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从数据流学习隐藏的主题已经成为绝对必要的,但构成了挑战性问题,如概念漂移以及短而嘈杂的数据。使用先验知识来丰富主题模型是应对这些挑战的潜在解决方案之一。先前知识,其来自人类知识(例如Wordnet)或预先训练的模型(例如Word2Vec)是非常有价值的,并且有助于帮助主题模型更好地工作。然而,在数据到达不断且无限的流动环境中,现有研究仅限于有效利用这些资源。特别是,忽略了包含有意义的词关系的知识图形。在本文中,为了有效利用知识图,我们提出了一种新颖的图形卷积主题模型(GCTM),它将图形卷积网络(GCN)集成到一个主题模型和学习方法,它同时学习网络和主题模型数据流。在每个小纤维中,我们的方法不仅可以利用外部知识图,还可以平衡外部和旧知识,以便在新数据上表现良好。我们进行广泛的实验来评估我们的方法,以评估我们的知识图(WordNet)和由预先接受训练的Word Embeddings(Word2VEC)构建的图形的图表。实验结果表明,在概率预测措施和主题连贯性方面,我们的方法比最先进的基线达到更好的表现。特别是,在处理短文本以及概念漂移时,我们的方法可以很好地工作。 GCTM的实现可在\ URL {https://github.com/bachtranxuan/gctm.git}。
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We develop stochastic variational inference, a scalable algorithm for approximating posterior distributions. We develop this technique for a large class of probabilistic models and we demonstrate it with two probabilistic topic models, latent Dirichlet allocation and the hierarchical Dirichlet process topic model. Using stochastic variational inference, we analyze several large collections of documents: 300K articles from Nature, 1.8M articles from The New York Times, and 3.8M articles from Wikipedia. Stochastic inference can easily handle data sets of this size and outperforms traditional variational inference, which can only handle a smaller subset. (We also show that the Bayesian nonparametric topic model outperforms its parametric counterpart.) Stochastic variational inference lets us apply complex Bayesian models to massive data sets.
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We describe latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), a generative probabilistic model for collections of discrete data such as text corpora. LDA is a three-level hierarchical Bayesian model, in which each item of a collection is modeled as a finite mixture over an underlying set of topics. Each topic is, in turn, modeled as an infinite mixture over an underlying set of topic probabilities. In the context of text modeling, the topic probabilities provide an explicit representation of a document. We present efficient approximate inference techniques based on variational methods and an EM algorithm for empirical Bayes parameter estimation. We report results in document modeling, text classification, and collaborative filtering, comparing to a mixture of unigrams model and the probabilistic LSI model.
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应用于潜在的Dirichlet分配(LDA)的变异贝叶斯(VB)已成为方面建模最受欢迎的算法。尽管从大型语料库中提取文本主题方面取得了足够的成功,但VB在识别有限数据的情况下识别方面的成功较少。我们提出了通过应用于潜在的Dirichlet分配(LDA)的新型变分信息,并将其与金标准VB进行比较并崩溃的Gibbs采样。在边缘化导致非混合消息的情况下,我们使用采样的想法来得出近似更新方程。如果存在共轭,则使用Loopy信念更新(LBU)(也称为Lauritzen-Spiegelhalter)。我们的算法Albu(近似LBU)与变异消息传递(VMP)具有很强的相似性(这是VB的消息传递变体)。为了比较在有限数据的存在下算法的性能,我们使用由推文和新闻组组成的数据集。此外,为了执行更多细性的评估和比较,我们使用模拟通过Kullback-Leibler Divergence(KLD)进行比较,以进行比较。使用文本语料库和KLD的相干度量与我们显示的模拟相比,Albu比VB更准确地学习潜在分布,尤其是对于较小的数据集。
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基于嵌入的神经主题模型可以通过将它们嵌入均匀的特征空间来明确表示单词和主题,从而显示出更高的解释性。但是,嵌入训练没有明确的限制,从而导致更大的优化空间。此外,仍然缺乏对嵌入的变化以及对模型性能的影响的清晰描述。在本文中,我们提出了一个嵌入式化的神经主题模型,该模型应用于单词嵌入和主题嵌入的特殊设计的训练约束,以减少参数的优化空间。为了揭示嵌入的变化和角色,我们将\ textbf {均匀性}引入基于嵌入的神经主题模型中,作为嵌入空间的评估度量。在此基础上,我们描述了嵌入在训练过程中如何通过嵌入均匀性的变化而变化。此外,我们通过消融研究证明了基于嵌入的神经主题模型中嵌入的变化的影响。在两个主流数据集上实验的结果表明,我们的模型在主题质量和文档建模之间的和谐方面显着优于基线模型。这项工作是利用统一性来探索基于嵌入的神经主题模型嵌入的变化及其对模型性能的影响,从而获得了我们的最佳知识。
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Concept drift primarily refers to an online supervised learning scenario when the relation between the input data and the target variable changes over time. Assuming a general knowledge of supervised learning in this paper we characterize adaptive learning process, categorize existing strategies for handling concept drift, overview the most representative, distinct and popular techniques and algorithms, discuss evaluation methodology of adaptive algorithms, and present a set of illustrative applications. The survey covers the different facets of concept drift in an integrated way to reflect on the existing scattered state-of-the-art. Thus, it aims at providing a comprehensive introduction to the concept drift adaptation for researchers, industry analysts and practitioners.
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The relationship between words in a sentence often tells us more about the underlying semantic content of a document than its actual words, individually. In this work, we propose two novel algorithms, called Flexible Lexical Chain II and Fixed Lexical Chain II. These algorithms combine the semantic relations derived from lexical chains, prior knowledge from lexical databases, and the robustness of the distributional hypothesis in word embeddings as building blocks forming a single system. In short, our approach has three main contributions: (i) a set of techniques that fully integrate word embeddings and lexical chains; (ii) a more robust semantic representation that considers the latent relation between words in a document; and (iii) lightweight word embeddings models that can be extended to any natural language task. We intend to assess the knowledge of pre-trained models to evaluate their robustness in the document classification task. The proposed techniques are tested against seven word embeddings algorithms using five different machine learning classifiers over six scenarios in the document classification task. Our results show the integration between lexical chains and word embeddings representations sustain state-of-the-art results, even against more complex systems.
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Graph learning is a popular approach for performing machine learning on graph-structured data. It has revolutionized the machine learning ability to model graph data to address downstream tasks. Its application is wide due to the availability of graph data ranging from all types of networks to information systems. Most graph learning methods assume that the graph is static and its complete structure is known during training. This limits their applicability since they cannot be applied to problems where the underlying graph grows over time and/or new tasks emerge incrementally. Such applications require a lifelong learning approach that can learn the graph continuously and accommodate new information whilst retaining previously learned knowledge. Lifelong learning methods that enable continuous learning in regular domains like images and text cannot be directly applied to continuously evolving graph data, due to its irregular structure. As a result, graph lifelong learning is gaining attention from the research community. This survey paper provides a comprehensive overview of recent advancements in graph lifelong learning, including the categorization of existing methods, and the discussions of potential applications and open research problems.
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The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning.
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One of the core problems of modern statistics is to approximate difficult-to-compute probability densities. This problem is especially important in Bayesian statistics, which frames all inference about unknown quantities as a calculation involving the posterior density. In this paper, we review variational inference (VI), a method from machine learning that approximates probability densities through optimization. VI has been used in many applications and tends to be faster than classical methods, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. The idea behind VI is to first posit a family of densities and then to find the member of that family which is close to the target. Closeness is measured by Kullback-Leibler divergence. We review the ideas behind mean-field variational inference, discuss the special case of VI applied to exponential family models, present a full example with a Bayesian mixture of Gaussians, and derive a variant that uses stochastic optimization to scale up to massive data. We discuss modern research in VI and highlight important open problems. VI is powerful, but it is not yet well understood. Our hope in writing this paper is to catalyze statistical research on this class of algorithms.
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