In recent years, denoising diffusion models have demonstrated outstanding image generation performance. The information on natural images captured by these models is useful for many image reconstruction applications, where the task is to restore a clean image from its degraded observations. In this work, we propose a conditional sampling scheme that exploits the prior learned by diffusion models while retaining agreement with the observations. We then combine it with a novel approach for adapting pretrained diffusion denoising networks to their input. We examine two adaption strategies: the first uses only the degraded image, while the second, which we advocate, is performed using images that are ``nearest neighbors'' of the degraded image, retrieved from a diverse dataset using an off-the-shelf visual-language model. To evaluate our method, we test it on two state-of-the-art publicly available diffusion models, Stable Diffusion and Guided Diffusion. We show that our proposed `adaptive diffusion for image reconstruction' (ADIR) approach achieves a significant improvement in the super-resolution, deblurring, and text-based editing tasks.
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Conditional diffusion probabilistic models can model the distribution of natural images and can generate diverse and realistic samples based on given conditions. However, oftentimes their results can be unrealistic with observable color shifts and textures. We believe that this issue results from the divergence between the probabilistic distribution learned by the model and the distribution of natural images. The delicate conditions gradually enlarge the divergence during each sampling timestep. To address this issue, we introduce a new method that brings the predicted samples to the training data manifold using a pretrained unconditional diffusion model. The unconditional model acts as a regularizer and reduces the divergence introduced by the conditional model at each sampling step. We perform comprehensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on super-resolution, colorization, turbulence removal, and image-deraining tasks. The improvements obtained by our method suggest that the priors can be incorporated as a general plugin for improving conditional diffusion models.
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Most existing Image Restoration (IR) models are task-specific, which can not be generalized to different degradation operators. In this work, we propose the Denoising Diffusion Null-Space Model (DDNM), a novel zero-shot framework for arbitrary linear IR problems, including but not limited to image super-resolution, colorization, inpainting, compressed sensing, and deblurring. DDNM only needs a pre-trained off-the-shelf diffusion model as the generative prior, without any extra training or network modifications. By refining only the null-space contents during the reverse diffusion process, we can yield diverse results satisfying both data consistency and realness. We further propose an enhanced and robust version, dubbed DDNM+, to support noisy restoration and improve restoration quality for hard tasks. Our experiments on several IR tasks reveal that DDNM outperforms other state-of-the-art zero-shot IR methods. We also demonstrate that DDNM+ can solve complex real-world applications, e.g., old photo restoration.
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自由格式介绍是在任意二进制掩码指定的区域中向图像中添加新内容的任务。大多数现有方法训练了一定的面具分布,这将其概括能力限制为看不见的掩模类型。此外,通过像素和知觉损失的训练通常会导致对缺失区域的简单质地扩展,而不是语义上有意义的一代。在这项工作中,我们提出重新启动:基于deno的扩散概率模型(DDPM)的内部介入方法,甚至适用于极端掩模。我们采用预定的无条件DDPM作为生成先验。为了调节生成过程,我们仅通过使用给定的图像信息对未掩盖的区域进行采样来改变反向扩散迭代。由于该技术不会修改或调节原始DDPM网络本身,因此该模型可为任何填充形式产生高质量和不同的输出图像。我们使用标准面具和极端口罩验证面部和通用图像的方法。重新粉刷优于最先进的自动回归,而GAN的方法至少在六个面具分布中进行了五个。 github存储库
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最近,GaN反演方法与对比语言 - 图像预先绘制(CLIP)相结合,可以通过文本提示引导零拍摄图像操作。然而,由于GaN反转能力有限,它们对不同实物的不同实物的应用仍然困难。具体地,这些方法通常在与训练数据相比,改变对象标识或产生不需要的图像伪影的比较与新颖姿势,视图和高度可变内容重建具有新颖姿势,视图和高度可变内容的困难。为了减轻这些问题并实现真实图像的忠实操纵,我们提出了一种新的方法,Dumbused Clip,其使用扩散模型执行文本驱动的图像操纵。基于近期扩散模型的完整反转能力和高质量的图像生成功率,即使在看不见的域之间也成功地执行零拍摄图像操作。此外,我们提出了一种新颖的噪声组合方法,允许简单的多属性操作。与现有基线相比,广泛的实验和人类评估确认了我们的方法的稳健和卓越的操纵性能。
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We show that diffusion models can achieve image sample quality superior to the current state-of-the-art generative models. We achieve this on unconditional image synthesis by finding a better architecture through a series of ablations. For conditional image synthesis, we further improve sample quality with classifier guidance: a simple, compute-efficient method for trading off diversity for fidelity using gradients from a classifier. We achieve an FID of 2.97 on ImageNet 128×128, 4.59 on ImageNet 256×256, and 7.72 on ImageNet 512×512, and we match BigGAN-deep even with as few as 25 forward passes per sample, all while maintaining better coverage of the distribution. Finally, we find that classifier guidance combines well with upsampling diffusion models, further improving FID to 3.94 on ImageNet 256×256 and 3.85 on ImageNet 512×512. We release our code at
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Recent works on diffusion models have demonstrated a strong capability for conditioning image generation, e.g., text-guided image synthesis. Such success inspires many efforts trying to use large-scale pre-trained diffusion models for tackling a challenging problem--real image editing. Works conducted in this area learn a unique textual token corresponding to several images containing the same object. However, under many circumstances, only one image is available, such as the painting of the Girl with a Pearl Earring. Using existing works on fine-tuning the pre-trained diffusion models with a single image causes severe overfitting issues. The information leakage from the pre-trained diffusion models makes editing can not keep the same content as the given image while creating new features depicted by the language guidance. This work aims to address the problem of single-image editing. We propose a novel model-based guidance built upon the classifier-free guidance so that the knowledge from the model trained on a single image can be distilled into the pre-trained diffusion model, enabling content creation even with one given image. Additionally, we propose a patch-based fine-tuning that can effectively help the model generate images of arbitrary resolution. We provide extensive experiments to validate the design choices of our approach and show promising editing capabilities, including changing style, content addition, and object manipulation. The code is available for research purposes at .
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Large-scale diffusion-based generative models have led to breakthroughs in text-conditioned high-resolution image synthesis. Starting from random noise, such text-to-image diffusion models gradually synthesize images in an iterative fashion while conditioning on text prompts. We find that their synthesis behavior qualitatively changes throughout this process: Early in sampling, generation strongly relies on the text prompt to generate text-aligned content, while later, the text conditioning is almost entirely ignored. This suggests that sharing model parameters throughout the entire generation process may not be ideal. Therefore, in contrast to existing works, we propose to train an ensemble of text-to-image diffusion models specialized for different synthesis stages. To maintain training efficiency, we initially train a single model, which is then split into specialized models that are trained for the specific stages of the iterative generation process. Our ensemble of diffusion models, called eDiff-I, results in improved text alignment while maintaining the same inference computation cost and preserving high visual quality, outperforming previous large-scale text-to-image diffusion models on the standard benchmark. In addition, we train our model to exploit a variety of embeddings for conditioning, including the T5 text, CLIP text, and CLIP image embeddings. We show that these different embeddings lead to different behaviors. Notably, the CLIP image embedding allows an intuitive way of transferring the style of a reference image to the target text-to-image output. Lastly, we show a technique that enables eDiff-I's "paint-with-words" capability. A user can select the word in the input text and paint it in a canvas to control the output, which is very handy for crafting the desired image in mind. The project page is available at
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我们表明,级联扩散模型能够在类条件的想象生成基准上生成高保真图像,而无需辅助图像分类器的任何帮助来提高样品质量。级联的扩散模型包括多个扩散模型的流水线,其产生越来越多的分辨率,以最低分辨率的标准扩散模型开始,然后是一个或多个超分辨率扩散模型,其连续上追随图像并添加更高的分辨率细节。我们发现级联管道的样本质量至关重要的是调节增强,我们提出的数据增强较低分辨率调节输入到超级分辨率模型的方法。我们的实验表明,调节增强防止在级联模型中采样过程中的复合误差,帮助我们在256×256分辨率下,在128x128和4.88,优于63.02的分类精度分数,培训级联管道。 %(TOP-1)和84.06%(TOP-5)在256x256,优于VQ-VAE-2。
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在不利天气条件下的图像恢复对各种计算机视觉应用引起了重大兴趣。最近的成功方法取决于深度神经网络架构设计(例如,具有视觉变压器)的当前进展。由最新的条件生成模型取得的最新进展的动机,我们提出了一种基于贴片的图像恢复算法,基于脱氧扩散概率模型。我们的基于贴片的扩散建模方法可以通过使用指导的DeNoising过程进行尺寸 - 不足的图像恢复,并在推理过程中对重叠贴片进行平滑的噪声估计。我们在基准数据集上经验评估了我们的模型,以进行图像,混合的降低和飞行以及去除雨滴的去除。我们展示了我们在特定天气和多天气图像恢复上实现最先进的表演的方法,并在质量上表现出对现实世界测试图像的强烈概括。
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利用深度学习的最新进展,文本到图像生成模型目前具有吸引公众关注的优点。其中两个模型Dall-E 2和Imagen已经证明,可以从图像的简单文本描述中生成高度逼真的图像。基于一种称为扩散模型的新型图像生成方法,文本对图像模型可以生产许多不同类型的高分辨率图像,其中人类想象力是唯一的极限。但是,这些模型需要大量的计算资源来训练,并处理从互联网收集的大量数据集。此外,代码库和模型均未发布。因此,它可以防止AI社区尝试这些尖端模型,从而使其结果复制变得复杂,即使不是不可能。在本文中,我们的目标是首先回顾这些模型使用的不同方法和技术,然后提出我们自己的文本模型模型实施。高度基于DALL-E 2,我们引入了一些轻微的修改,以应对所引起的高计算成本。因此,我们有机会进行实验,以了解这些模型的能力,尤其是在低资源制度中。特别是,我们提供了比Dall-e 2的作者(包括消融研究)更深入的分析。此外,扩散模型使用所谓的指导方法来帮助生成过程。我们引入了一种新的指导方法,该方法可以与其他指导方法一起使用,以提高图像质量。最后,我们的模型产生的图像质量相当好,而不必维持最先进的文本对图像模型的重大培训成本。
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Denoising diffusion models (DDMs) have led to staggering performance leaps in image generation, editing and restoration. However, existing DDMs use very large datasets for training. Here, we introduce a framework for training a DDM on a single image. Our method, which we coin SinDDM, learns the internal statistics of the training image by using a multi-scale diffusion process. To drive the reverse diffusion process, we use a fully-convolutional light-weight denoiser, which is conditioned on both the noise level and the scale. This architecture allows generating samples of arbitrary dimensions, in a coarse-to-fine manner. As we illustrate, SinDDM generates diverse high-quality samples, and is applicable in a wide array of tasks, including style transfer and harmonization. Furthermore, it can be easily guided by external supervision. Particularly, we demonstrate text-guided generation from a single image using a pre-trained CLIP model.
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关于文本到图像生成的研究在产生多样化和照片现实的图像方面取得了重大进展,这是由在大规模图像文本数据上训练的扩散和自动回归模型驱动的。尽管最先进的模型可以产生共同实体的高质量图像,但它们通常很难产生不常见的实体的图像,例如“ chortai(dog)”或“ picarones(食物)”。为了解决此问题,我们介绍了检索型的文本对图像生成器(Re-Imagen),这是一种生成模型,它使用检索到的信息来产生高保真和忠实的图像,即使对于稀有或看不见的实体也是如此。给定文本提示,重新构造访问外部多模式知识库以检索相关(图像,文本)对,并将它们用作引用来生成图像。通过此检索步骤,重新构造的知识是对上述实体的高级语义和低级视觉细节的了解,从而提高了其在产生实体视觉外观的准确性。我们在包含(图像,文本,检索)的构造数据集上训练Re-Imagen,以教导该模型在文本提示和检索上扎根。此外,我们制定了一种新的抽样策略,以使文本和检索条件的无分类指南交流,以平衡文本和检索对齐。 Re-Imagen在两个图像生成基准上获得了新的SOTA FID结果,例如Coco(IE,FID = 5.25)和Wikiimage(即FID = 5.82),而无需微调。为了进一步评估该模型的功能,我们介绍了EntityDrawBench,这是一种新的基准测试,可评估从多个视觉域的各种实体的图像生成,从频繁到稀有。人类对EntityDrawBench的评估表明,Re-Imagen与照片现实主义中最好的先前模型相同,但具有明显的忠诚,尤其是在较不频繁的实体上。
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标准扩散模型涉及图像变换 - 添加高斯噪声 - 以及逆转此降解的图像恢复操作员。我们观察到,扩散模型的生成行为并不是很大程度上取决于图像降解的选择,实际上,可以通过改变这种选择来构建整个生成模型家族。即使使用完全确定性的降解(例如,模糊,掩蔽等),培训和测试时间更新规则是基于扩散模型的培训和测试时间更新规则,可以轻松地概括为创建生成模型。这些完全确定的模型的成功使社区对扩散模型的理解质疑,这依赖于梯度Langevin动力学或变异推理中的噪声,并为反转任意过程的广义扩散模型铺平了道路。我们的代码可从获得
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