在本文中,我们研究了在药物对评分的背景下,将图形的分布式表示形式纳入模型的实用性和实用性。我们认为,现实世界的增长和更新毒品对分数数据集的周期,颠覆了与分布式表示相关的转导学习的局限性。此外,我们认为,由于原子类型有限和对化学强制执行的键合模式的限制,因此在药物集中引起的离散子结构模式的词汇并不大。基于这个借口,我们探讨了药物对评分任务中药物分子图的分布式表示的有效性,例如药物协同作用,多药和药物 - 药物相互作用预测。为了实现这一目标,我们提出了一种学习和将图形分布式表示形式纳入统一的药物对评分框架中的方法。随后,我们增加了许多最新和最先进的模型来利用我们的嵌入。我们从经验上表明,这些嵌入的合并改善了不同药物对评分任务的几乎每个模型的下游性能,即使是原始模型也不是为了设计的。我们将公开释放所有药物嵌入为DugcomBDB,Drugcomb,Drugbankddi和Twosides数据集。
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Graph classification is an important area in both modern research and industry. Multiple applications, especially in chemistry and novel drug discovery, encourage rapid development of machine learning models in this area. To keep up with the pace of new research, proper experimental design, fair evaluation, and independent benchmarks are essential. Design of strong baselines is an indispensable element of such works. In this thesis, we explore multiple approaches to graph classification. We focus on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which emerged as a de facto standard deep learning technique for graph representation learning. Classical approaches, such as graph descriptors and molecular fingerprints, are also addressed. We design fair evaluation experimental protocol and choose proper datasets collection. This allows us to perform numerous experiments and rigorously analyze modern approaches. We arrive to many conclusions, which shed new light on performance and quality of novel algorithms. We investigate application of Jumping Knowledge GNN architecture to graph classification, which proves to be an efficient tool for improving base graph neural network architectures. Multiple improvements to baseline models are also proposed and experimentally verified, which constitutes an important contribution to the field of fair model comparison.
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生物医学网络是与疾病网络的蛋白质相互作用的普遍描述符,从蛋白质相互作用,一直到医疗保健系统和科学知识。随着代表学习提供强大的预测和洞察的显着成功,我们目睹了表现形式学习技术的快速扩展,进入了这些网络的建模,分析和学习。在这篇综述中,我们提出了一个观察到生物学和医学中的网络长期原则 - 而在机器学习研究中经常出口 - 可以为代表学习提供概念基础,解释其当前的成功和限制,并告知未来进步。我们综合了一系列算法方法,即在其核心利用图形拓扑到将网络嵌入到紧凑的向量空间中,并捕获表示陈述学习证明有用的方式的广度。深远的影响包括鉴定复杂性状的变异性,单细胞的异心行为及其对健康的影响,协助患者的诊断和治疗以及制定安全有效的药物。
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在三维分子结构上运行的计算方法有可能解决生物学和化学的重要问题。特别地,深度神经网络的重视,但它们在生物分子结构域中的广泛采用受到缺乏系统性能基准或统一工具包的限制,用于与分子数据相互作用。为了解决这个问题,我们呈现Atom3D,这是一个新颖的和现有的基准数据集的集合,跨越几个密钥的生物分子。我们为这些任务中的每一个实施多种三维分子学习方法,并表明它们始终如一地提高了基于单维和二维表示的方法的性能。结构的具体选择对于性能至关重要,具有涉及复杂几何形状的任务的三维卷积网络,在需要详细位置信息的系统中表现出良好的图形网络,以及最近开发的设备越多的网络显示出显着承诺。我们的结果表明,许多分子问题符合三维分子学习的增益,并且有可能改善许多仍然过分曝光的任务。为了降低进入并促进现场进一步发展的障碍,我们还提供了一套全面的DataSet处理,模型培训和在我们的开源ATOM3D Python包中的评估工具套件。所有数据集都可以从https://www.atom3d.ai下载。
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近年来,基于Weisfeiler-Leman算法的算法和神经架构,是一个众所周知的Graph同构问题的启发式问题,它成为具有图形和关系数据的机器学习的强大工具。在这里,我们全面概述了机器学习设置中的算法的使用,专注于监督的制度。我们讨论了理论背景,展示了如何将其用于监督的图形和节点表示学习,讨论最近的扩展,并概述算法的连接(置换 - )方面的神经结构。此外,我们概述了当前的应用和未来方向,以刺激进一步的研究。
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This paper studies learning the representations of whole graphs in both unsupervised and semi-supervised scenarios. Graph-level representations are critical in a variety of real-world applications such as predicting the properties of molecules and community analysis in social networks. Traditional graph kernel based methods are simple, yet effective for obtaining fixed-length representations for graphs but they suffer from poor generalization due to hand-crafted designs. There are also some recent methods based on language models (e.g. graph2vec) but they tend to only consider certain substructures (e.g. subtrees) as graph representatives. Inspired by recent progress of unsupervised representation learning, in this paper we proposed a novel method called InfoGraph for learning graph-level representations. We maximize the mutual information between the graph-level representation and the representations of substructures of different scales (e.g., nodes, edges, triangles). By doing so, the graph-level representations encode aspects of the data that are shared across different scales of substructures. Furthermore, we further propose InfoGraph*, an extension of InfoGraph for semi-supervised scenarios. InfoGraph* maximizes the mutual information between unsupervised graph representations learned by InfoGraph and the representations learned by existing supervised methods. As a result, the supervised encoder learns from unlabeled data while preserving the latent semantic space favored by the current supervised task. Experimental results on the tasks of graph classification and molecular property prediction show that InfoGraph is superior to state-of-the-art baselines and InfoGraph* can achieve performance competitive with state-of-the-art semi-supervised models.
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Molecular "fingerprints" encoding structural information are the workhorse of cheminformatics and machine learning in drug discovery applications. However, fingerprint representations necessarily emphasize particular aspects of the molecular structure while ignoring others, rather than allowing the model to make datadriven decisions. We describe molecular graph convolutions, a machine learning architecture for learning from undirected graphs, specifically small molecules. Graph convolutions use a simple encoding of the molecular graph-atoms, bonds, distances, etc.-which allows the model to take greater advantage of information in the graph structure. Although graph convolutions do not outperform all fingerprint-based methods, they (along with other graph-based methods) represent a new paradigm in ligand-based virtual screening with exciting opportunities for future improvement.
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Many applications of machine learning require a model to make accurate predictions on test examples that are distributionally different from training ones, while task-specific labels are scarce during training. An effective approach to this challenge is to pre-train a model on related tasks where data is abundant, and then fine-tune it on a downstream task of interest. While pre-training has been effective in many language and vision domains, it remains an open question how to effectively use pre-training on graph datasets. In this paper, we develop a new strategy and self-supervised methods for pre-training Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). The key to the success of our strategy is to pre-train an expressive GNN at the level of individual nodes as well as entire graphs so that the GNN can learn useful local and global representations simultaneously. We systematically study pre-training on multiple graph classification datasets. We find that naïve strategies, which pre-train GNNs at the level of either entire graphs or individual nodes, give limited improvement and can even lead to negative transfer on many downstream tasks. In contrast, our strategy avoids negative transfer and improves generalization significantly across downstream tasks, leading up to 9.4% absolute improvements in ROC-AUC over non-pre-trained models and achieving state-of-the-art performance for molecular property prediction and protein function prediction.However, pre-training on graph datasets remains a hard challenge. Several key studies (
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Models that accurately predict properties based on chemical structure are valuable tools in drug discovery. However, for many properties, public and private training sets are typically small, and it is difficult for the models to generalize well outside of the training data. Recently, large language models have addressed this problem by using self-supervised pretraining on large unlabeled datasets, followed by fine-tuning on smaller, labeled datasets. In this paper, we report MolE, a molecular foundation model that adapts the DeBERTa architecture to be used on molecular graphs together with a two-step pretraining strategy. The first step of pretraining is a self-supervised approach focused on learning chemical structures, and the second step is a massive multi-task approach to learn biological information. We show that fine-tuning pretrained MolE achieves state-of-the-art results on 9 of the 22 ADMET tasks included in the Therapeutic Data Commons.
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Advancements in neural machinery have led to a wide range of algorithmic solutions for molecular property prediction. Two classes of models in particular have yielded promising results: neural networks applied to computed molecular fingerprints or expert-crafted descriptors, and graph convolutional neural networks that construct a learned molecular representation by operating on the graph structure of the molecule.However, recent literature has yet to clearly determine which of these two methods is superior when generalizing to new chemical space. Furthermore, prior research has
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We seek to automate the design of molecules based on specific chemical properties. In computational terms, this task involves continuous embedding and generation of molecular graphs. Our primary contribution is the direct realization of molecular graphs, a task previously approached by generating linear SMILES strings instead of graphs. Our junction tree variational autoencoder generates molecular graphs in two phases, by first generating a tree-structured scaffold over chemical substructures, and then combining them into a molecule with a graph message passing network. This approach allows us to incrementally expand molecules while maintaining chemical validity at every step. We evaluate our model on multiple tasks ranging from molecular generation to optimization. Across these tasks, our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art baselines by a significant margin.
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图形神经网络(GNNS)的表现力量受到限制,具有远程交互的斗争,缺乏模拟高阶结构的原则性方法。这些问题可以归因于计算图表和输入图结构之间的强耦合。最近提出的消息通过单独的网络通过执行图形的Clique复合物的消息来自然地解耦这些元素。然而,这些模型可能受到单纯复合物(SCS)的刚性组合结构的严重限制。在这项工作中,我们将最近的基于常规细胞复合物的理论结果扩展到常规细胞复合物,灵活地满满SCS和图表的拓扑物体。我们表明,该概括提供了一组强大的图表“提升”转换,每个图形是导致唯一的分层消息传递过程。我们集体呼叫CW Networks(CWNS)的结果方法比WL测试更强大,而不是比3 WL测试更强大。特别是,当应用于分子图问题时,我们证明了一种基于环的一个这样的方案的有效性。所提出的架构从可提供的较大的表达效益于常用的GNN,高阶信号的原则建模以及压缩节点之间的距离。我们展示了我们的模型在各种分子数据集上实现了最先进的结果。
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