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Recent works have shown that optical flow can be learned by deep networks from unlabelled image pairs based on brightness constancy assumption and smoothness prior. Current approaches additionally impose an augmentation regularization term for continual self-supervision, which has been proved to be effective on difficult matching regions. However, this method also amplify the inevitable mismatch in unsupervised setting, blocking the learning process towards optimal solution. To break the dilemma, we propose a novel mutual distillation framework to transfer reliable knowledge back and forth between the teacher and student networks for alternate improvement. Concretely, taking estimation of off-the-shelf unsupervised approach as pseudo labels, our insight locates at defining a confidence selection mechanism to extract relative good matches, and then add diverse data augmentation for distilling adequate and reliable knowledge from teacher to student. Thanks to the decouple nature of our method, we can choose a stronger student architecture for sufficient learning. Finally, better student prediction is adopted to transfer knowledge back to the efficient teacher without additional costs in real deployment. Rather than formulating it as a supervised task, we find that introducing an extra unsupervised term for multi-target learning achieves best final results. Extensive experiments show that our approach, termed MDFlow, achieves state-of-the-art real-time accuracy and generalization ability on challenging benchmarks. Code is available at https://github.com/ltkong218/MDFlow.
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We present a compact but effective CNN model for optical flow, called PWC-Net. PWC-Net has been designed according to simple and well-established principles: pyramidal processing, warping, and the use of a cost volume. Cast in a learnable feature pyramid, PWC-Net uses the current optical flow estimate to warp the CNN features of the second image. It then uses the warped features and features of the first image to construct a cost volume, which is processed by a CNN to estimate the optical flow. PWC-Net is 17 times smaller in size and easier to train than the recent FlowNet2 model. Moreover, it outperforms all published optical flow methods on the MPI Sintel final pass and KITTI 2015 benchmarks, running at about 35 fps on Sintel resolution (1024×436) images. Our models are available on https://github.com/NVlabs/PWC-Net.
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Recently, AutoFlow has shown promising results on learning a training set for optical flow, but requires ground truth labels in the target domain to compute its search metric. Observing a strong correlation between the ground truth search metric and self-supervised losses, we introduce self-supervised AutoFlow to handle real-world videos without ground truth labels. Using self-supervised loss as the search metric, our self-supervised AutoFlow performs on par with AutoFlow on Sintel and KITTI where ground truth is available, and performs better on the real-world DAVIS dataset. We further explore using self-supervised AutoFlow in the (semi-)supervised setting and obtain competitive results against the state of the art.
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We propose GeoNet, a jointly unsupervised learning framework for monocular depth, optical flow and egomotion estimation from videos. The three components are coupled by the nature of 3D scene geometry, jointly learned by our framework in an end-to-end manner. Specifically, geometric relationships are extracted over the predictions of individual modules and then combined as an image reconstruction loss, reasoning about static and dynamic scene parts separately. Furthermore, we propose an adaptive geometric consistency loss to increase robustness towards outliers and non-Lambertian regions, which resolves occlusions and texture ambiguities effectively. Experimentation on the KITTI driving dataset reveals that our scheme achieves state-of-the-art results in all of the three tasks, performing better than previously unsupervised methods and comparably with supervised ones.
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在本文中,通过以自我监督的方式将基于几何的方法纳入深度学习架构来实现强大的视觉测量(VO)的基本问题。通常,基于纯几何的算法与特征点提取和匹配中的深度学习不那么稳健,但由于其成熟的几何理论,在自我运动估计中表现良好。在这项工作中,首先提出了一种新颖的光学流量网络(PANET)内置于位置感知机构。然后,提出了一种在没有典型网络的情况下共同估计深度,光学流动和自我运动来学习自我运动的新系统。所提出的系统的关键组件是一种改进的束调节模块,其包含多个采样,初始化的自我运动,动态阻尼因子调整和Jacobi矩阵加权。另外,新颖的相对光度损耗函数先进以提高深度估计精度。该实验表明,所提出的系统在基于基于基于基于基于基于基于基于学习的基于学习的方法之间的深度,流量和VO估计方面不仅优于其他最先进的方法,而且与几何形状相比,也显着提高了鲁棒性 - 基于,基于学习和混合VO系统。进一步的实验表明,我们的模型在挑战室内(TMU-RGBD)和室外(KAIST)场景中实现了出色的泛化能力和性能。
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Synthetic datasets are often used to pretrain end-to-end optical flow networks, due to the lack of a large amount of labeled, real-scene data. But major drops in accuracy occur when moving from synthetic to real scenes. How do we better transfer the knowledge learned from synthetic to real domains? To this end, we propose CLIP-FLow, a semi-supervised iterative pseudo-labeling framework to transfer the pretraining knowledge to the target real domain. We leverage large-scale, unlabeled real data to facilitate transfer learning with the supervision of iteratively updated pseudo-ground truth labels, bridging the domain gap between the synthetic and the real. In addition, we propose a contrastive flow loss on reference features and the warped features by pseudo ground truth flows, to further boost the accurate matching and dampen the mismatching due to motion, occlusion, or noisy pseudo labels. We adopt RAFT as the backbone and obtain an F1-all error of 4.11%, i.e. a 19% error reduction from RAFT (5.10%) and ranking 2$^{nd}$ place at submission on the KITTI 2015 benchmark. Our framework can also be extended to other models, e.g. CRAFT, reducing the F1-all error from 4.79% to 4.66% on KITTI 2015 benchmark.
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We introduce Recurrent All-Pairs Field Transforms (RAFT), a new deep network architecture for optical flow. RAFT extracts perpixel features, builds multi-scale 4D correlation volumes for all pairs of pixels, and iteratively updates a flow field through a recurrent unit that performs lookups on the correlation volumes. RAFT achieves stateof-the-art performance. On KITTI, RAFT achieves an F1-all error of 5.10%, a 16% error reduction from the best published result (6.10%). On Sintel (final pass), RAFT obtains an end-point-error of 2.855 pixels, a 30% error reduction from the best published result (4.098 pixels). In addition, RAFT has strong cross-dataset generalization as well as high efficiency in inference time, training speed, and parameter count. Code is available at https://github.com/princeton-vl/RAFT.
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We learn to compute optical flow by combining a classical spatial-pyramid formulation with deep learning. This estimates large motions in a coarse-to-fine approach by warping one image of a pair at each pyramid level by the current flow estimate and computing an update to the flow. Instead of the standard minimization of an objective function at each pyramid level, we train one deep network per level to compute the flow update. Unlike the recent FlowNet approach, the networks do not need to deal with large motions; these are dealt with by the pyramid. This has several advantages. First, our Spatial Pyramid Network (SPyNet) is much simpler and 96% smaller than FlowNet in terms of model parameters. This makes it more efficient and appropriate for embedded applications. Second, since the flow at each pyramid level is small (< 1 pixel), a convolutional approach applied to pairs of warped images is appropriate. Third, unlike FlowNet, the learned convolution filters appear similar to classical spatio-temporal filters, giving insight into the method and how to improve it. Our results are more accurate than FlowNet on most standard benchmarks, suggesting a new direction of combining classical flow methods with deep learning.1 This, of course, has well-known limitations, which we discuss later.
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光学流量估计是视频分析领域的一个重要而有挑战性问题。卷积神经网络的不同语义级别/层的特征可以提供不同粒度的信息。为了利用如此灵活和全面的信息,我们提出了一个半监督的特征金字塔形相关和残余重建网络(FPCR-Net),用于框架对的光学流量估计。它由两个主要模块组成:金字塔相关映射和剩余重建。金字塔相关映射模块利用全局/本地补丁的多尺度相关性来通过聚合不同尺度的特征来形成多级成本卷。剩余重建模块旨在重建每个阶段中更精细的光学流的子带高频残差。基于金字塔相关映射,我们进一步提出了相关 - 扭曲 - 归一化(CWN)模块,以有效地利用相关性依赖性。实验结果表明,该方案在针对竞争基线方法的平均终点误差(AEE)方面,实现了最先进的性能,改善了0.80,1.15和0.10 - Flownet2,LiteFlowNet和PWC-Net Sintel DataSet的最终通过。
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Photometric differences are widely used as supervision signals to train neural networks for estimating depth and camera pose from unlabeled monocular videos. However, this approach is detrimental for model optimization because occlusions and moving objects in a scene violate the underlying static scenario assumption. In addition, pixels in textureless regions or less discriminative pixels hinder model training. To solve these problems, in this paper, we deal with moving objects and occlusions utilizing the difference of the flow fields and depth structure generated by affine transformation and view synthesis, respectively. Secondly, we mitigate the effect of textureless regions on model optimization by measuring differences between features with more semantic and contextual information without adding networks. In addition, although the bidirectionality component is used in each sub-objective function, a pair of images are reasoned about only once, which helps reduce overhead. Extensive experiments and visual analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which outperform existing state-of-the-art self-supervised methods under the same conditions and without introducing additional auxiliary information.
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现有的基于深度学习的无监督视频对象分割方法仍依靠地面真实的细分面具来训练。在这种情况下令人未知的意味着在推理期间没有使用注释帧。由于获得真实图像场景的地面真实的细分掩码是一种艰苦的任务,我们想到了一个简单的框架,即占主导地位的移动对象分割,既不需要注释数据训练,也不依赖于显着的电视或预先训练的光流程图。灵感来自分层图像表示,我们根据仿射参数运动引入对像素区域进行分组的技术。这使我们的网络能够仅使用RGB图像对为培训和推理的输入来学习主要前景对象的分割。我们使用新的MOVERCARS DataSet为这项新颖任务建立了基线,并对最近的方法表现出竞争性能,这些方法需要培训带有注释面具的最新方法。
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We address the unsupervised learning of several interconnected problems in low-level vision: single view depth prediction, camera motion estimation, optical flow, and segmentation of a video into the static scene and moving regions. Our key insight is that these four fundamental vision problems are coupled through geometric constraints. Consequently, learning to solve them together simplifies the problem because the solutions can reinforce each other. We go beyond previous work by exploiting geometry more explicitly and segmenting the scene into static and moving regions. To that end, we introduce Competitive Collaboration, a framework that facilitates the coordinated training of multiple specialized neural networks to solve complex problems. Competitive Collaboration works much like expectation-maximization, but with neural networks that act as both competitors to explain pixels that correspond to static or moving regions, and as collaborators through a moderator that assigns pixels to be either static or independently moving. Our novel method integrates all these problems in a common framework and simultaneously reasons about the segmentation of the scene into moving objects and the static background, the camera motion, depth of the static scene structure, and the optical flow of moving objects. Our model is trained without any supervision and achieves state-of-the-art performance among joint unsupervised methods on all sub-problems. .
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