Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) has recently drawn much research interest for learning generalizable node representations in a self-supervised manner. In general, the contrastive learning process in GCL is performed on top of the representations learned by a graph neural network (GNN) backbone, which transforms and propagates the node contextual information based on its local neighborhoods. However, nodes sharing similar characteristics may not always be geographically close, which poses a great challenge for unsupervised GCL efforts due to their inherent limitations in capturing such global graph knowledge. In this work, we address their inherent limitations by proposing a simple yet effective framework -- Simple Neural Networks with Structural and Semantic Contrastive Learning} (S^3-CL). Notably, by virtue of the proposed structural and semantic contrastive learning algorithms, even a simple neural network can learn expressive node representations that preserve valuable global structural and semantic patterns. Our experiments demonstrate that the node representations learned by S^3-CL achieve superior performance on different downstream tasks compared with the state-of-the-art unsupervised GCL methods. Implementation and more experimental details are publicly available at \url{}
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众所周知,图形神经网络(GNN)的成功高度依赖于丰富的人类通知数据,这在实践中努力获得,并且并非总是可用的。当只有少数标记的节点可用时,如何开发高效的GNN仍在研究。尽管已证明自我训练对于半监督学习具有强大的功能,但其在图形结构数据上的应用可能会失败,因为(1)不利用较大的接收场来捕获远程节点相互作用,这加剧了传播功能的难度 - 标记节点到未标记节点的标签模式; (2)有限的标记数据使得在不同节点类别中学习良好的分离决策边界而不明确捕获基本的语义结构,这是一项挑战。为了解决捕获信息丰富的结构和语义知识的挑战,我们提出了一个新的图数据增强框架,AGST(增强图自训练),该框架由两个新的(即结构和语义)增强模块构建。 GST骨干。在这项工作中,我们研究了这个新颖的框架是否可以学习具有极有限标记节点的有效图预测模型。在有限标记节点数据的不同情况下,我们对半监督节点分类进行全面评估。实验结果证明了新的数据增强框架对节点分类的独特贡献,几乎没有标记的数据。
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在本文中,我们研究了在非全粒图上进行节点表示学习的自我监督学习的问题。现有的自我监督学习方法通​​常假定该图是同质的,其中链接的节点通常属于同一类或具有相似的特征。但是,这种同质性的假设在现实图表中并不总是正确的。我们通过为图神经网络开发脱钩的自我监督学习(DSSL)框架来解决这个问题。 DSSL模仿了节点的生成过程和语义结构的潜在变量建模的链接,该过程将不同邻域之间的不同基础语义解散到自我监督的节点学习过程中。我们的DSSL框架对编码器不可知,不需要预制的增强,因此对不同的图表灵活。为了通过潜在变量有效地优化框架,我们得出了自我监督目标的较低范围的证据,并开发了具有变异推理的可扩展培训算法。我们提供理论分析,以证明DSSL享有更好的下游性能。与竞争性的自我监督学习基线相比,对各种类图基准的广泛实验表明,我们提出的框架可以显着取得更好的性能。
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We introduce a self-supervised approach for learning node and graph level representations by contrasting structural views of graphs. We show that unlike visual representation learning, increasing the number of views to more than two or contrasting multi-scale encodings do not improve performance, and the best performance is achieved by contrasting encodings from first-order neighbors and a graph diffusion. We achieve new state-ofthe-art results in self-supervised learning on 8 out of 8 node and graph classification benchmarks under the linear evaluation protocol. For example, on Cora (node) and Reddit-Binary (graph) classification benchmarks, we achieve 86.8% and 84.5% accuracy, which are 5.5% and 2.4% relative improvements over previous state-of-the-art. When compared to supervised baselines, our approach outperforms them in 4 out of 8 benchmarks.
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尽管有关超图的机器学习吸引了很大的关注,但大多数作品都集中在(半)监督的学习上,这可能会导致繁重的标签成本和不良的概括。最近,对比学习已成为一种成功的无监督表示学习方法。尽管其他领域中对比度学习的发展繁荣,但对超图的对比学习仍然很少探索。在本文中,我们提出了Tricon(三个方向对比度学习),这是对超图的对比度学习的一般框架。它的主要思想是三个方向对比度,具体来说,它旨在在两个增强视图中最大化同一节点之间的协议(a),(b)在同一节点之间以及(c)之间,每个组之间的成员及其成员之间的协议(b) 。加上简单但令人惊讶的有效数据增强和负抽样方案,这三种形式的对比使Tricon能够在节点嵌入中捕获显微镜和介观结构信息。我们使用13种基线方法,5个数据集和两个任务进行了广泛的实验,这证明了Tricon的有效性,最明显的是,Tricon始终优于无监督的竞争对手,而且(半)受监督的竞争对手,大多数是由大量的节点分类的大量差额。
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Existing graph contrastive learning methods rely on augmentation techniques based on random perturbations (e.g., randomly adding or dropping edges and nodes). Nevertheless, altering certain edges or nodes can unexpectedly change the graph characteristics, and choosing the optimal perturbing ratio for each dataset requires onerous manual tuning. In this paper, we introduce Implicit Graph Contrastive Learning (iGCL), which utilizes augmentations in the latent space learned from a Variational Graph Auto-Encoder by reconstructing graph topological structure. Importantly, instead of explicitly sampling augmentations from latent distributions, we further propose an upper bound for the expected contrastive loss to improve the efficiency of our learning algorithm. Thus, graph semantics can be preserved within the augmentations in an intelligent way without arbitrary manual design or prior human knowledge. Experimental results on both graph-level and node-level tasks show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance compared to other benchmarks, where ablation studies in the end demonstrate the effectiveness of modules in iGCL.
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Inspired by the success of contrastive learning (CL) in computer vision and natural language processing, graph contrastive learning (GCL) has been developed to learn discriminative node representations on graph datasets. However, the development of GCL on Heterogeneous Information Networks (HINs) is still in the infant stage. For example, it is unclear how to augment the HINs without substantially altering the underlying semantics, and how to design the contrastive objective to fully capture the rich semantics. Moreover, early investigations demonstrate that CL suffers from sampling bias, whereas conventional debiasing techniques are empirically shown to be inadequate for GCL. How to mitigate the sampling bias for heterogeneous GCL is another important problem. To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a novel Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Multi-view Learning (HGCML) model. In particular, we use metapaths as the augmentation to generate multiple subgraphs as multi-views, and propose a contrastive objective to maximize the mutual information between any pairs of metapath-induced views. To alleviate the sampling bias, we further propose a positive sampling strategy to explicitly select positives for each node via jointly considering semantic and structural information preserved on each metapath view. Extensive experiments demonstrate HGCML consistently outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on five real-world benchmark datasets.
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This paper presents Prototypical Contrastive Learning (PCL), an unsupervised representation learning method that bridges contrastive learning with clustering. PCL not only learns low-level features for the task of instance discrimination, but more importantly, it encodes semantic structures discovered by clustering into the learned embedding space. Specifically, we introduce prototypes as latent variables to help find the maximum-likelihood estimation of the network parameters in an Expectation-Maximization framework. We iteratively perform E-step as finding the distribution of prototypes via clustering and M-step as optimizing the network via contrastive learning. We propose ProtoNCE loss, a generalized version of the InfoNCE loss for contrastive learning, which encourages representations to be closer to their assigned prototypes. PCL outperforms state-of-the-art instance-wise contrastive learning methods on multiple benchmarks with substantial improvement in low-resource transfer learning. Code and pretrained models are available at
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无监督的图形表示学习是图形数据的非琐碎主题。在结构化数据的无监督代表学习中对比学习和自我监督学习的成功激发了图表上的类似尝试。使用对比损耗的当前无监督的图形表示学习和预培训主要基于手工增强图数据之间的对比度。但是,由于不可预测的不变性,图数据增强仍然没有很好地探索。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的协作图形神经网络对比学习框架(CGCL),它使用多个图形编码器来观察图形。不同视图观察的特征充当了图形编码器之间对比学习的图表增强,避免了任何扰动以保证不变性。 CGCL能够处理图形级和节点级表示学习。广泛的实验表明CGCL在无监督的图表表示学习中的优势以及图形表示学习的手工数据增强组合的非必要性。
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图是对物体之间关系的强大表示,吸引了很多关注。图形学习的一个基本挑战是如何在没有标签的情况下训练有效的图形神经网络(GNN)编码器,这些标签既昂贵又耗时。对比学习(CL)是应对这一挑战的最受欢迎的范式之一,该挑战通过区分正和负节点对来训练GNN。尽管最近的CL方法取得了成功,但仍然存在两个爆炸案。首先,如何减少基于随机拓扑的数据增强引入的语义错误。传统CL通过节点级拓扑接近定义正和负节点对,该节点拓扑接近度仅基于图形拓扑,而不论节点属性的语义信息如何,因此某些语义上相似的节点可能被错误地视为负对。其次,如何有效地对现实图形的多重性进行建模,其中节点通过各种关系连接,并且每个关系都可以形成均匀的图层。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一种新型的多重异质图原型对比度倾斜(X-GAL)框架来提取节点嵌入。 X-GOAL由两个组成部分组成:目标框架,该目标框架学习每个均匀图层的节点嵌入,以及一个对齐正则化,通过对齐层特定的节点嵌入来共同对不同的层进行模拟不同的层。具体而言,目标框架通过简洁的图形转换技术捕获节点级信息,并通过将节点拉到嵌入空间中的同一语义簇中,从而捕获群集级信息。对齐正则化在节点和群集级别的层上对齐嵌入。我们在各种现实世界数据集和下游任务上评估X-GAL,以证明其有效性。
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图表表示学习(GRL)对于图形结构数据分析至关重要。然而,大多数现有的图形神经网络(GNNS)严重依赖于标签信息,这通常是在现实世界中获得的昂贵。现有无监督的GRL方法遭受某些限制,例如对单调对比和可扩展性有限的沉重依赖。为了克服上述问题,鉴于最近的图表对比学习的进步,我们通过曲线图介绍了一种新颖的自我监控图形表示学习算法,即通过利用所提出的调整变焦方案来学习节点表示来学习节点表示。具体地,该机制使G-Zoom能够从多个尺度的图表中探索和提取自我监督信号:MICRO(即,节点级别),MESO(即,邻域级)和宏(即,子图级) 。首先,我们通过两个不同的图形增强生成输入图的两个增强视图。然后,我们逐渐地从节点,邻近逐渐为上述三个尺度建立三种不同的对比度,在那里我们最大限度地提高了横跨尺度的图形表示之间的协议。虽然我们可以从微距和宏观视角上从给定图中提取有价值的线索,但是邻域级对比度基于我们的调整后的缩放方案提供了可自定义选项的能力,以便手动选择位于微观和介于微观之间的最佳视点宏观透视更好地理解图数据。此外,为了使我们的模型可扩展到大图,我们采用了并行图形扩散方法来从图形尺寸下解耦模型训练。我们对现实世界数据集进行了广泛的实验,结果表明,我们所提出的模型始终始终优于最先进的方法。
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Contrastive learning (CL), which can extract the information shared between different contrastive views, has become a popular paradigm for vision representation learning. Inspired by the success in computer vision, recent work introduces CL into graph modeling, dubbed as graph contrastive learning (GCL). However, generating contrastive views in graphs is more challenging than that in images, since we have little prior knowledge on how to significantly augment a graph without changing its labels. We argue that typical data augmentation techniques (e.g., edge dropping) in GCL cannot generate diverse enough contrastive views to filter out noises. Moreover, previous GCL methods employ two view encoders with exactly the same neural architecture and tied parameters, which further harms the diversity of augmented views. To address this limitation, we propose a novel paradigm named model augmented GCL (MA-GCL), which will focus on manipulating the architectures of view encoders instead of perturbing graph inputs. Specifically, we present three easy-to-implement model augmentation tricks for GCL, namely asymmetric, random and shuffling, which can respectively help alleviate high- frequency noises, enrich training instances and bring safer augmentations. All three tricks are compatible with typical data augmentations. Experimental results show that MA-GCL can achieve state-of-the-art performance on node classification benchmarks by applying the three tricks on a simple base model. Extensive studies also validate our motivation and the effectiveness of each trick. (Code, data and appendix are available at )
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Inspired by the impressive success of contrastive learning (CL), a variety of graph augmentation strategies have been employed to learn node representations in a self-supervised manner. Existing methods construct the contrastive samples by adding perturbations to the graph structure or node attributes. Although impressive results are achieved, it is rather blind to the wealth of prior information assumed: with the increase of the perturbation degree applied on the original graph, 1) the similarity between the original graph and the generated augmented graph gradually decreases; 2) the discrimination between all nodes within each augmented view gradually increases. In this paper, we argue that both such prior information can be incorporated (differently) into the contrastive learning paradigm following our general ranking framework. In particular, we first interpret CL as a special case of learning to rank (L2R), which inspires us to leverage the ranking order among positive augmented views. Meanwhile, we introduce a self-ranking paradigm to ensure that the discriminative information among different nodes can be maintained and also be less altered to the perturbations of different degrees. Experiment results on various benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness of our algorithm compared with the supervised and unsupervised models.
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Most existing deep learning models are trained based on the closed-world assumption, where the test data is assumed to be drawn i.i.d. from the same distribution as the training data, known as in-distribution (ID). However, when models are deployed in an open-world scenario, test samples can be out-of-distribution (OOD) and therefore should be handled with caution. To detect such OOD samples drawn from unknown distribution, OOD detection has received increasing attention lately. However, current endeavors mostly focus on grid-structured data and its application for graph-structured data remains under-explored. Considering the fact that data labeling on graphs is commonly time-expensive and labor-intensive, in this work we study the problem of unsupervised graph OOD detection, aiming at detecting OOD graphs solely based on unlabeled ID data. To achieve this goal, we develop a new graph contrastive learning framework GOOD-D for detecting OOD graphs without using any ground-truth labels. By performing hierarchical contrastive learning on the augmented graphs generated by our perturbation-free graph data augmentation method, GOOD-D is able to capture the latent ID patterns and accurately detect OOD graphs based on the semantic inconsistency in different granularities (i.e., node-level, graph-level, and group-level). As a pioneering work in unsupervised graph-level OOD detection, we build a comprehensive benchmark to compare our proposed approach with different state-of-the-art methods. The experiment results demonstrate the superiority of our approach over different methods on various datasets.
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灵感来自最近应用于图像上的自我监督方法的成功,图形结构数据的自我监督学习已经看到迅速增长,特别是基于增强的对比方法。但是,我们认为没有精心设计的增强技术,图形上的增强可能是任意行为的,因为图形的底层语义可以急剧地改变。因此,现有增强的方法的性能高度依赖于增强方案的选择,即与增强相关联的超级参数。在本文中,我们提出了一种名为AFGRL的图表的一种新的增强自我监督学习框架。具体地,我们通过发现与图形共享本地结构信息和全局语义的节点来生成图表的替代视图。各种数据集的各种节点级任务,即节点分类,群集和相似性搜索的广泛实验证明了AFGRL的优越性。 AFGRL的源代码可在中获得。
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图形存在于许多现实世界中的应用中,例如财务欺诈检测,商业建议和社交网络分析。但是,鉴于图形注释或标记的高成本,我们面临严重的图形标签 - 刻度问题,即,图可能具有一些标记的节点。这样一个问题的一个例子是所谓的\ textit {少数弹性节点分类}。该问题的主要方法均依靠\ textit {情节元学习}。在这项工作中,我们通过提出一个基本问题来挑战现状,元学习是否是对几个弹性节点分类任务的必要条件。我们在标准的几杆节点分类设置下提出了一个新的简单框架,作为学习有效图形编码器的元学习的替代方法。该框架由有监督的图形对比学习以及新颖的数据增强,子图编码和图形上的多尺度对比度组成。在三个基准数据集(Corafull,Reddit,OGBN)上进行的广泛实验表明,新框架显着胜过基于最先进的元学习方法。
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图形对比学习(GCL)已成为学习图形无监督表示的有效工具。关键思想是通过数据扩展最大化每个图的两个增强视图之间的一致性。现有的GCL模型主要集中在给定情况下的所有图表上应用\ textit {相同的增强策略}。但是,实际图通常不是单态,而是各种本质的抽象。即使在相同的情况下(例如,大分子和在线社区),不同的图形可能需要各种增强来执行有效的GCL。因此,盲目地增强所有图表而不考虑其个人特征可能会破坏GCL艺术的表现。 {a} u Mentigation(GPA),通过允许每个图选择自己的合适的增强操作来推进常规GCL。本质上,GPA根据其拓扑属性和节点属性通过可学习的增强选择器为每个图定制了量身定制的增强策略,该策略是插件模块,可以通过端到端的下游GCL型号有效地训练。来自不同类型和域的11个基准图的广泛实验证明了GPA与最先进的竞争对手的优势。此外,通过可视化不同类型的数据集中学习的增强分布,我们表明GPA可以有效地识别最合适的数据集每个图的增强基于其特征。
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