需要近似函数在科学中普遍存在,是由于经验限制或访问功能的高计算成本。在高能量物理学中,过程的散射横截面的精确计算需要评估计算密集的积分。机器学习中的各种方法已被用于解决这个问题,但缺乏使用一种方法的动机缺乏。比较这些方法通常高度依赖于手头的问题,因此我们指定了我们可以评估函数大量次数的情况,之后可以进行快速准确的评估。我们考虑四个插值和三种机器学习技术,并在三个玩具功能上比较他们的表现,四点标量Passarino-Veltman $ D_0 $函数,以及双环自我能量大师积分$ M $。我们发现,在低维度($ d = 3 $)中,传统的插值技术,如径向基函数表现得非常好,但在较高尺寸($ d = 5,6,9 $)中,我们发现多层的感觉(AKA神经网络)不会从维度的诅咒那么多遭受,并提供最快,最准确的预测。
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风电场设计主要取决于风力涡轮机唤醒流向大气风条件的可变性,以及唤醒之间的相互作用。使用高保真度捕获唤醒流场的物理学模型是计算风电场的布局优化的计算非常昂贵,因此数据驱动的减少的订单模型可以代表模拟风电场的有效替代方案。在这项工作中,我们使用现实世界的光检测和测量(LIDAR)测量的风力涡轮机唤醒,用机器学习构建预测代理模型。具体而言,我们首先展示使用深度自动控制器来找到低维\ emph {潜在}空间,其给出了唤醒激光雷达测量的计算易逼近的近似。然后,我们学习使用深神经网络的参数空间和(潜在空间)唤醒流场之间的映射。此外,我们还展示了使用概率机器学习技术,即高斯过程建模,除了数据中的认知和炼拉内不确定性之外,学习参数空间潜空间映射。最后,为了应对培训大型数据集,我们展示了使用变分高斯过程模型,为大型数据集提供了传统的高斯工艺模型的传统高斯工艺模型。此外,我们介绍了主动学习以自适应地构建和改进传统的高斯过程模型预测能力。总的来说,我们发现我们的方法提供了风力涡轮机唤醒流场的准确近似,其可以以比具有基于高保真物理的模拟产生的级别更便宜的成本来查询。
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我们描述了作为黑暗机器倡议和LES Houches 2019年物理学研讨会进行的数据挑战的结果。挑战的目标是使用无监督机器学习算法检测LHC新物理学的信号。首先,我们提出了如何实现异常分数以在LHC搜索中定义独立于模型的信号区域。我们定义并描述了一个大型基准数据集,由> 10亿美元的Muton-Proton碰撞,其中包含> 10亿美元的模拟LHC事件组成。然后,我们在数据挑战的背景下审查了各种异常检测和密度估计算法,我们在一组现实分析环境中测量了它们的性能。我们绘制了一些有用的结论,可以帮助开发无监督的新物理搜索在LHC的第三次运行期间,并为我们的基准数据集提供用于HTTPS://www.phenomldata.org的未来研究。重现分析的代码在https://github.com/bostdiek/darkmachines-unsupervisedChallenge提供。
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We present the GPry algorithm for fast Bayesian inference of general (non-Gaussian) posteriors with a moderate number of parameters. GPry does not need any pre-training, special hardware such as GPUs, and is intended as a drop-in replacement for traditional Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian inference. Our algorithm is based on generating a Gaussian Process surrogate model of the log-posterior, aided by a Support Vector Machine classifier that excludes extreme or non-finite values. An active learning scheme allows us to reduce the number of required posterior evaluations by two orders of magnitude compared to traditional Monte Carlo inference. Our algorithm allows for parallel evaluations of the posterior at optimal locations, further reducing wall-clock times. We significantly improve performance using properties of the posterior in our active learning scheme and for the definition of the GP prior. In particular we account for the expected dynamical range of the posterior in different dimensionalities. We test our model against a number of synthetic and cosmological examples. GPry outperforms traditional Monte Carlo methods when the evaluation time of the likelihood (or the calculation of theoretical observables) is of the order of seconds; for evaluation times of over a minute it can perform inference in days that would take months using traditional methods. GPry is distributed as an open source Python package (pip install gpry) and can also be found at https://github.com/jonaselgammal/GPry.
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剪切粘度虽然是所有液体的基本特性,但在计算上估计分子动力学模拟的计算昂贵。最近,机器学习(ML)方法已被用于在许多情况下增强分子模拟,从而显示出以相对廉价的方式估算粘度的希望。但是,ML方法面临重大挑战,例如当数据集的大小很小时,粘度也很小。在这项工作中,我们训练多个ML模型,以预测Lennard-Jones(LJ)流体的剪切粘度,特别强调解决由小型数据集引起的问题。具体而言,研究了与模型选择,绩效估计和不确定性定量有关的问题。首先,我们表明使用单个看不见的数据集的广泛使用的性能估计步骤显示了小数据集的广泛可变性。在这种情况下,可以使用交叉验证(CV)选择超参数(模型选择)的常见实践,以估算概括误差(性能估计)。我们比较了两个简单的简历程序,以便他们同时选择模型选择和性能估计的能力,并发现基于K折CV的过程显示出较低的误差估计差异。我们讨论绩效指标在培训和评估中的作用。最后,使用高斯工艺回归(GPR)和集合方法来估计单个预测的不确定性。 GPR的不确定性估计还用于构建适用性域,使用ML模型对本工作中生成的另一个小数据集提供了更可靠的预测。总体而言,这项工作中规定的程序共同导致了针对小型数据集的强大ML模型。
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These notes were compiled as lecture notes for a course developed and taught at the University of the Southern California. They should be accessible to a typical engineering graduate student with a strong background in Applied Mathematics. The main objective of these notes is to introduce a student who is familiar with concepts in linear algebra and partial differential equations to select topics in deep learning. These lecture notes exploit the strong connections between deep learning algorithms and the more conventional techniques of computational physics to achieve two goals. First, they use concepts from computational physics to develop an understanding of deep learning algorithms. Not surprisingly, many concepts in deep learning can be connected to similar concepts in computational physics, and one can utilize this connection to better understand these algorithms. Second, several novel deep learning algorithms can be used to solve challenging problems in computational physics. Thus, they offer someone who is interested in modeling a physical phenomena with a complementary set of tools.
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Learning curves provide insight into the dependence of a learner's generalization performance on the training set size. This important tool can be used for model selection, to predict the effect of more training data, and to reduce the computational complexity of model training and hyperparameter tuning. This review recounts the origins of the term, provides a formal definition of the learning curve, and briefly covers basics such as its estimation. Our main contribution is a comprehensive overview of the literature regarding the shape of learning curves. We discuss empirical and theoretical evidence that supports well-behaved curves that often have the shape of a power law or an exponential. We consider the learning curves of Gaussian processes, the complex shapes they can display, and the factors influencing them. We draw specific attention to examples of learning curves that are ill-behaved, showing worse learning performance with more training data. To wrap up, we point out various open problems that warrant deeper empirical and theoretical investigation. All in all, our review underscores that learning curves are surprisingly diverse and no universal model can be identified.
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我们研究了回归中神经网络(NNS)的模型不确定性的方法。为了隔离模型不确定性的效果,我们专注于稀缺训练数据的无噪声环境。我们介绍了关于任何方法都应满足的模型不确定性的五个重要的逃亡者。但是,我们发现,建立的基准通常无法可靠地捕获其中一些逃避者,即使是贝叶斯理论要求的基准。为了解决这个问题,我们介绍了一种新方法来捕获NNS的模型不确定性,我们称之为基于神经优化的模型不确定性(NOMU)。 NOMU的主要思想是设计一个由两个连接的子NN组成的网络体系结构,一个用于模型预测,一个用于模型不确定性,并使用精心设计的损耗函数进行训练。重要的是,我们的设计执行NOMU满足我们的五个Desiderata。由于其模块化体系结构,NOMU可以为任何给定(先前训练)NN提供模型不确定性,如果访问其培训数据。我们在各种回归任务和无嘈杂的贝叶斯优化(BO)中评估NOMU,并具有昂贵的评估。在回归中,NOMU至少和最先进的方法。在BO中,Nomu甚至胜过所有考虑的基准。
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神经切线核是根据无限宽度神经网络的参数分布定义的内核函数。尽管该极限不切实际,但神经切线内核允许对神经网络进行更直接的研究,并凝视着黑匣子的面纱。最近,从理论上讲,Laplace内核和神经切线内核在$ \ Mathbb {S}}^{D-1} $中共享相同的复制核Hilbert空间,暗示了它们的等价。在这项工作中,我们分析了两个内核的实际等效性。我们首先是通过与核的准确匹配,然后通过与高斯过程的后代匹配来进行匹配。此外,我们分析了$ \ mathbb {r}^d $中的内核,并在回归任务中进行实验。
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物理信息的神经网络(PINN)是神经网络(NNS),它们作为神经网络本身的组成部分编码模型方程,例如部分微分方程(PDE)。如今,PINN是用于求解PDE,分数方程,积分分化方程和随机PDE的。这种新颖的方法已成为一个多任务学习框架,在该框架中,NN必须在减少PDE残差的同时拟合观察到的数据。本文对PINNS的文献进行了全面的综述:虽然该研究的主要目标是表征这些网络及其相关的优势和缺点。该综述还试图将出版物纳入更广泛的基于搭配的物理知识的神经网络,这些神经网络构成了香草·皮恩(Vanilla Pinn)以及许多其他变体,例如物理受限的神经网络(PCNN),各种HP-VPINN,变量HP-VPINN,VPINN,VPINN,变体。和保守的Pinn(CPINN)。该研究表明,大多数研究都集中在通过不同的激活功能,梯度优化技术,神经网络结构和损耗功能结构来定制PINN。尽管使用PINN的应用范围广泛,但通过证明其在某些情况下比有限元方法(FEM)等经典数值技术更可行的能力,但仍有可能的进步,最著名的是尚未解决的理论问题。
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Recent years have witnessed a growth in mathematics for deep learning--which seeks a deeper understanding of the concepts of deep learning with mathematics, and explores how to make it more robust--and deep learning for mathematics, where deep learning algorithms are used to solve problems in mathematics. The latter has popularised the field of scientific machine learning where deep learning is applied to problems in scientific computing. Specifically, more and more neural network architectures have been developed to solve specific classes of partial differential equations (PDEs). Such methods exploit properties that are inherent to PDEs and thus solve the PDEs better than classical feed-forward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks. This has had a great impact in the area of mathematical modeling where parametric PDEs are widely used to model most natural and physical processes arising in science and engineering, In this work, we review such methods and extend them for parametric studies as well as for solving the related inverse problems. We equally proceed to show their relevance in some industrial applications.
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Function estimation/approximation is viewed from the perspective of numerical optimization in function space, rather than parameter space. A connection is made between stagewise additive expansions and steepestdescent minimization. A general gradient descent "boosting" paradigm is developed for additive expansions based on any fitting criterion. Specific algorithms are presented for least-squares, least absolute deviation, and Huber-M loss functions for regression, and multiclass logistic likelihood for classification. Special enhancements are derived for the particular case where the individual additive components are regression trees, and tools for interpreting such "TreeBoost" models are presented. Gradient boosting of regression trees produces competitive, highly robust, interpretable procedures for both regression and classification, especially appropriate for mining less than clean data. Connections between this approach and the boosting methods of Freund and Shapire and Friedman, Hastie and Tibshirani are discussed.
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与高斯过程(GPS)的变异近似通常使用一组诱导点来形成与协方差矩阵的低级别近似值。在这项工作中,我们相反利用了精度矩阵的稀疏近似。我们提出了差异最近的邻居高斯工艺(VNNGP),该过程引入了先验,该过程仅保留在k最近的邻居观测中的相关性,从而诱导稀疏精度结构。使用变分框架,可以将VNNGP的目标分解在观测值和诱导点上,从而以O($ k^3 $)的时间复杂性实现随机优化。因此,我们可以任意扩展诱导点大小,甚至可以在每个观察到的位置放置诱导点。我们通过各种实验将VNNGP与其他可扩展的GP进行比较,并证明VNNGP(1)可以极大地超过低级别方法,而(2)比其他最近的邻居方法较不适合过度拟合。
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