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Conversational recommender systems (CRS) aim to employ natural language conversations to suggest suitable products to users. Understanding user preferences for prospective items and learning efficient item representations are crucial for CRS. Despite various attempts, earlier studies mostly learned item representations based on individual conversations, ignoring item popularity embodied among all others. Besides, they still need support in efficiently capturing user preferences since the information reflected in a single conversation is limited. Inspired by collaborative filtering, we propose a collaborative augmentation (COLA) method to simultaneously improve both item representation learning and user preference modeling to address these issues. We construct an interactive user-item graph from all conversations, which augments item representations with user-aware information, i.e., item popularity. To improve user preference modeling, we retrieve similar conversations from the training corpus, where the involved items and attributes that reflect the user's potential interests are used to augment the user representation through gate control. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/DongdingLin/COLA.
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会话推荐系统(CRS)已成为一个新兴的研究主题,试图通过交互式对话进行建议,这些对话通常由发电和建议模块组成。 CRS的先前工作倾向于将更多的外部和领域特定知识纳入项目评论,以提高性能。尽管事实的收集和注释特定于外部领域的信息需要大量的人类努力并脱离了普遍性,但过多的额外知识在它们之间带来了更大的困难。因此,我们建议从上下文中充分发现和提取内部知识。我们将实体级别和上下文级别的表示形式捕获为对建议的共同模拟用户的偏好,在这种情况下,时间吸引的注意力旨在强调实体级表示中最近出现的项目。我们进一步使用预训练的巴特来初始化生成模块,以减轻数据稀缺性并增强上下文建模。除了在流行数据集(REDIAIL)上进行实验外,我们还包括一个多域数据集(OpenDialKg)来显示我们模型的有效性。两个数据集的实验都表明,我们的模型在大多数评估指标上都具有更好的性能,其外部知识较少,并且可以很好地推广到其他领域。对建议和生成任务的其他分析证明了我们在不同情况下模型的有效性。
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Conversational recommender systems (CRSs) often utilize external knowledge graphs (KGs) to introduce rich semantic information and recommend relevant items through natural language dialogues. However, original KGs employed in existing CRSs are often incomplete and sparse, which limits the reasoning capability in recommendation. Moreover, only few of existing studies exploit the dialogue context to dynamically refine knowledge from KGs for better recommendation. To address the above issues, we propose the Variational Reasoning over Incomplete KGs Conversational Recommender (VRICR). Our key idea is to incorporate the large dialogue corpus naturally accompanied with CRSs to enhance the incomplete KGs; and perform dynamic knowledge reasoning conditioned on the dialogue context. Specifically, we denote the dialogue-specific subgraphs of KGs as latent variables with categorical priors for adaptive knowledge graphs refactor. We propose a variational Bayesian method to approximate posterior distributions over dialogue-specific subgraphs, which not only leverages the dialogue corpus for restructuring missing entity relations but also dynamically selects knowledge based on the dialogue context. Finally, we infuse the dialogue-specific subgraphs to decode the recommendation and responses. We conduct experiments on two benchmark CRSs datasets. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our proposed method.
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会话推荐系统(CRS)旨在捕获用户的当前意图,并通过实时多转交流交互提供建议。作为人机互动系统,CRS必须改善用户体验。但是,大多数CRS方法忽略了用户体验的重要性。在本文中,我们为CRS提出了两个关键点,以改善用户体验:(1)像人类一样说话,人类可以根据当前的对话环境以不同的风格说话。 (2)识别精细颗粒的意图,即使对于相同的话语,不同的用户也具有多种良好的意图,这与用户的固有偏好有关。根据观察结果,我们提出了一个新颖的CRS模型,即创建的定制对话推荐系统(CCRS),该系统从三个角度从三个角度定制了用户的CRS模型。对于类似人类的对话服务,我们提出了多式对话响应生成器,该响应响应生成器选择了语音发言的上下文感知语言风格。为了提供个性化的建议,我们在用户固有的偏好的指导下从对话上下文中提取用户当前的细粒度意图。最后,为了自定义每个用户的模型参数,我们从元学习的角度训练模型。广泛的实验和一系列分析表明,我们的CCR在推荐和对话服务上的优势。
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对话推荐系统(CRS)的注意力日益增长,该系统可作为基于对话和建议的以任务为基础的工具,以提供感兴趣的项目并探索用户偏好。但是,CRS中现有的工作未能向用户明确显示推理逻辑,并且整个CRS仍然是黑匣子。因此,我们提出了一个基于生成对话代理的解释,以解释他们为何采取行动的解释,提出了一个名为“解释建议”(EGCR)的新颖端到端框架。 EGCR结合了用户评论,以增强项目表示并提高整个对话的信息。据我们所知,这是对现实世界数据集上可解释的对话建议的第一个框架。此外,我们在一个基准的对话推荐数据集上评估了EGCR,并比其他最先进的模型在建议准确性和对话质量上获得更好的性能。最后,广泛的实验表明,生成的解释不仅具有高质量和解释性,而且使CRS更加值得信赖。我们将使我们的代码可为CRS社区做出贡献
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Human conversations of recommendation naturally involve the shift of interests which can align the recommendation actions and conversation process to make accurate recommendations with rich explanations. However, existing conversational recommendation systems (CRS) ignore the advantage of user interest shift in connecting recommendation and conversation, which leads to an ineffective loose coupling structure of CRS. To address this issue, by modeling the recommendation actions as recommendation paths in a knowledge graph (KG), we propose DICR (Dual Imitation for Conversational Recommendation), which designs a dual imitation to explicitly align the recommendation paths and user interest shift paths in a recommendation module and a conversation module, respectively. By exchanging alignment signals, DICR achieves bidirectional promotion between recommendation and conversation modules and generates high-quality responses with accurate recommendations and coherent explanations. Experiments demonstrate that DICR outperforms the state-of-the-art models on recommendation and conversation performance with automatic, human, and novel explainability metrics.
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Interview has been regarded as one of the most crucial step for recruitment. To fully prepare for the interview with the recruiters, job seekers usually practice with mock interviews between each other. However, such a mock interview with peers is generally far away from the real interview experience: the mock interviewers are not guaranteed to be professional and are not likely to behave like a real interviewer. Due to the rapid growth of online recruitment in recent years, recruiters tend to have online interviews, which makes it possible to collect real interview data from real interviewers. In this paper, we propose a novel application named EZInterviewer, which aims to learn from the online interview data and provides mock interview services to the job seekers. The task is challenging in two ways: (1) the interview data are now available but still of low-resource; (2) to generate meaningful and relevant interview dialogs requires thorough understanding of both resumes and job descriptions. To address the low-resource challenge, EZInterviewer is trained on a very small set of interview dialogs. The key idea is to reduce the number of parameters that rely on interview dialogs by disentangling the knowledge selector and dialog generator so that most parameters can be trained with ungrounded dialogs as well as the resume data that are not low-resource. Evaluation results on a real-world job interview dialog dataset indicate that we achieve promising results to generate mock interviews. With the help of EZInterviewer, we hope to make mock interview practice become easier for job seekers.
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The goal of building dialogue agents that can converse with humans naturally has been a long-standing dream of researchers since the early days of artificial intelligence. The well-known Turing Test proposed to judge the ultimate validity of an artificial intelligence agent on the indistinguishability of its dialogues from humans'. It should come as no surprise that human-level dialogue systems are very challenging to build. But, while early effort on rule-based systems found limited success, the emergence of deep learning enabled great advance on this topic. In this thesis, we focus on methods that address the numerous issues that have been imposing the gap between artificial conversational agents and human-level interlocutors. These methods were proposed and experimented with in ways that were inspired by general state-of-the-art AI methodologies. But they also targeted the characteristics that dialogue systems possess.
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Natural Language Generation (NLG) represents a large collection of tasks in the field of NLP. While many of these tasks have been tackled well by the cross-entropy (CE) loss, the task of dialog generation poses a few unique challenges for this loss function. First, CE loss assumes that for any given input, the only possible output is the one available as the ground truth in the training dataset. In general, this is not true for any task, as there can be multiple semantically equivalent sentences, each with a different surface form. This problem gets exaggerated further for the dialog generation task, as there can be multiple valid responses (for a given context) that not only have different surface forms but are also not semantically equivalent. Second, CE loss does not take the context into consideration while processing the response and, hence, it treats all ground truths with equal importance irrespective of the context. But, we may want our final agent to avoid certain classes of responses (e.g. bland, non-informative or biased responses) and give relatively higher weightage for more context-specific responses. To circumvent these shortcomings of the CE loss, in this paper, we propose a novel loss function, CORAL, that directly optimizes recently proposed estimates of human preference for generated responses. Using CORAL, we can train dialog generation models without assuming non-existence of response other than the ground-truth. Also, the CORAL loss is computed based on both the context and the response. Extensive comparisons on two benchmark datasets show that the proposed methods outperform strong state-of-the-art baseline models of different sizes.
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预先接受训练的语言模型的最新进展具有显着改善的神经反应生成。但是,现有方法通常将对话背景视为令牌的线性序列,并通过令牌级自我关注学习生成下一个单词。这些令牌级编码阻碍了话语中话语水平一致性的探索。本文介绍了对话贝特,这是一种新的会话响应生成模型,可以增强以前的基于PLM的对话模型。 DialogBert采用分层变压器架构。为了有效地捕捉话语中的话语水平一致性,我们提出了两种培训目标,包括蒙面的话语回归和分布式话语秩序与原始BERT训练相比。在三个多转对谈话数据集上的实验表明,在定量评估方面,我们的方法非常优于BART和Dialogpt等基线。人类评估表明,DialogBert比具有显着利润率的基线产生更加连贯,信息和人类的反应。
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