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问题答案(QA)是自然语言处理中最具挑战性的最具挑战性的问题之一(NLP)。问答(QA)系统试图为给定问题产生答案。这些答案可以从非结构化或结构化文本生成。因此,QA被认为是可以用于评估文本了解系统的重要研究区域。大量的QA研究致力于英语语言,调查最先进的技术和实现最先进的结果。然而,由于阿拉伯QA中的研究努力和缺乏大型基准数据集,在阿拉伯语问答进展中的研究努力得到了很大速度的速度。最近许多预先接受的语言模型在许多阿拉伯语NLP问题中提供了高性能。在这项工作中,我们使用四个阅读理解数据集来评估阿拉伯QA的最先进的接种变压器模型,它是阿拉伯语 - 队,ArcD,AQAD和TYDIQA-GoldP数据集。我们微调并比较了Arabertv2基础模型,ArabertV0.2大型型号和ARAElectra模型的性能。在最后,我们提供了一个分析,了解和解释某些型号获得的低绩效结果。
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We introduce a new language representation model called BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Unlike recent language representation models (Peters et al., 2018a;Radford et al., 2018), BERT is designed to pretrain deep bidirectional representations from unlabeled text by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. As a result, the pre-trained BERT model can be finetuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial taskspecific architecture modifications.BERT is conceptually simple and empirically powerful. It obtains new state-of-the-art results on eleven natural language processing tasks, including pushing the GLUE score to 80.5% (7.7% point absolute improvement), MultiNLI accuracy to 86.7% (4.6% absolute improvement), SQuAD v1.1 question answering Test F1 to 93.2 (1.5 point absolute improvement) and SQuAD v2.0 Test F1 to 83.1 (5.1 point absolute improvement).
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对于指定的实体识别(NER),基于序列标签和基于跨度的范例大不相同。先前的研究表明,这两个范式具有明显的互补优势,但是据我们所知,很少有模型试图在单个NER模型中利用这些优势。在我们以前的工作中,我们提出了一种称为捆绑学习(BL)的范式来解决上述问题。 BL范式将两个NER范式捆绑在一起,从而使NER模型通过加权总结每个范式的训练损失来共同调整其参数。但是,三个关键问题仍未解决:BL何时起作用? BL为什么工作? BL可以增强现有的最新(SOTA)NER模型吗?为了解决前两个问题,我们实施了三个NER模型,涉及一个基于序列标签的模型-Seqner,Seqner,一个基于跨度的NER模型 - 机器人,以及将Seqner和Spanner捆绑在一起的BL-NER。我们根据来自五个域的11个NER数据集的实验结果得出两个关于这两个问题的结论。然后,我们将BL应用于现有的五个SOTA NER模型,以研究第三期,包括三个基于序列标签的模型和两个基于SPAN的模型。实验结果表明,BL始终提高其性能,表明可以通过将BL纳入当前的SOTA系统来构建新的SOTA NER系统。此外,我们发现BL降低了实体边界和类型预测错误。此外,我们比较了两种常用的标签标签方法以及三种类型的跨度语义表示。
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使用诸如BERT,ELMO和FLAIR等模型建模上下文信息的成立具有显着改善了文字的表示学习。它还给出了几乎每个NLP任务机器翻译,文本摘要和命名实体识别的Sota结果,以命名为少。在这项工作中,除了使用这些主导的上下文感知的表示之外,我们还提出了一种用于命名实体识别(NER)的知识意识表示学习(KARL)网络。我们讨论了利用现有方法在纳入世界知识方面的挑战,并展示了如何利用我们所提出的方法来克服这些挑战。 KARL基于变压器编码器,该变压器编码器利用表示为事实三元组的大知识库,将它们转换为图形上下文,并提取驻留在内部的基本实体信息以生成用于特征增强的上下文化三联表示。实验结果表明,使用卡尔的增强可以大大提升我们的内部系统的性能,并在三个公共网络数据集中的文献中的现有方法,即Conll 2003,Conll ++和Ontonotes V5实现了比文献中现有方法的显着更好的结果。我们还观察到更好的概括和应用于从Karl上看不见的实体的真实环境。
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We present SpanBERT, a pre-training method that is designed to better represent and predict spans of text. Our approach extends BERT by (1) masking contiguous random spans, rather than random tokens, and (2) training the span boundary representations to predict the entire content of the masked span, without relying on the individual token representations within it. Span-BERT consistently outperforms BERT and our better-tuned baselines, with substantial gains on span selection tasks such as question answering and coreference resolution. In particular, with the same training data and model size as BERT large , our single model obtains 94.6% and 88.7% F1 on SQuAD 1.1 and 2.0 respectively. We also achieve a new state of the art on the OntoNotes coreference resolution task (79.6% F1), strong performance on the TACRED relation extraction benchmark, and even gains on GLUE. 1 * Equal contribution. 1 Our code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/ SpanBERT.
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Neural language representation models such as BERT pre-trained on large-scale corpora can well capture rich semantic patterns from plain text, and be fine-tuned to consistently improve the performance of various NLP tasks. However, the existing pre-trained language models rarely consider incorporating knowledge graphs (KGs), which can provide rich structured knowledge facts for better language understanding. We argue that informative entities in KGs can enhance language representation with external knowledge. In this paper, we utilize both large-scale textual corpora and KGs to train an enhanced language representation model (ERNIE), which can take full advantage of lexical, syntactic, and knowledge information simultaneously. The experimental results have demonstrated that ERNIE achieves significant improvements on various knowledge-driven tasks, and meanwhile is comparable with the state-of-the-art model BERT on other common NLP tasks. The source code and experiment details of this paper can be obtained from https:// github.com/thunlp/ERNIE.
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预审前的语言模型通过提供高质量的上下文化单词嵌入来显着改善了下游语言理解任务(包括提取性问题)的性能。但是,培训问答模型仍然需要大量特定域的注释数据。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个合作的自我训练框架RGX,用于自动生成更非平凡的问题 - 解答对以提高模型性能。 RGX建立在带有答案实体识别器,问题生成器和答案提取器的交互式学习环境的蒙版答案提取任务上。给定带有蒙版实体的段落,生成器会在实体周围生成一个问题,并培训了提取器,以提取蒙面实体,并使用生成的问题和原始文本。该框架允许对任何文本语料库的问题产生和回答模型进行培训,而无需注释。实验结果表明,RGX优于最先进的语言模型(SOTA)的语言模型,并在标准提问基准的基准上采用转移学习方法,并在给定的模型大小和传输学习设置下产生新的SOTA性能。
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There is an increasing interest in developing artificial intelligence (AI) systems to process and interpret electronic health records (EHRs). Natural language processing (NLP) powered by pretrained language models is the key technology for medical AI systems utilizing clinical narratives. However, there are few clinical language models, the largest of which trained in the clinical domain is comparatively small at 110 million parameters (compared with billions of parameters in the general domain). It is not clear how large clinical language models with billions of parameters can help medical AI systems utilize unstructured EHRs. In this study, we develop from scratch a large clinical language model - GatorTron - using >90 billion words of text (including >82 billion words of de-identified clinical text) and systematically evaluate it on 5 clinical NLP tasks including clinical concept extraction, medical relation extraction, semantic textual similarity, natural language inference (NLI), and medical question answering (MQA). We examine how (1) scaling up the number of parameters and (2) scaling up the size of the training data could benefit these NLP tasks. GatorTron models scale up the clinical language model from 110 million to 8.9 billion parameters and improve 5 clinical NLP tasks (e.g., 9.6% and 9.5% improvement in accuracy for NLI and MQA), which can be applied to medical AI systems to improve healthcare delivery. The GatorTron models are publicly available at: https://catalog.ngc.nvidia.com/orgs/nvidia/teams/clara/models/gatortron_og.
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NLP是与计算机或机器理解和解释人类语言的能力有关的人工智能和机器学习的一种形式。语言模型在文本分析和NLP中至关重要,因为它们允许计算机解释定性输入并将其转换为可以在其他任务中使用的定量数据。从本质上讲,在转移学习的背景下,语言模型通常在大型通用语料库上进行培训,称为预训练阶段,然后对特定的基本任务进行微调。结果,预训练的语言模型主要用作基线模型,该模型包含了对上下文的广泛掌握,并且可以进一步定制以在新的NLP任务中使用。大多数预训练的模型都经过来自Twitter,Newswire,Wikipedia和Web等通用领域的Corpora培训。在一般文本中训练的现成的NLP模型可能在专业领域效率低下且不准确。在本文中,我们提出了一个名为Securebert的网络安全语言模型,该模型能够捕获网络安全域中的文本含义,因此可以进一步用于自动化,用于许多重要的网络安全任务,否则这些任务将依靠人类的专业知识和繁琐的手动努力。 Securebert受到了我们从网络安全和一般计算域的各种来源收集和预处理的大量网络安全文本培训。使用我们提出的令牌化和模型权重调整的方法,Securebert不仅能够保留对一般英语的理解,因为大多数预训练的语言模型都可以做到,而且在应用于具有网络安全含义的文本时也有效。
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在这项工作中,我们探索如何学习专用的语言模型,旨在学习从文本文件中学习关键词的丰富表示。我们在判别和生成设置中进行预训练变压器语言模型(LMS)的不同掩蔽策略。在歧视性设定中,我们引入了一种新的预训练目标 - 关键边界,用替换(kbir)infifiling,在使用Kbir预先训练的LM进行微调时显示出在Sota上的性能(F1中高达9.26点)的大量增益关键酶提取的任务。在生成设置中,我们为BART - 键盘介绍了一个新的预训练设置,可再现与CATSeq格式中的输入文本相关的关键字,而不是Denoised原始输入。这也导致在关键词中的性能(F1 @ M)中的性能(高达4.33点),用于关键正版生成。此外,我们还微调了在命名实体识别(ner),问题应答(qa),关系提取(重新),抽象摘要和达到与SOTA的可比性表现的预训练的语言模型,表明学习丰富的代表关键词确实有利于许多其他基本的NLP任务。
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Laws and their interpretations, legal arguments and agreements\ are typically expressed in writing, leading to the production of vast corpora of legal text. Their analysis, which is at the center of legal practice, becomes increasingly elaborate as these collections grow in size. Natural language understanding (NLU) technologies can be a valuable tool to support legal practitioners in these endeavors. Their usefulness, however, largely depends on whether current state-of-the-art models can generalize across various tasks in the legal domain. To answer this currently open question, we introduce the Legal General Language Understanding Evaluation (LexGLUE) benchmark, a collection of datasets for evaluating model performance across a diverse set of legal NLU tasks in a standardized way. We also provide an evaluation and analysis of several generic and legal-oriented models demonstrating that the latter consistently offer performance improvements across multiple tasks.
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Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have been applied in NLP tasks and achieve promising results. Nevertheless, the fine-tuning procedure needs labeled data of the target domain, making it difficult to learn in low-resource and non-trivial labeled scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose Prompt-based Text Entailment (PTE) for low-resource named entity recognition, which better leverages knowledge in the PLMs. We first reformulate named entity recognition as the text entailment task. The original sentence with entity type-specific prompts is fed into PLMs to get entailment scores for each candidate. The entity type with the top score is then selected as final label. Then, we inject tagging labels into prompts and treat words as basic units instead of n-gram spans to reduce time complexity in generating candidates by n-grams enumeration. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method PTE achieves competitive performance on the CoNLL03 dataset, and better than fine-tuned counterparts on the MIT Movie and Few-NERD dataset in low-resource settings.
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The strong few-shot in-context learning capability of large pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as GPT-3 is highly appealing for application domains such as biomedicine, which feature high and diverse demands of language technologies but also high data annotation costs. In this paper, we present the first systematic and comprehensive study to compare the few-shot performance of GPT-3 in-context learning with fine-tuning smaller (i.e., BERT-sized) PLMs on two highly representative biomedical information extraction tasks, named entity recognition and relation extraction. We follow the true few-shot setting to avoid overestimating models' few-shot performance by model selection over a large validation set. We also optimize GPT-3's performance with known techniques such as contextual calibration and dynamic in-context example retrieval. However, our results show that GPT-3 still significantly underperforms compared to simply fine-tuning a smaller PLM. In addition, GPT-3 in-context learning also yields smaller gains in accuracy when more training data becomes available. Our in-depth analyses further reveal issues of the in-context learning setting that may be detrimental to information extraction tasks in general. Given the high cost of experimenting with GPT-3, we hope our study provides guidance for biomedical researchers and practitioners towards more promising directions such as fine-tuning small PLMs.
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本文介绍了关于剧透筛选的研究。在这种用例中,我们描述了微调和组织基于文本的模型任务的方法,并具有最新的深度学习成果和技术来解释模型的结果。到目前为止,文献中的剧透研究很少描述。我们在带有带注释的扰流板(ROC AUC以上的TV Tropes Point DataSet上超过81 \%的Roc Auc以上的Roc Auc上超过81 \%)的转移学习方法和不同的最新变压器架构。我们还收集了数据并使用细粒度注释组装了新数据集。为此,我们采用了可解释技术和措施来评估模型的可靠性并解释其结果。
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基于跨度的关节提取同时进行文本跨度的指定实体识别(NER)和关系提取(RE)。最近的研究表明,令牌标签可以传达至关重要的任务特定信息并丰富令牌语义。但是,据我们所知,由于完全戒除序列标记机制,所有先前基于跨度的工作都无法使用令牌标签的形式。为了解决此问题,我们置于基于跨度的跨度网络(STSN)的序列序列标记,这是一个基于跨度的关节外推网络,该网络通过基于序列标记的NER得出的令牌生物标签信息增强。通过深入堆叠多个Atten-tion层,我们设计了一个深度的Neu-ral架构来构建STSN,每个阶层层都由三个基本注意力单元组成。深度神经体系结构首先学习了代币标签和基于SPAN的关节提取的Seman-TIC表示,然后在它们之间构建了形式的相互作用,这也实现了基于SPAN的NER和RE之间的双向信息相互关系。向热 - 我们扩展了生物标记方案,以使STSN可以提取重叠的联系。三个基准数据集的实验表明,我们的模型始终优于先前的最佳模型,从而创造了新的最新结果。
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