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Federated Learning (FL) enables the training of Deep Learning models without centrally collecting possibly sensitive raw data. This paves the way for stronger privacy guarantees when building predictive models. The most used algorithms for FL are parameter-averaging based schemes (e.g., Federated Averaging) that, however, have well known limits: (i) Clients must implement the same model architecture; (ii) Transmitting model weights and model updates implies high communication cost, which scales up with the number of model parameters; (iii) In presence of non-IID data distributions, parameter-averaging aggregation schemes perform poorly due to client model drifts. Federated adaptations of regular Knowledge Distillation (KD) can solve and/or mitigate the weaknesses of parameter-averaging FL algorithms while possibly introducing other trade-offs. In this article, we provide a review of KD-based algorithms tailored for specific FL issues.
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Federated learning achieves joint training of deep models by connecting decentralized data sources, which can significantly mitigate the risk of privacy leakage. However, in a more general case, the distributions of labels among clients are different, called ``label distribution skew''. Directly applying conventional federated learning without consideration of label distribution skew issue significantly hurts the performance of the global model. To this end, we propose a novel federated learning method, named FedMGD, to alleviate the performance degradation caused by the label distribution skew issue. It introduces a global Generative Adversarial Network to model the global data distribution without access to local datasets, so the global model can be trained using the global information of data distribution without privacy leakage. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art on several public benchmarks. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/Sheng-T/FedMGD}.
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近年来,个性化联邦学习(PFL)引起了越来越关注其在客户之间处理统计异质性的潜力。然而,最先进的PFL方法依赖于服务器端的模型参数聚合,这需要所有模型具有相同的结构和大小,因此限制了应用程序以实现更多异构场景。要处理此类模型限制,我们利用异构模型设置的潜力,并提出了一种新颖的培训框架,为不同客户使用个性化模型。具体而言,我们将原始PFL中的聚合过程分为个性化组知识转移训练算法,即KT-PFL,这使得每个客户端能够在服务器端维护个性化软预测以指导其他人的本地培训。 KT-PFL通过使用知识系数矩阵的所有本地软预测的线性组合更新每个客户端的个性化软预测,这可以自适应地加强拥有类似数据分布的客户端之间的协作。此外,为了量化每个客户对他人的个性化培训的贡献,知识系数矩阵是参数化的,以便可以与模型同时培训。知识系数矩阵和模型参数在每轮梯度下降方式之后的每一轮中可替代地更新。在不同的设置(异构模型和数据分布)下进行各种数据集(EMNIST,Fashion \ _Mnist,CIFAR-10)的广泛实验。据证明,所提出的框架是第一个通过参数化群体知识转移实现个性化模型培训的联邦学习范例,同时实现与最先进的算法比较的显着性能增益。
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随着对用户数据隐私的越来越关注,联合学习(FL)已被开发为在边缘设备上训练机器学习模型的独特培训范式,而无需访问敏感数据。传统的FL和现有方法直接在云服务器的同一型号和培训设备的所有边缘上采用聚合方法。尽管这些方法保护了数据隐私,但它们不能具有模型异质性,甚至忽略了异质的计算能力,也可以忽略陡峭的沟通成本。在本文中,我们目的是将资源感知的FL汇总为从边缘模型中提取的本地知识的集合,而不是汇总每个本地模型的权重,然后将其蒸馏成一个强大的全局知识,作为服务器模型通过知识蒸馏。通过深入的相互学习,将本地模型和全球知识提取到很小的知识网络中。这种知识提取使Edge客户端可以部署资源感知模型并执行多模型知识融合,同时保持沟通效率和模型异质性。经验结果表明,在异质数据和模型中的通信成本和概括性能方面,我们的方法比现有的FL算法有了显着改善。我们的方法将VGG-11的沟通成本降低了102美元$ \ times $和Resnet-32,当培训Resnet-20作为知识网络时,最多可达30美元$ \ times $。
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一滴联合学习(FL)最近被出现为有希望的方法,允许中央服务器在单个通信中学习模型。尽管通信成本低,但现有的一次性的单次方法大多是不切实际或面临的固有限制,例如,需要公共数据集,客户的型号是同质的,需要上传其他数据/型号信息。为了克服这些问题,我们提出了一种更实用的无数据方法,名为FEDSYN的一枪框架,具有异质性。我们的Fedsyn通过数据生成阶段和模型蒸馏阶段列出全球模型。据我们所知,FEDSYN是由于以下优点,FEDSYN可以实际应用于各种实际应用程序的方法:(1)FEDSYN不需要在客户端之间传输的其他信息(模型参数除外)服务器; (2)FEDSYN不需要任何用于培训的辅助数据集; (3)FEDSYN是第一个考虑FL中的模型和统计异质性,即客户的数据是非IID,不同的客户端可能具有不同的模型架构。关于各种现实世界数据集的实验表明了我们的Fedsyn的优越性。例如,当数据是非IID时,FEDSYN在CIFAR10数据集中优于CEFAR10数据集的最佳基线方法FED-ADI的最佳基准方法。
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Federated learning is a popular paradigm for machine learning. Ideally, federated learning works best when all clients share a similar data distribution. However, it is not always the case in the real world. Therefore, the topic of federated learning on heterogeneous data has gained more and more effort from both academia and industry. In this project, we first do extensive experiments to show how data skew and quantity skew will affect the performance of state-of-art federated learning algorithms. Then we propose a new algorithm FedMix which adjusts existing federated learning algorithms and we show its performance. We find that existing state-of-art algorithms such as FedProx and FedNova do not have a significant improvement in all testing cases. But by testing the existing and new algorithms, it seems that tweaking the client side is more effective than tweaking the server side.
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联合学习(FL)在中央服务器的帮助下支持多个客户的全球机器学习模型的分布式培训。每个客户端持有的本地数据集从未在FL中交换,因此保护本地数据集隐私受到保护。尽管FL越来越流行,但不同客户的数据异质性导致客户模型漂移问题,并导致模型性能降级和模型公平不佳。为了解决这个问题,我们在本文中使用全球本地知识融合(FEDKF)计划设计联合学习。 FEDKF中的关键思想是让服务器返回每个训练回合中的全局知识,以与本地知识融合,以便可以将本地模型正规化为全球最佳选择。因此,可以缓解客户模型漂移问题。在FEDKF中,我们首先提出了支持精确的全球知识表示形式的主动模型聚合技术。然后,我们提出了一种无数据的知识蒸馏(KD)方法,以促进KD从全局模型到本地模型,而本地模型仍然可以同时学习本地知识(嵌入本地数据集中),从而实现了全局 - 本地知识融合过程。理论分析和密集实验表明,FEDKF同时实现高模型性能,高公平性和隐私性。纸质审查后,项目源代码将在GitHub上发布。
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Privacy-preserving machine learning has become a key conundrum for multi-party artificial intelligence. Federated learning (FL) and Split Learning (SL) are two frameworks that enable collaborative learning while keeping the data private (on device). In FL, each data holder trains a model locally and releases it to a central server for aggregation. In SL, the clients must release individual cut-layer activations (smashed data) to the server and wait for its response (during both inference and back propagation). While relevant in several settings, both of these schemes have a high communication cost, rely on server-level computation algorithms and do not allow for tunable levels of collaboration. In this work, we present a novel approach for privacy-preserving machine learning, where the clients collaborate via online knowledge distillation using a contrastive loss (contrastive w.r.t. the labels). The goal is to ensure that the participants learn similar features on similar classes without sharing their input data. To do so, each client releases averaged last hidden layer activations of similar labels to a central server that only acts as a relay (i.e., is not involved in the training or aggregation of the models). Then, the clients download these last layer activations (feature representations) of the ensemble of users and distill their knowledge in their personal model using a contrastive objective. For cross-device applications (i.e., small local datasets and limited computational capacity), this approach increases the utility of the models compared to independent learning and other federated knowledge distillation (FD) schemes, is communication efficient and is scalable with the number of clients. We prove theoretically that our framework is well-posed, and we benchmark its performance against standard FD and FL on various datasets using different model architectures.
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在现实世界应用中,联合学习(FL)遇到了两个挑战:(1)可伸缩性,尤其是应用于大型物联网网络时; (2)如何使用异质数据对环境进行健全。意识到第一个问题,我们旨在设计一个名为Full-Stack FL(F2L)的新型FL框架。更具体地说,F2L使用层次结构架构,使扩展FL网络可以访问而无需重建整个网络系统。此外,利用层次网络设计的优势,我们在全球服务器上提出了一种新的标签驱动知识蒸馏(LKD)技术来解决第二个问题。与当前的知识蒸馏技术相反,LKD能够训练学生模型,该模型由所有教师模型的良好知识组成。因此,我们提出的算法可以有效地提取区域数据分布(即区域汇总模型)的知识,以减少客户在使用非独立分布数据的FL系统下操作时客户模型之间的差异。广泛的实验结果表明:(i)我们的F2L方法可以显着提高所有全球蒸馏的总体FL效率,并且(ii)F2L随着全球蒸馏阶段的发生而迅速达到收敛性,而不是在每个通信周期中提高。
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联合学习(FL)旨在通过使客户能够在不共享其私有数据的情况下协作构建机器学习模型来保护数据隐私。然而,最近的作品表明FL容易受到基于梯度的数据恢复攻击。保存技术的品种已经利用,以进一步提升FL的隐私。尽管如此,它们的计算或通信昂贵(例如,同态加密)或遭受精密损失(例如,差异隐私)。在这项工作中,我们提出了\ textsc {fedcg},一个新颖的\下划线{fed} erated学习方法,它利用\下划线{c} onditional \下划线{g}良好的对手网络来实现高级隐私保护,同时仍然保持竞争模型表现。更具体地说,\ textsc {fedcg}将每个客户端的本地网络分解为私有提取器和公共分类器,并保留本地提取器保护隐私。而不是暴露作为隐私泄漏的罪魁祸首的提取器,而是将客户的生成器与服务器共享,以聚合旨在增强客户端网络性能的公共知识。广泛的实验表明,与基线FL方法相比,\ TextSc {FEDCG}可以实现竞争模型性能,数值隐私分析表明\ TextSC {FEDCG}具有高级别的隐私保存能力。
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The heterogeneity of hardware and data is a well-known and studied problem in the community of Federated Learning (FL) as running under heterogeneous settings. Recently, custom-size client models trained with Knowledge Distillation (KD) has emerged as a viable strategy for tackling the heterogeneity challenge. However, previous efforts in this direction are aimed at client model tuning rather than their impact onto the knowledge aggregation of the global model. Despite performance of global models being the primary objective of FL systems, under heterogeneous settings client models have received more attention. Here, we provide more insights into how the chosen approach for training custom client models has an impact on the global model, which is essential for any FL application. We show the global model can fully leverage the strength of KD with heterogeneous data. Driven by empirical observations, we further propose a new approach that combines KD and Learning without Forgetting (LwoF) to produce improved personalised models. We bring heterogeneous FL on pair with the mighty FedAvg of homogeneous FL, in realistic deployment scenarios with dropping clients.
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Federated Learning (FL) is extensively used to train AI/ML models in distributed and privacy-preserving settings. Participant edge devices in FL systems typically contain non-independent and identically distributed~(Non-IID) private data and unevenly distributed computational resources. Preserving user data privacy while optimizing AI/ML models in a heterogeneous federated network requires us to address data heterogeneity and system/resource heterogeneity. Hence, we propose \underline{R}esource-\underline{a}ware \underline{F}ederated \underline{L}earning~(RaFL) to address these challenges. RaFL allocates resource-aware models to edge devices using Neural Architecture Search~(NAS) and allows heterogeneous model architecture deployment by knowledge extraction and fusion. Integrating NAS into FL enables on-demand customized model deployment for resource-diverse edge devices. Furthermore, we propose a multi-model architecture fusion scheme allowing the aggregation of the distributed learning results. Results demonstrate RaFL's superior resource efficiency compared to SoTA.
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With the development and progress of science and technology, the Internet of Things(IoT) has gradually entered people's lives, bringing great convenience to our lives and improving people's work efficiency. Specifically, the IoT can replace humans in jobs that they cannot perform. As a new type of IoT vehicle, the current status and trend of research on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) is gratifying, and the development prospect is very promising. However, privacy and communication are still very serious issues in drone applications. This is because most drones still use centralized cloud-based data processing, which may lead to leakage of data collected by drones. At the same time, the large amount of data collected by drones may incur greater communication overhead when transferred to the cloud. Federated learning as a means of privacy protection can effectively solve the above two problems. However, federated learning when applied to UAV networks also needs to consider the heterogeneity of data, which is caused by regional differences in UAV regulation. In response, this paper proposes a new algorithm FedBA to optimize the global model and solves the data heterogeneity problem. In addition, we apply the algorithm to some real datasets, and the experimental results show that the algorithm outperforms other algorithms and improves the accuracy of the local model for UAVs.
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