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Due to the severity of the social media offensive and hateful comments in Brazil, and the lack of research in Portuguese, this paper provides the first large-scale expert annotated corpus of Brazilian Instagram comments for hate speech and offensive language detection. The HateBR corpus was collected from the comment section of Brazilian politicians' accounts on Instagram and manually annotated by specialists, reaching a high inter-annotator agreement. The corpus consists of 7,000 documents annotated according to three different layers: a binary classification (offensive versus non-offensive comments), offensiveness-level classification (highly, moderately, and slightly offensive), and nine hate speech groups (xenophobia, racism, homophobia, sexism, religious intolerance, partyism, apology for the dictatorship, antisemitism, and fatphobia). We also implemented baseline experiments for offensive language and hate speech detection and compared them with a literature baseline. Results show that the baseline experiments on our corpus outperform the current state-of-the-art for the Portuguese language.
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Since a lexicon-based approach is more elegant scientifically, explaining the solution components and being easier to generalize to other applications, this paper provides a new approach for offensive language and hate speech detection on social media. Our approach embodies a lexicon of implicit and explicit offensive and swearing expressions annotated with contextual information. Due to the severity of the social media abusive comments in Brazil, and the lack of research in Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese is the language used to validate the models. Nevertheless, our method may be applied to any other language. The conducted experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, outperforming the current baseline methods for the Portuguese language.
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In light of unprecedented increases in the popularity of the internet and social media, comment moderation has never been a more relevant task. Semi-automated comment moderation systems greatly aid human moderators by either automatically classifying the examples or allowing the moderators to prioritize which comments to consider first. However, the concept of inappropriate content is often subjective, and such content can be conveyed in many subtle and indirect ways. In this work, we propose CoRAL -- a language and culturally aware Croatian Abusive dataset covering phenomena of implicitness and reliance on local and global context. We show experimentally that current models degrade when comments are not explicit and further degrade when language skill and context knowledge are required to interpret the comment.
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社交媒体平台上的滥用内容的增长增加对在线用户的负面影响。对女同性恋,同性恋者,跨性别或双性恋者的恐惧,不喜欢,不适或不疑虑被定义为同性恋/转铁症。同性恋/翻译语音是一种令人反感的语言,可以总结为针对LGBT +人的仇恨语音,近年来越来越受到兴趣。在线同性恋恐惧症/ Transphobobia是一个严重的社会问题,可以使网上平台与LGBT +人有毒和不受欢迎,同时还试图消除平等,多样性和包容性。我们为在线同性恋和转鸟以及专家标记的数据集提供了新的分类分类,这将允许自动识别出具有同种异体/传递内容的数据集。我们受过教育的注释器并以综合的注释规则向他们提供,因为这是一个敏感的问题,我们以前发现未受训练的众包注释者因文化和其他偏见而诊断倡导性的群体。数据集包含15,141个注释的多语言评论。本文介绍了构建数据集,数据的定性分析和注册间协议的过程。此外,我们为数据集创建基线模型。据我们所知,我们的数据集是第一个已创建的数据集。警告:本文含有明确的同性恋,转基因症,刻板印象的明确陈述,这可能对某些读者令人痛苦。
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在本文中,我们讨论了用分层,细粒度标记标记不同类型的侵略和“上下文”的分层的多语言数据集的开发。这里,这里,这里由对话线程定义,其中发生特定的评论以及评论对先前注释执行的话语角色的“类型”。在此处讨论的初始数据集(并作为逗号@图标共享任务的一部分提供),包括四种语言的15,000名注释评论 - Meitei,Bangla,Hindi和印度英语 - 从各种社交媒体平台收集作为Youtube,Facebook,Twitter和电报。正如通常在社交媒体网站上,大量这些评论都是多语种的,主要是与英语混合的代码混合。本文给出了用于注释的标签的详细描述以及开发多标签的过程的过程,该方法可用于标记具有各种侵略和偏差的评论,包括性别偏见,宗教不宽容(称为标签中的公共偏见),类/种姓偏见和民族/种族偏见。我们还定义并讨论已用于标记通过评论执行的异常发挥作用的标记的标签,例如攻击,防御等。我们还对数据集的统计分析以及我们的基线实验的结果进行了发展使用DataSet开发的自动攻击识别系统。
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Recent directions for offensive language detection are hierarchical modeling, identifying the type and the target of offensive language, and interpretability with offensive span annotation and prediction. These improvements are focused on English and do not transfer well to other languages because of cultural and linguistic differences. In this paper, we present the Korean Offensive Language Dataset (KOLD) comprising 40,429 comments, which are annotated hierarchically with the type and the target of offensive language, accompanied by annotations of the corresponding text spans. We collect the comments from NAVER news and YouTube platform and provide the titles of the articles and videos as the context information for the annotation process. We use these annotated comments as training data for Korean BERT and RoBERTa models and find that they are effective at offensiveness detection, target classification, and target span detection while having room for improvement for target group classification and offensive span detection. We discover that the target group distribution differs drastically from the existing English datasets, and observe that providing the context information improves the model performance in offensiveness detection (+0.3), target classification (+1.5), and target group classification (+13.1). We publicly release the dataset and baseline models.
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已经开发了许多方法,以通过消除社交媒体平台的庸俗,令人反感和激烈的评论来监测现代岁月中的消极性传播。然而,存在相对较少的研究,这些研究会收敛于拥抱积极性,加强在线论坛中的支持性和放心内容。因此,我们建议创建英国kannada希望语音数据集,Kanhope并比较几个实验来基准数据集。 DataSet由6,176个用户生成的评论组成,代码混合kannada从YouTube刮擦并手动注释为轴承希望语音或不希望的演讲。此外,我们介绍了DC-BERT4HOPE,一种使用Kanhope的英语翻译进行额外培训的双通道模型,以促进希望语音检测。该方法实现了0.756的加权F1分数,更好的其他模型。从此,卡霍普旨在促进坎卡达的研究,同时促进研究人员,以鼓励,积极和支持的在线内容中务实的方法。
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The shift of public debate to the digital sphere has been accompanied by a rise in online hate speech. While many promising approaches for hate speech classification have been proposed, studies often focus only on a single language, usually English, and do not address three key concerns: post-deployment performance, classifier maintenance and infrastructural limitations. In this paper, we introduce a new human-in-the-loop BERT-based hate speech classification pipeline and trace its development from initial data collection and annotation all the way to post-deployment. Our classifier, trained using data from our original corpus of over 422k examples, is specifically developed for the inherently multilingual setting of Switzerland and outperforms with its F1 score of 80.5 the currently best-performing BERT-based multilingual classifier by 5.8 F1 points in German and 3.6 F1 points in French. Our systematic evaluations over a 12-month period further highlight the vital importance of continuous, human-in-the-loop classifier maintenance to ensure robust hate speech classification post-deployment.
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我们介绍了仇恨言论推文的Hateval语料库(Basile等,2019年)的丰富,旨在促进自动化的反叙事一代。与以前的工作相比(Chung etal。2019),手动书面反叙事与推文有关。但是,仅此信息似乎不足以获得反叙事生成的令人满意的语言模型。这就是为什么我们还根据Wagemanns(2016)提供了带有争论性信息的注释推文,我们认为可以帮助建立令人信服和有效的反叙事,以针对特定群体进行仇恨言论。我们讨论了这种注释过程的充分和困难,并提出了几个基线以自动检测带注释的元素。初步结果表明,自动注释者会靠近人类注释者来检测论证的某些方面,而其他人仅达到低或中等水平的通知者一致性。
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情感分析是NLP中研究最广泛的应用程序之一,但大多数工作都集中在具有大量数据的语言上。我们介绍了尼日利亚的四种口语最广泛的语言(Hausa,Igbo,Nigerian-Pidgin和Yor \'ub \'a)的第一个大规模的人类通知的Twitter情感数据集,该数据集由大约30,000个注释的推文组成(以及每种语言的大约30,000个)(以及14,000尼日利亚猎人),其中包括大量的代码混合推文。我们提出了文本收集,过滤,处理和标记方法,使我们能够为这些低资源语言创建数据集。我们评估了数据集上的预训练模型和转移策略。我们发现特定于语言的模型和语言适应性芬通常表现最好。我们将数据集,训练的模型,情感词典和代码释放到激励措施中,以代表性不足的语言进行情感分析。
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The rapid development of aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) within recent decades shows great potential for real-world society. The current ABSA works, however, are mostly limited to the scenario of a single text piece, leaving the study in dialogue contexts unexplored. In this work, we introduce a novel task of conversational aspect-based sentiment quadruple analysis, namely DiaASQ, aiming to detect the sentiment quadruple of target-aspect-opinion-sentiment in a dialogue. DiaASQ bridges the gap between fine-grained sentiment analysis and conversational opinion mining. We manually construct a large-scale, high-quality Chinese dataset and also obtain the English version dataset via manual translation. We deliberately propose a neural model to benchmark the task. It advances in effectively performing end-to-end quadruple prediction and manages to incorporate rich dialogue-specific and discourse feature representations for better cross-utterance quadruple extraction. We finally point out several potential future works to facilitate the follow-up research of this new task. The DiaASQ data is open at https://github.com/unikcc/DiaASQ
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对仇恨言论和冒犯性语言(HOF)的认可通常是作为一项分类任务,以决定文本是否包含HOF。我们研究HOF检测是否可以通过考虑HOF和类似概念之间的关系来获利:(a)HOF与情感分析有关,因为仇恨言论通常是负面陈述并表达了负面意见; (b)这与情绪分析有关,因为表达的仇恨指向作者经历(或假装体验)愤怒的同时经历(或旨在体验)恐惧。 (c)最后,HOF的一个构成要素是提及目标人或群体。在此基础上,我们假设HOF检测在与这些概念共同建模时,在多任务学习设置中进行了改进。我们将实验基于这些概念的现有数据集(情感,情感,HOF的目标),并在Hasoc Fire 2021英语子任务1A中评估我们的模型作为参与者(作为IMS-Sinai团队)。基于模型选择实验,我们考虑了多个可用的资源和共享任务的提交,我们发现人群情绪语料库,Semeval 2016年情感语料库和犯罪2019年目标检测数据的组合导致F1 =。 79在基于BERT的多任务多任务学习模型中,与Plain Bert的.7895相比。在HASOC 2019测试数据上,该结果更为巨大,而F1中的增加2pp和召回大幅增加。在两个数据集(2019,2021)中,HOF类的召回量尤其增加(2019年数据的6pp和2021数据的3pp),表明MTL具有情感,情感和目标识别是适合的方法可能部署在社交媒体平台中的预警系统。
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仇恨言论等攻击性内容的广泛构成了越来越多的社会问题。 AI工具是支持在线平台的审核过程所必需的。为了评估这些识别工具,需要与不同语言的数据集进行连续实验。 HASOC轨道(仇恨语音和冒犯性内容识别)专用于为此目的开发基准数据。本文介绍了英语,印地语和马拉地赛的Hasoc Subtrack。数据集由Twitter组装。此子系统有两个子任务。任务A是为所有三种语言提供的二进制分类问题(仇恨而非冒犯)。任务B是三个课程(仇恨)仇恨言论,令人攻击和亵渎为英语和印地语提供的细粒度分类问题。总体而言,652名队伍提交了652次。任务A最佳分类算法的性能分别为Marathi,印地语和英语的0.91,0.78和0.83尺寸。此概述介绍了任务和数据开发以及详细结果。提交竞争的系统应用了各种技术。最好的表演算法主要是变压器架构的变种。
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