机器学习模型,尤其是人工神经网络,越来越多地用于为在各个领域的高风险场景中(从金融服务,公共安全和医疗保健服务)提供信息。尽管神经网络在许多情况下都取得了出色的性能,但它们的复杂性质引起了人们对现实情况下的可靠性,可信赖性和公平性的关注。结果,已经提出了几种A-tostori解释方法来突出影响模型预测的特征。值得注意的是,Shapley的价值 - 一种满足几种理想特性的游戏理论数量 - 在机器学习解释性文献中获得了知名度。然而,更传统上,在统计学习中的特征是通过有条件独立性正式化的,而对其进行测试的标准方法是通过有条件的随机测试(CRT)。到目前为止,有关解释性和特征重要性的这两个观点已被认为是独特的和独立的。在这项工作中,我们表明基于沙普利的解释方法和针对特征重要性的有条件独立性测试密切相关。更确切地说,我们证明,通过类似于CRT的程序实现了一组特定的条件独立性测试,评估了Shapley系数量,以执行特定的条件独立性测试,但用于不同的零假设。此外,获得的游戏理论值上限限制了此类测试的$ p $值。结果,我们授予大型Shapley系数具有精确的统计意义,并具有控制I型错误。
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随着现代复杂的神经网络不断破坏记录并解决更严重的问题,它们的预测也变得越来越少。目前缺乏解释性通常会破坏敏感设置中精确的机器学习工具的部署。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于Shapley系数的层次扩展的图像分类的模型 - 不足的解释方法 - 层次结构(H-SHAP)(H-SHAP) - 解决了当前方法的某些局限性。与其他基于沙普利的解释方法不同,H-shap是可扩展的,并且可以计算而无需近似。在某些分布假设下,例如在多个实例学习中常见的假设,H-shap检索了确切的Shapley系数,并具有指数改善的计算复杂性。我们将我们的分层方法与基于Shapley的流行基于Shapley和基于Shapley的方法进行比较,而基于Shapley的方法,医学成像方案以及一般的计算机视觉问题,表明H-Shap在准确性和运行时都超过了最先进的状态。代码和实验已公开可用。
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基于Shapley值的功能归因在解释机器学习模型中很受欢迎。但是,从理论和计算的角度来看,它们的估计是复杂的。我们将这种复杂性分解为两个因素:(1)〜删除特征信息的方法,以及(2)〜可拖动估计策略。这两个因素提供了一种天然镜头,我们可以更好地理解和比较24种不同的算法。基于各种特征删除方法,我们描述了多种类型的Shapley值特征属性和计算每个类型的方法。然后,基于可进行的估计策略,我们表征了两个不同的方法家族:模型 - 不合时宜的和模型特定的近似值。对于模型 - 不合稳定的近似值,我们基准了广泛的估计方法,并将其与Shapley值的替代性但等效的特征联系起来。对于特定于模型的近似值,我们阐明了对每种方法的线性,树和深模型的障碍至关重要的假设。最后,我们确定了文献中的差距以及有希望的未来研究方向。
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Shap是一种衡量机器学习模型中可变重要性的流行方法。在本文中,我们研究了用于估计外形评分的算法,并表明它是功能性方差分析分解的转换。我们使用此连接表明,在Shap近似中的挑战主要与选择功能分布的选择以及估计的$ 2^p $ ANOVA条款的数量有关。我们认为,在这种情况下,机器学习解释性和敏感性分析之间的联系是有照明的,但是直接的实际后果并不明显,因为这两个领域面临着不同的约束。机器学习的解释性问题模型可评估,但通常具有数百个(即使不是数千个)功能。敏感性分析通常处理物理或工程的模型,这些模型可能非常耗时,但在相对较小的输入空间上运行。
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This paper proposes a novel approach to explain the predictions made by data-driven methods. Since such predictions rely heavily on the data used for training, explanations that convey information about how the training data affects the predictions are useful. The paper proposes a novel approach to quantify how different data-clusters of the training data affect a prediction. The quantification is based on Shapley values, a concept which originates from coalitional game theory, developed to fairly distribute the payout among a set of cooperating players. A player's Shapley value is a measure of that player's contribution. Shapley values are often used to quantify feature importance, ie. how features affect a prediction. This paper extends this to cluster importance, letting clusters of the training data act as players in a game where the predictions are the payouts. The novel methodology proposed in this paper lets us explore and investigate how different clusters of the training data affect the predictions made by any black-box model, allowing new aspects of the reasoning and inner workings of a prediction model to be conveyed to the users. The methodology is fundamentally different from existing explanation methods, providing insight which would not be available otherwise, and should complement existing explanation methods, including explanations based on feature importance.
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We introduce the XPER (eXplainable PERformance) methodology to measure the specific contribution of the input features to the predictive or economic performance of a model. Our methodology offers several advantages. First, it is both model-agnostic and performance metric-agnostic. Second, XPER is theoretically founded as it is based on Shapley values. Third, the interpretation of the benchmark, which is inherent in any Shapley value decomposition, is meaningful in our context. Fourth, XPER is not plagued by model specification error, as it does not require re-estimating the model. Fifth, it can be implemented either at the model level or at the individual level. In an application based on auto loans, we find that performance can be explained by a surprisingly small number of features. XPER decompositions are rather stable across metrics, yet some feature contributions switch sign across metrics. Our analysis also shows that explaining model forecasts and model performance are two distinct tasks.
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沙普利价值是衡量单个特征影响的流行方法。尽管Shapley功能归因是基于游戏理论的Desiderata,但在某些机器学习设置中,其某些约束可能不太自然,从而导致不直觉的模型解释。特别是,Shapley值对所有边际贡献都使用相同的权重 - 即,当给出大量其他功能时,当给出少数其他功能时,它具有相同的重要性。如果较大的功能集比较小的功能集更具信息性,则此属性可能是有问题的。我们的工作对沙普利特征归因的潜在局限性进行了严格的分析。我们通过为较小的影响力特征分配较大的属性来确定Shapley值在数学上是次优的设置。在这一观察结果的驱动下,我们提出了加权图,它概括了沙普利的价值,并了解到直接从数据中关注哪些边际贡献。在几个现实世界数据集上,我们证明,与沙普利值确定的功能相比,加权图确定的有影响力的特征可以更好地概括模型的预测。
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Besides accuracy, recent studies on machine learning models have been addressing the question on how the obtained results can be interpreted. Indeed, while complex machine learning models are able to provide very good results in terms of accuracy even in challenging applications, it is difficult to interpret them. Aiming at providing some interpretability for such models, one of the most famous methods, called SHAP, borrows the Shapley value concept from game theory in order to locally explain the predicted outcome of an instance of interest. As the SHAP values calculation needs previous computations on all possible coalitions of attributes, its computational cost can be very high. Therefore, a SHAP-based method called Kernel SHAP adopts an efficient strategy that approximate such values with less computational effort. In this paper, we also address local interpretability in machine learning based on Shapley values. Firstly, we provide a straightforward formulation of a SHAP-based method for local interpretability by using the Choquet integral, which leads to both Shapley values and Shapley interaction indices. Moreover, we also adopt the concept of $k$-additive games from game theory, which contributes to reduce the computational effort when estimating the SHAP values. The obtained results attest that our proposal needs less computations on coalitions of attributes to approximate the SHAP values.
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由于其出色的经验表现,随机森林是过去十年中使用的机器学习方法之一。然而,由于其黑框的性质,在许多大数据应用中很难解释随机森林的结果。量化各个特征在随机森林中的实用性可以大大增强其解释性。现有的研究表明,一些普遍使用的特征对随机森林的重要性措施遭受了偏见问题。此外,对于大多数现有方法,缺乏全面的规模和功率分析。在本文中,我们通过假设检验解决了问题,并提出了一个自由化特征 - 弥散性相关测试(事实)的框架,以评估具有偏见性属性的随机森林模型中给定特征的重要性,我们零假设涉及该特征是否与所有其他特征有条件地独立于响应。关于高维随机森林一致性的一些最新发展,对随机森林推断的这种努力得到了赋予的能力。在存在功能依赖性的情况下,我们的事实测试的香草版可能会遇到偏见问题。我们利用偏置校正的不平衡和调节技术。我们通过增强功率的功能转换将合奏的想法进一步纳入事实统计范围。在相当普遍的具有依赖特征的高维非参数模型设置下,我们正式确定事实可以提供理论上合理的随机森林具有P值,并通过非催化分析享受吸引人的力量。新建议的方法的理论结果和有限样本优势通过几个模拟示例和与Covid-19的经济预测应用进行了说明。
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Shapley values are ubiquitous in interpretable Machine Learning due to their strong theoretical background and efficient implementation in the SHAP library. Computing these values previously induced an exponential cost with respect to the number of input features of an opaque model. Now, with efficient implementations such as Interventional TreeSHAP, this exponential burden is alleviated assuming one is explaining ensembles of decision trees. Although Interventional TreeSHAP has risen in popularity, it still lacks a formal proof of how/why it works. We provide such proof with the aim of not only increasing the transparency of the algorithm but also to encourage further development of these ideas. Notably, our proof for Interventional TreeSHAP is easily adapted to Shapley-Taylor indices and one-hot-encoded features.
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Modern machine learning pipelines, in particular those based on deep learning (DL) models, require large amounts of labeled data. For classification problems, the most common learning paradigm consists of presenting labeled examples during training, thus providing strong supervision on what constitutes positive and negative samples. This constitutes a major obstacle for the development of DL models in radiology--in particular for cross-sectional imaging (e.g., computed tomography [CT] scans)--where labels must come from manual annotations by expert radiologists at the image or slice-level. These differ from examination-level annotations, which are coarser but cheaper, and could be extracted from radiology reports using natural language processing techniques. This work studies the question of what kind of labels should be collected for the problem of intracranial hemorrhage detection in brain CT. We investigate whether image-level annotations should be preferred to examination-level ones. By framing this task as a multiple instance learning problem, and employing modern attention-based DL architectures, we analyze the degree to which different levels of supervision improve detection performance. We find that strong supervision (i.e., learning with local image-level annotations) and weak supervision (i.e., learning with only global examination-level labels) achieve comparable performance in examination-level hemorrhage detection (the task of selecting the images in an examination that show signs of hemorrhage) as well as in image-level hemorrhage detection (highlighting those signs within the selected images). Furthermore, we study this behavior as a function of the number of labels available during training. Our results suggest that local labels may not be necessary at all for these tasks, drastically reducing the time and cost involved in collecting and curating datasets.
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研究人员提出了多种模型解释方法,但目前尚不清楚大多数方法如何相关或何时一种方法比另一种方法更可取。我们研究了文献,发现许多方法都是基于通过删除来解释的共同原理 - 本质上是测量从模型中删除一组特征的影响。这些方法在几个方面有所不同,因此我们为基于删除的解释开发了一个沿三个维度表征每个方法的框架:1)该方法如何删除特征,2)该方法解释的模型行为以及3)方法如何汇总每个方法功能的影响。我们的框架统一了26种现有方法,其中包括几种最广泛使用的方法(Shap,Lime,有意义的扰动,排列测试)。揭露这些方法之间的基本相似性使用户能够推荐使用哪种工具,并为正在进行的模型解释性研究提出了有希望的方向。
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我们开发了一种新的原则性算法,用于估计培训数据点对深度学习模型的行为的贡献,例如它做出的特定预测。我们的算法估计了AME,该数量量衡量了将数据点添加到训练数据子集中的预期(平均)边际效应,并从给定的分布中采样。当从均匀分布中采样子集时,AME将还原为众所周知的Shapley值。我们的方法受因果推断和随机实验的启发:我们采样了训练数据的不同子集以训练多个子模型,并评估每个子模型的行为。然后,我们使用套索回归来基于子集组成共同估计每个数据点的AME。在稀疏假设($ k \ ll n $数据点具有较大的AME)下,我们的估计器仅需要$ O(k \ log n)$随机的子模型培训,从而改善了最佳先前的Shapley值估算器。
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