绑架性自然语言推断(\ alpha {} nli)的任务是确定哪种假设是一组观察的可能性更可能的解释,是NLI的特别困难类型。与其仅仅确定因果关系,还需要常识,还需要评估解释的合理性。所有最新的竞争系统都以情境化表示为基础,并利用变压器体系结构来学习NLI模型。当某人面对特定的NLI任务时,他们需要选择可用的最佳模型。这是一项耗时且资源浓厚的努力。为了解决这个实用问题,我们提出了一种简单的方法来预测性能,而无需实际调整模型。我们通过测试预先训练的模型在\ alpha {} NLI任务上的性能如何,仅将具有余弦相似性的句子嵌入到训练这些嵌入式的分类器时所达到的性能。我们表明,余弦相似方法的准确性与Pearson相关系数为0.65的分类方法的准确性密切相关。由于相似性计算是在给定数据集上计算的数量级(少于一分钟与小时),因此我们的方法可以在模型选择过程中节省大量时间。
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我们提供了从文本到文本变换器(T5)的第一次探索句子嵌入式。句子嵌入式广泛适用于语言处理任务。虽然T5在作为序列到序列映射问题的语言任务上实现令人印象深刻的性能,但目前尚不清楚如何从编码器解码器模型生成陈列嵌入的句子。我们调查三种方法提取T5句子嵌入方法:两个仅利用T5编码器,一个使用全T5编码器解码器模型。为了支持我们的调查,我们建立了一个新的句子代表转移基准,SentGlue,它将Senteval Toolkit扩展到粘合基准的九个任务。我们的编码器的型号优于Senteval和SentGlue传输任务的句子 - BERT和SIMCSE句子嵌入,包括语义文本相似性(STS)。发现从数百万到数十亿参数的缩放T5产生一致的进一步改进。最后,我们的编码器 - 解码器方法在使用句子嵌入时在STS上实现了新的最先进的。我们的模型在https://tfhub.dev/google/collections/sentence-t5/1发布。
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We introduce a new language representation model called BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Unlike recent language representation models (Peters et al., 2018a;Radford et al., 2018), BERT is designed to pretrain deep bidirectional representations from unlabeled text by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. As a result, the pre-trained BERT model can be finetuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial taskspecific architecture modifications.BERT is conceptually simple and empirically powerful. It obtains new state-of-the-art results on eleven natural language processing tasks, including pushing the GLUE score to 80.5% (7.7% point absolute improvement), MultiNLI accuracy to 86.7% (4.6% absolute improvement), SQuAD v1.1 question answering Test F1 to 93.2 (1.5 point absolute improvement) and SQuAD v2.0 Test F1 to 83.1 (5.1 point absolute improvement).
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Cloze任务是一种广泛使用的任务,可以评估NLP系统的语言理解能力。然而,大多数现有的渗透任务只需要NLP系统以提供每个输入数据样本的相对最佳预测,而不是在输入域中以一致的方式以一致的方式为所有可能的预测的绝对质量。因此,提出了一种新的任务:预测填充任务中的填充词是一个好的,中立或坏候选者。可以扩展复杂的版本以预测更多离散类或连续分数。我们专注于Semoval 2022任务7的子任务,探讨了一些可能的架构来解决这一新任务,提供了对它们的详细比较,并提出了一种在这项新任务中改进传统模型的集合方法。
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Masked language modeling (MLM) pre-training methods such as BERT corrupt the input by replacing some tokens with [MASK] and then train a model to reconstruct the original tokens. While they produce good results when transferred to downstream NLP tasks, they generally require large amounts of compute to be effective. As an alternative, we propose a more sample-efficient pre-training task called replaced token detection. Instead of masking the input, our approach corrupts it by replacing some tokens with plausible alternatives sampled from a small generator network. Then, instead of training a model that predicts the original identities of the corrupted tokens, we train a discriminative model that predicts whether each token in the corrupted input was replaced by a generator sample or not. Thorough experiments demonstrate this new pre-training task is more efficient than MLM because the task is defined over all input tokens rather than just the small subset that was masked out. As a result, the contextual representations learned by our approach substantially outperform the ones learned by BERT given the same model size, data, and compute. The gains are particularly strong for small models; for example, we train a model on one GPU for 4 days that outperforms GPT (trained using 30x more compute) on the GLUE natural language understanding benchmark. Our approach also works well at scale, where it performs comparably to RoBERTa and XLNet while using less than 1/4 of their compute and outperforms them when using the same amount of compute.
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建议绑架自然语言推理任务($ \ alpha $ NLI)以推断出原因与事件之间的最合理的解释。在$ \ Alpha $ NLI任务中,给出了两个观察,并要求最合理的假设从候选人中挑出。现有方法将每个候选假说之间的关系进行分别统一地惩罚推理网络。在本文中,我们认为不必区分正确假设之间的推理能力;同样,在解释观察的原因时,所有错误的假设都会有所贡献。因此,我们建议小组而不是排名假设和设计本文中称为“联合软制焦点”的结构损失。基于观察,假设通常与语义相关,我们设计了一种新颖的互动语言模型,旨在利用竞争假设之间丰富的互动。我们为$ \ alpha $ nli命名这个新型号:具有结构丢失(IMSL)的交互式模型。实验结果表明,我们的IMSL已经在罗伯塔大型预磨削模型上实现了最高性能,ACC和AUC结果分别增加了约1 \%和5 \%。
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Language model pre-training has proven to be useful in learning universal language representations. As a state-of-the-art language model pre-training model, BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) has achieved amazing results in many language understanding tasks. In this paper, we conduct exhaustive experiments to investigate different fine-tuning methods of BERT on text classification task and provide a general solution for BERT fine-tuning. Finally, the proposed solution obtains new state-of-the-art results on eight widely-studied text classification datasets. 1
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Using a single model across various tasks is beneficial for training and applying deep neural sequence models. We address the problem of developing generalist representations of text that can be used to perform a range of different tasks rather than being specialised to a single application. We focus on processing short questions and developing an embedding for these questions that is useful on a diverse set of problems, such as question topic classification, equivalent question recognition, and question answering. This paper introduces QBERT, a generalist model for processing questions. With QBERT, we demonstrate how we can train a multi-task network that performs all question-related tasks and has achieved similar performance compared to its corresponding single-task models.
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Recent progress in pre-trained neural language models has significantly improved the performance of many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In this paper we propose a new model architecture DeBERTa (Decoding-enhanced BERT with disentangled attention) that improves the BERT and RoBERTa models using two novel techniques. The first is the disentangled attention mechanism, where each word is represented using two vectors that encode its content and position, respectively, and the attention weights among words are computed using disentangled matrices on their contents and relative positions, respectively. Second, an enhanced mask decoder is used to incorporate absolute positions in the decoding layer to predict the masked tokens in model pre-training. In addition, a new virtual adversarial training method is used for fine-tuning to improve models' generalization. We show that these techniques significantly improve the efficiency of model pre-training and the performance of both natural language understand (NLU) and natural langauge generation (NLG) downstream tasks. Compared to RoBERTa-Large, a DeBERTa model trained on half of the training data performs consistently better on a wide range of NLP tasks, achieving improvements on MNLI by +0.9% (90.2% vs. 91.1%), on SQuAD v2.0 by +2.3% (88.4% vs. 90.7%) and RACE by +3.6% (83.2% vs. 86.8%). Notably, we scale up DeBERTa by training a larger version that consists of 48 Transform layers with 1.5 billion parameters. The significant performance boost makes the single DeBERTa model surpass the human performance on the SuperGLUE benchmark (Wang et al., 2019a) for the first time in terms of macro-average score (89.9 versus 89.8), and the ensemble DeBERTa model sits atop the SuperGLUE leaderboard as of January 6, 2021, outperforming the human baseline by a decent margin (90.3 versus 89.8). The pre-trained DeBERTa models and the source code were released at: https://github.com/microsoft/DeBERTa 1 .
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BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) and RoBERTa has set a new state-of-the-art performance on sentence-pair regression tasks like semantic textual similarity (STS). However, it requires that both sentences are fed into the network, which causes a massive computational overhead: Finding the most similar pair in a collection of 10,000 sentences requires about 50 million inference computations (~65 hours) with BERT. The construction of BERT makes it unsuitable for semantic similarity search as well as for unsupervised tasks like clustering.In this publication, we present Sentence-BERT (SBERT), a modification of the pretrained BERT network that use siamese and triplet network structures to derive semantically meaningful sentence embeddings that can be compared using cosine-similarity. This reduces the effort for finding the most similar pair from 65 hours with BERT / RoBERTa to about 5 seconds with SBERT, while maintaining the accuracy from BERT.We evaluate SBERT and SRoBERTa on common STS tasks and transfer learning tasks, where it outperforms other state-of-the-art sentence embeddings methods. 1
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近年来BERT显示明显的优势,在自然语言处理任务的巨大潜力。然而,培训和应用BERT需要计算上下文语言表示,这阻碍了它的普遍性和适用性密集的时间和资源。为了克服这个瓶颈,我们采用窗口屏蔽机制立正层提出了深刻的双向语言模型。这项工作计算上下文的语言表示,而没有随意屏蔽一样在BERT和保持深双向架构类似BERT。为了计算相同的句子表示,我们的方法显示出O(n)的复杂性相比少其他基于变压器的型号O($ N ^ $ 2)。为了进一步显示其优越性,计算在CPU环境背景下的语言表述中进行,通过短信分类方面使用的嵌入,从所提出的方法,logistic回归显示更高的精度。 Moverover,所提出的方法也实现了语义相似任务显著更高的性能。
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We present CodeBERT, a bimodal pre-trained model for programming language (PL) and natural language (NL). CodeBERT learns general-purpose representations that support downstream NL-PL applications such as natural language code search, code documentation generation, etc. We develop Code-BERT with Transformer-based neural architecture, and train it with a hybrid objective function that incorporates the pre-training task of replaced token detection, which is to detect plausible alternatives sampled from generators. This enables us to utilize both "bimodal" data of NL-PL pairs and "unimodal" data, where the former provides input tokens for model training while the latter helps to learn better generators. We evaluate CodeBERT on two NL-PL applications by fine-tuning model parameters. Results show that CodeBERT achieves state-of-the-art performance on both natural language code search and code documentation generation. Furthermore, to investigate what type of knowledge is learned in CodeBERT, we construct a dataset for NL-PL probing, and evaluate in a zero-shot setting where parameters of pre-trained models are fixed. Results show that CodeBERT performs better than previous pre-trained models on NL-PL probing. 1
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Current state-of-the-art approaches to text classification typically leverage BERT-style Transformer models with a softmax classifier, jointly fine-tuned to predict class labels of a target task. In this paper, we instead propose an alternative training objective in which we learn task-specific embeddings of text: our proposed objective learns embeddings such that all texts that share the same target class label should be close together in the embedding space, while all others should be far apart. This allows us to replace the softmax classifier with a more interpretable k-nearest-neighbor classification approach. In a series of experiments, we show that this yields a number of interesting benefits: (1) The resulting order induced by distances in the embedding space can be used to directly explain classification decisions. (2) This facilitates qualitative inspection of the training data, helping us to better understand the problem space and identify labelling quality issues. (3) The learned distances to some degree generalize to unseen classes, allowing us to incrementally add new classes without retraining the model. We present extensive experiments which show that the benefits of ante-hoc explainability and incremental learning come at no cost in overall classification accuracy, thus pointing to practical applicability of our proposed approach.
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Transfer learning, where a model is first pre-trained on a data-rich task before being finetuned on a downstream task, has emerged as a powerful technique in natural language processing (NLP). The effectiveness of transfer learning has given rise to a diversity of approaches, methodology, and practice. In this paper, we explore the landscape of transfer learning techniques for NLP by introducing a unified framework that converts all text-based language problems into a text-to-text format. Our systematic study compares pre-training objectives, architectures, unlabeled data sets, transfer approaches, and other factors on dozens of language understanding tasks. By combining the insights from our exploration with scale and our new "Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus", we achieve state-of-the-art results on many benchmarks covering summarization, question answering, text classification, and more. To facilitate future work on transfer learning for NLP, we release our data set, pre-trained models, and code.
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Transformer-based models have pushed state of the art in many areas of NLP, but our understanding of what is behind their success is still limited. This paper is the first survey of over 150 studies of the popular BERT model. We review the current state of knowledge about how BERT works, what kind of information it learns and how it is represented, common modifications to its training objectives and architecture, the overparameterization issue and approaches to compression. We then outline directions for future research.
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Laws and their interpretations, legal arguments and agreements\ are typically expressed in writing, leading to the production of vast corpora of legal text. Their analysis, which is at the center of legal practice, becomes increasingly elaborate as these collections grow in size. Natural language understanding (NLU) technologies can be a valuable tool to support legal practitioners in these endeavors. Their usefulness, however, largely depends on whether current state-of-the-art models can generalize across various tasks in the legal domain. To answer this currently open question, we introduce the Legal General Language Understanding Evaluation (LexGLUE) benchmark, a collection of datasets for evaluating model performance across a diverse set of legal NLU tasks in a standardized way. We also provide an evaluation and analysis of several generic and legal-oriented models demonstrating that the latter consistently offer performance improvements across multiple tasks.
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