当可能的许多标签是可能的时,选择单个可以导致低精度。一个常见的替代方案,称为顶级k $分类,是选择一些数字$ k $(通常约5),并返回最高分数的$ k $标签。不幸的是,对于明确的案例,$ k> 1 $太多,对于非常暧昧的情况,$ k \ leq 5 $(例如)太小。另一种明智的策略是使用一种自适应方法,其中返回的标签数量随着计算的歧义而变化,但必须平均到所有样本的某些特定的$ k $。我们表示这种替代方案 - $ k $分类。本文在平均值的含量较低的误差率时,本文正式地表征了模糊性曲线,比固定的顶级k $分类更低。此外,它为固定尺寸和自适应分类器提供了自然估计程序,并证明了它们的一致性。最后,它报告了实际图像数据集的实验,揭示了平均值的效益 - 在实践中的价格超过高度k $分类。总的来说,当含糊不清的歧义时,平均值-$ k $永远不会比Top-$ K $更差,并且在我们的实验中,当估计时,这也持有。
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We introduce a tunable loss function called $\alpha$-loss, parameterized by $\alpha \in (0,\infty]$, which interpolates between the exponential loss ($\alpha = 1/2$), the log-loss ($\alpha = 1$), and the 0-1 loss ($\alpha = \infty$), for the machine learning setting of classification. Theoretically, we illustrate a fundamental connection between $\alpha$-loss and Arimoto conditional entropy, verify the classification-calibration of $\alpha$-loss in order to demonstrate asymptotic optimality via Rademacher complexity generalization techniques, and build-upon a notion called strictly local quasi-convexity in order to quantitatively characterize the optimization landscape of $\alpha$-loss. Practically, we perform class imbalance, robustness, and classification experiments on benchmark image datasets using convolutional-neural-networks. Our main practical conclusion is that certain tasks may benefit from tuning $\alpha$-loss away from log-loss ($\alpha = 1$), and to this end we provide simple heuristics for the practitioner. In particular, navigating the $\alpha$ hyperparameter can readily provide superior model robustness to label flips ($\alpha > 1$) and sensitivity to imbalanced classes ($\alpha < 1$).
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The workhorse of machine learning is stochastic gradient descent. To access stochastic gradients, it is common to consider iteratively input/output pairs of a training dataset. Interestingly, it appears that one does not need full supervision to access stochastic gradients, which is the main motivation of this paper. After formalizing the "active labeling" problem, which focuses on active learning with partial supervision, we provide a streaming technique that provably minimizes the ratio of generalization error over the number of samples. We illustrate our technique in depth for robust regression.
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Learning curves provide insight into the dependence of a learner's generalization performance on the training set size. This important tool can be used for model selection, to predict the effect of more training data, and to reduce the computational complexity of model training and hyperparameter tuning. This review recounts the origins of the term, provides a formal definition of the learning curve, and briefly covers basics such as its estimation. Our main contribution is a comprehensive overview of the literature regarding the shape of learning curves. We discuss empirical and theoretical evidence that supports well-behaved curves that often have the shape of a power law or an exponential. We consider the learning curves of Gaussian processes, the complex shapes they can display, and the factors influencing them. We draw specific attention to examples of learning curves that are ill-behaved, showing worse learning performance with more training data. To wrap up, we point out various open problems that warrant deeper empirical and theoretical investigation. All in all, our review underscores that learning curves are surprisingly diverse and no universal model can be identified.
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经典的错误发现率(FDR)控制程序提供了强大而可解释的保证,而它们通常缺乏灵活性。另一方面,最近的机器学习分类算法是基于随机森林(RF)或神经网络(NN)的算法,具有出色的实践表现,但缺乏解释和理论保证。在本文中,我们通过引入新的自适应新颖性检测程序(称为Adadetect)来使这两个相遇。它将多个测试文献的最新作品范围扩展到高维度的范围,尤其是Yang等人的范围。 (2021)。显示AD​​ADETECT既可以强烈控制FDR,又具有在特定意义上模仿甲骨文之一的力量。理论结果,几个基准数据集上的数值实验以及对天体物理数据的应用,我们的方法的兴趣和有效性得到了证明。特别是,虽然可以将AdadEtect与任何分类器结合使用,但它在带有RF的现实世界数据集以及带有NN的图像上特别有效。
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Uncertainty is prevalent in engineering design, statistical learning, and decision making broadly. Due to inherent risk-averseness and ambiguity about assumptions, it is common to address uncertainty by formulating and solving conservative optimization models expressed using measure of risk and related concepts. We survey the rapid development of risk measures over the last quarter century. From its beginning in financial engineering, we recount their spread to nearly all areas of engineering and applied mathematics. Solidly rooted in convex analysis, risk measures furnish a general framework for handling uncertainty with significant computational and theoretical advantages. We describe the key facts, list several concrete algorithms, and provide an extensive list of references for further reading. The survey recalls connections with utility theory and distributionally robust optimization, points to emerging applications areas such as fair machine learning, and defines measures of reliability.
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适应数据分布的结构(例如对称性和转型Imarerces)是机器学习中的重要挑战。通过架构设计或通过增强数据集,可以内在学习过程中内置Inhormces。两者都需要先验的了解对称性的确切性质。缺乏这种知识,从业者求助于昂贵且耗时的调整。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新的方法来学习增强变换的分布,以新的\ emph {转换风险最小化}(trm)框架。除了预测模型之外,我们还优化了从假说空间中选择的转换。作为算法框架,我们的TRM方法是(1)有效(共同学习增强和模型,以\ emph {单训练环}),(2)模块化(使用\ emph {任何训练算法),以及(3)一般(处理\ \ ich {离散和连续}增强)。理论上与标准风险最小化的TRM比较,并在其泛化误差上给出PAC-Bayes上限。我们建议通过块组成的新参数化优化富裕的增强空间,导致新的\ EMPH {随机成分增强学习}(SCALE)算法。我们在CIFAR10 / 100,SVHN上使用先前的方法(快速自身自动化和武术器)进行实际比较规模。此外,我们表明规模可以在数据分布中正确地学习某些对称性(恢复旋转Mnist上的旋转),并且还可以改善学习模型的校准。
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在这项工作中,我们对基本思想和新颖的发展进行了综述的综述,这是基于最小的假设的一种无创新的,无分配的,非参数预测的方法 - 能够以非常简单的方式预测集屈服在有限样本案例中,在统计意义上也有效。论文中提供的深入讨论涵盖了共形预测的理论基础,然后继续列出原始想法的更高级的发展和改编。
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我们正式化并研究通过嵌入设计凸替代损失函数的自然方法,例如分类,排名或结构化预测等问题。在这种方法中,一个人将每一个有限的预测(例如排名)嵌入$ r^d $中的一个点,将原始损失值分配给这些要点,并以某种方式“凸出”损失以获得替代物。我们在这种方法和多面体(分段线性凸)的替代损失之间建立了牢固的联系:每个离散损失都被一些多面体损失嵌入,并且每个多面体损失都嵌入了一些离散的损失。此外,嵌入会产生一致的链接功能以及线性替代遗憾界限。正如我们用几个示例所说明的那样,我们的结果具有建设性。特别是,我们的框架为文献中各种多面体替代物以及不一致的替代物提供了简洁的证据或不一致的证据,它进一步揭示了这些代理人一致的离散损失。我们继续展示嵌入的其他结构,例如嵌入和匹配贝叶斯风险的等效性以及各种非算术概念的等效性。使用这些结果,我们确定与多面体替代物一起工作时,间接启发是一致性的必要条件也足够了。
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State-of-the-art results on image recognition tasks are achieved using over-parameterized learning algorithms that (nearly) perfectly fit the training set and are known to fit well even random labels. This tendency to memorize the labels of the training data is not explained by existing theoretical analyses. Memorization of the training data also presents significant privacy risks when the training data contains sensitive personal information and thus it is important to understand whether such memorization is necessary for accurate learning.We provide the first conceptual explanation and a theoretical model for this phenomenon. Specifically, we demonstrate that for natural data distributions memorization of labels is necessary for achieving closeto-optimal generalization error. Crucially, even labels of outliers and noisy labels need to be memorized. The model is motivated and supported by the results of several recent empirical works. In our model, data is sampled from a mixture of subpopulations and our results show that memorization is necessary whenever the distribution of subpopulation frequencies is long-tailed. Image and text data is known to be long-tailed and therefore our results establish a formal link between these empirical phenomena. Our results allow to quantify the cost of limiting memorization in learning and explain the disparate effects that privacy and model compression have on different subgroups.
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A flexible method is developed to construct a confidence interval for the frequency of a queried object in a very large data set, based on a much smaller sketch of the data. The approach requires no knowledge of the data distribution or of the details of the sketching algorithm; instead, it constructs provably valid frequentist confidence intervals for random queries using a conformal inference approach. After achieving marginal coverage for random queries under the assumption of data exchangeability, the proposed method is extended to provide stronger inferences accounting for possibly heterogeneous frequencies of different random queries, redundant queries, and distribution shifts. While the presented methods are broadly applicable, this paper focuses on use cases involving the count-min sketch algorithm and a non-linear variation thereof, to facilitate comparison to prior work. In particular, the developed methods are compared empirically to frequentist and Bayesian alternatives, through simulations and experiments with data sets of SARS-CoV-2 DNA sequences and classic English literature.
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Virtually all machine learning tasks are characterized using some form of loss function, and "good performance" is typically stated in terms of a sufficiently small average loss, taken over the random draw of test data. While optimizing for performance on average is intuitive, convenient to analyze in theory, and easy to implement in practice, such a choice brings about trade-offs. In this work, we survey and introduce a wide variety of non-traditional criteria used to design and evaluate machine learning algorithms, place the classical paradigm within the proper historical context, and propose a view of learning problems which emphasizes the question of "what makes for a desirable loss distribution?" in place of tacit use of the expected loss.
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