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Single-channel, speaker-independent speech separation methods have recently seen great progress. However, the accuracy, latency, and computational cost of such methods remain insufficient. The majority of the previous methods have formulated the separation problem through the time-frequency representation of the mixed signal, which has several drawbacks, including the decoupling of the phase and magnitude of the signal, the suboptimality of time-frequency representation for speech separation, and the long latency in calculating the spectrograms. To address these shortcomings, we propose a fully-convolutional time-domain audio separation network (Conv-TasNet), a deep learning framework for end-to-end time-domain speech separation. Conv-TasNet uses a linear encoder to generate a representation of the speech waveform optimized for separating individual speakers. Speaker separation is achieved by applying a set of weighting functions (masks) to the encoder output. The modified encoder representations are then inverted back to the waveforms using a linear decoder. The masks are found using a temporal convolutional network (TCN) consisting of stacked 1-D dilated convolutional blocks, which allows the network to model the long-term dependencies of the speech signal while maintaining a small model size. The proposed Conv-TasNet system significantly outperforms previous time-frequency masking methods in separating two-and three-speaker mixtures. Additionally, Conv-TasNet surpasses several ideal time-frequency magnitude masks in two-speaker speech separation as evaluated by both objective distortion measures and subjective quality assessment by human listeners. Finally, Conv-TasNet has a significantly smaller model size and a shorter minimum latency, making it a suitable solution for both offline and real-time speech separation applications. This study therefore represents a major step toward the realization of speech separation systems for real-world speech processing technologies.
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We present the first neural network model to achieve real-time and streaming target sound extraction. To accomplish this, we propose Waveformer, an encoder-decoder architecture with a stack of dilated causal convolution layers as the encoder, and a transformer decoder layer as the decoder. This hybrid architecture uses dilated causal convolutions for processing large receptive fields in a computationally efficient manner, while also benefiting from the performance transformer-based architectures provide. Our evaluations show as much as 2.2-3.3 dB improvement in SI-SNRi compared to the prior models for this task while having a 1.2-4x smaller model size and a 1.5-2x lower runtime. Open-source code and datasets: https://github.com/vb000/Waveformer
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Deep neural networks (DNN) techniques have become pervasive in domains such as natural language processing and computer vision. They have achieved great success in these domains in task such as machine translation and image generation. Due to their success, these data driven techniques have been applied in audio domain. More specifically, DNN models have been applied in speech enhancement domain to achieve denosing, dereverberation and multi-speaker separation in monaural speech enhancement. In this paper, we review some dominant DNN techniques being employed to achieve speech separation. The review looks at the whole pipeline of speech enhancement from feature extraction, how DNN based tools are modelling both global and local features of speech and model training (supervised and unsupervised). We also review the use of speech-enhancement pre-trained models to boost speech enhancement process. The review is geared towards covering the dominant trends with regards to DNN application in speech enhancement in speech obtained via a single speaker.
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In recent years, the task of Automatic Music Transcription (AMT), whereby various attributes of music notes are estimated from audio, has received increasing attention. At the same time, the related task of Multi-Pitch Estimation (MPE) remains a challenging but necessary component of almost all AMT approaches, even if only implicitly. In the context of AMT, pitch information is typically quantized to the nominal pitches of the Western music scale. Even in more general contexts, MPE systems typically produce pitch predictions with some degree of quantization. In certain applications of AMT, such as Guitar Tablature Transcription (GTT), it is more meaningful to estimate continuous-valued pitch contours. Guitar tablature has the capacity to represent various playing techniques, some of which involve pitch modulation. Contemporary approaches to AMT do not adequately address pitch modulation, and offer only less quantization at the expense of more model complexity. In this paper, we present a GTT formulation that estimates continuous-valued pitch contours, grouping them according to their string and fret of origin. We demonstrate that for this task, the proposed method significantly improves the resolution of MPE and simultaneously yields tablature estimation results competitive with baseline models.
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This paper introduces WaveNet, a deep neural network for generating raw audio waveforms. The model is fully probabilistic and autoregressive, with the predictive distribution for each audio sample conditioned on all previous ones; nonetheless we show that it can be efficiently trained on data with tens of thousands of samples per second of audio. When applied to text-to-speech, it yields state-ofthe-art performance, with human listeners rating it as significantly more natural sounding than the best parametric and concatenative systems for both English and Mandarin. A single WaveNet can capture the characteristics of many different speakers with equal fidelity, and can switch between them by conditioning on the speaker identity. When trained to model music, we find that it generates novel and often highly realistic musical fragments. We also show that it can be employed as a discriminative model, returning promising results for phoneme recognition.
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Music discovery services let users identify songs from short mobile recordings. These solutions are often based on Audio Fingerprinting, and rely more specifically on the extraction of spectral peaks in order to be robust to a number of distortions. Few works have been done to study the robustness of these algorithms to background noise captured in real environments. In particular, AFP systems still struggle when the signal to noise ratio is low, i.e when the background noise is strong. In this project, we tackle this problematic with Deep Learning. We test a new hybrid strategy which consists of inserting a denoising DL model in front of a peak-based AFP algorithm. We simulate noisy music recordings using a realistic data augmentation pipeline, and train a DL model to denoise them. The denoising model limits the impact of background noise on the AFP system's extracted peaks, improving its robustness to noise. We further propose a novel loss function to adapt the DL model to the considered AFP system, increasing its precision in terms of retrieved spectral peaks. To the best of our knowledge, this hybrid strategy has not been tested before.
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非侵入性负载监控(NILM)试图通过从单个骨料测量中估算单个设备功率使用来节省能源。深度神经网络在尝试解决尼尔姆问题方面变得越来越流行。但是,大多数使用的模型用于负载识别,而不是在线源分离。在源分离模型中,大多数使用单任务学习方法,其中神经网络专门为每个设备培训。该策略在计算上是昂贵的,并且忽略了多个电器可以同时活跃的事实和它们之间的依赖性。其余模型不是因果关系,这对于实时应用很重要。受语音分离模型Convtas-Net的启发,我们提出了Conv-Nilm-Net,这是端到端尼尔姆的完全卷积框架。 Conv-NILM-NET是多元设备源分离的因果模型。我们的模型在两个真实数据集和英国销售的两个真实数据集上进行了测试,并且显然超过了最新技术的状态,同时保持尺寸明显小于竞争模型。
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我们介绍了Shennong,一个Python工具箱和命令行实用程序,用于语音功能提取。它实现了广泛的既定现实算法状态,包括诸如熔融频率纤维滤波器或预测的线性滤波器,预先训练的神经网络,音高估计器以及扬声器归一化方法和后处理算法的谱时间滤波器。 Shennong是一种开源,易于使用,可靠和可扩展的框架。 Python的使用使得集成到其他语音建模和机器学习工具方便。它旨在替换或补充几种异质软件,例如Kaldi或Praat。在描述神农软件架构,其核心组件和实现的算法之后,本文说明了三种应用的使用:语音特征在手机辨别任务上的性能进行比较,作为语音函数的声音轨道长度归一化模型的分析用于训练的持续时间和各种噪声条件下的音高估计算法的比较。
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