Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have been applied in NLP tasks and achieve promising results. Nevertheless, the fine-tuning procedure needs labeled data of the target domain, making it difficult to learn in low-resource and non-trivial labeled scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose Prompt-based Text Entailment (PTE) for low-resource named entity recognition, which better leverages knowledge in the PLMs. We first reformulate named entity recognition as the text entailment task. The original sentence with entity type-specific prompts is fed into PLMs to get entailment scores for each candidate. The entity type with the top score is then selected as final label. Then, we inject tagging labels into prompts and treat words as basic units instead of n-gram spans to reduce time complexity in generating candidates by n-grams enumeration. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method PTE achieves competitive performance on the CoNLL03 dataset, and better than fine-tuned counterparts on the MIT Movie and Few-NERD dataset in low-resource settings.
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几乎没有命名的实体识别(NER)对于在有限的资源领域中标记的实体标记至关重要,因此近年来受到了适当的关注。现有的几声方法主要在域内设置下进行评估。相比之下,对于这些固有的忠实模型如何使用一些标记的域内示例在跨域NER中执行的方式知之甚少。本文提出了一种两步以理性为中心的数据增强方法,以提高模型的泛化能力。几个数据集中的结果表明,与先前的最新方法相比,我们的模型无形方法可显着提高跨域NER任务的性能,包括反事实数据增强和及时调用方法。我们的代码可在\ url {}上获得。
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Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) targets generalizing to unseen labels and/or domains with few labeled examples. Existing metric learning methods compute token-level similarities between query and support sets, but are not able to fully incorporate label semantics into modeling. To address this issue, we propose a simple method to largely improve metric learning for NER: 1) multiple prompt schemas are designed to enhance label semantics; 2) we propose a novel architecture to effectively combine multiple prompt-based representations. Empirically, our method achieves new state-of-the-art (SOTA) results under 16 of the 18 considered settings, substantially outperforming the previous SOTA by an average of 8.84% and a maximum of 34.51% in relative gains of micro F1. Our code is available at
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提示将下游应用程序作为语言建模任务施放,与使用预训练的模型进行标准微调相比,已显示出样本有效的效率。但是,提示的一个陷阱是需要手动设计的模式,其结果可能是不直觉的,需要大量的验证集来调整。为了应对挑战,我们提出了一种全自动提示方法Autoseq:(1)我们在序列到序列模型上采用自然语言提示,从而实现自由形式生成和更大的标签搜索空间; (2)我们提出了标签序列 - 无限长度的短语以口头表达标签 - 这消除了手动模板的需求,并且比单个标签单词更具有表现力; (3)我们使用Beam Search自动生成大量的标签序列候选物,并提出对比度重新排列以获得最佳组合。 Autoseq显着胜过其他无手动设计方法,例如软提示调整,适配器调整和自动搜索单个标签单词;生成的标签序列比各种任务上的精选手动序列更好。我们的方法揭示了几次学习中序列模型的潜力,并阐明了通用通用和自动提示的途径。本文的源代码可以从获得。
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The recent GPT-3 model (Brown et al., 2020) achieves remarkable few-shot performance solely by leveraging a natural-language prompt and a few task demonstrations as input context. Inspired by their findings, we study few-shot learning in a more practical scenario, where we use smaller language models for which fine-tuning is computationally efficient. We present LM-BFF-better few-shot fine-tuning of language models 1 -a suite of simple and complementary techniques for finetuning language models on a small number of annotated examples. Our approach includes (1) prompt-based fine-tuning together with a novel pipeline for automating prompt generation; and (2) a refined strategy for dynamically and selectively incorporating demonstrations into each context. Finally, we present a systematic evaluation for analyzing few-shot performance on a range of NLP tasks, including classification and regression. Our experiments demonstrate that our methods combine to dramatically outperform standard fine-tuning procedures in this low resource setting, achieving up to 30% absolute improvement, and 11% on average across all tasks. Our approach makes minimal assumptions on task resources and domain expertise, and hence constitutes a strong task-agnostic method for few-shot learning. 2 * The first two authors contributed equally. 1 Alternatively, language models' best friends forever. 2 Our implementation is publicly available at https://
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尽管计算语言学巨大和持续进展,但为命名实体识别(ner)缺乏注释数据仍然是一个具有挑战性的问题,特别是在低资源语言中以及域知识需要高质量的注释时。 NLP最近的发现表明了渗透式问题在启用语言模型中的有效性,以利用他们在预训练阶段期间获得的知识。在我们的工作中,我们提出了一种简单而直观地适应模式开发培训(PET),最近的方法,即结合了隐冻问题机制和微调的几次学习:关键的想法是重新上网任务模式。我们的方法在不依赖于三个基准数据集的手动注释的数据或远程监管的情况下,我们的方法比标准微调和可比或改进的结果相比,实现了比标准的微调和可比或改进的结果。
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This paper investigates the problem of Named Entity Recognition (NER) for extreme low-resource languages with only a few hundred tagged data samples. NER is a fundamental task in Natural Language Processing (NLP). A critical driver accelerating NER systems' progress is the existence of large-scale language corpora that enable NER systems to achieve outstanding performance in languages such as English and French with abundant training data. However, NER for low-resource languages remains relatively unexplored. In this paper, we introduce Mask Augmented Named Entity Recognition (MANER), a new methodology that leverages the distributional hypothesis of pre-trained masked language models (MLMs) for NER. The <mask> token in pre-trained MLMs encodes valuable semantic contextual information. MANER re-purposes the <mask> token for NER prediction. Specifically, we prepend the <mask> token to every word in a sentence for which we would like to predict the named entity tag. During training, we jointly fine-tune the MLM and a new NER prediction head attached to each <mask> token. We demonstrate that MANER is well-suited for NER in low-resource languages; our experiments show that for 100 languages with as few as 100 training examples, it improves on state-of-the-art methods by up to 48% and by 12% on average on F1 score. We also perform detailed analyses and ablation studies to understand the scenarios that are best-suited to MANER.
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We propose P4E, an identify-and-localize event detection framework that integrates the best of few-shot prompting and structured prediction. Our framework decomposes event detection into an identification task and a localization task. For the identification task, which we formulate as multi-label classification, we leverage cloze-based prompting to align our objective with the pre-training task of language models, allowing our model to quickly adapt to new event types. We then employ an event type-agnostic sequence labeling model to localize the event trigger conditioned on the identification output. This heterogeneous model design allows P4E to quickly learn new event types without sacrificing the ability to make structured predictions. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed design, and P4E shows superior performance for few-shot event detection on benchmark datasets FewEvent and MAVEN and comparable performance to SOTA for fully-supervised event detection on ACE.
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及时调整是将预训练模型调整到下游任务的极其有效的工具。但是,基于标准及时的方法主要考虑下游任务的足够数据的情况。目前尚不清楚是否可以将优势传输到几杆式制度,在每个下游任务中只有有限的数据。尽管有些作品证明了在几次弹奏设置下及时调整的潜力,但通过搜索离散提示或使用有限数据调整软提示的主流方法仍然非常具有挑战性。通过广泛的实证研究,我们发现迅速调整和完全微调之间的学习差距仍然存在差距。为了弥合差距,我们提出了一个新的及时调整框架,称为软模板调整(STT)。 STT结合了手册和自动提示,并将下游分类任务视为掩盖语言建模任务。对不同设置的全面评估表明,STT可以在不引入其他参数的情况下缩小微调和基于及时的方法之间的差距。值得注意的是,它甚至可以胜过情感分类任务的时间和资源消耗的微调方法。
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Much of named entity recognition (NER) research focuses on developing dataset-specific models based on data from the domain of interest, and a limited set of related entity types. This is frustrating as each new dataset requires a new model to be trained and stored. In this work, we present a ``versatile'' model -- the Prompting-based Unified NER system (PUnifiedNER) -- that works with data from different domains and can recognise up to 37 entity types simultaneously, and theoretically it could be as many as possible. By using prompt learning, PUnifiedNER is a novel approach that is able to jointly train across multiple corpora, implementing intelligent on-demand entity recognition. Experimental results show that PUnifiedNER leads to significant prediction benefits compared to dataset-specific models with impressively reduced model deployment costs. Furthermore, the performance of PUnifiedNER can achieve competitive or even better performance than state-of-the-art domain-specific methods for some datasets. We also perform comprehensive pilot and ablation studies to support in-depth analysis of each component in PUnifiedNER.
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The strong few-shot in-context learning capability of large pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as GPT-3 is highly appealing for application domains such as biomedicine, which feature high and diverse demands of language technologies but also high data annotation costs. In this paper, we present the first systematic and comprehensive study to compare the few-shot performance of GPT-3 in-context learning with fine-tuning smaller (i.e., BERT-sized) PLMs on two highly representative biomedical information extraction tasks, named entity recognition and relation extraction. We follow the true few-shot setting to avoid overestimating models' few-shot performance by model selection over a large validation set. We also optimize GPT-3's performance with known techniques such as contextual calibration and dynamic in-context example retrieval. However, our results show that GPT-3 still significantly underperforms compared to simply fine-tuning a smaller PLM. In addition, GPT-3 in-context learning also yields smaller gains in accuracy when more training data becomes available. Our in-depth analyses further reveal issues of the in-context learning setting that may be detrimental to information extraction tasks in general. Given the high cost of experimenting with GPT-3, we hope our study provides guidance for biomedical researchers and practitioners towards more promising directions such as fine-tuning small PLMs.
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提示方法被认为是几次自然语言处理的关键进展之一。最近对基于离散令牌的``硬提示''转移到连续``软提示''的最新研究,这些提示将可学习的向量用作伪提示代币并实现更好的性能。尽管显示出有希望的前景,但观察到这些软宣传的方法在很大程度上依赖良好的初始化来生效。不幸的是,获得软提示的完美初始化需要了解内在语言模型的工作和精心设计,这绝非易事,必须从头开始重新启动每个新任务。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一种称为Metaprompting的广义软提示方法,该方法采用了良好认可的模型 - 静态元学习算法,以自动找到更好的及时初始化,从而快速适应新的促进任务。问题并在四个不同的数据集上带来了显着改善(1次设置的准确性提高了6分),从而实现了新的最新性能。
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在本文中,我们描述了我们参与Case-2022的子任务1,即与休闲新闻语料库的事件因果关系识别。我们通过在少数带注释的示例(即几次配置)上利用一组简单但互补的技术来解决因果关系识别(CRI)任务。我们遵循一种基于迅速的预测方法,用于微调LMS,其中CRI任务被视为掩盖语言建模问题(MLM)。这种方法允许LMS在MLM问题上进行本地预先训练,可以直接生成对CRI特异性提示的文本响应。我们将此方法的性能与在整个数据集中训练的集合技术进行比较。我们表现​​最佳的提交仅接受了每班256个实例,整个数据集的一小部分培训,但能够获得第二好的精度(0.82),第三好的精度(0.82)和F1得分。 (0.85)非常接近获胜者团队(0.86)的报道。
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We present Pre-trained Machine Reader (PMR), a novel method to retrofit Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) into Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) models without acquiring labeled data. PMR is capable of resolving the discrepancy between model pre-training and downstream fine-tuning of existing PLMs, and provides a unified solver for tackling various extraction tasks. To achieve this, we construct a large volume of general-purpose and high-quality MRC-style training data with the help of Wikipedia hyperlinks and design a Wiki Anchor Extraction task to guide the MRC-style pre-training process. Although conceptually simple, PMR is particularly effective in solving extraction tasks including Extractive Question Answering and Named Entity Recognition, where it shows tremendous improvements over previous approaches especially under low-resource settings. Moreover, viewing sequence classification task as a special case of extraction task in our MRC formulation, PMR is even capable to extract high-quality rationales to explain the classification process, providing more explainability of the predictions.
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Two key obstacles in biomedical relation extraction (RE) are the scarcity of annotations and the prevalence of instances without explicitly pre-defined labels due to low annotation coverage. Existing approaches, which treat biomedical RE as a multi-class classification task, often result in poor generalization in low-resource settings and do not have the ability to make selective prediction on unknown cases but give a guess from seen relations, hindering the applicability of those approaches. We present NBR, which converts biomedical RE as natural language inference formulation through indirect supervision. By converting relations to natural language hypotheses, NBR is capable of exploiting semantic cues to alleviate annotation scarcity. By incorporating a ranking-based loss that implicitly calibrates abstinent instances, NBR learns a clearer decision boundary and is instructed to abstain on uncertain instances. Extensive experiments on three widely-used biomedical RE benchmarks, namely ChemProt, DDI and GAD, verify the effectiveness of NBR in both full-set and low-resource regimes. Our analysis demonstrates that indirect supervision benefits biomedical RE even when a domain gap exists, and combining NLI knowledge with biomedical knowledge leads to the best performance gains.
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