Automatic differentiation (AD) is a technique for computing the derivative of a function represented by a program. This technique is considered as the de-facto standard for computing the differentiation in many machine learning and optimisation software tools. Despite the practicality of this technique, the performance of the differentiated programs, especially for functional languages and in the presence of vectors, is suboptimal. We present an AD system for a higher-order functional array-processing language. The core functional language underlying this system simultaneously supports both source-to-source forward-mode AD and global optimisations such as loop transformations. In combination, gradient computation with forward-mode AD can be as efficient as reverse mode, and the Jacobian matrices required for numerical algorithms such as Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt can be efficiently computed.
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Derivatives, mostly in the form of gradients and Hessians, are ubiquitous in machine learning. Automatic differentiation (AD), also called algorithmic differentiation or simply "autodiff", is a family of techniques similar to but more general than backpropagation for efficiently and accurately evaluating derivatives of numeric functions expressed as computer programs. AD is a small but established field with applications in areas including computational fluid dynamics, atmospheric sciences, and engineering design optimization. Until very recently, the fields of machine learning and AD have largely been unaware of each other and, in some cases, have independently discovered each other's results. Despite its relevance, general-purpose AD has been missing from the machine learning toolbox, a situation slowly changing with its ongoing adoption under the names "dynamic computational graphs" and "differentiable programming". We survey the intersection of AD and machine learning, cover applications where AD has direct relevance, and address the main implementation techniques. By precisely defining the main differentiation techniques and their interrelationships, we aim to bring clarity to the usage of the terms "autodiff", "automatic differentiation", and "symbolic differentiation" as these are encountered more and more in machine learning settings.
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一般矩阵乘法或GEMM内核在高性能计算和机器学习中占据中心位置。最近的NVIDIA GPU包括Gemm加速器,如Nvidia的张量核心。他们的剥削受到双语言问题的阻碍:它需要低级编程,这意味着低程序员的工作效率或使用只提供有限组件集的库。由于建立的组件方面的REPRASING算法经常引入开销,因此图书馆缺乏灵活性限制了探索新算法的自由。因此,使用GEMMS的研究人员无法立即享受编程生产力,高性能和研究灵活性。在本文中,我们解决了这个问题。我们在科学朱莉娅编程语言中展示了三组抽象和接口来编程宝石。界面和抽象共同设计用于研究人员的需求和朱莉娅的特征,以实现足够的担忧和灵活性的充分分离,以便在不支付性能价格的情况下轻松地扩展基本宝石。将我们的Gemms与最先进的图书馆Cublas和Cutlass进行比较,我们证明我们的性能在图书馆的相同球场中,并且在某些情况下甚至超过它,而无需在CUDA C ++中编写单行代码或者组装,而不面临灵活限制。
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Bridging cultures that have often been distant, Julia combines expertise from the diverse fields of computer science and computational science to create a new approach to numerical computing. Julia is designed to be easy and fast. Julia questions notions generally held as "laws of nature" by practitioners of numerical computing:1. High-level dynamic programs have to be slow, 2. One must prototype in one language and then rewrite in another language for speed or deployment, and 3. There are parts of a system for the programmer, and other parts best left untouched as they are built by the experts.We introduce the Julia programming language and its design -a dance between specialization and abstraction. Specialization allows for custom treatment. Multiple dispatch, a technique from computer science, picks the right algorithm for the right circumstance. Abstraction, what good computation is really about, recognizes what remains the same after differences are stripped away. Abstractions in mathematics are captured as code through another technique from computer science, generic programming.Julia shows that one can have machine performance without sacrificing human convenience.
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我们介绍了Netket的版本3,机器学习工具箱适用于许多身体量子物理学。Netket围绕神经网络量子状态构建,并为其评估和优化提供有效的算法。这个新版本是基于JAX的顶部,一个用于Python编程语言的可差分编程和加速的线性代数框架。最重要的新功能是使用机器学习框架的简明符号来定义纯Python代码中的任意神经网络ANS \“凝固的可能性,这允许立即编译以及渐变的隐式生成自动化。Netket 3还带来了GPU和TPU加速器的支持,对离散对称组的高级支持,块以缩放多程度的自由度,Quantum动态应用程序的驱动程序,以及改进的模块化,允许用户仅使用部分工具箱是他们自己代码的基础。
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在过去十年中,已经开发出新的深度学习(DL)算法,工作负载和硬件来解决各种问题。尽管工作量和硬件生态系统的进步,DL系统的编程方法是停滞不前的。 DL工作负载从DL库中的高度优化,特定于平台和不灵活的内核,或者在新颖的操作员的情况下,通过具有强大性能的DL框架基元建立参考实现。这项工作介绍了Tensor加工基元(TPP),一个编程抽象,用于高效的DL工作负载的高效,便携式实现。 TPPS定义了一组紧凑而多才多艺的2D张镜操作员(或虚拟张量ISA),随后可以用作构建块,以在高维张量上构建复杂的运算符。 TPP规范是平台 - 不可行的,因此通过TPPS表示的代码是便携式的,而TPP实现是高度优化的,并且特定于平台。我们展示了我们使用独立内核和端到端DL&HPC工作负载完全通过TPPS表达的方法的效力和生存性,这在多个平台上优于最先进的实现。
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We present a new algorithm for automatically bounding the Taylor remainder series. In the special case of a scalar function $f: \mathbb{R} \mapsto \mathbb{R}$, our algorithm takes as input a reference point $x_0$, trust region $[a, b]$, and integer $k \ge 0$, and returns an interval $I$ such that $f(x) - \sum_{i=0}^k \frac {f^{(i)}(x_0)} {i!} (x - x_0)^i \in I (x - x_0)^{k+1}$ for all $x \in [a, b]$. As in automatic differentiation, the function $f$ is provided to the algorithm in symbolic form, and must be composed of known elementary functions. At a high level, our algorithm has two steps. First, for a variety of commonly-used elementary functions (e.g., $\exp$, $\log$), we derive sharp polynomial upper and lower bounds on the Taylor remainder series. We then recursively combine the bounds for the elementary functions using an interval arithmetic variant of Taylor-mode automatic differentiation. Our algorithm can make efficient use of machine learning hardware accelerators, and we provide an open source implementation in JAX. We then turn our attention to applications. Most notably, we use our new machinery to create the first universal majorization-minimization optimization algorithms: algorithms that iteratively minimize an arbitrary loss using a majorizer that is derived automatically, rather than by hand. Applied to machine learning, this leads to architecture-specific optimizers for training deep networks that converge from any starting point, without hyperparameter tuning. Our experiments show that for some optimization problems, these hyperparameter-free optimizers outperform tuned versions of gradient descent, Adam, and AdaGrad. We also show that our automatically-derived bounds can be used for verified global optimization and numerical integration, and to prove sharper versions of Jensen's inequality.
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深度学习的快速进步正在导致一系列快速变化的模型,对计算的需求急剧增长。但是,随着框架将性能优化专门针对流行网络的模式,它们隐含地限制了推动研究进展的新颖和多样化的模型。我们通过定义灵活和用户可定制的管道来优化基于数据运动最小化的任意深神经网络的培训来赋予深度学习研究人员的能力。管道始于Pytorch或ONNX中的标准网络,并通过逐步降低转换计算。我们定义了四个级别的通用转换级别,从局部操作员优化到全球数据运动减少。这些在以数据为中心的图形中间表示上运行,该表示在各个级别的抽象级别表达计算和数据移动,包括扩展基本运算符,例如其基础计算的卷积。设计的核心是管道的互动性和内省性质。每个部分都可以通过Python API扩展,并且可以使用GUI进行交互调整。我们在十个不同的网络上展示了竞争性能或加速性,交互式优化发现了高效网络中的新机会。
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The emergence of variational quantum applications has led to the development of automatic differentiation techniques in quantum computing. Recently, Zhu et al. (PLDI 2020) have formulated differentiable quantum programming with bounded loops, providing a framework for scalable gradient calculation by quantum means for training quantum variational applications. However, promising parameterized quantum applications, e.g., quantum walk and unitary implementation, cannot be trained in the existing framework due to the natural involvement of unbounded loops. To fill in the gap, we provide the first differentiable quantum programming framework with unbounded loops, including a newly designed differentiation rule, code transformation, and their correctness proof. Technically, we introduce a randomized estimator for derivatives to deal with the infinite sum in the differentiation of unbounded loops, whose applicability in classical and probabilistic programming is also discussed. We implement our framework with Python and Q#, and demonstrate a reasonable sample efficiency. Through extensive case studies, we showcase an exciting application of our framework in automatically identifying close-to-optimal parameters for several parameterized quantum applications.
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现代大规模深度学习工作负载突出了在许多设备上并行执行的需要,以便将模型数据拟合到硬件加速器存储器中。在这些设置中,在计算期间可能需要数组再分配,但如果没有有效地完成,也可以成为瓶颈。在本文中,我们解决了在SPMD计算中重新分配多维阵列数据的问题,深度学习中最普遍的并行性形式。我们介绍了一种类型定向的方法来合成阵列再分配作为MPI式集体操作的序列。我们证明了我们的合成重新分发是内存高效的,并且不执行过多的数据传输。使用集体操作的SPMD计算的数组再分配也在XLA SPMD Partitioner的上下文中实现了一种用于跨加速器系统进行分区程序的生产级工具。我们评估我们对XLA实施的方法,并发现我们的方法提供了1.22美元的几何平均加速,最大加速度为高达5.7倍$,同时提供可提供的内存保证,使我们的系统特别吸引力 - 规模模型。
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回答集编程(ASP)已成为一种流行的和相当复杂的声明问题解决方法。这是由于其具有吸引力的地址解决方案的工作流程,这是可以轻松解决问题解决的方法,即使对于计算机科学外的守护者而言。与此不同,底层技术的高度复杂性使得ASP专家越来越难以将想法付诸实践。有关解决此问题,本教程旨在使用户能够构建自己的基于ASP的系统。更确切地说,我们展示了ASP系统Clingo如何用于扩展ASP和实现定制的专用系统。为此,我们提出了两个替代方案。我们从传统的AI技术开始,并展示元编程如何用于扩展ASP。这是一种相当轻的方法,依赖于Clingo的reation特征来使用ASP本身表达新功能。与此不同,本教程的主要部分使用传统的编程(在Python中)来通过其应用程序编程接口操纵Clingo。这种方法允许改变和控制ASP的整个模型 - 地面解决工作流程。 COMENT of Clingo的新应用程序课程使我们能够通过自定义类似于Clingo中的进程来绘制Clingo的基础架构。例如,我们可能会互动到程序的抽象语法树,控制各种形式的多射击求解,并为外国推论设置理论传播者。另一种横截面结构,跨越元以及应用程序编程是Clingo的中间格式,即指定底层接地器和求解器之间的界面。我们通过示例和几个非琐碎的案例研究说明了本教程的前述概念和技术。
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This paper introduces corpus-guided top-down synthesis as a mechanism for synthesizing library functions that capture common functionality from a corpus of programs in a domain specific language (DSL). The algorithm builds abstractions directly from initial DSL primitives, using syntactic pattern matching of intermediate abstractions to intelligently prune the search space and guide the algorithm towards abstractions that maximally capture shared structures in the corpus. We present an implementation of the approach in a tool called Stitch and evaluate it against the state-of-the-art deductive library learning algorithm from DreamCoder. Our evaluation shows that Stitch is 3-4 orders of magnitude faster and uses 2 orders of magnitude less memory while maintaining comparable or better library quality (as measured by compressivity). We also demonstrate Stitch's scalability on corpora containing hundreds of complex programs that are intractable with prior deductive approaches and show empirically that it is robust to terminating the search procedure early -- further allowing it to scale to challenging datasets by means of early stopping.
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我们提出了一个算法框架,用于近距离矩阵上的量子启发的经典算法,概括了Tang的突破性量子启发算法开始的一系列结果,用于推荐系统[STOC'19]。由量子线性代数算法和gily \'en,su,low和wiebe [stoc'19]的量子奇异值转换(SVT)框架[SVT)的动机[STOC'19],我们开发了SVT的经典算法合适的量子启发的采样假设。我们的结果提供了令人信服的证据,表明在相应的QRAM数据结构输入模型中,量子SVT不会产生指数量子加速。由于量子SVT框架基本上概括了量子线性代数的所有已知技术,因此我们的结果与先前工作的采样引理相结合,足以概括所有有关取消量子机器学习算法的最新结果。特别是,我们的经典SVT框架恢复并经常改善推荐系统,主成分分析,监督聚类,支持向量机器,低秩回归和半决赛程序解决方案的取消结果。我们还为汉密尔顿低级模拟和判别分析提供了其他取消化结果。我们的改进来自识别量子启发的输入模型的关键功能,该模型是所有先前量子启发的结果的核心:$ \ ell^2 $ -Norm采样可以及时近似于其尺寸近似矩阵产品。我们将所有主要结果减少到这一事实,使我们的简洁,独立和直观。
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