Heteroscedastic regression models a Gaussian variable's mean and variance as a function of covariates. Parametric methods that employ neural networks for these parameter maps can capture complex relationships in the data. Yet, optimizing network parameters via log likelihood gradients can yield suboptimal mean and uncalibrated variance estimates. Current solutions side-step this optimization problem with surrogate objectives or Bayesian treatments. Instead, we make two simple modifications to optimization. Notably, their combination produces a heteroscedastic model with mean estimates that are provably as accurate as those from its homoscedastic counterpart (i.e.~fitting the mean under squared error loss). For a wide variety of network and task complexities, we find that mean estimates from existing heteroscedastic solutions can be significantly less accurate than those from an equivalently expressive mean-only model. Our approach provably retains the accuracy of an equally flexible mean-only model while also offering best-in-class variance calibration. Lastly, we show how to leverage our method to recover the underlying heteroscedastic noise variance.
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贝叶斯神经网络具有潜在变量(BNN + LVS)通过明确建模模型不确定性(通过网络权重)和环境暂停(通过潜在输入噪声变量)来捕获预测的不确定性。在这项工作中,我们首先表明BNN + LV具有严重形式的非可识别性:可以在模型参数和潜在变量之间传输解释性,同时拟合数据。我们证明,在无限数据的极限中,网络权重和潜变量的后部模式从地面真理渐近地偏离。由于这种渐近偏差,传统的推理方法可以在实践中,产量参数概括不确定和不确定的不确定性。接下来,我们开发一种新推断过程,明确地减轻了训练期间不可识别性的影响,并产生高质量的预测以及不确定性估计。我们展示我们的推理方法在一系列合成和实际数据集中改善了基准方法。
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隐式过程(IPS)代表一个灵活的框架,可用于描述各种模型,从贝叶斯神经网络,神经抽样器和数据生成器到许多其他模型。 IP还允许在功能空间上进行大致推断。公式的这种变化解决了参数空间的固有退化问题近似推断,即参数数量及其在大型模型中的强大依赖性。为此,文献中先前的作品试图采用IPS来设置先验并近似产生的后部。但是,这被证明是一项具有挑战性的任务。现有的方法可以调整先前的IP导致高斯预测分布,该分布未能捕获重要的数据模式。相比之下,通过使用另一个IP近似后验过程产生灵活预测分布的方法不能将先前的IP调整到观察到的数据中。我们在这里建议第一个可以实现这两个目标的方法。为此,我们依赖于先前IP的诱导点表示,就像在稀疏高斯过程中所做的那样。结果是一种可扩展的方法,用于与IP的近似推断,可以将先前的IP参数调整到数据中,并提供准确的非高斯预测分布。
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考虑到其协变量$ \ boldsymbol x $的连续或分类响应变量$ \ boldsymbol y $的分布是统计和机器学习中的基本问题。深度神经网络的监督学习算法在预测给定$ \ boldsymbol x $的$ \ boldsymbol y $的平均值方面取得了重大进展,但是他们经常因其准确捕捉预测的不确定性的能力而受到批评。在本文中,我们引入了分类和回归扩散(卡)模型,该模型结合了基于扩散的条件生成模型和预训练的条件估计器,以准确预测给定$ \ boldsymbol y $的分布,给定$ \ boldsymbol x $。我们证明了通过玩具示例和现实世界数据集的有条件分配预测的卡片的出色能力,实验结果表明,一般的卡在一般情况下都优于最先进的方法,包括基于贝叶斯的神经网络的方法专为不确定性估计而设计,尤其是当给定$ \ boldsymbol y $的条件分布给定的$ \ boldsymbol x $是多模式时。
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Deep learning tools have gained tremendous attention in applied machine learning. However such tools for regression and classification do not capture model uncertainty. In comparison, Bayesian models offer a mathematically grounded framework to reason about model uncertainty, but usually come with a prohibitive computational cost. In this paper we develop a new theoretical framework casting dropout training in deep neural networks (NNs) as approximate Bayesian inference in deep Gaussian processes. A direct result of this theory gives us tools to model uncertainty with dropout NNsextracting information from existing models that has been thrown away so far. This mitigates the problem of representing uncertainty in deep learning without sacrificing either computational complexity or test accuracy. We perform an extensive study of the properties of dropout's uncertainty. Various network architectures and nonlinearities are assessed on tasks of regression and classification, using MNIST as an example. We show a considerable improvement in predictive log-likelihood and RMSE compared to existing state-of-the-art methods, and finish by using dropout's uncertainty in deep reinforcement learning.
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我们研究了回归中神经网络(NNS)的模型不确定性的方法。为了隔离模型不确定性的效果,我们专注于稀缺训练数据的无噪声环境。我们介绍了关于任何方法都应满足的模型不确定性的五个重要的逃亡者。但是,我们发现,建立的基准通常无法可靠地捕获其中一些逃避者,即使是贝叶斯理论要求的基准。为了解决这个问题,我们介绍了一种新方法来捕获NNS的模型不确定性,我们称之为基于神经优化的模型不确定性(NOMU)。 NOMU的主要思想是设计一个由两个连接的子NN组成的网络体系结构,一个用于模型预测,一个用于模型不确定性,并使用精心设计的损耗函数进行训练。重要的是,我们的设计执行NOMU满足我们的五个Desiderata。由于其模块化体系结构,NOMU可以为任何给定(先前训练)NN提供模型不确定性,如果访问其培训数据。我们在各种回归任务和无嘈杂的贝叶斯优化(BO)中评估NOMU,并具有昂贵的评估。在回归中,NOMU至少和最先进的方法。在BO中,Nomu甚至胜过所有考虑的基准。
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Accurate uncertainty quantification is a major challenge in deep learning, as neural networks can make overconfident errors and assign high confidence predictions to out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs. The most popular approaches to estimate predictive uncertainty in deep learning are methods that combine predictions from multiple neural networks, such as Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) and deep ensembles. However their practicality in real-time, industrial-scale applications are limited due to the high memory and computational cost. Furthermore, ensembles and BNNs do not necessarily fix all the issues with the underlying member networks. In this work, we study principled approaches to improve uncertainty property of a single network, based on a single, deterministic representation. By formalizing the uncertainty quantification as a minimax learning problem, we first identify distance awareness, i.e., the model's ability to quantify the distance of a testing example from the training data, as a necessary condition for a DNN to achieve high-quality (i.e., minimax optimal) uncertainty estimation. We then propose Spectral-normalized Neural Gaussian Process (SNGP), a simple method that improves the distance-awareness ability of modern DNNs with two simple changes: (1) applying spectral normalization to hidden weights to enforce bi-Lipschitz smoothness in representations and (2) replacing the last output layer with a Gaussian process layer. On a suite of vision and language understanding benchmarks, SNGP outperforms other single-model approaches in prediction, calibration and out-of-domain detection. Furthermore, SNGP provides complementary benefits to popular techniques such as deep ensembles and data augmentation, making it a simple and scalable building block for probabilistic deep learning. Code is open-sourced at https://github.com/google/uncertainty-baselines
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统计模型是机器学习的核心,具有广泛适用性,跨各种下游任务。模型通常由通过最大似然估计从数据估计的自由参数控制。但是,当面对现实世界数据集时,许多模型运行到一个关键问题:它们是在完全观察到的数据方面配制的,而在实践中,数据集会困扰缺失数据。来自不完整数据的统计模型估计理论在概念上类似于潜在变量模型的估计,其中存在强大的工具,例如变分推理(VI)。然而,与标准潜在变量模型相比,具有不完整数据的参数估计通常需要估计缺失变量的指数 - 许多条件分布,因此使标准的VI方法是棘手的。通过引入变分Gibbs推理(VGI),是一种新的通用方法来解决这个差距,以估计来自不完整数据的统计模型参数。我们在一组合成和实际估算任务上验证VGI,从不完整的数据中估算重要的机器学习模型,VAE和标准化流程。拟议的方法,同时通用,实现比现有的特定模型特定估计方法竞争或更好的性能。
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We propose SWA-Gaussian (SWAG), a simple, scalable, and general purpose approach for uncertainty representation and calibration in deep learning. Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA), which computes the first moment of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) iterates with a modified learning rate schedule, has recently been shown to improve generalization in deep learning. With SWAG, we fit a Gaussian using the SWA solution as the first moment and a low rank plus diagonal covariance also derived from the SGD iterates, forming an approximate posterior distribution over neural network weights; we then sample from this Gaussian distribution to perform Bayesian model averaging. We empirically find that SWAG approximates the shape of the true posterior, in accordance with results describing the stationary distribution of SGD iterates. Moreover, we demonstrate that SWAG performs well on a wide variety of tasks, including out of sample detection, calibration, and transfer learning, in comparison to many popular alternatives including MC dropout, KFAC Laplace, SGLD, and temperature scaling.
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表示学习已成为一种实用的方法,可以在重建方面成功地建立大量高维数据的丰富参数编码。在考虑具有测试训练分布变化的无监督任务时,概率的观点有助于解决预测过度自信和不良校准。但是,由于多种原因,即维度或顽固性问题的诅咒,直接引入贝叶斯推断仍然是一个艰难的问题。 Laplace近似(LA)在这里提供了一个解决方案,因为可以通过二阶Taylor膨胀在参数空间的某些位置通过二阶Taylor膨胀来建立重量的高斯近似值。在这项工作中,我们为洛杉矶启发的无监督表示学习提供了贝叶斯自动编码器。我们的方法实现了迭代的拉普拉斯更新,以获得新型自动编码器证据的新变化下限。二阶部分衍生物的巨大计算负担是通过Hessian矩阵的近似来跳过的。从经验上讲,我们通过为分布外检测提供了良好的不确定性,用于差异几何形状的大地测量和缺失数据归思的方法来证明拉普拉斯自动编码器的可伸缩性和性能。
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Accurate uncertainty quantification is necessary to enhance the reliability of deep learning models in real-world applications. In the case of regression tasks, prediction intervals (PIs) should be provided along with the deterministic predictions of deep learning models. Such PIs are useful or "high-quality'' as long as they are sufficiently narrow and capture most of the probability density. In this paper, we present a method to learn prediction intervals for regression-based neural networks automatically in addition to the conventional target predictions. In particular, we train two companion neural networks: one that uses one output, the target estimate, and another that uses two outputs, the upper and lower bounds of the corresponding PI. Our main contribution is the design of a loss function for the PI-generation network that takes into account the output of the target-estimation network and has two optimization objectives: minimizing the mean prediction interval width and ensuring the PI integrity using constraints that maximize the prediction interval probability coverage implicitly. Both objectives are balanced within the loss function using a self-adaptive coefficient. Furthermore, we apply a Monte Carlo-based approach that evaluates the model uncertainty in the learned PIs. Experiments using a synthetic dataset, six benchmark datasets, and a real-world crop yield prediction dataset showed that our method was able to maintain a nominal probability coverage and produce narrower PIs without detriment to its target estimation accuracy when compared to those PIs generated by three state-of-the-art neural-network-based methods.
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