$ \ texttt {gcastle} $是一个端到端Python工具箱,用于因果结构学习。它提供了从模拟器或现实世界数据集的生成数据,从数据学习因果结构的功能,以及评估学到的图表,以及有用的实践,例如先验知识插入,初步邻域选择和后处理以删除错误发现。与相关包相比,$ \ texttt {gcastle} $包括许多最近开发的基于渐变的因果发现方法,具有可选的GPU加速。$ \ texttt {gcastle} $为可以直接尝试代码以及具有图形用户干扰的从业者来为研究人员提供方便。当前版本也提供了电信中的三个现实世界数据集。$ \ texttt {gcastle} $可在Apache许可证2.0下获得\ url {https://github.com/huawei-noah/trustworthyai/tree/master/gcastle}。
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Causal structure learning from observational data remains a non-trivial task due to various factors such as finite sampling, unobserved confounding factors, and measurement errors. Constraint-based and score-based methods tend to suffer from high computational complexity due to the combinatorial nature of estimating the directed acyclic graph (DAG). Motivated by the `Cause-Effect Pair' NIPS 2013 Workshop on Causality Challenge, in this paper, we take a different approach and generate a probability distribution over all possible graphs informed by the cause-effect pair features proposed in response to the workshop challenge. The goal of the paper is to propose new methods based on this probabilistic information and compare their performance with traditional and state-of-the-art approaches. Our experiments, on both synthetic and real datasets, show that our proposed methods not only have statistically similar or better performances than some traditional approaches but also are computationally faster.
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我们介绍了Dowhy Python库的扩展Dowhy-GCM,该库利用图形因果模型。与现有的因果关系库(主要关注效应估计问题)不同,使用Dowhy-GCM,用户可以提出各种其他因果问题,例如确定异常值的根本原因和分布变化的根本原因,因果结构学习,归因于因果关系,以及因果影响,以及归因于因果关系因果结构的诊断。为此,Dowhy-GCM用户通过图形因果模型在研究系统中的变量之间的首次模型导致关系效果关系,符合接下来变量的因果机制,然后提出因果问题。所有这些步骤仅在Dowhy-GCM中采用几行代码。该库可在https://github.com/py-why/dowhy上找到。
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Estimating the structure of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of features (variables) plays a vital role in revealing the latent data generation process and providing causal insights in various applications. Although there have been many studies on structure learning with various types of data, the structure learning on the dynamic graph has not been explored yet, and thus we study the learning problem of node feature generation mechanism on such ubiquitous dynamic graph data. In a dynamic graph, we propose to simultaneously estimate contemporaneous relationships and time-lagged interaction relationships between the node features. These two kinds of relationships form a DAG, which could effectively characterize the feature generation process in a concise way. To learn such a DAG, we cast the learning problem as a continuous score-based optimization problem, which consists of a differentiable score function to measure the validity of the learned DAGs and a smooth acyclicity constraint to ensure the acyclicity of the learned DAGs. These two components are translated into an unconstraint augmented Lagrangian objective which could be minimized by mature continuous optimization techniques. The resulting algorithm, named GraphNOTEARS, outperforms baselines on simulated data across a wide range of settings that may encounter in real-world applications. We also apply the proposed approach on two dynamic graphs constructed from the real-world Yelp dataset, demonstrating our method could learn the connections between node features, which conforms with the domain knowledge.
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Estimating the structure of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs, also known as Bayesian networks) is a challenging problem since the search space of DAGs is combinatorial and scales superexponentially with the number of nodes. Existing approaches rely on various local heuristics for enforcing the acyclicity constraint. In this paper, we introduce a fundamentally different strategy: We formulate the structure learning problem as a purely continuous optimization problem over real matrices that avoids this combinatorial constraint entirely. This is achieved by a novel characterization of acyclicity that is not only smooth but also exact. The resulting problem can be efficiently solved by standard numerical algorithms, which also makes implementation effortless. The proposed method outperforms existing ones, without imposing any structural assumptions on the graph such as bounded treewidth or in-degree. Code implementing the proposed algorithm is open-source and publicly available at https://github.com/xunzheng/notears.
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因果发现旨在从观察数据中学习因果图。迄今为止,大多数因果发现方法需要将数据存储在中央服务器中。但是,数据所有者逐渐拒绝分享他们的个性化数据以避免隐私泄漏,使这项任务通过切断第一步来更加麻烦。出现拼图:$ \ texit {如何从分散数据的原因关系推断出来自分散数据的因果关系?} $本文,具有数据的添加性噪声模型假设,我们参加了开发基于渐变的学习框架命名为DAG共享的渐变学习框架联邦因果发现(DS-FCD),可以在不直接触摸本地数据的情况下学习因果图,并自然地处理数据异质性。 DS-FCD受益于每个本地模型的两级结构。第一级别学习因果图并与服务器通信以获取来自其他客户端的模型信息,而第二级别近似于因果机制,并且从其自身的数据逐步更新以适应数据异质性。此外,DS-FCD通过利用平等的非循环性约束,将整体学习任务制定为连续优化问题,这可以通过梯度下降方法自然地解决。对合成和现实世界数据集的广泛实验验证了所提出的方法的功效。
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因果推断对于跨业务参与,医疗和政策制定等领域的数据驱动决策至关重要。然而,关于因果发现的研究已经与推理方法分开发展,从而阻止了两个领域方法的直接组合。在这项工作中,我们开发了深层端到端因果推理(DECI),这是一种基于流动的非线性添加噪声模型,该模型具有观察数据,并且可以执行因果发现和推理,包括有条件的平均治疗效果(CATE) )估计。我们提供了理论上的保证,即DECI可以根据标准因果发现假设恢复地面真实因果图。受应用影响的激励,我们将该模型扩展到具有缺失值的异质,混合型数据,从而允许连续和离散的治疗决策。我们的结果表明,与因果发现的相关基线相比,DECI的竞争性能和(c)在合成数据集和因果机器学习基准测试基准的一千多个实验中,跨数据类型和缺失水平进行了估计。
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State-of-the-art causal discovery methods usually assume that the observational data is complete. However, the missing data problem is pervasive in many practical scenarios such as clinical trials, economics, and biology. One straightforward way to address the missing data problem is first to impute the data using off-the-shelf imputation methods and then apply existing causal discovery methods. However, such a two-step method may suffer from suboptimality, as the imputation algorithm may introduce bias for modeling the underlying data distribution. In this paper, we develop a general method, which we call MissDAG, to perform causal discovery from data with incomplete observations. Focusing mainly on the assumptions of ignorable missingness and the identifiable additive noise models (ANMs), MissDAG maximizes the expected likelihood of the visible part of observations under the expectation-maximization (EM) framework. In the E-step, in cases where computing the posterior distributions of parameters in closed-form is not feasible, Monte Carlo EM is leveraged to approximate the likelihood. In the M-step, MissDAG leverages the density transformation to model the noise distributions with simpler and specific formulations by virtue of the ANMs and uses a likelihood-based causal discovery algorithm with directed acyclic graph constraint. We demonstrate the flexibility of MissDAG for incorporating various causal discovery algorithms and its efficacy through extensive simulations and real data experiments.
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Inferring causal structure poses a combinatorial search problem that typically involves evaluating structures with a score or independence test. The resulting search is costly, and designing suitable scores or tests that capture prior knowledge is difficult. In this work, we propose to amortize causal structure learning. Rather than searching over structures, we train a variational inference model to directly predict the causal structure from observational or interventional data. This allows our inference model to acquire domain-specific inductive biases for causal discovery solely from data generated by a simulator, bypassing both the hand-engineering of suitable score functions and the search over graphs. The architecture of our inference model emulates permutation invariances that are crucial for statistical efficiency in structure learning, which facilitates generalization to significantly larger problem instances than seen during training. On synthetic data and semisynthetic gene expression data, our models exhibit robust generalization capabilities when subject to substantial distribution shifts and significantly outperform existing algorithms, especially in the challenging genomics domain. Our code and models are publicly available at: https://github.com/larslorch/avici.
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