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许多现实世界优化问题,如工程最优设计,最终可以被建模为必须解决的相应多目标优化问题(MOPS),以获得近似帕累托最佳前端。基于分解(MOEA / D)的多目标进化算法被认为是解决MOP的明显有希望的方法。最近的研究表明,具有均匀重量载体的MoEA / D非常适合于普通帕累托最佳前端的拖把,但在多样性方面的性能通常会在解决带有不规则帕累托最佳方向时造成拖镜时劣化。以这种方式,通过该算法获得的解决方案集不能为决策者提供更合理的选择。为了有效地克服这一缺点,我们通过众所周知的Pascoletti-Serafini标定方法和多参考点的新策略提出了一种改进的MoA / D算法。具体地,该策略包括由等距分区和投影的技术产生的参考点的设置和调整组成。对于性能评估,将所提出的算法与现有的四个最先进的多目标进化算法进行比较,这些算法与各种类型的帕累托最优前锋和两个现实世界拖把的基准测试问题相比,包括舱口盖设计和火箭喷射器设计在工程优化中。根据实验结果,所提出的算法表现出比其他比较算法更好的分集性能。
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Most multimodal multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MMEAs) aim to find all global Pareto optimal sets (PSs) for a multimodal multi-objective optimization problem (MMOP). However, in real-world problems, decision makers (DMs) may be also interested in local PSs. Also, searching for both global and local PSs is more general in view of dealing with MMOPs, which can be seen as a generalized MMOP. In addition, the state-of-the-art MMEAs exhibit poor convergence on high-dimension MMOPs. To address the above two issues, in this study, a novel coevolutionary framework termed CoMMEA for multimodal multi-objective optimization is proposed to better obtain both global and local PSs, and simultaneously, to improve the convergence performance in dealing with high-dimension MMOPs. Specifically, the CoMMEA introduces two archives to the search process, and coevolves them simultaneously through effective knowledge transfer. The convergence archive assists the CoMMEA to quickly approaching the Pareto optimal front (PF). The knowledge of the converged solutions is then transferred to the diversity archive which utilizes the local convergence indicator and the $\epsilon$-dominance-based method to obtain global and local PSs effectively. Experimental results show that CoMMEA is competitive compared to seven state-of-the-art MMEAs on fifty-four complex MMOPs.
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客户满意度在移动设备中的能源消耗至关重要。应用程序中最耗能的部分之一是图像。尽管具有不同质量的不同图像消耗了不同量的能量,但没有直接的方法来计算典型图像中操作的能量消耗。首先,本文调查了能源消耗与图像质量以及图像文件大小之间存在相关性。因此,这两者可以被视为能源消耗的代理。然后,我们提出了一种多目标策略,以增强图像质量并根据JPEG图像压缩中的定量表减少图像文件大小。为此,我们使用了两种一般的多目标元启发式方法:基于标量和基于帕累托。标量方法找到基于组合不同目标的单个最佳解决方案,而基于帕累托的技术旨在实现一组解决方案。在本文中,我们将策略纳入五种标量算法,包括能量感知的多目标遗传算法(ENMOGA),能量感知的多目标粒子群优化(ENMOPSO),能量感知的多目标多目标差异进化(ENMODE)(ENMODE)(ENMODE) ,能源感知的多目标进化策略(ENMOES)和能量感知的多目标模式搜索(ENMOPS)。此外,使用两种基于帕累托的方法,包括非主导的分类遗传算法(NSGA-II)和基于参考点的NSGA-II(NSGA-III),用于嵌入方案,以及两种基于帕累托的算法,即两种基于帕累托的算法,即提出了Ennsgaii和Ennsgaiii。实验研究表明,基线算法的性能通过将拟议策略嵌入到元启发式算法中来提高。
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在多目标优化中,一组具有各种功能的可扩展测试问题使研究人员可以调查和评估不同优化算法的能力,因此可以帮助他们设计和开发更有效,更有效的方法。现有的测试问题套件主要集中在所有目标彼此完全冲突的情况下。在这种情况下,目标空间中的M-Obigntive优化问题具有(M-1)维帕累托前沿。但是,在某些优化问题中,目标之间可能存在意外的特征,例如冗余。某些目标的冗余可能会导致具有堕落的帕累托正面的多物镜问题,即,$ m $ - 目标问题的帕累托正面的尺寸小于(M-1)。在本文中,我们系统地研究了退化的多目标问题。我们抽象了退化问题的三个一般特征,这些特征未在文献中进行制定和系统地研究。基于这些特征,我们提出了一组测试问题,以支持在具有冗余目标的情况下对多目标优化算法进行研究。据我们所知,这项工作是第一项明确提出退化问题的三个特征,从而使所得的测试问题的一般性具有一般性的特征,与为特定目的设计的现有测试问题相比(例如,可视化),则允许所得的测试问题。 )。
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我们最近提出了安全的 - 解决方案和健身进化 - 一种相应的协调算法,该算法维持两个共同发展的人群:候选解决方案和候选目标函数的种群。我们表明,安全在机器人迷宫领域内发展溶液的成功。本文中,我们介绍了Safe的适应和对多目标问题的应用的研究,其中候选目标功能探索了每个目标的不同权重。尽管初步的结果表明,安全以及共同发展的解决方案和目标功能的概念可以识别一组类似的最佳多物镜解决方案,而无需显式使用帕累托前锋进行健身计算和父母选择。这些发现支持我们的假设,即安全算法概念不仅可以解决复杂的问题,而且可以适应多个目标问题的挑战。
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The NSGA-II is one of the most prominent algorithms to solve multi-objective optimization problems. Despite numerous successful applications, several studies have shown that the NSGA-II is less effective for larger numbers of objectives. In this work, we use mathematical runtime analyses to rigorously demonstrate and quantify this phenomenon. We show that even on the simple OneMinMax benchmark, where every solution is Pareto optimal, the NSGA-II also with large population sizes cannot compute the full Pareto front (objective vectors of all Pareto optima) in sub-exponential time when the number of objectives is at least three. Our proofs suggest that the reason for this unexpected behavior lies in the fact that in the computation of the crowding distance, the different objectives are regarded independently. This is not a problem for two objectives, where any sorting of a pair-wise incomparable set of solutions according to one objective is also such a sorting according to the other objective (in the inverse order).
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非主导的分类遗传算法II(NSGA-II)是现实应用中最强烈使用的多目标进化算法(MOEA)。然而,与几个通过数学手段分析的几个简单的MOES相反,到目前为止,NSGA-II也不存在这种研究。在这项工作中,我们表明,数学运行时分析也可用于NSGA-II。结果,我们证明,由于持续因素大于帕累托前方大小的人口大小,具有两个经典突变算子的NSGA-II和三种不同的选择父母的方式满足与Semo和GSEMO相同的渐近运行时保证基本ineminmax和Lotz基准函数的算法。但是,如果人口大小仅等于帕累托前面的大小,那么NSGA-II就无法有效地计算完整的帕累托前部(对于指数迭代,人口总是错过帕累托前部的恒定分数) 。我们的实验证实了上述研究结果。
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Multi-objective feature selection is one of the most significant issues in the field of pattern recognition. It is challenging because it maximizes the classification performance and, at the same time, minimizes the number of selected features, and the mentioned two objectives are usually conflicting. To achieve a better Pareto optimal solution, metaheuristic optimization methods are widely used in many studies. However, the main drawback is the exploration of a large search space. Another problem with multi-objective feature selection approaches is the interaction between features. Selecting correlated features has negative effect on classification performance. To tackle these problems, we present a novel multi-objective feature selection method that has several advantages. Firstly, it considers the interaction between features using an advanced probability scheme. Secondly, it is based on the Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (PAES) method that has several advantages such as simplicity and its speed in exploring the solution space. However, we improve the structure of PAES in such a way that generates the offsprings, intelligently. Thus, the proposed method utilizes the introduced probability scheme to produce more promising offsprings. Finally, it is equipped with a novel strategy that guides it to find the optimum number of features through the process of evolution. The experimental results show a significant improvement in finding the optimal Pareto front compared to state-of-the-art methods on different real-world datasets.
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Network structure evolves with time in the real world, and the discovery of changing communities in dynamic networks is an important research topic that poses challenging tasks. Most existing methods assume that no significant change in the network occurs; namely, the difference between adjacent snapshots is slight. However, great change exists in the real world usually. The great change in the network will result in the community detection algorithms are difficulty obtaining valuable information from the previous snapshot, leading to negative transfer for the next time steps. This paper focuses on dynamic community detection with substantial changes by integrating higher-order knowledge from the previous snapshots to aid the subsequent snapshots. Moreover, to improve search efficiency, a higher-order knowledge transfer strategy is designed to determine first-order and higher-order knowledge by detecting the similarity of the adjacency matrix of snapshots. In this way, our proposal can better keep the advantages of previous community detection results and transfer them to the next task. We conduct the experiments on four real-world networks, including the networks with great or minor changes. Experimental results in the low-similarity datasets demonstrate that higher-order knowledge is more valuable than first-order knowledge when the network changes significantly and keeps the advantage even if handling the high-similarity datasets. Our proposal can also guide other dynamic optimization problems with great changes.
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Explicitly accounting for uncertainties is paramount to the safety of engineering structures. Optimization which is often carried out at the early stage of the structural design offers an ideal framework for this task. When the uncertainties are mainly affecting the objective function, robust design optimization is traditionally considered. This work further assumes the existence of multiple and competing objective functions that need to be dealt with simultaneously. The optimization problem is formulated by considering quantiles of the objective functions which allows for the combination of both optimality and robustness in a single metric. By introducing the concept of common random numbers, the resulting nested optimization problem may be solved using a general-purpose solver, herein the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). The computational cost of such an approach is however a serious hurdle to its application in real-world problems. We therefore propose a surrogate-assisted approach using Kriging as an inexpensive approximation of the associated computational model. The proposed approach consists of sequentially carrying out NSGA-II while using an adaptively built Kriging model to estimate the quantiles. Finally, the methodology is adapted to account for mixed categorical-continuous parameters as the applications involve the selection of qualitative design parameters as well. The methodology is first applied to two analytical examples showing its efficiency. The third application relates to the selection of optimal renovation scenarios of a building considering both its life cycle cost and environmental impact. It shows that when it comes to renovation, the heating system replacement should be the priority.
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即使多模式的多目标多目标进化算法(MMOEA)旨在找到良好的解决方案,分布在所有本地最佳近似值集的多模式多模式多目标优化问题(MMOP)中,发现发现的风险是,发现的一组是一组。解决方案无法平稳导航,因为该解决方案属于各种壁ni,从而减少了决策者的见解。为了解决此问题,提出了一个新的mmoeA:多模式的B \'Ezier进化算法(MM-BEZEA),该算法产生近似集,涵盖单个利基市场并表现出固有的决策空间平稳性,因为它们由B \'参数化。Ezier曲线。MM-BEZEA结合了最近引入的bezea和Mo-Hillvallea背后的概念,以找到所有本地最佳近似集。当用线性帕累托套件上的MMOP上的MMOEAS MO_RING_PSO_SCD和MO-HILLVALLEA进行基准测试时,发现MM-BEZEA在最佳的HyperVolume方面表现最好。
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我们对两个单目标和两个多目标的全局全局优化算法进行了全面的全局灵敏度分析,作为算法配置问题。也就是说,我们研究了超参数对算法的直接效果和与其他超参数的效果的影响的影响质量。使用三种敏感性分析方法Morris LHS,Morris和Sobol,可以系统地分析协方差矩阵适应进化策略,差异进化,非主导的遗传算法III和多目标进化算法的可调型矩阵适应性进化策略,基于框架的分解,基于框架揭示,基于框架的遗传算法,超参数对抽样方法和性能指标的行为。也就是说,它回答了等问题,例如什么超参数会影响模式,它们的互动方式,相互作用的互动程度以及其直接影响程度。因此,超参数的排名表明它们的调整顺序,影响模式揭示了算法的稳定性。
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