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Learning classifiers using skewed or imbalanced datasets can occasionally lead to classification issues; this is a serious issue. In some cases, one class contains the majority of examples while the other, which is frequently the more important class, is nevertheless represented by a smaller proportion of examples. Using this kind of data could make many carefully designed machine-learning systems ineffective. High training fidelity was a term used to describe biases vs. all other instances of the class. The best approach to all possible remedies to this issue is typically to gain from the minority class. The article examines the most widely used methods for addressing the problem of learning with a class imbalance, including data-level, algorithm-level, hybrid, cost-sensitive learning, and deep learning, etc. including their advantages and limitations. The efficiency and performance of the classifier are assessed using a myriad of evaluation metrics.
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由于欺诈模式随着时间的流逝而变化,并且欺诈示例的可用性有限,以学习这种复杂的模式,因此欺诈检测是一项具有挑战性的任务。因此,借助智能版本的机器学习(ML)工具的欺诈检测对于确保安全至关重要。欺诈检测是主要的ML分类任务;但是,相应的ML工具的最佳性能取决于最佳的超参数值的使用。此外,在不平衡类中的分类非常具有挑战性,因为它在少数群体中导致绩效差,大多数ML分类技术都忽略了。因此,我们研究了四种最先进的ML技术,即逻辑回归,决策树,随机森林和极端梯度提升,它们适用于处理不平衡类别以最大程度地提高精度并同时降低假阳性。首先,这些分类器经过两个原始基准测试不平衡检测数据集的培训,即网站网站URL和欺诈性信用卡交易。然后,通过实现采样框架,即RandomundSampler,Smote和Smoteenn,为每个原始数据集生产了三个合成平衡的数据集。使用RandomzedSearchCV方法揭示了所有16个实验的最佳超参数。使用两个基准性能指标比较了欺诈检测中16种方法的有效性,即接收器操作特性(AUC ROC)和精度和召回曲线下的面积(AUC PR)(AUC PR)。对于网络钓鱼网站URL和信用卡欺诈事务数据集,结果表明,对原始数据的极端梯度提升显示了不平衡数据集中值得信赖的性能,并以AUC ROC和AUC PR来超越其他三种方法。
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The costs and impacts of government corruption range from impairing a country's economic growth to affecting its citizens' well-being and safety. Public contracting between government dependencies and private sector instances, referred to as public procurement, is a fertile land of opportunity for corrupt practices, generating substantial monetary losses worldwide. Thus, identifying and deterring corrupt activities between the government and the private sector is paramount. However, due to several factors, corruption in public procurement is challenging to identify and track, leading to corrupt practices going unnoticed. This paper proposes a machine learning model based on an ensemble of random forest classifiers, which we call hyper-forest, to identify and predict corrupt contracts in M\'exico's public procurement data. This method's results correctly detect most of the corrupt and non-corrupt contracts evaluated in the dataset. Furthermore, we found that the most critical predictors considered in the model are those related to the relationship between buyers and suppliers rather than those related to features of individual contracts. Also, the method proposed here is general enough to be trained with data from other countries. Overall, our work presents a tool that can help in the decision-making process to identify, predict and analyze corruption in public procurement contracts.
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This paper presents a novel adaptive synthetic (ADASYN) sampling approach for learning from imbalanced data sets. The essential idea of ADASYN is to use a weighted distribution for different minority class examples according to their level of difficulty in learning, where more synthetic data is generated for minority class examples that are harder to learn compared to those minority examples that are easier to learn. As a result, the ADASYN approach improves learning with respect to the data distributions in two ways: (1) reducing the bias introduced by the class imbalance, and (2) adaptively shifting the classification decision boundary toward the difficult examples. Simulation analyses on several machine learning data sets show the effectiveness of this method across five evaluation metrics.
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如今,许多分类算法已应用于各个行业,以帮助他们在现实生活中解决他们的问题。但是,在许多二进制分类任务中,少数族裔类中的样本仅构成了所有实例的一小部分,这导致了我们通常患有高失衡比的数据集。现有模型有时将少数族裔类别视为噪音,或者将它们视为遇到数据偏斜的异常值。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个装袋合奏学习框架$ ASE $(基于异常得分的合奏学习)。该框架具有基于异常检测算法的评分系统,可以通过将多数类中的样本分为子空间来指导重采样策略。那么,特定数量的实例将从每个子空间中采样较低,以通过与少数族裔类结合来构建子集。我们根据异常检测模型的分类结果和子空间的统计数据计算由子集训练的基本分类器的权重。已经进行了实验,这表明我们的合奏学习模型可以显着提高基本分类器的性能,并且比在广泛的不平衡比率,数据量表和数据维度下的其他现有方法更有效。 $ ase $可以与各种分类器结合使用,我们的框架的每个部分都被证明是合理和必要的。
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不平衡的数据(ID)是阻止机器学习(ML)模型以实现令人满意的结果的问题。 ID是一种情况,即属于一个类别的样本的数量超过另一个类别的情况,这使此类模型学习过程偏向多数类。近年来,为了解决这个问题,已经提出了几种解决方案,该解决方案选择合成为少数族裔类生成新数据,或者减少平衡数据的多数类的数量。因此,在本文中,我们研究了基于深神经网络(DNN)和卷积神经网络(CNN)的方法的有效性,并与各种众所周知的不平衡数据解决方案混合,这意味着过采样和降采样。为了评估我们的方法,我们使用了龙骨,乳腺癌和Z-Alizadeh Sani数据集。为了获得可靠的结果,我们通过随机洗牌的数据分布进行了100次实验。分类结果表明,混合的合成少数族裔过采样技术(SMOTE) - 正态化-CNN优于在24个不平衡数据集上达到99.08%精度的不同方法。因此,提出的混合模型可以应用于其他实际数据集上的不平衡算法分类问题。
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根据研究人员在歧视和校准性能方面采用的标准评估实践,这项工作旨在了解阶级不平衡对胸部X射线分类器的性能的影响。首先,我们进行了一项文献研究,分析了普通科学实践并确认:(1)即使在处理高度不平衡的数据集时,社区也倾向于使用由大多数阶级主导的指标; (2)包括包括胸部X射线分类器的校准研究仍然罕见,尽管其在医疗保健的背景下的重要性。其次,我们对两个主要胸部X射线数据集进行了系统实验,探讨了不同类别比率下的几种性能指标的行为,并显示了广泛采用的指标可以隐藏少数阶级中的性能。最后,我们提出了通过两个替代度量,精密召回曲线和平衡的Brier得分,这更好地反映了系统在这种情况下的性能。我们的研究结果表明,胸部X射线分类器研究界采用的当前评估实践可能无法反映真实临床情景中计算机辅助诊断系统的性能,并建议改善这种情况的替代方案。
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An approach to the construction of classifiers from imbalanced datasets is described. A dataset is imbalanced if the classification categories are not approximately equally represented. Often real-world data sets are predominately composed of "normal" examples with only a small percentage of "abnormal" or "interesting" examples. It is also the case that the cost of misclassifying an abnormal (interesting) example as a normal example is often much higher than the cost of the reverse error. Under-sampling of the majority (normal) class has been proposed as a good means of increasing the sensitivity of a classifier to the minority class. This paper shows that a combination of our method of over-sampling the minority (abnormal) class and under-sampling the majority (normal) class can achieve better classifier performance (in ROC space) than only under-sampling the majority class. This paper also shows that a combination of our method of over-sampling the minority class and under-sampling the majority class can achieve better classifier performance (in ROC space) than varying the loss ratios in Ripper or class priors in Naive Bayes. Our method of over-sampling the minority class involves creating synthetic minority class examples. Experiments are performed using C4.5, Ripper and a Naive Bayes classifier. The method is evaluated using the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC) and the ROC convex hull strategy.
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Network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs) play an important role in computer network security. There are several detection mechanisms where anomaly-based automated detection outperforms others significantly. Amid the sophistication and growing number of attacks, dealing with large amounts of data is a recognized issue in the development of anomaly-based NIDS. However, do current models meet the needs of today's networks in terms of required accuracy and dependability? In this research, we propose a new hybrid model that combines machine learning and deep learning to increase detection rates while securing dependability. Our proposed method ensures efficient pre-processing by combining SMOTE for data balancing and XGBoost for feature selection. We compared our developed method to various machine learning and deep learning algorithms to find a more efficient algorithm to implement in the pipeline. Furthermore, we chose the most effective model for network intrusion based on a set of benchmarked performance analysis criteria. Our method produces excellent results when tested on two datasets, KDDCUP'99 and CIC-MalMem-2022, with an accuracy of 99.99% and 100% for KDDCUP'99 and CIC-MalMem-2022, respectively, and no overfitting or Type-1 and Type-2 issues.
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当没有足够的数据来证实客户的身份时,身份盗窃是信贷贷方的主要问题。在超级应用程序中,包含许多不同服务的大型数字平台,此问题更为相关;在一个分支中丢失客户通常意味着在其他服务中丢失它们。在本文中,我们审查了超级应用程序信息,手机线数据和传统信用风险变量的特征级融合的有效性,以便早日检测身份盗窃信用卡欺诈。通过提出的框架,我们在使用投入是替代数据和传统信贷局数据融合的模型时实现了更好的性能,从而实现了0.81的ROC AUC评分。我们从信用贷方的数字平台数据库中评估我们的方法超过大约90,000个用户。评估是使用传统的ML指标进行的,但金融成本也是如此。
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The primary aim of this research was to find a model that best predicts which fallen angel bonds would either potentially rise up back to investment grade bonds and which ones would fall into bankruptcy. To implement the solution, we thought that the ideal method would be to create an optimal machine learning model that could predict bankruptcies. Among the many machine learning models out there we decided to pick four classification methods: logistic regression, KNN, SVM, and NN. We also utilized an automated methods of Google Cloud's machine learning. The results of our model comparisons showed that the models did not predict bankruptcies very well on the original data set with the exception of Google Cloud's machine learning having a high precision score. However, our over-sampled and feature selection data set did perform very well. This could likely be due to the model being over-fitted to match the narrative of the over-sampled data (as in, it does not accurately predict data outside of this data set quite well). Therefore, we were not able to create a model that we are confident that would predict bankruptcies. However, we were able to find value out of this project in two key ways. The first is that Google Cloud's machine learning model in every metric and in every data set either outperformed or performed on par with the other models. The second is that we found that utilizing feature selection did not reduce predictive power that much. This means that we can reduce the amount of data to collect for future experimentation regarding predicting bankruptcies.
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