Derivatives, mostly in the form of gradients and Hessians, are ubiquitous in machine learning. Automatic differentiation (AD), also called algorithmic differentiation or simply "autodiff", is a family of techniques similar to but more general than backpropagation for efficiently and accurately evaluating derivatives of numeric functions expressed as computer programs. AD is a small but established field with applications in areas including computational fluid dynamics, atmospheric sciences, and engineering design optimization. Until very recently, the fields of machine learning and AD have largely been unaware of each other and, in some cases, have independently discovered each other's results. Despite its relevance, general-purpose AD has been missing from the machine learning toolbox, a situation slowly changing with its ongoing adoption under the names "dynamic computational graphs" and "differentiable programming". We survey the intersection of AD and machine learning, cover applications where AD has direct relevance, and address the main implementation techniques. By precisely defining the main differentiation techniques and their interrelationships, we aim to bring clarity to the usage of the terms "autodiff", "automatic differentiation", and "symbolic differentiation" as these are encountered more and more in machine learning settings.
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Automatic differentiation (AD) is a technique for computing the derivative of a function represented by a program. This technique is considered as the de-facto standard for computing the differentiation in many machine learning and optimisation software tools. Despite the practicality of this technique, the performance of the differentiated programs, especially for functional languages and in the presence of vectors, is suboptimal. We present an AD system for a higher-order functional array-processing language. The core functional language underlying this system simultaneously supports both source-to-source forward-mode AD and global optimisations such as loop transformations. In combination, gradient computation with forward-mode AD can be as efficient as reverse mode, and the Jacobian matrices required for numerical algorithms such as Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt can be efficiently computed.
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在科学的背景下,众所周知的格言“一张图片胜过千言万语”可能是“一个型号胜过一千个数据集”。在本手稿中,我们将Sciml软件生态系统介绍作为混合物理法律和科学模型的信息,并使用数据驱动的机器学习方法。我们描述了一个数学对象,我们表示通用微分方程(UDE),作为连接生态系统的统一框架。我们展示了各种各样的应用程序,从自动发现解决高维汉密尔顿 - Jacobi-Bellman方程的生物机制,可以通过UDE形式主义和工具进行措辞和有效地处理。我们展示了软件工具的一般性,以处理随机性,延迟和隐式约束。这使得各种SCIML应用程序变为核心训练机构的核心集,这些训练机构高度优化,稳定硬化方程,并与分布式并行性和GPU加速器兼容。
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Normalizing flows provide a general mechanism for defining expressive probability distributions, only requiring the specification of a (usually simple) base distribution and a series of bijective transformations. There has been much recent work on normalizing flows, ranging from improving their expressive power to expanding their application. We believe the field has now matured and is in need of a unified perspective. In this review, we attempt to provide such a perspective by describing flows through the lens of probabilistic modeling and inference. We place special emphasis on the fundamental principles of flow design, and discuss foundational topics such as expressive power and computational trade-offs. We also broaden the conceptual framing of flows by relating them to more general probability transformations. Lastly, we summarize the use of flows for tasks such as generative modeling, approximate inference, and supervised learning.
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我们介绍了Netket的版本3,机器学习工具箱适用于许多身体量子物理学。Netket围绕神经网络量子状态构建,并为其评估和优化提供有效的算法。这个新版本是基于JAX的顶部,一个用于Python编程语言的可差分编程和加速的线性代数框架。最重要的新功能是使用机器学习框架的简明符号来定义纯Python代码中的任意神经网络ANS \“凝固的可能性,这允许立即编译以及渐变的隐式生成自动化。Netket 3还带来了GPU和TPU加速器的支持,对离散对称组的高级支持,块以缩放多程度的自由度,Quantum动态应用程序的驱动程序,以及改进的模块化,允许用户仅使用部分工具箱是他们自己代码的基础。
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物理信息的神经网络(PINN)是神经网络(NNS),它们作为神经网络本身的组成部分编码模型方程,例如部分微分方程(PDE)。如今,PINN是用于求解PDE,分数方程,积分分化方程和随机PDE的。这种新颖的方法已成为一个多任务学习框架,在该框架中,NN必须在减少PDE残差的同时拟合观察到的数据。本文对PINNS的文献进行了全面的综述:虽然该研究的主要目标是表征这些网络及其相关的优势和缺点。该综述还试图将出版物纳入更广泛的基于搭配的物理知识的神经网络,这些神经网络构成了香草·皮恩(Vanilla Pinn)以及许多其他变体,例如物理受限的神经网络(PCNN),各种HP-VPINN,变量HP-VPINN,VPINN,VPINN,变体。和保守的Pinn(CPINN)。该研究表明,大多数研究都集中在通过不同的激活功能,梯度优化技术,神经网络结构和损耗功能结构来定制PINN。尽管使用PINN的应用范围广泛,但通过证明其在某些情况下比有限元方法(FEM)等经典数值技术更可行的能力,但仍有可能的进步,最著名的是尚未解决的理论问题。
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The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning.
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Multilayer Neural Networks trained with the backpropagation algorithm constitute the best example of a successful Gradient-Based Learning technique. Given an appropriate network architecture, Gradient-Based Learning algorithms can be used to synthesize a complex decision surface that can classify high-dimensional patterns such as handwritten characters, with minimal preprocessing. This paper reviews various methods applied to handwritten character recognition and compares them on a standard handwritten digit recognition task. Convolutional Neural Networks, that are specifically designed to deal with the variability of 2D shapes, are shown to outperform all other techniques.Real-life document recognition systems are composed of multiple modules including eld extraction, segmentation, recognition, and language modeling. A new learning paradigm, called Graph Transformer Networks (GTN), allows such multi-module systems to be trained globally using Gradient-Based methods so as to minimize an overall performance measure.Two systems for on-line handwriting recognition are described. Experiments demonstrate the advantage of global training, and the exibility of Graph Transformer Networks.A Graph Transformer Network for reading bank check is also described. It uses Convolutional Neural Network character recognizers combined with global training techniques to provides record accuracy on business and personal checks. It is deployed commercially and reads several million checks per day.
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Neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs) have emerged as a novel network architecture that bridges dynamical systems and deep learning. However, the gradient obtained with the continuous adjoint method in the vanilla neural ODE is not reverse-accurate. Other approaches suffer either from an excessive memory requirement due to deep computational graphs or from limited choices for the time integration scheme, hampering their application to large-scale complex dynamical systems. To achieve accurate gradients without compromising memory efficiency and flexibility, we present a new neural ODE framework, PNODE, based on high-level discrete adjoint algorithmic differentiation. By leveraging discrete adjoint time integrators and advanced checkpointing strategies tailored for these integrators, PNODE can provide a balance between memory and computational costs, while computing the gradients consistently and accurately. We provide an open-source implementation based on PyTorch and PETSc, one of the most commonly used portable, scalable scientific computing libraries. We demonstrate the performance through extensive numerical experiments on image classification and continuous normalizing flow problems. We show that PNODE achieves the highest memory efficiency when compared with other reverse-accurate methods. On the image classification problems, PNODE is up to two times faster than the vanilla neural ODE and up to 2.3 times faster than the best existing reverse-accurate method. We also show that PNODE enables the use of the implicit time integration methods that are needed for stiff dynamical systems.
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这项正在进行的工作旨在为统计学习提供统一的介绍,从诸如GMM和HMM等经典模型到现代神经网络(如VAE和扩散模型)缓慢地构建。如今,有许多互联网资源可以孤立地解释这一点或新的机器学习算法,但是它们并没有(也不能在如此简短的空间中)将这些算法彼此连接起来,或者与统计模型的经典文献相连现代算法出现了。同样明显缺乏的是一个单一的符号系统,尽管对那些已经熟悉材料的人(如这些帖子的作者)不满意,但对新手的入境造成了重大障碍。同样,我的目的是将各种模型(尽可能)吸收到一个用于推理和学习的框架上,表明(以及为什么)如何以最小的变化将一个模型更改为另一个模型(其中一些是新颖的,另一些是文献中的)。某些背景当然是必要的。我以为读者熟悉基本的多变量计算,概率和统计以及线性代数。这本书的目标当然不是​​完整性,而是从基本知识到过去十年中极强大的新模型的直线路径或多或少。然后,目标是补充而不是替换,诸如Bishop的\ emph {模式识别和机器学习}之类的综合文本,该文本现在已经15岁了。
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预测性编码提供了对皮质功能的潜在统一说明 - 假设大脑的核心功能是最小化有关世界生成模型的预测错误。该理论与贝叶斯大脑框架密切相关,在过去的二十年中,在理论和认知神经科学领域都产生了重大影响。基于经验测试的预测编码的改进和扩展的理论和数学模型,以及评估其在大脑中实施的潜在生物学合理性以及该理论所做的具体神经生理学和心理学预测。尽管存在这种持久的知名度,但仍未对预测编码理论,尤其是该领域的最新发展进行全面回顾。在这里,我们提供了核心数学结构和预测编码的逻辑的全面综述,从而补充了文献中最新的教程。我们还回顾了该框架中的各种经典和最新工作,从可以实施预测性编码的神经生物学现实的微电路到预测性编码和广泛使用的错误算法的重新传播之间的紧密关系,以及对近距离的调查。预测性编码和现代机器学习技术之间的关系。
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We propose an efficient method for approximating natural gradient descent in neural networks which we call Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC). K-FAC is based on an efficiently invertible approximation of a neural network's Fisher information matrix which is neither diagonal nor low-rank, and in some cases is completely non-sparse. It is derived by approximating various large blocks of the Fisher (corresponding to entire layers) as being the Kronecker product of two much smaller matrices. While only several times more expensive to compute than the plain stochastic gradient, the updates produced by K-FAC make much more progress optimizing the objective, which results in an algorithm that can be much faster than stochastic gradient descent with momentum in practice. And unlike some previously proposed approximate natural-gradient/Newton methods which use high-quality non-diagonal curvature matrices (such as Hessian-free optimization), K-FAC works very well in highly stochastic optimization regimes. This is because the cost of storing and inverting K-FAC's approximation to the curvature matrix does not depend on the amount of data used to estimate it, which is a feature typically associated only with diagonal or low-rank approximations to the curvature matrix.
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Recent years have witnessed a growth in mathematics for deep learning--which seeks a deeper understanding of the concepts of deep learning with mathematics, and explores how to make it more robust--and deep learning for mathematics, where deep learning algorithms are used to solve problems in mathematics. The latter has popularised the field of scientific machine learning where deep learning is applied to problems in scientific computing. Specifically, more and more neural network architectures have been developed to solve specific classes of partial differential equations (PDEs). Such methods exploit properties that are inherent to PDEs and thus solve the PDEs better than classical feed-forward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks. This has had a great impact in the area of mathematical modeling where parametric PDEs are widely used to model most natural and physical processes arising in science and engineering, In this work, we review such methods and extend them for parametric studies as well as for solving the related inverse problems. We equally proceed to show their relevance in some industrial applications.
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Bridging cultures that have often been distant, Julia combines expertise from the diverse fields of computer science and computational science to create a new approach to numerical computing. Julia is designed to be easy and fast. Julia questions notions generally held as "laws of nature" by practitioners of numerical computing:1. High-level dynamic programs have to be slow, 2. One must prototype in one language and then rewrite in another language for speed or deployment, and 3. There are parts of a system for the programmer, and other parts best left untouched as they are built by the experts.We introduce the Julia programming language and its design -a dance between specialization and abstraction. Specialization allows for custom treatment. Multiple dispatch, a technique from computer science, picks the right algorithm for the right circumstance. Abstraction, what good computation is really about, recognizes what remains the same after differences are stripped away. Abstractions in mathematics are captured as code through another technique from computer science, generic programming.Julia shows that one can have machine performance without sacrificing human convenience.
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即使机器学习算法已经在数据科学中发挥了重要作用,但许多当前方法对输入数据提出了不现实的假设。由于不兼容的数据格式,或数据集中的异质,分层或完全缺少的数据片段,因此很难应用此类方法。作为解决方案,我们提出了一个用于样本表示,模型定义和培训的多功能,统一的框架,称为“ Hmill”。我们深入审查框架构建和扩展的机器学习的多个范围范式。从理论上讲,为HMILL的关键组件的设计合理,我们将通用近似定理的扩展显示到框架中实现的模型所实现的所有功能的集合。本文还包含有关我们实施中技术和绩效改进的详细讨论,该讨论将在MIT许可下发布供下载。该框架的主要资产是其灵活性,它可以通过相同的工具对不同的现实世界数据源进行建模。除了单独观察到每个对象的一组属性的标准设置外,我们解释了如何在框架中实现表示整个对象系统的图表中的消息推断。为了支持我们的主张,我们使用框架解决了网络安全域的三个不同问题。第一种用例涉及来自原始网络观察结果的IoT设备识别。在第二个问题中,我们研究了如何使用以有向图表示的操作系统的快照可以对恶意二进制文件进行分类。最后提供的示例是通过网络中实体之间建模域黑名单扩展的任务。在所有三个问题中,基于建议的框架的解决方案可实现与专业方法相当的性能。
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量子哈密顿学习和量子吉布斯采样的双重任务与物理和化学中的许多重要问题有关。在低温方案中,这些任务的算法通常会遭受施状能力,例如因样本或时间复杂性差而遭受。为了解决此类韧性,我们将量子自然梯度下降的概括引入了参数化的混合状态,并提供了稳健的一阶近似算法,即量子 - 固定镜下降。我们使用信息几何学和量子计量学的工具证明了双重任务的数据样本效率,因此首次将经典Fisher效率的开创性结果推广到变异量子算法。我们的方法扩展了以前样品有效的技术,以允许模型选择的灵活性,包括基于量子汉密尔顿的量子模型,包括基于量子的模型,这些模型可能会规避棘手的时间复杂性。我们的一阶算法是使用经典镜下降二元性的新型量子概括得出的。两种结果都需要特殊的度量选择,即Bogoliubov-Kubo-Mori度量。为了从数值上测试我们提出的算法,我们将它们的性能与现有基准进行了关于横向场ISING模型的量子Gibbs采样任务的现有基准。最后,我们提出了一种初始化策略,利用几何局部性来建模状态的序列(例如量子 - 故事过程)的序列。我们从经验上证明了它在实际和想象的时间演化的经验上,同时定义了更广泛的潜在应用。
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