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The compute-intensive nature of neural networks (NNs) limits their deployment in resource-constrained environments such as cell phones, drones, autonomous robots, etc. Hence, developing robust sparse models fit for safety-critical applications has been an issue of longstanding interest. Though adversarial training with model sparsification has been combined to attain the goal, conventional adversarial training approaches provide no formal guarantee that the models would be robust against any rogue samples in a restricted space around a benign sample. Recently proposed verified local robustness techniques provide such a guarantee. This is the first paper that combines the ideas from verified local robustness and dynamic sparse training to develop `SparseVLR'-- a novel framework to search verified locally robust sparse networks. Obtained sparse models exhibit accuracy and robustness comparable to their dense counterparts at sparsity as high as 99%. Furthermore, unlike most conventional sparsification techniques, SparseVLR does not require a pre-trained dense model, reducing the training time by 50%. We exhaustively investigated SparseVLR's efficacy and generalizability by evaluating various benchmark and application-specific datasets across several models.
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Recent works on Lottery Ticket Hypothesis have shown that pre-trained language models (PLMs) contain smaller matching subnetworks(winning tickets) which are capable of reaching accuracy comparable to the original models. However, these tickets are proved to be notrobust to adversarial examples, and even worse than their PLM counterparts. To address this problem, we propose a novel method based on learning binary weight masks to identify robust tickets hidden in the original PLMs. Since the loss is not differentiable for the binary mask, we assign the hard concrete distribution to the masks and encourage their sparsity using a smoothing approximation of L0 regularization.Furthermore, we design an adversarial loss objective to guide the search for robust tickets and ensure that the tickets perform well bothin accuracy and robustness. Experimental results show the significant improvement of the proposed method over previous work on adversarial robustness evaluation.
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在部署之前,保护DNN模型的知识产权是至关重要的。到目前为止,提出的方法要么需要更改内部模型参数或机器学习管道,要么无法满足安全性和鲁棒性要求。本文提出了一种轻巧,健壮且安全的黑盒DNN水印协议,该协议利用了加密单向功能以及在训练过程中注入任务钥匙标签 - 标签对。这些对后来用于在测试过程中证明DNN模型所有权。主要功能是证明及其安全性的价值是可衡量的。广泛的实验为各种数据集的图像分类模型以及将它们暴露于各种攻击中,表明它提供了保护的同时,同时保持了足够的安全性和鲁棒性。
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边缘设备上卷积神经网络(CNN)的部署受到性能要求和可用处理能力之间的巨大差距的阻碍。尽管最近的研究在开发网络修剪方法以减少CNN的计算开销方面取得了长足的进步,但仍然存在相当大的准确性损失,尤其是在高修剪比率下。质疑为非封闭网络设计的架构可能对修剪网络没有效,我们建议通过定义新的搜索空间和新颖的搜索目标来搜索架构修剪方法。为了改善修剪网络的概括,我们提出了两个新型的原始孔和prunedlinearaare操作。具体而言,这些操作通过正规化修剪网络的目标函数来缓解不稳定梯度的问题。提出的搜索目标使我们能够培训有关修剪权重元素的体系结构参数。定量分析表明,我们的搜索架构优于在CIFAR-10和Imagenet上最先进的修剪网络中使用的体系结构。就硬件效率而言,PR-DARTS将Mobilenet-V2的准确性从73.44%提高到81.35%(+7.91%提高),并且运行3.87 $ \ times $的速度更快。
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Recent increases in the computational demands of deep neural networks (DNNs) have sparked interest in efficient deep learning mechanisms, e.g., quantization or pruning. These mechanisms enable the construction of a small, efficient version of commercial-scale models with comparable accuracy, accelerating their deployment to resource-constrained devices. In this paper, we study the security considerations of publishing on-device variants of large-scale models. We first show that an adversary can exploit on-device models to make attacking the large models easier. In evaluations across 19 DNNs, by exploiting the published on-device models as a transfer prior, the adversarial vulnerability of the original commercial-scale models increases by up to 100x. We then show that the vulnerability increases as the similarity between a full-scale and its efficient model increase. Based on the insights, we propose a defense, $similarity$-$unpairing$, that fine-tunes on-device models with the objective of reducing the similarity. We evaluated our defense on all the 19 DNNs and found that it reduces the transferability up to 90% and the number of queries required by a factor of 10-100x. Our results suggest that further research is needed on the security (or even privacy) threats caused by publishing those efficient siblings.
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Model quantization enables the deployment of deep neural networks under resource-constrained devices. Vector quantization aims at reducing the model size by indexing model weights with full-precision embeddings, i.e., codewords, while the index needs to be restored to 32-bit during computation. Binary and other low-precision quantization methods can reduce the model size up to 32$\times$, however, at the cost of a considerable accuracy drop. In this paper, we propose an efficient framework for ternary quantization to produce smaller and more accurate compressed models. By integrating hyperspherical learning, pruning and reinitialization, our proposed Hyperspherical Quantization (HQ) method reduces the cosine distance between the full-precision and ternary weights, thus reducing the bias of the straight-through gradient estimator during ternary quantization. Compared with existing work at similar compression levels ($\sim$30$\times$, $\sim$40$\times$), our method significantly improves the test accuracy and reduces the model size.
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近似计算以其在提高深神经网络(DNN)加速器的能量效率下以轻微精度损耗的成本而闻名。最近,近似组件的不精确性质,例如近似乘数的性质也已经成功地捍卫对DNN模型的对抗攻击。由于近似误差通过DNN层被屏蔽或取消屏蔽,因此这提出了一个关键的研究问题 - 可以近似计算始终为DNN中的对抗发生攻击提供防御,即,他们普遍防御?对此,我们使用最先进的近似乘法器呈现对不同近似DNN加速器(AXDNNS)的广泛的对抗鲁棒性分析。特别是,我们使用MNIST和CIFAR-10数据集评估十对不同AXDNN上的十个对抗的攻击的影响。我们的结果表明,对AXDNN的对抗攻击可能导致53%的精度损失,而相同的攻击可能导致精确的DNN中几乎没有准确性损失(低至0.06%)。因此,近似计算不能被称为对抗对抗攻击的普遍防御策略。
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Pruning refers to the elimination of trivial weights from neural networks. The sub-networks within an overparameterized model produced after pruning are often called Lottery tickets. This research aims to generate winning lottery tickets from a set of lottery tickets that can achieve similar accuracy to the original unpruned network. We introduce a novel winning ticket called Cyclic Overlapping Lottery Ticket (COLT) by data splitting and cyclic retraining of the pruned network from scratch. We apply a cyclic pruning algorithm that keeps only the overlapping weights of different pruned models trained on different data segments. Our results demonstrate that COLT can achieve similar accuracies (obtained by the unpruned model) while maintaining high sparsities. We show that the accuracy of COLT is on par with the winning tickets of Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) and, at times, is better. Moreover, COLTs can be generated using fewer iterations than tickets generated by the popular Iterative Magnitude Pruning (IMP) method. In addition, we also notice COLTs generated on large datasets can be transferred to small ones without compromising performance, demonstrating its generalizing capability. We conduct all our experiments on Cifar-10, Cifar-100 & TinyImageNet datasets and report superior performance than the state-of-the-art methods.
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Adversarial training is one of the most powerful methods to improve the robustness of pre-trained language models (PLMs). However, this approach is typically more expensive than traditional fine-tuning because of the necessity to generate adversarial examples via gradient descent. Delving into the optimization process of adversarial training, we find that robust connectivity patterns emerge in the early training phase (typically $0.15\sim0.3$ epochs), far before parameters converge. Inspired by this finding, we dig out robust early-bird tickets (i.e., subnetworks) to develop an efficient adversarial training method: (1) searching for robust tickets with structured sparsity in the early stage; (2) fine-tuning robust tickets in the remaining time. To extract the robust tickets as early as possible, we design a ticket convergence metric to automatically terminate the searching process. Experiments show that the proposed efficient adversarial training method can achieve up to $7\times \sim 13 \times$ training speedups while maintaining comparable or even better robustness compared to the most competitive state-of-the-art adversarial training methods.
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Neural network pruning techniques can reduce the parameter counts of trained networks by over 90%, decreasing storage requirements and improving computational performance of inference without compromising accuracy. However, contemporary experience is that the sparse architectures produced by pruning are difficult to train from the start, which would similarly improve training performance.We find that a standard pruning technique naturally uncovers subnetworks whose initializations made them capable of training effectively. Based on these results, we articulate the lottery ticket hypothesis: dense, randomly-initialized, feed-forward networks contain subnetworks (winning tickets) that-when trained in isolationreach test accuracy comparable to the original network in a similar number of iterations. The winning tickets we find have won the initialization lottery: their connections have initial weights that make training particularly effective.We present an algorithm to identify winning tickets and a series of experiments that support the lottery ticket hypothesis and the importance of these fortuitous initializations. We consistently find winning tickets that are less than 10-20% of the size of several fully-connected and convolutional feed-forward architectures for MNIST and CIFAR10. Above this size, the winning tickets that we find learn faster than the original network and reach higher test accuracy.
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野外的深度学习(DL)的成功采用需要模型:(1)紧凑,(2)准确,(3)强大的分布换档。不幸的是,同时满足这些要求的努力主要是不成功的。这提出了一个重要问题:无法创建紧凑,准确,强大的深神经网络(卡)基础?为了回答这个问题,我们对流行的模型压缩技术进行了大规模分析,该技术揭示了几种有趣模式。值得注意的是,与传统的修剪方法相比(例如,微调和逐渐修剪),我们发现“彩票式风格”方法令人惊讶地用于生产卡,包括二进制牌。具体而言,我们能够创建极其紧凑的卡,与其较大的对应物相比,具有类似的测试精度和匹配(或更好)的稳健性 - 仅通过修剪和(可选)量化。利用卡的紧凑性,我们开发了一种简单的域 - 自适应测试时间合并方法(卡片 - 甲板),它使用门控模块根据与测试样本的光谱相似性动态地选择相应的卡片。该拟议的方法建立了一个“赢得胜利”的卡片,即在CiFar-10-C精度(即96.8%标准和92.75%的鲁棒)和CiFar-100- C精度(80.6%标准和71.3%的稳健性),内存使用率比非压缩基线(Https://github.com/robustbench/robustbench提供的预制卡和卡片 - 甲板)。最后,我们为我们的理论支持提供了理论支持经验研究结果。
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对抗性训练(AT)是针对对抗分类系统的对抗性攻击的简单而有效的防御,这是基于增强训练设置的攻击,从而最大程度地提高了损失。但是,AT作为视频分类的辩护的有效性尚未得到彻底研究。我们的第一个贡献是表明,为视频生成最佳攻击需要仔细调整攻击参数,尤其是步骤大小。值得注意的是,我们证明最佳步长随攻击预算线性变化。我们的第二个贡献是表明,在训练时间使用较小(次优的)攻击预算会导致测试时的性能更加强大。根据这些发现,我们提出了三个防御攻击预算的攻击的防御。自适应AT的第一个技术是一种技术,该技术是从随着训练迭代进行的。第二个课程是一项技术,随着训练的迭代进行,攻击预算的增加。第三个生成的AT,与deno的生成对抗网络一起,以提高稳健的性能。 UCF101数据集上的实验表明,所提出的方法改善了针对多种攻击类型的对抗性鲁棒性。
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