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Despite achieving state-of-the-art performance on many NLP tasks, the high energy cost and long inference delay prevent Transformer-based pretrained language models (PLMs) from seeing broader adoption including for edge and mobile computing. Efficient NLP research aims to comprehensively consider computation, time and carbon emission for the entire life-cycle of NLP, including data preparation, model training and inference. In this survey, we focus on the inference stage and review the current state of model compression and acceleration for pretrained language models, including benchmarks, metrics and methodology.
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几乎没有射击的内在学习(ICL)使预训练的语言模型能够通过为输入的一部分提供少量的培训示例来执行以前的任务,而无需任何基于梯度的培训。 ICL会产生大量的计算,内存和存储成本,因为它每次进行预测时都涉及处理所有培训示例。参数有效的微调(PEFT)(例如,适配器模块,提示调谐,稀疏更新方法等)提供了替代范式,其中训练了一组少量参数以启用模型来执行新任务。在本文中,我们严格地比较了几个ICL和PEFT,并证明后者提供了更好的准确性,并大大降低了计算成本。在此过程中,我们引入了一种称为(IA)$^3 $的新PEFT方法,该方法通过学习的向量来扩展激活,从而获得更强的性能,同时仅引入相对少量的新参数。我们还提出了一个基于称为T-FEW的T0模型的简单食谱,可以将其应用于新任务,而无需特定于任务的调整或修改。我们通过将T-FEW应用于木筏基准,首次实现超人性能,并以6%的绝对性能优于最先进的方法来验证T-FEW对完全看不见的任务的有效性。我们实验中使用的所有代码均可公开使用。
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Transfer learning, where a model is first pre-trained on a data-rich task before being finetuned on a downstream task, has emerged as a powerful technique in natural language processing (NLP). The effectiveness of transfer learning has given rise to a diversity of approaches, methodology, and practice. In this paper, we explore the landscape of transfer learning techniques for NLP by introducing a unified framework that converts all text-based language problems into a text-to-text format. Our systematic study compares pre-training objectives, architectures, unlabeled data sets, transfer approaches, and other factors on dozens of language understanding tasks. By combining the insights from our exploration with scale and our new "Colossal Clean Crawled Corpus", we achieve state-of-the-art results on many benchmarks covering summarization, question answering, text classification, and more. To facilitate future work on transfer learning for NLP, we release our data set, pre-trained models, and code.
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专家层(MOES)的混合物通过条件计算实现语言模型的高效缩放。本文提出了一个详细的实证研究,自回归鞋语言模型与广泛的设置中的密集模型相比:在域外语言建模,零和少量射击和全部微调。除了微调外,我们发现Moes基本上更加计算效率。在更适度的培训预算下,MOES可以使用$ \ SIM值4倍的计算,符合密集模型的性能。该差距在比例下变窄,但我们最大的MOE模型(1.1T参数)始终如一地优于计算等效的密集模型(6.7b参数)。总体而言,这种表现差距在任务和域中有很大差异,表明MOE和密集模型以不值得研究的方式概括不同的方式。我们使我们的代码和模型公开可用于研究使用。
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While machine learning is traditionally a resource intensive task, embedded systems, autonomous navigation, and the vision of the Internet of Things fuel the interest in resource-efficient approaches. These approaches aim for a carefully chosen trade-off between performance and resource consumption in terms of computation and energy. The development of such approaches is among the major challenges in current machine learning research and key to ensure a smooth transition of machine learning technology from a scientific environment with virtually unlimited computing resources into everyday's applications. In this article, we provide an overview of the current state of the art of machine learning techniques facilitating these real-world requirements. In particular, we focus on deep neural networks (DNNs), the predominant machine learning models of the past decade. We give a comprehensive overview of the vast literature that can be mainly split into three non-mutually exclusive categories: (i) quantized neural networks, (ii) network pruning, and (iii) structural efficiency. These techniques can be applied during training or as post-processing, and they are widely used to reduce the computational demands in terms of memory footprint, inference speed, and energy efficiency. We also briefly discuss different concepts of embedded hardware for DNNs and their compatibility with machine learning techniques as well as potential for energy and latency reduction. We substantiate our discussion with experiments on well-known benchmark datasets using compression techniques (quantization, pruning) for a set of resource-constrained embedded systems, such as CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. The obtained results highlight the difficulty of finding good trade-offs between resource efficiency and predictive performance.
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在深度学习中,模型通常重用所有输入的相同参数。专家的混合(MOE)违反了这一点,而是为每个传入示例选择不同的参数。结果是一个稀疏激活的模型 - 具有残酷数量的参数 - 但恒定的计算成本。然而,尽管MOE取得了一些显着的成功,但复杂性,沟通成本和培训不稳定的阻碍了广泛的采用 - 我们使用Switch Transformer解决了这些领域。我们简化了MOE路由算法和设计直观的改进模型,以降低的通信和计算成本。我们提出的培训技术有助于纠缠不稳定,我们表明稀疏模型可能首次以较低的精度(BFLOAT16)格式进行培训。我们设计了基于T5基数和T5总数的模型,以使用相同的计算资源获得高达7倍的训练速度。这些改进扩展到多语言设置,我们在所有101种语言中衡量对MT5基本版本的收益。最后,我们通过在“巨大的清洁爬行语料库”上预先培训高达数万亿个参数模型,并在T5-XXL模型上实现4倍的速度,从而提高了语言模型的当前规模。
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随着巨型密集模型的训练在当今硬件资源的可用性和能力方面达到了界限,由于其质量降低了大量培训成本,因此Experts(MOE)模型成为最有前途的模型体系结构之一等效密集模型。它的培训成本节省从编码器模型(先前的工作)展示到自动攻击性语言模型的5倍(这项工作以及并行探索)。但是,由于模型的规模和独特的架构,如何提供快速MOE模型推理仍然具有挑战性和未解决,从而限制了其实际用途。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了DeepSpeed-Moe,这是DeepSpeed库的一部分,包括新型MOE架构设计和模型压缩技术,将MOE模型大小降低到3.7倍,以及一个,以及一个与现有的MOE推理解决方案相比,高度优化的推理系统可提供7.3倍的延迟和成本。 DeepSpeed-Moe提供了前所未有的量表和效率,可与质量等效的密集模型相比,提供高达4.5倍和9倍的推理的大型MOE模型。我们希望我们的创新和系统有助于在大型模型景观中打开通往新方向的有前途的途径,从密集到稀疏的MOE模型转变,在这种模型中,培训和部署具有更少资源的更高质量模型变得更加广泛。
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Transformer-based models have pushed state of the art in many areas of NLP, but our understanding of what is behind their success is still limited. This paper is the first survey of over 150 studies of the popular BERT model. We review the current state of knowledge about how BERT works, what kind of information it learns and how it is represented, common modifications to its training objectives and architecture, the overparameterization issue and approaches to compression. We then outline directions for future research.
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多语言语言模型(\ mllms),如mbert,xlm,xlm-r,\ textit {etc。}已成为一种可行的选择,使预先估计到大量语言的力量。鉴于他们的成功在零射击转移学习中,在(i)建立更大的\ mllms〜覆盖了大量语言(ii)创建覆盖更广泛的任务和语言来评估的详尽工作基准mllms〜(iii)分析单音零点,零拍摄交叉和双语任务(iv)对Monolingual的性能,了解\ mllms〜(v)增强(通常)学习的通用语言模式(如果有的话)有限的容量\ mllms〜以提高他们在已见甚至看不见语言的表现。在这项调查中,我们审查了现有的文学,涵盖了上述与\ MLLMS有关的广泛研究领域。根据我们的调查,我们建议您有一些未来的研究方向。
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受到深入学习的巨大成功通过云计算和边缘芯片的快速发展的影响,人工智能研究(AI)的研究已经转移到计算范例,即云计算和边缘计算。近年来,我们目睹了在云服务器上开发更高级的AI模型,以超越传统的深度学习模型,以造成模型创新(例如,变压器,净化家庭),训练数据爆炸和飙升的计算能力。但是,边缘计算,尤其是边缘和云协同计算,仍然在其初期阶段,因为由于资源受限的IOT场景,因此由于部署了非常有限的算法而导致其成功。在本调查中,我们对云和边缘AI进行系统审查。具体而言,我们是第一个设置云和边缘建模的协作学习机制,通过彻底的审查使能够实现这种机制的架构。我们还讨论了一些正在进行的先进EDGE AI主题的潜在和实践经验,包括预先训练模型,图形神经网络和加强学习。最后,我们讨论了这一领域的有希望的方向和挑战。
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Astounding results from Transformer models on natural language tasks have intrigued the vision community to study their application to computer vision problems. Among their salient benefits, Transformers enable modeling long dependencies between input sequence elements and support parallel processing of sequence as compared to recurrent networks e.g., Long short-term memory (LSTM). Different from convolutional networks, Transformers require minimal inductive biases for their design and are naturally suited as set-functions. Furthermore, the straightforward design of Transformers allows processing multiple modalities (e.g., images, videos, text and speech) using similar processing blocks and demonstrates excellent scalability to very large capacity networks and huge datasets. These strengths have led to exciting progress on a number of vision tasks using Transformer networks. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Transformer models in the computer vision discipline. We start with an introduction to fundamental concepts behind the success of Transformers i.e., self-attention, large-scale pre-training, and bidirectional feature encoding. We then cover extensive applications of transformers in vision including popular recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, object detection, action recognition, and segmentation), generative modeling, multi-modal tasks (e.g., visual-question answering, visual reasoning, and visual grounding), video processing (e.g., activity recognition, video forecasting), low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image enhancement, and colorization) and 3D analysis (e.g., point cloud classification and segmentation). We compare the respective advantages and limitations of popular techniques both in terms of architectural design and their experimental value. Finally, we provide an analysis on open research directions and possible future works. We hope this effort will ignite further interest in the community to solve current challenges towards the application of transformer models in computer vision.
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In this work, we explore "prompt tuning," a simple yet effective mechanism for learning "soft prompts" to condition frozen language models to perform specific downstream tasks. Unlike the discrete text prompts used by GPT-3, soft prompts are learned through backpropagation and can be tuned to incorporate signals from any number of labeled examples. Our end-to-end learned approach outperforms GPT-3's few-shot learning by a large margin. More remarkably, through ablations on model size using T5, we show that prompt tuning becomes more competitive with scale: as models exceed billions of parameters, our method "closes the gap" and matches the strong performance of model tuning (where all model weights are tuned). This finding is especially relevant because large models are costly to share and serve and the ability to reuse one frozen model for multiple downstream tasks can ease this burden. Our method can be seen as a simplification of the recently proposed "prefix tuning" of Li and Liang (2021) and we provide a comparison to this and other similar approaches. Finally, we show that conditioning a frozen model with soft prompts confers benefits in robustness to domain transfer and enables efficient "prompt ensembling." * Work done as a Google AI Resident.
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