denoisis扩散概率模型(DDPM)能够通过引入独立的噪声吸引分类器来在每次deosoing过程的时间步骤中提供条件梯度指导,从而使有条件的图像从先前的噪声到真实数据。但是,由于分类器能够轻松地区分不完全生成的图像仅具有高级结构的能力,因此梯度是一种类信息指导,倾向于尽早消失,导致从条件生成过程中崩溃到无条件过程。为了解决这个问题,我们从两个角度提出了两种简单但有效的方法。对于抽样程序,我们将预测分布的熵作为指导消失水平的度量,并提出一种熵感知的缩放方法,以适应性地恢复条件语义指导。每个生成样品的%。对于训练阶段,我们提出了熵吸引的优化目标,以减轻噪音数据的过度自信预测。在Imagenet1000 256x256中,我们提出的采样方案和训练有素的分类器(预训练的条件和无条件的DDPM模型可以实现10.89%(4.59至4.59至4.09))和43.5%(12至6.78)FID改善。
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We show that diffusion models can achieve image sample quality superior to the current state-of-the-art generative models. We achieve this on unconditional image synthesis by finding a better architecture through a series of ablations. For conditional image synthesis, we further improve sample quality with classifier guidance: a simple, compute-efficient method for trading off diversity for fidelity using gradients from a classifier. We achieve an FID of 2.97 on ImageNet 128×128, 4.59 on ImageNet 256×256, and 7.72 on ImageNet 512×512, and we match BigGAN-deep even with as few as 25 forward passes per sample, all while maintaining better coverage of the distribution. Finally, we find that classifier guidance combines well with upsampling diffusion models, further improving FID to 3.94 on ImageNet 256×256 and 3.85 on ImageNet 512×512. We release our code at
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In recent years, generative models have undergone significant advancement due to the success of diffusion models. The success of these models is often attributed to their use of guidance techniques, such as classifier and classifier-free methods, which provides effective mechanisms to trade-off between fidelity and diversity. However, these methods are not capable of guiding a generated image to be aware of its geometric configuration, e.g., depth, which hinders the application of diffusion models to areas that require a certain level of depth awareness. To address this limitation, we propose a novel guidance approach for diffusion models that uses estimated depth information derived from the rich intermediate representations of diffusion models. To do this, we first present a label-efficient depth estimation framework using the internal representations of diffusion models. At the sampling phase, we utilize two guidance techniques to self-condition the generated image using the estimated depth map, the first of which uses pseudo-labeling, and the subsequent one uses a depth-domain diffusion prior. Experiments and extensive ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in guiding the diffusion models toward geometrically plausible image generation. Project page is available at
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与生成的对抗网(GAN)相比,降级扩散概率模型(DDPM)在各种图像生成任务中取得了显着成功。关于语义图像综合的最新工作主要遵循\ emph {de exto}基于gan的方法,这可能导致生成图像的质量或多样性不令人满意。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于DDPM的新型框架,用于语义图像合成。与先前的条件扩散模型不同,将语义布局和嘈杂的图像作为输入为U-NET结构,该结构可能无法完全利用输入语义掩码中的信息,我们的框架处理语义布局和嘈杂的图像不同。它将噪声图像馈送到U-NET结构的编码器时,而语义布局通过多层空间自适应归一化操作符将语义布局馈送到解码器。为了进一步提高语义图像合成中的发电质量和语义解释性,我们介绍了无分类器的指导采样策略,该策略承认采样过程的无条件模型的得分。在三个基准数据集上进行的广泛实验证明了我们提出的方法的有效性,从而在忠诚度(FID)和多样性〜(LPIPS)方面实现了最先进的性能。
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Diffusion-based generative models have achieved remarkable success in image generation. Their guidance formulation allows an external model to plug-and-play control the generation process for various tasks without fine-tuning the diffusion model. However, the direct use of publicly available off-the-shelf models for guidance fails due to their poor performance on noisy inputs. For that, the existing practice is to fine-tune the guidance models with labeled data corrupted with noises. In this paper, we argue that this practice has limitations in two aspects: (1) performing on inputs with extremely various noises is too hard for a single model; (2) collecting labeled datasets hinders scaling up for various tasks. To tackle the limitations, we propose a novel strategy that leverages multiple experts where each expert is specialized in a particular noise range and guides the reverse process at its corresponding timesteps. However, as it is infeasible to manage multiple networks and utilize labeled data, we present a practical guidance framework termed Practical Plug-And-Play (PPAP), which leverages parameter-efficient fine-tuning and data-free knowledge transfer. We exhaustively conduct ImageNet class conditional generation experiments to show that our method can successfully guide diffusion with small trainable parameters and no labeled data. Finally, we show that image classifiers, depth estimators, and semantic segmentation models can guide publicly available GLIDE through our framework in a plug-and-play manner.
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Conditional diffusion probabilistic models can model the distribution of natural images and can generate diverse and realistic samples based on given conditions. However, oftentimes their results can be unrealistic with observable color shifts and textures. We believe that this issue results from the divergence between the probabilistic distribution learned by the model and the distribution of natural images. The delicate conditions gradually enlarge the divergence during each sampling timestep. To address this issue, we introduce a new method that brings the predicted samples to the training data manifold using a pretrained unconditional diffusion model. The unconditional model acts as a regularizer and reduces the divergence introduced by the conditional model at each sampling step. We perform comprehensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on super-resolution, colorization, turbulence removal, and image-deraining tasks. The improvements obtained by our method suggest that the priors can be incorporated as a general plugin for improving conditional diffusion models.
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在连续时间域上表示为随机微分方程的基于扩散的方法最近已证明是一种非对抗性生成模型。培训此类模型依赖于denoising得分匹配,可以将其视为多尺度的Denoising自动编码器。在这里,我们扩大了Denoising分数匹配框架,以实现表示无监督信号的表示。 GAN和VAE通过将潜在代码直接转换为数据样本来学习表示形式。相比之下,引入的基于扩散的表示学习依赖于Denoisising分数匹配目标的新公式,因此编码了DeNoising所需的信息。我们说明了这种差异如何允许对表示中编码的细节级别进行手动控制。使用相同的方法,我们建议学习无限维度的潜在代码,该代码可在半监督图像分类中改善最先进的模型。我们还将扩散评分匹配的学术表示表示与自动编码器等其他方法的质量进行比较,并通过其在下游任务上的性能进行对比训练的系统。
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非自动进取的生成变压器最近表现出令人印象深刻的图像产生性能,并且比自动回归对应物更快。但是,从视觉令牌的真实关节分布中进行的最佳并行采样仍然是一个开放的挑战。在本文中,我们介绍了代币批评,这是一种辅助模型,用于指导非自动性生成变压器的采样。鉴于掩盖和重建的真实图像,对代币批判性模型进行了训练,以区分哪种视觉令牌属于原始图像,哪些是由生成变压器采样的。在非自动回归迭代采样过程中,令牌批评者用于选择要接受的代币以及拒绝和重新取样的代币。再加上最先进的生成变压器令牌 - 批判性可显着提高其性能,并且在挑战性的课堂条件化成像生成中,就产生的图像质量和多样性之间的权衡取舍了最近的扩散模型和gan 。
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深度学习表现出巨大的生成任务潜力。生成模型是可以根据某些隐含参数随机生成观测值的模型类。最近,扩散模型由于其发电能力而成为一类生成模型。如今,已经取得了巨大的成就。除了计算机视觉,语音产生,生物信息学和自然语言处理外,还需要在该领域探索更多应用。但是,扩散模型具有缓慢生成过程的自然缺点,从而导致许多增强的作品。该调查总结了扩散模型的领域。我们首先说明了两项具有里程碑意义的作品的主要问题-DDPM和DSM。然后,我们提供各种高级技术,以加快扩散模型 - 训练时间表,无训练采样,混合模型以及得分和扩散统一。关于现有模型,我们还根据特定的NFE提供了FID得分的基准和NLL。此外,引入了带有扩散模型的应用程序,包括计算机视觉,序列建模,音频和科学AI。最后,该领域以及局限性和进一步的方向都进行了摘要。
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我们定义了更广泛的腐败过程,该过程概括了先前已知的扩散模型。为了扭转这些一般的扩散,我们提出了一个称为“软得分匹配”的新目标,可以证明可以学习任何线性腐败过程的得分功能,并为Celeba提供最先进的结果。软得分匹配结合了网络中的降解过程,并训练模型以预测腐败与扩散观察相匹配的干净图像。我们表明,我们的目标在适当的规律性条件下为腐败过程的家庭学习了可能性的梯度。我们进一步开发了一种原则性的方法,以选择一般扩散过程的损坏水平和一种我们称为动量采样器的新型抽样方法。我们评估了我们的框架,腐败是高斯模糊和低幅度添加噪声。我们的方法在Celeba-64上获得了最先进的FID得分$ 1.85 $,表现优于所有以前的线性扩散模型。与香草deno的扩散相比,我们还显示出显着的计算益处。
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我们表明,级联扩散模型能够在类条件的想象生成基准上生成高保真图像,而无需辅助图像分类器的任何帮助来提高样品质量。级联的扩散模型包括多个扩散模型的流水线,其产生越来越多的分辨率,以最低分辨率的标准扩散模型开始,然后是一个或多个超分辨率扩散模型,其连续上追随图像并添加更高的分辨率细节。我们发现级联管道的样本质量至关重要的是调节增强,我们提出的数据增强较低分辨率调节输入到超级分辨率模型的方法。我们的实验表明,调节增强防止在级联模型中采样过程中的复合误差,帮助我们在256×256分辨率下,在128x128和4.88,优于63.02的分类精度分数,培训级联管道。 %(TOP-1)和84.06%(TOP-5)在256x256,优于VQ-VAE-2。
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过去十年已经开发了各种各样的深度生成模型。然而,这些模型通常同时努力解决三个关键要求,包括:高样本质量,模式覆盖和快速采样。我们称之为这些要求所征收的挑战是生成的学习Trielemma,因为现有模型经常为他人交易其中一些。特别是,去噪扩散模型表明了令人印象深刻的样本质量和多样性,但它们昂贵的采样尚未允许它们在许多现实世界应用中应用。在本文中,我们认为这些模型中的缓慢采样基本上归因于去噪步骤中的高斯假设,这些假设仅针对小型尺寸的尺寸。为了使得具有大步骤的去噪,从而减少去噪步骤的总数,我们建议使用复杂的多模态分布来模拟去噪分布。我们引入了去噪扩散生成的对抗网络(去噪扩散GANS),其使用多模式条件GaN模拟每个去噪步骤。通过广泛的评估,我们表明去噪扩散GAN获得原始扩散模型的样本质量和多样性,而在CIFAR-10数据集中是2000 $ \时代。与传统的GAN相比,我们的模型表现出更好的模式覆盖和样本多样性。据我们所知,去噪扩散GaN是第一模型,可在扩散模型中降低采样成本,以便允许它们廉价地应用于现实世界应用。项目页面和代码:
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扩散概率模型已被证明在几个竞争性图像综合基准上产生最先进的结果,但缺乏低维,可解释的潜在空间,并且在一代中慢慢。另一方面,变形AutoEncoders(VAES)通常可以访问低维潜空间,但表现出差的样品质量。尽管最近的进步,VAE通常需要潜在代码的高维层次结构来产生高质量样本。我们呈现DiffUsevae,一种新的生成框架,它在扩散模型框架内集成了VAE,并利用这一点以设计用于扩散模型的新型条件参数化。我们表明所得模型可以在采样效率方面提高无条件扩散模型,同时还配备了具有低维VAE的扩散模型推断潜码。此外,我们表明所提出的模型可以产生高分辨率样本,并展示与标准基准上的最先进模型相当的合成质量。最后,我们表明所提出的方法可用于可控制的图像合成,并且还展示了图像超分辨率和去噪等下游任务的开箱即用功能。为了重现性,我们的源代码将公开可用于\ url {}。
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Denoising diffusion (score-based) generative models have recently achieved significant accomplishments in generating realistic and diverse data. These approaches define a forward diffusion process for transforming data into noise and a backward denoising process for sampling data from noise. Unfortunately, the generation process of current denoising diffusion models is notoriously slow due to the lengthy iterative noise estimations, which rely on cumbersome neural networks. It prevents the diffusion models from being widely deployed, especially on edge devices. Previous works accelerate the generation process of diffusion model (DM) via finding shorter yet effective sampling trajectories. However, they overlook the cost of noise estimation with a heavy network in every iteration. In this work, we accelerate generation from the perspective of compressing the noise estimation network. Due to the difficulty of retraining DMs, we exclude mainstream training-aware compression paradigms and introduce post-training quantization (PTQ) into DM acceleration. However, the output distributions of noise estimation networks change with time-step, making previous PTQ methods fail in DMs since they are designed for single-time step scenarios. To devise a DM-specific PTQ method, we explore PTQ on DM in three aspects: quantized operations, calibration dataset, and calibration metric. We summarize and use several observations derived from all-inclusive investigations to formulate our method, which especially targets the unique multi-time-step structure of DMs. Experimentally, our method can directly quantize full-precision DMs into 8-bit models while maintaining or even improving their performance in a training-free manner. Importantly, our method can serve as a plug-and-play module on other fast-sampling methods, e.g., DDIM.
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