the COCO dataset.
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Image segmentation is a key topic in image processing and computer vision with applications such as scene understanding, medical image analysis, robotic perception, video surveillance, augmented reality, and image compression, among many others. Various algorithms for image segmentation have been developed in the literature. Recently, due to the success of deep learning models in a wide range of vision applications, there has been a substantial amount of works aimed at developing image segmentation approaches using deep learning models. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of the literature at the time of this writing, covering a broad spectrum of pioneering works for semantic and instance-level segmentation, including fully convolutional pixel-labeling networks, encoder-decoder architectures, multi-scale and pyramid based approaches, recurrent networks, visual attention models, and generative models in adversarial settings. We investigate the similarity, strengths and challenges of these deep learning models, examine the most widely used datasets, report performances, and discuss promising future research directions in this area.
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在NAS领域中,可分构造的架构搜索是普遍存在的,因为它的简单性和效率,其中两个范例,多路径算法和单路径方法主导。多路径框架(例如,DARTS)是直观的,但遭受内存使用和培训崩溃。单路径方法(例如,e.g.gdas和proxylesnnas)减轻了内存问题并缩小了搜索和评估之间的差距,但牺牲了性能。在本文中,我们提出了一种概念上简单的且有效的方法来桥接这两个范式,称为相互意识的子图可差架构搜索(MSG-DAS)。我们框架的核心是一个可分辨动的Gumbel-Topk采样器,它产生多个互斥的单路径子图。为了缓解多个子图形设置所带来的Severer Skip-Connect问题,我们提出了一个Dropblock-Identity模块来稳定优化。为了充分利用可用的型号(超级网和子图),我们介绍了一种记忆高效的超净指导蒸馏,以改善培训。所提出的框架击中了灵活的内存使用和搜索质量之间的平衡。我们展示了我们在想象中和CIFAR10上的方法的有效性,其中搜索的模型显示了与最近的方法相当的性能。
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