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近年来目睹了采用灵活的机械学习模型进行乐器变量(IV)回归的兴趣,但仍然缺乏不确定性量化方法的发展。在这项工作中,我们为IV次数回归提出了一种新的Quasi-Bayesian程序,建立了最近开发的核化IV模型和IV回归的双/极小配方。我们通过在$ l_2 $和sobolev规范中建立最低限度的最佳收缩率,并讨论可信球的常见有效性来分析所提出的方法的频繁行为。我们进一步推出了一种可扩展的推理算法,可以扩展到与宽神经网络模型一起工作。实证评价表明,我们的方法对复杂的高维问题产生了丰富的不确定性估计。
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代理因果学习(PCL)是一种使用代理(结构侧信息)对杂交剂的不观察到的混杂性在存在的情况下估算治疗的原因效果的方法。这是通过两阶段回归实现的:在第一阶段,我们模拟治疗和代理之间的关系;在第二阶段,考虑到代理提供的上下文,我们使用该模型来学习治疗对结果的影响。 PCL保证恢复真正的因果效果,但受到可识别条件。我们提出了一种新颖的PCL方法,深度特征代理可变方法(DFPV),用于解决代理,处理和结果是高维度的,并且具有非线性复杂关系,如深神经网络特征所示。我们展示了DFPV在挑战合成基准上的最近最先进的PCL方法,包括涉及高维图像数据的设置。此外,我们表明PCL可以应用于混淆强盗问题的违规策略评估,其中DFPV也表现出具有竞争性的表现。
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我们解决了条件平均嵌入(CME)的内核脊回归估算的一致性,这是给定$ y $ x $的条件分布的嵌入到目标重现内核hilbert space $ hilbert space $ hilbert Space $ \ Mathcal {H} _y $ $ $ $ 。 CME允许我们对目标RKHS功能的有条件期望,并已在非参数因果和贝叶斯推论中使用。我们解决了错误指定的设置,其中目标CME位于Hilbert-Schmidt操作员的空间中,该操作员从$ \ Mathcal {H} _X _x $和$ L_2 $和$ \ MATHCAL {H} _Y $ $之间的输入插值空间起作用。该操作员的空间被证明是新定义的矢量值插值空间的同构。使用这种同构,我们在未指定的设置下为经验CME估计量提供了一种新颖的自适应统计学习率。我们的分析表明,我们的费率与最佳$ o(\ log n / n)$速率匹配,而无需假设$ \ Mathcal {h} _y $是有限维度。我们进一步建立了学习率的下限,这表明所获得的上限是最佳的。
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We introduce the Conditional Independence Regression CovariancE (CIRCE), a measure of conditional independence for multivariate continuous-valued variables. CIRCE applies as a regularizer in settings where we wish to learn neural features $\varphi(X)$ of data $X$ to estimate a target $Y$, while being conditionally independent of a distractor $Z$ given $Y$. Both $Z$ and $Y$ are assumed to be continuous-valued but relatively low dimensional, whereas $X$ and its features may be complex and high dimensional. Relevant settings include domain-invariant learning, fairness, and causal learning. The procedure requires just a single ridge regression from $Y$ to kernelized features of $Z$, which can be done in advance. It is then only necessary to enforce independence of $\varphi(X)$ from residuals of this regression, which is possible with attractive estimation properties and consistency guarantees. By contrast, earlier measures of conditional feature dependence require multiple regressions for each step of feature learning, resulting in more severe bias and variance, and greater computational cost. When sufficiently rich features are used, we establish that CIRCE is zero if and only if $\varphi(X) \perp \!\!\! \perp Z \mid Y$. In experiments, we show superior performance to previous methods on challenging benchmarks, including learning conditionally invariant image features.
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我们研究了估计回归函数的导数的问题,该函数的衍生物具有广泛的应用,作为未知函数的关键非参数功能。标准分析可以定制为特定的衍生订单,参数调整仍然是一个艰巨的挑战,尤其是对于高阶导数。在本文中,我们提出了一个简单的插入式内核脊回归(KRR)估计器,其非参数回归中具有随机设计,该设计广泛适用于多维支持和任意混合派生衍生物。我们提供了非反应分析,以统一的方式研究提出的估计量的行为,该估计量涵盖回归函数及其衍生物,从而在强$ l_ \ infty $ norm中导致一般核类中的一般内核的两个误差范围。在专门针对多个多项式衰减特征值核的具体示例中,提出的估计器将最小值的最佳速率恢复到估计H \ h \ offormions ofergarithmic因子的最佳速率。因此,在任何衍生词的顺序中都选择了调整参数。因此,提出的估计器享受\ textIt {插件属性}的衍生物,因为它会自动适应要估计的衍生物顺序,从而可以轻松地在实践中调整。我们的仿真研究表明,相对于几种现有方法蓝色的几种现有方法的有限样本性能有限,并证实了其最小值最优性的理论发现。
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We consider autocovariance operators of a stationary stochastic process on a Polish space that is embedded into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We investigate how empirical estimates of these operators converge along realizations of the process under various conditions. In particular, we examine ergodic and strongly mixing processes and obtain several asymptotic results as well as finite sample error bounds. We provide applications of our theory in terms of consistency results for kernel PCA with dependent data and the conditional mean embedding of transition probabilities. Finally, we use our approach to examine the nonparametric estimation of Markov transition operators and highlight how our theory can give a consistency analysis for a large family of spectral analysis methods including kernel-based dynamic mode decomposition.
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我们提出了用于中介分析和动态治疗效果的内核脊回归估计。我们允许治疗,协变量和介质是离散或连续的,低,高或无限的尺寸。我们在内核矩阵操作方面提出了具有封闭式解决方案的依据,增量和分布的估算者。对于连续治疗案例,我们证明了具有有限样本速率的均匀一致性。对于离散处理案例,我们证明了根 - N一致性,高斯近似和半占用效率。我们进行仿真,然后估计美国职务团计划的介导和动态治疗效果,弱势青少年。
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广义贝叶斯推理使用损失函数而不是可能性的先前信仰更新,因此可以用于赋予鲁棒性,以防止可能的错误规范的可能性。在这里,我们认为广泛化的贝叶斯推论斯坦坦差异作为损失函数的损失,由应用程序的可能性含有难治性归一化常数。在这种情况下,斯坦因差异来避免归一化恒定的评估,并产生封闭形式或使用标准马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗的通用后出版物。在理论层面上,我们显示了一致性,渐近的正常性和偏见 - 稳健性,突出了这些物业如何受到斯坦因差异的选择。然后,我们提供关于一系列棘手分布的数值实验,包括基于内核的指数家庭模型和非高斯图形模型的应用。
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在本文中,我们考虑了基于系数的正则分布回归,该回归旨在从概率措施中回归到复制的内核希尔伯特空间(RKHS)的实现响应(RKHS),该响应将正则化放在系数上,而内核被假定为无限期的。 。该算法涉及两个采样阶段,第一阶段样本由分布组成,第二阶段样品是从这些分布中获得的。全面研究了回归函数的不同规律性范围内算法的渐近行为,并通过整体操作员技术得出学习率。我们在某些温和条件下获得最佳速率,这与单级采样的最小最佳速率相匹配。与文献中分布回归的内核方法相比,所考虑的算法不需要内核是对称的和阳性的半明确仪,因此为设计不确定的内核方法提供了一个简单的范式,从而丰富了分布回归的主题。据我们所知,这是使用不确定核进行分配回归的第一个结果,我们的算法可以改善饱和效果。
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我们提出了基于内核Ridge回归的估计估算师,用于非参数结构功能(也称为剂量响应曲线)和半甲酰胺处理效果。治疗和协变量可以是离散的或连续的,低,高或无限的尺寸。与其他机器学习范例不同,降低了具有闭合形式解决方案的内核脊回归组合的因果估计和推理,这些ridge回归的组合,并通过矩阵操作轻松计算。这种计算简单允许我们在两个方向上扩展框架:从意味着增加和分布反事实结果;从完整人口参数到群体和替代人口的参数。对于结构函数,我们证明了具有有限样本速率的均匀一致性。对于治疗效果,我们通过新的双光谱鲁棒性属性证明$ \ sqrt {n} $一致性,高斯近似和半甲效率。我们对美国职能培训计划进行仿真和估计平均,异构和增量结构职能。
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Interacting particle or agent systems that display a rich variety of swarming behaviours are ubiquitous in science and engineering. A fundamental and challenging goal is to understand the link between individual interaction rules and swarming. In this paper, we study the data-driven discovery of a second-order particle swarming model that describes the evolution of $N$ particles in $\mathbb{R}^d$ under radial interactions. We propose a learning approach that models the latent radial interaction function as Gaussian processes, which can simultaneously fulfill two inference goals: one is the nonparametric inference of {the} interaction function with pointwise uncertainty quantification, and the other one is the inference of unknown scalar parameters in the non-collective friction forces of the system. We formulate the learning problem as a statistical inverse problem and provide a detailed analysis of recoverability conditions, establishing that a coercivity condition is sufficient for recoverability. Given data collected from $M$ i.i.d trajectories with independent Gaussian observational noise, we provide a finite-sample analysis, showing that our posterior mean estimator converges in a Reproducing kernel Hilbert space norm, at an optimal rate in $M$ equal to the one in the classical 1-dimensional Kernel Ridge regression. As a byproduct, we show we can obtain a parametric learning rate in $M$ for the posterior marginal variance using $L^{\infty}$ norm, and the rate could also involve $N$ and $L$ (the number of observation time instances for each trajectory), depending on the condition number of the inverse problem. Numerical results on systems that exhibit different swarming behaviors demonstrate efficient learning of our approach from scarce noisy trajectory data.
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Many problems in causal inference and economics can be formulated in the framework of conditional moment models, which characterize the target function through a collection of conditional moment restrictions. For nonparametric conditional moment models, efficient estimation often relies on preimposed conditions on various measures of ill-posedness of the hypothesis space, which are hard to validate when flexible models are used. In this work, we address this issue by proposing a procedure that automatically learns representations with controlled measures of ill-posedness. Our method approximates a linear representation defined by the spectral decomposition of a conditional expectation operator, which can be used for kernelized estimators and is known to facilitate minimax optimal estimation in certain settings. We show this representation can be efficiently estimated from data, and establish L2 consistency for the resulting estimator. We evaluate the proposed method on proximal causal inference tasks, exhibiting promising performance on high-dimensional, semi-synthetic data.
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随着混凝剂的数量增加,因果推理越来越复杂。给定护理$ x $,混淆器$ z $和结果$ y $,我们开发一个非参数方法来测试\ texit {do-null}假设$ h_0:\; p(y | \ text {\它do}(x = x))= p(y)$违反替代方案。在Hilbert Schmidt独立性标准(HSIC)上进行边缘独立性测试,我们提出了后门 - HSIC(BD-HSIC)并证明它被校准,并且在大量混淆下具有二元和连续治疗的力量。此外,我们建立了BD-HSIC中使用的协方差运算符的估计的收敛性质。我们研究了BD-HSIC对参数测试的优点和缺点以及与边缘独立测试或有条件独立测试相比使用DO-NULL测试的重要性。可以在\超链接{https:/github.com/mrhuff/kgformula} {\ texttt {https://github.com/mrhuff/kgformula}}完整的实现。
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Kernels are efficient in representing nonlocal dependence and they are widely used to design operators between function spaces. Thus, learning kernels in operators from data is an inverse problem of general interest. Due to the nonlocal dependence, the inverse problem can be severely ill-posed with a data-dependent singular inversion operator. The Bayesian approach overcomes the ill-posedness through a non-degenerate prior. However, a fixed non-degenerate prior leads to a divergent posterior mean when the observation noise becomes small, if the data induces a perturbation in the eigenspace of zero eigenvalues of the inversion operator. We introduce a data-adaptive prior to achieve a stable posterior whose mean always has a small noise limit. The data-adaptive prior's covariance is the inversion operator with a hyper-parameter selected adaptive to data by the L-curve method. Furthermore, we provide a detailed analysis on the computational practice of the data-adaptive prior, and demonstrate it on Toeplitz matrices and integral operators. Numerical tests show that a fixed prior can lead to a divergent posterior mean in the presence of any of the four types of errors: discretization error, model error, partial observation and wrong noise assumption. In contrast, the data-adaptive prior always attains posterior means with small noise limits.
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离散状态空间代表了对统计推断的主要计算挑战,因为归一化常数的计算需要在大型或可能的无限集中进行求和,这可能是不切实际的。本文通过开发适合离散可怜的可能性的新型贝叶斯推理程序来解决这一计算挑战。受到连续数据的最新方法学进步的启发,主要思想是使用离散的Fisher Divergence更新有关模型参数的信念,以代替有问题的棘手的可能性。结果是可以使用标准计算工具(例如Markov Chain Monte Carlo)进行采样的广义后部,从而规避了棘手的归一化常数。分析了广义后验的统计特性,并具有足够的后验一致性和渐近正态性的条件。此外,提出了一种新颖的通用后代校准方法。应用程序在离散空间数据的晶格模型和计数数据的多元模型上介绍,在每种情况下,方法论都以低计算成本促进通用的贝叶斯推断。
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