知识蒸馏通常涉及如何有效地定义和转移知识从教师到学生。尽管最近的自我监督的对比知识取得了最佳表现,但迫使网络学习此类知识可能会损害对原始班级识别任务的表示。因此,我们采用替代性的自我监督的增强任务来指导网络学习原始识别任务和自我监督的辅助任务的共同分布。它被证明是一种更丰富的知识,可以提高表示能力而不会失去正常的分类能力。此外,以前的方法仅在最终层之间传递概率知识是不完整的。我们建议将几个辅助分类器附加到层次中间特征图中,以生成多样化的自我监督知识,并执行一对一的转移以彻底教授学生网络。我们的方法显着超过了先前的SOTA SSKD,CIFAR-100的平均改善为2.56 \%,并且在广泛使用的网络对上的Imagenet上有0.77 \%的提高。代码可在https://github.com/winycg/hsakd上找到。
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与常规知识蒸馏(KD)不同,自我KD允许网络在没有额外网络的任何指导的情况下向自身学习知识。本文提议从图像混合物(Mixskd)执行自我KD,将这两种技术集成到统一的框架中。 Mixskd相互蒸馏以图形和概率分布在随机的原始图像和它们的混合图像之间以有意义的方式。因此,它通过对混合图像进行监督信号进行建模来指导网络学习跨图像知识。此外,我们通过汇总多阶段功能图来构建一个自学老师网络,以提供软标签以监督骨干分类器,从而进一步提高自我增强的功效。图像分类和转移学习到对象检测和语义分割的实验表明,混合物KD优于其他最先进的自我KD和数据增强方法。该代码可在https://github.com/winycg/self-kd-lib上找到。
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无教师的在线知识蒸馏(KD)旨在培训多个学生模型的合奏,并彼此提炼知识。尽管现有的在线KD方法实现了理想的性能,但它们通常专注于阶级概率作为核心知识类型,而忽略了宝贵的特征代表性信息。我们为在线KD提供了一个相互的对比学习(MCL)框架。 MCL的核心思想是以在线方式进行对比分布的相互交互和对比度分布的转移。我们的MCL可以汇总跨网络嵌入信息,并最大化两个网络之间的相互信息的下限。这使每个网络能够从他人那里学习额外的对比知识,从而提供更好的特征表示形式,从而提高视觉识别任务的性能。除最后一层外,我们还将MCL扩展到辅助特征细化模块辅助的几个中间层。这进一步增强了在线KD的表示能力。关于图像分类和转移学习到视觉识别任务的实验表明,MCL可以针对最新的在线KD方法带来一致的性能提高。优势表明,MCL可以指导网络生成更好的特征表示。我们的代码可在https://github.com/winycg/mcl上公开获取。
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在线知识蒸馏会在所有学生模型之间进行知识转移,以减轻对预培训模型的依赖。但是,现有的在线方法在很大程度上依赖于预测分布并忽略了代表性知识的进一步探索。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于在线知识蒸馏的新颖的多尺度功能提取和融合方法(MFEF),其中包括三个关键组成部分:多尺度功能提取,双重注意和功能融合,以生成更有信息的特征图,以用于蒸馏。提出了在通道维度中的多尺度提取利用分界线和catenate,以提高特征图的多尺度表示能力。为了获得更准确的信息,我们设计了双重注意,以适应重要的渠道和空间区域。此外,我们通过功能融合来汇总并融合了以前的处理功能地图,以帮助培训学生模型。关于CIF AR-10,CIF AR-100和Cinic-10的广泛实验表明,MFEF转移了更有益的代表性知识,以蒸馏和胜过各种网络体系结构之间的替代方法
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Often we wish to transfer representational knowledge from one neural network to another. Examples include distilling a large network into a smaller one, transferring knowledge from one sensory modality to a second, or ensembling a collection of models into a single estimator. Knowledge distillation, the standard approach to these problems, minimizes the KL divergence between the probabilistic outputs of a teacher and student network. We demonstrate that this objective ignores important structural knowledge of the teacher network. This motivates an alternative objective by which we train a student to capture significantly more information in the teacher's representation of the data. We formulate this objective as contrastive learning. Experiments demonstrate that our resulting new objective outperforms knowledge distillation and other cutting-edge distillers on a variety of knowledge transfer tasks, including single model compression, ensemble distillation, and cross-modal transfer. Our method sets a new state-of-the-art in many transfer tasks, and sometimes even outperforms the teacher network when combined with knowledge distillation.
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自我介绍在训练过程中利用自身的非均匀软监管,并在没有任何运行时成本的情况下提高性能。但是,在训练过程中的开销经常被忽略,但是在巨型模型的时代,培训期间的时间和记忆开销越来越重要。本文提出了一种名为ZIPF标签平滑(ZIPF的LS)的有效自我验证方法,该方法使用网络的直立预测来生成软监管,该软监管在不使用任何对比样本或辅助参数的情况下符合ZIPF分布。我们的想法来自经验观察,即当对网络进行适当训练时,在按样品的大小和平均分类后,应遵循分布的分布,让人联想到ZIPF的自然语言频率统计信息,这是在按样品中的大小和平均值进行排序之后进行的。 。通过在样本级别和整个培训期内强制执行此属性,我们发现预测准确性可以大大提高。使用INAT21细粒分类数据集上的RESNET50,与香草基线相比,我们的技术获得了 +3.61%的准确性增长,而与先前的标签平滑或自我验证策略相比,增益增加了0.88%。该实现可在https://github.com/megvii-research/zipfls上公开获得。
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In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been an actively studied topic and shown to successfully produce high-quality realistic images in various domains. The controllable synthesis ability of GAN generators suggests that they maintain informative, disentangled, and explainable image representations, but leveraging and transferring their representations to downstream tasks is largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose to distill knowledge from GAN generators by squeezing and spanning their representations. We squeeze the generator features into representations that are invariant to semantic-preserving transformations through a network before they are distilled into the student network. We span the distilled representation of the synthetic domain to the real domain by also using real training data to remedy the mode collapse of GANs and boost the student network performance in a real domain. Experiments justify the efficacy of our method and reveal its great significance in self-supervised representation learning. Code is available at https://github.com/yangyu12/squeeze-and-span.
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Most existing distillation methods ignore the flexible role of the temperature in the loss function and fix it as a hyper-parameter that can be decided by an inefficient grid search. In general, the temperature controls the discrepancy between two distributions and can faithfully determine the difficulty level of the distillation task. Keeping a constant temperature, i.e., a fixed level of task difficulty, is usually sub-optimal for a growing student during its progressive learning stages. In this paper, we propose a simple curriculum-based technique, termed Curriculum Temperature for Knowledge Distillation (CTKD), which controls the task difficulty level during the student's learning career through a dynamic and learnable temperature. Specifically, following an easy-to-hard curriculum, we gradually increase the distillation loss w.r.t. the temperature, leading to increased distillation difficulty in an adversarial manner. As an easy-to-use plug-in technique, CTKD can be seamlessly integrated into existing knowledge distillation frameworks and brings general improvements at a negligible additional computation cost. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-100, ImageNet-2012, and MS-COCO demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our code is available at https://github.com/zhengli97/CTKD.
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特征回归是将大型神经网络模型蒸馏到较小的功能回归。我们表明,随着网络架构的简单变化,回归可能会优于自我监督模型的知识蒸馏更复杂的最先进方法。令人惊讶的是,即使仅在蒸馏过程中仅使用并且在下游任务中丢弃时,将多层的Perceptron头部添加到CNN骨架上是有益的。因此,更深的非线性投影可以使用在不改变推理架构和时间的情况下准确地模仿老师。此外,我们利用独立的投影头来同时蒸馏多个教师网络。我们还发现,使用与教师和学生网络的输入相同的弱增强图像辅助蒸馏。Imagenet DataSet上的实验证明了各种自我监督蒸馏环境中提出的变化的功效。
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Knowledge distillation is a widely applicable techniquefor training a student neural network under the guidance of a trained teacher network. For example, in neural network compression, a high-capacity teacher is distilled to train a compact student; in privileged learning, a teacher trained with privileged data is distilled to train a student without access to that data. The distillation loss determines how a teacher's knowledge is captured and transferred to the student. In this paper, we propose a new form of knowledge distillation loss that is inspired by the observation that semantically similar inputs tend to elicit similar activation patterns in a trained network. Similarity-preserving knowledge distillation guides the training of a student network such that input pairs that produce similar (dissimilar) activations in the teacher network produce similar (dissimilar) activations in the student network. In contrast to previous distillation methods, the student is not required to mimic the representation space of the teacher, but rather to preserve the pairwise similarities in its own representation space. Experiments on three public datasets demonstrate the potential of our approach.
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Knowledge distillation (KD) has been actively studied for image classification tasks in deep learning, aiming to improve the performance of a student based on the knowledge from a teacher. However, applying KD in image regression with a scalar response variable has been rarely studied, and there exists no KD method applicable to both classification and regression tasks yet. Moreover, existing KD methods often require a practitioner to carefully select or adjust the teacher and student architectures, making these methods less flexible in practice. To address the above problems in a unified way, we propose a comprehensive KD framework based on cGANs, termed cGAN-KD. Fundamentally different from existing KD methods, cGAN-KD distills and transfers knowledge from a teacher model to a student model via cGAN-generated samples. This novel mechanism makes cGAN-KD suitable for both classification and regression tasks, compatible with other KD methods, and insensitive to the teacher and student architectures. An error bound for a student model trained in the cGAN-KD framework is derived in this work, providing a theory for why cGAN-KD is effective as well as guiding the practical implementation of cGAN-KD. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-100 show that we can combine state of the art KD methods with the cGAN-KD framework to yield a new state of the art. Moreover, experiments on Steering Angle and UTKFace demonstrate the effectiveness of cGAN-KD in image regression tasks, where existing KD methods are inapplicable.
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