Conditional diffusion probabilistic models can model the distribution of natural images and can generate diverse and realistic samples based on given conditions. However, oftentimes their results can be unrealistic with observable color shifts and textures. We believe that this issue results from the divergence between the probabilistic distribution learned by the model and the distribution of natural images. The delicate conditions gradually enlarge the divergence during each sampling timestep. To address this issue, we introduce a new method that brings the predicted samples to the training data manifold using a pretrained unconditional diffusion model. The unconditional model acts as a regularizer and reduces the divergence introduced by the conditional model at each sampling step. We perform comprehensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on super-resolution, colorization, turbulence removal, and image-deraining tasks. The improvements obtained by our method suggest that the priors can be incorporated as a general plugin for improving conditional diffusion models.
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While deep learning-based methods for blind face restoration have achieved unprecedented success, they still suffer from two major limitations. First, most of them deteriorate when facing complex degradations out of their training data. Second, these methods require multiple constraints, e.g., fidelity, perceptual, and adversarial losses, which require laborious hyper-parameter tuning to stabilize and balance their influences. In this work, we propose a novel method named DifFace that is capable of coping with unseen and complex degradations more gracefully without complicated loss designs. The key of our method is to establish a posterior distribution from the observed low-quality (LQ) image to its high-quality (HQ) counterpart. In particular, we design a transition distribution from the LQ image to the intermediate state of a pre-trained diffusion model and then gradually transmit from this intermediate state to the HQ target by recursively applying a pre-trained diffusion model. The transition distribution only relies on a restoration backbone that is trained with $L_2$ loss on some synthetic data, which favorably avoids the cumbersome training process in existing methods. Moreover, the transition distribution can contract the error of the restoration backbone and thus makes our method more robust to unknown degradations. Comprehensive experiments show that DifFace is superior to current state-of-the-art methods, especially in cases with severe degradations. Our code and model are available at
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在不利天气条件下的图像恢复对各种计算机视觉应用引起了重大兴趣。最近的成功方法取决于深度神经网络架构设计(例如,具有视觉变压器)的当前进展。由最新的条件生成模型取得的最新进展的动机,我们提出了一种基于贴片的图像恢复算法,基于脱氧扩散概率模型。我们的基于贴片的扩散建模方法可以通过使用指导的DeNoising过程进行尺寸 - 不足的图像恢复,并在推理过程中对重叠贴片进行平滑的噪声估计。我们在基准数据集上经验评估了我们的模型,以进行图像,混合的降低和飞行以及去除雨滴的去除。我们展示了我们在特定天气和多天气图像恢复上实现最先进的表演的方法,并在质量上表现出对现实世界测试图像的强烈概括。
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Recent deep learning methods have achieved promising results in image shadow removal. However, their restored images still suffer from unsatisfactory boundary artifacts, due to the lack of degradation prior embedding and the deficiency in modeling capacity. Our work addresses these issues by proposing a unified diffusion framework that integrates both the image and degradation priors for highly effective shadow removal. In detail, we first propose a shadow degradation model, which inspires us to build a novel unrolling diffusion model, dubbed ShandowDiffusion. It remarkably improves the model's capacity in shadow removal via progressively refining the desired output with both degradation prior and diffusive generative prior, which by nature can serve as a new strong baseline for image restoration. Furthermore, ShadowDiffusion progressively refines the estimated shadow mask as an auxiliary task of the diffusion generator, which leads to more accurate and robust shadow-free image generation. We conduct extensive experiments on three popular public datasets, including ISTD, ISTD+, and SRD, to validate our method's effectiveness. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods, our model achieves a significant improvement in terms of PSNR, increasing from 31.69dB to 34.73dB over SRD dataset.
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Generating photos satisfying multiple constraints find broad utility in the content creation industry. A key hurdle to accomplishing this task is the need for paired data consisting of all modalities (i.e., constraints) and their corresponding output. Moreover, existing methods need retraining using paired data across all modalities to introduce a new condition. This paper proposes a solution to this problem based on denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs). Our motivation for choosing diffusion models over other generative models comes from the flexible internal structure of diffusion models. Since each sampling step in the DDPM follows a Gaussian distribution, we show that there exists a closed-form solution for generating an image given various constraints. Our method can unite multiple diffusion models trained on multiple sub-tasks and conquer the combined task through our proposed sampling strategy. We also introduce a novel reliability parameter that allows using different off-the-shelf diffusion models trained across various datasets during sampling time alone to guide it to the desired outcome satisfying multiple constraints. We perform experiments on various standard multimodal tasks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. More details can be found in
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自由格式介绍是在任意二进制掩码指定的区域中向图像中添加新内容的任务。大多数现有方法训练了一定的面具分布,这将其概括能力限制为看不见的掩模类型。此外,通过像素和知觉损失的训练通常会导致对缺失区域的简单质地扩展,而不是语义上有意义的一代。在这项工作中,我们提出重新启动:基于deno的扩散概率模型(DDPM)的内部介入方法,甚至适用于极端掩模。我们采用预定的无条件DDPM作为生成先验。为了调节生成过程,我们仅通过使用给定的图像信息对未掩盖的区域进行采样来改变反向扩散迭代。由于该技术不会修改或调节原始DDPM网络本身,因此该模型可为任何填充形式产生高质量和不同的输出图像。我们使用标准面具和极端口罩验证面部和通用图像的方法。重新粉刷优于最先进的自动回归,而GAN的方法至少在六个面具分布中进行了五个。 github存储库
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与生成的对抗网(GAN)相比,降级扩散概率模型(DDPM)在各种图像生成任务中取得了显着成功。关于语义图像综合的最新工作主要遵循\ emph {de exto}基于gan的方法,这可能导致生成图像的质量或多样性不令人满意。在本文中,我们提出了一个基于DDPM的新型框架,用于语义图像合成。与先前的条件扩散模型不同,将语义布局和嘈杂的图像作为输入为U-NET结构,该结构可能无法完全利用输入语义掩码中的信息,我们的框架处理语义布局和嘈杂的图像不同。它将噪声图像馈送到U-NET结构的编码器时,而语义布局通过多层空间自适应归一化操作符将语义布局馈送到解码器。为了进一步提高语义图像合成中的发电质量和语义解释性,我们介绍了无分类器的指导采样策略,该策略承认采样过程的无条件模型的得分。在三个基准数据集上进行的广泛实验证明了我们提出的方法的有效性,从而在忠诚度(FID)和多样性〜(LPIPS)方面实现了最先进的性能。
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Most existing Image Restoration (IR) models are task-specific, which can not be generalized to different degradation operators. In this work, we propose the Denoising Diffusion Null-Space Model (DDNM), a novel zero-shot framework for arbitrary linear IR problems, including but not limited to image super-resolution, colorization, inpainting, compressed sensing, and deblurring. DDNM only needs a pre-trained off-the-shelf diffusion model as the generative prior, without any extra training or network modifications. By refining only the null-space contents during the reverse diffusion process, we can yield diverse results satisfying both data consistency and realness. We further propose an enhanced and robust version, dubbed DDNM+, to support noisy restoration and improve restoration quality for hard tasks. Our experiments on several IR tasks reveal that DDNM outperforms other state-of-the-art zero-shot IR methods. We also demonstrate that DDNM+ can solve complex real-world applications, e.g., old photo restoration.
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扩散模型(DMS)显示出高质量图像合成的巨大潜力。但是,当涉及到具有复杂场景的图像时,如何正确描述图像全局结构和对象细节仍然是一项具有挑战性的任务。在本文中,我们提出了弗里多(Frido),这是一种特征金字塔扩散模型,该模型执行了图像合成的多尺度粗到1个降解过程。我们的模型将输入图像分解为依赖比例的矢量量化特征,然后是用于产生图像输出的粗到细门。在上述多尺度表示阶段,可以进一步利用文本,场景图或图像布局等其他输入条件。因此,还可以将弗里多应用于条件或跨模式图像合成。我们对各种无条件和有条件的图像生成任务进行了广泛的实验,从文本到图像综合,布局到图像,场景环形图像到标签形象。更具体地说,我们在五个基准测试中获得了最先进的FID分数,即可可和开阔图像的布局到图像,可可和视觉基因组的场景环形图像以及可可的标签对图像图像。 。代码可在上找到。
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Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) have recently been employed for image deblurring. DPMs are trained via a stochastic denoising process that maps Gaussian noise to the high-quality image, conditioned on the concatenated blurry input. Despite their high-quality generated samples, image-conditioned Diffusion Probabilistic Models (icDPM) rely on synthetic pairwise training data (in-domain), with potentially unclear robustness towards real-world unseen images (out-of-domain). In this work, we investigate the generalization ability of icDPMs in deblurring, and propose a simple but effective guidance to significantly alleviate artifacts, and improve the out-of-distribution performance. Particularly, we propose to first extract a multiscale domain-generalizable representation from the input image that removes domain-specific information while preserving the underlying image structure. The representation is then added into the feature maps of the conditional diffusion model as an extra guidance that helps improving the generalization. To benchmark, we focus on out-of-distribution performance by applying a single-dataset trained model to three external and diverse test sets. The effectiveness of the proposed formulation is demonstrated by improvements over the standard icDPM, as well as state-of-the-art performance on perceptual quality and competitive distortion metrics compared to existing methods.
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We show that diffusion models can achieve image sample quality superior to the current state-of-the-art generative models. We achieve this on unconditional image synthesis by finding a better architecture through a series of ablations. For conditional image synthesis, we further improve sample quality with classifier guidance: a simple, compute-efficient method for trading off diversity for fidelity using gradients from a classifier. We achieve an FID of 2.97 on ImageNet 128×128, 4.59 on ImageNet 256×256, and 7.72 on ImageNet 512×512, and we match BigGAN-deep even with as few as 25 forward passes per sample, all while maintaining better coverage of the distribution. Finally, we find that classifier guidance combines well with upsampling diffusion models, further improving FID to 3.94 on ImageNet 256×256 and 3.85 on ImageNet 512×512. We release our code at
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现代监视系统使用基于深度学习的面部验证网络执行人员认可。大多数最先进的面部验证系统都是使用可见光谱图像训练的。但是,在弱光和夜间条件的情况下,在可见光谱中获取图像是不切实际的,并且通常在诸如热红外域之类的替代域中捕获图像。在检索相应的可见域图像后,通常在热图像中进行面部验证。这是一个公认的问题,通常称为热能(T2V)图像翻译。在本文中,我们建议针对面部图像的T2V翻译基于Denoising扩散概率模型(DDPM)解决方案。在训练过程中,该模型通过扩散过程了解了它们相应的热图像,可见面部图像的条件分布。在推断过程中,可见的域图像是通过从高斯噪声开始并反复执行的。 DDPM的现有推理过程是随机且耗时的。因此,我们提出了一种新颖的推理策略,以加快DDPM的推理时间,特别是用于T2V图像翻译问题。我们在多个数据集上实现了最新结果。代码和验证的模型可在上公开获得
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In recent years, denoising diffusion models have demonstrated outstanding image generation performance. The information on natural images captured by these models is useful for many image reconstruction applications, where the task is to restore a clean image from its degraded observations. In this work, we propose a conditional sampling scheme that exploits the prior learned by diffusion models while retaining agreement with the observations. We then combine it with a novel approach for adapting pretrained diffusion denoising networks to their input. We examine two adaption strategies: the first uses only the degraded image, while the second, which we advocate, is performed using images that are ``nearest neighbors'' of the degraded image, retrieved from a diverse dataset using an off-the-shelf visual-language model. To evaluate our method, we test it on two state-of-the-art publicly available diffusion models, Stable Diffusion and Guided Diffusion. We show that our proposed `adaptive diffusion for image reconstruction' (ADIR) approach achieves a significant improvement in the super-resolution, deblurring, and text-based editing tasks.
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Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have made great success in image inpainting yet still have difficulties tackling large missing regions. In contrast, iterative algorithms, such as autoregressive and denoising diffusion models, have to be deployed with massive computing resources for decent effect. To overcome the respective limitations, we present a novel spatial diffusion model (SDM) that uses a few iterations to gradually deliver informative pixels to the entire image, largely enhancing the inference efficiency. Also, thanks to the proposed decoupled probabilistic modeling and spatial diffusion scheme, our method achieves high-quality large-hole completion. On multiple benchmarks, we achieve new state-of-the-art performance. Code is released at
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