DeeProb-kit is a unified library written in Python consisting of a collection of deep probabilistic models (DPMs) that are tractable and exact representations for the modelled probability distributions. The availability of a representative selection of DPMs in a single library makes it possible to combine them in a straightforward manner, a common practice in deep learning research nowadays. In addition, it includes efficiently implemented learning techniques, inference routines, statistical algorithms, and provides high-quality fully-documented APIs. The development of DeeProb-kit will help the community to accelerate research on DPMs as well as to standardise their evaluation and better understand how they are related based on their expressivity.
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尽管在图像生成方面广泛进展,但在应用于无损压缩时,深度生成模型是次优。例如,由于其潜在变量,诸如VAE的模型遭受压缩成本开销,其潜在的变量只能被部分地消除,这些方案诸如位编码,导致单个样本压缩率不良。为了克服这些问题,我们建立了一类新的易旧的无损压缩模型,允许有效的编码和解码:概率电路(PC)。这些是一类神经网络,涉及$ | $ COWS $ COMPUTIONATION单位,支持高效的$ D $特征尺寸的任意子集,从而实现有效的算术编码。我们推出了有效的编码和解码方案,即有时间复杂度$ \ mathcal {o}(\ log(d)\ cdot | p | p |)$,其中天真的方案在$ d $和$ | p | $ ,使方法高度可扩展。经验,我们的PC基(DE)压缩算法比实现类似比特率的神经压缩算法更快地运行5-20倍。通过缩放传统的PC结构学习管道,我们在诸如MNIST之类的图像数据集上实现了最先进的结果。此外,PC可以自然地与现有的神经压缩算法集成,以改善在自然图像数据集上的这些基础模型的性能。我们的结果突出了非标准学习架构可能对神经数据压缩的潜在影响。
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我们将反应性消息传递(RMP)作为框架,用于在概率模型的因子图表示中执行基于时间表,鲁棒和可扩展的消息通过的基于消息传递的推断。 RMP基于反应性编程风格,该样式仅描述因子图中的节点如何对连接节点中的更改作出反应。没有固定消息传递计划提高推理过程的稳健性,可伸缩性和执行时间。我们还存在ReactiveMp.jl,这是一个Julia包,用于通过最小化约束的自由能实现RMP。通过用户定义的本地表单和分解约束对变分后部分布的结构,ReastiveMp.jl执行混合消息传递算法,包括信仰传播,变分消息通过,期望传播和期望最大化更新规则。实验结果表明,与其他概率模型的贝叶斯推断的其他朱莉娅封装相比,基于Reactivemp的RMP的性能提高。特别是,我们表明RMP框架能够为大型概率状态空间模型运行贝叶斯人推断,并在标准膝上型计算机上具有数十万个随机变量。
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上下文:差分测试是一种有用的方法,它使用相同算法的不同实现,并比较软件测试的结果。近年来,这种方法已成功用于深度学习框架的测试活动。目的:对超出深度学习的差异测试的应用几乎没有知识。在本文中,我们要缩小此差距以进行分类算法。方法:我们使用Scikit-Learn,Weka,Spark Mllib和Caret进行了案例研究,在其中我们通过考虑哪些算法在多个框架中可用,通过识别应识别的算法对应表现出相同的算法来确定差异测试的潜力。行为,以及通过执行确定对的测试并分析偏差来实现的有效性。结果:尽管我们发现流行算法的潜力很大,但可行性似乎有限,因为通常无法确定其他框架中相同的配置。可行测试的执行表明,分数和类别存在很大的偏差。只有基于班级统计意义的宽松方法不会导致大量的测试失败。结论:超出深度学习的差异测试的潜力似乎有限用于研究机器学习库的质量。如果从业人员对实施有深入的了解,则可能仍然使用该方法,尤其是如果仅考虑班级显着差异的粗糙甲骨文就足够了。
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Stable-Baselines3 provides open-source implementations of deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms in Python. The implementations have been benchmarked against reference codebases, and automated unit tests cover 95% of the code. The algorithms follow a consistent interface and are accompanied by extensive documentation, making it simple to train and compare different RL algorithms. Our documentation, examples, and source-code are available at
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Pyro is a probabilistic programming language built on Python as a platform for developing advanced probabilistic models in AI research. To scale to large datasets and high-dimensional models, Pyro uses stochastic variational inference algorithms and probability distributions built on top of PyTorch, a modern GPU-accelerated deep learning framework. To accommodate complex or model-specific algorithmic behavior, Pyro leverages Poutine, a library of composable building blocks for modifying the behavior of probabilistic programs.
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The ever-increasing size of modern data sets combined with the difficulty of obtaining label information has made semi-supervised learning one of the problems of significant practical importance in modern data analysis. We revisit the approach to semi-supervised learning with generative models and develop new models that allow for effective generalisation from small labelled data sets to large unlabelled ones. Generative approaches have thus far been either inflexible, inefficient or non-scalable. We show that deep generative models and approximate Bayesian inference exploiting recent advances in variational methods can be used to provide significant improvements, making generative approaches highly competitive for semi-supervised learning.
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Derivatives, mostly in the form of gradients and Hessians, are ubiquitous in machine learning. Automatic differentiation (AD), also called algorithmic differentiation or simply "autodiff", is a family of techniques similar to but more general than backpropagation for efficiently and accurately evaluating derivatives of numeric functions expressed as computer programs. AD is a small but established field with applications in areas including computational fluid dynamics, atmospheric sciences, and engineering design optimization. Until very recently, the fields of machine learning and AD have largely been unaware of each other and, in some cases, have independently discovered each other's results. Despite its relevance, general-purpose AD has been missing from the machine learning toolbox, a situation slowly changing with its ongoing adoption under the names "dynamic computational graphs" and "differentiable programming". We survey the intersection of AD and machine learning, cover applications where AD has direct relevance, and address the main implementation techniques. By precisely defining the main differentiation techniques and their interrelationships, we aim to bring clarity to the usage of the terms "autodiff", "automatic differentiation", and "symbolic differentiation" as these are encountered more and more in machine learning settings.
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Machine learning applications have become ubiquitous. Their applications range from embedded control in production machines over process optimization in diverse areas (e.g., traffic, finance, sciences) to direct user interactions like advertising and recommendations. This has led to an increased effort of making machine learning trustworthy. Explainable and fair AI have already matured. They address the knowledgeable user and the application engineer. However, there are users that want to deploy a learned model in a similar way as their washing machine. These stakeholders do not want to spend time in understanding the model, but want to rely on guaranteed properties. What are the relevant properties? How can they be expressed to the stakeholder without presupposing machine learning knowledge? How can they be guaranteed for a certain implementation of a machine learning model? These questions move far beyond the current state of the art and we want to address them here. We propose a unified framework that certifies learning methods via care labels. They are easy to understand and draw inspiration from well-known certificates like textile labels or property cards of electronic devices. Our framework considers both, the machine learning theory and a given implementation. We test the implementation's compliance with theoretical properties and bounds.
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随着机器学习系统的计算要求以及机器学习框架的规模和复杂性的增加,基本框架创新变得具有挑战性。尽管计算需求驱动了最近的编译器,网络和硬件的进步,但通过机器学习工具对这些进步的利用却以较慢的速度发生。这部分是由于与现有框架原型制作新的计算范式有关的困难。大型框架将机器学习研究人员和从业人员作为最终用户的优先级优先,并且很少关注能够向前推动框架的系统研究人员 - 我们认为两者都是同等重要的利益相关者。我们介绍了手电筒,这是一个开源库,旨在通过优先考虑开放式,模块化,可定制的内部设备以及最新的,可用于研究的模型和培训设置,以刺激机器学习工具和系统的创新。手电筒使系统研究人员能够快速原型并尝试机器学习计算中的新思想,并且开销低,与其他流行的机器学习框架竞争并经常超过其他流行的机器学习框架。我们将手电筒视为一种工具,可以使可以使广泛使用的图书馆受益,并使机器学习和系统研究人员更加紧密地结合在一起。手电筒可从获得。
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The framework of normalizing flows provides a general strategy for flexible variational inference of posteriors over latent variables. We propose a new type of normalizing flow, inverse autoregressive flow (IAF), that, in contrast to earlier published flows, scales well to high-dimensional latent spaces. The proposed flow consists of a chain of invertible transformations, where each transformation is based on an autoregressive neural network. In experiments, we show that IAF significantly improves upon diagonal Gaussian approximate posteriors. In addition, we demonstrate that a novel type of variational autoencoder, coupled with IAF, is competitive with neural autoregressive models in terms of attained log-likelihood on natural images, while allowing significantly faster synthesis.
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数值验证是机器学习研究的核心,因为它允许评估新方法的实际影响,并确认理论和实践之间的一致性。然而,该领域的快速发展构成了一些挑战:研究人员面临着大量的方法来比较,有限的透明度和最佳实践的共识以及乏味的重新实施工作。结果,验证通常是非常部分的,这可能会导致错误的结论,从而减慢研究的进展。我们提出了Benchopt,这是一个协作框架,旨在在跨编程语言和硬件体系结构的机器学习中自动化,复制和发布优化基准。 Benchopt通过提供用于运行,共享和扩展实验的现成工具来简化社区的基准测试。为了展示其广泛的可用性,我们在三个标准学习任务上展示基准:$ \ ell_2 $ regulaine的逻辑回归,套索和RESNET18用于图像分类的培训。这些基准强调了关键的实际发现,这些发现对这些问题的最新问题更加细微,这表明在实际评估中,魔鬼在细节上。我们希望Benchopt能在社区中促进合作工作,从而改善研究结果的可重复性。
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Recent advances in deep learning (dl) have led to the release of several dl software libraries such as pytorch, Caffe, and TensorFlow, in order to assist machine learning (ml) practitioners in developing and deploying state-of-the-art deep neural networks (DNN), but they are not able to properly cope with limitations in the dl libraries such as testing or data processing. In this paper, we present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the most frequent dl libraries combination, the distribution of dl library dependencies across the ml workflow, and formulate a set of recommendations to (i) hardware builders for more optimized accelerators and (ii) library builder for more refined future releases. Our study is based on 1,484 open-source dl projects with 46,110 contributors selected based on their reputation. First, we found an increasing trend in the usage of deep learning libraries. Second, we highlight several usage patterns of deep learning libraries. In addition, we identify dependencies between dl libraries and the most frequent combination where we discover that pytorch and Scikit-learn and, Keras and TensorFlow are the most frequent combination in 18% and 14% of the projects. The developer uses two or three dl libraries in the same projects and tends to use different multiple dl libraries in both the same function and the same files. The developer shows patterns in using various deep-learning libraries and prefers simple functions with fewer arguments and straightforward goals. Finally, we present the implications of our findings for researchers, library maintainers, and hardware vendors.
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