Vehicle trajectory data has received increasing research attention over the past decades. With the technological sensing improvements such as high-resolution video cameras, in-vehicle radars and lidars, abundant individual and contextual traffic data is now available. However, though the data quantity is massive, it is by itself of limited utility for traffic research because of noise and systematic sensing errors, thus necessitates proper processing to ensure data quality. We draw particular attention to extracting high-resolution vehicle trajectory data from video cameras as traffic monitoring cameras are becoming increasingly ubiquitous. We explore methods for automatic trajectory data reconciliation, given "raw" vehicle detection and tracking information from automatic video processing algorithms. We propose a pipeline including a) an online data association algorithm to match fragments that are associated to the same object (vehicle), which is formulated as a min-cost network flow problem of a graph, and b) a trajectory reconciliation method formulated as a quadratic program to enhance raw detection data. The pipeline leverages vehicle dynamics and physical constraints to associate tracked objects when they become fragmented, remove measurement noise on trajectories and impute missing data due to fragmentations. The accuracy is benchmarked on a sample of manually-labeled data, which shows that the reconciled trajectories improve the accuracy on all the tested input data for a wide range of measures. An online version of the reconciliation pipeline is implemented and will be applied in a continuous video processing system running on a camera network covering a 4-mile stretch of Interstate-24 near Nashville, Tennessee.
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Event-based vision has been rapidly growing in recent years justified by the unique characteristics it presents such as its high temporal resolutions (~1us), high dynamic range (>120dB), and output latency of only a few microseconds. This work further explores a hybrid, multi-modal, approach for object detection and tracking that leverages state-of-the-art frame-based detectors complemented by hand-crafted event-based methods to improve the overall tracking performance with minimal computational overhead. The methods presented include event-based bounding box (BB) refinement that improves the precision of the resulting BBs, as well as a continuous event-based object detection method, to recover missed detections and generate inter-frame detections that enable a high-temporal-resolution tracking output. The advantages of these methods are quantitatively verified by an ablation study using the higher order tracking accuracy (HOTA) metric. Results show significant performance gains resembled by an improvement in the HOTA from 56.6%, using only frames, to 64.1% and 64.9%, for the event and edge-based mask configurations combined with the two methods proposed, at the baseline framerate of 24Hz. Likewise, incorporating these methods with the same configurations has improved HOTA from 52.5% to 63.1%, and from 51.3% to 60.2% at the high-temporal-resolution tracking rate of 384Hz. Finally, a validation experiment is conducted to analyze the real-world single-object tracking performance using high-speed LiDAR. Empirical evidence shows that our approaches provide significant advantages compared to using frame-based object detectors at the baseline framerate of 24Hz and higher tracking rates of up to 500Hz.
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本文提出了一种机器学习增强的纵向扫描线方法,用于从大角度交通摄像机中提取车辆轨迹。通过将空间颞映射(STMAP)分解到稀疏前景和低秩背景,应用动态模式分解(DMD)方法来提取车辆股线。通过调整两个普遍的深度学习架构,设计了一个名为Res-Unet +的深神经网络。 RES-UNET +神经网络显着提高了基于STMAP的车辆检测的性能,DMD模型提供了许多有趣的见解,了解由Stmap保留的潜在空间结构的演变。与先前的图像处理模型和主流语义分割深神经网络进行比较模型输出。经过彻底的评估后,证明该模型对许多具有挑战性的因素来说是准确和强大的。最后但并非最不重要的是,本文从根本上解决了NGSIM轨迹数据中发现了许多质量问题。清除清洁的高质量轨迹数据,以支持交通流量和微观车辆控制的未来理论和建模研究。该方法是用于基于视频的轨迹提取的可靠解决方案,并且具有广泛的适用性。
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The last decade witnessed increasingly rapid progress in self-driving vehicle technology, mainly backed up by advances in the area of deep learning and artificial intelligence. The objective of this paper is to survey the current state-of-the-art on deep learning technologies used in autonomous driving. We start by presenting AI-based self-driving architectures, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, as well as the deep reinforcement learning paradigm. These methodologies form a base for the surveyed driving scene perception, path planning, behavior arbitration and motion control algorithms. We investigate both the modular perception-planning-action pipeline, where each module is built using deep learning methods, as well as End2End systems, which directly map sensory information to steering commands. Additionally, we tackle current challenges encountered in designing AI architectures for autonomous driving, such as their safety, training data sources and computational hardware. The comparison presented in this survey helps to gain insight into the strengths and limitations of deep learning and AI approaches for autonomous driving and assist with design choices. 1
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Computer vision applications in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and autonomous driving (AD) have gravitated towards deep neural network architectures in recent years. While performance seems to be improving on benchmark datasets, many real-world challenges are yet to be adequately considered in research. This paper conducted an extensive literature review on the applications of computer vision in ITS and AD, and discusses challenges related to data, models, and complex urban environments. The data challenges are associated with the collection and labeling of training data and its relevance to real world conditions, bias inherent in datasets, the high volume of data needed to be processed, and privacy concerns. Deep learning (DL) models are commonly too complex for real-time processing on embedded hardware, lack explainability and generalizability, and are hard to test in real-world settings. Complex urban traffic environments have irregular lighting and occlusions, and surveillance cameras can be mounted at a variety of angles, gather dirt, shake in the wind, while the traffic conditions are highly heterogeneous, with violation of rules and complex interactions in crowded scenarios. Some representative applications that suffer from these problems are traffic flow estimation, congestion detection, autonomous driving perception, vehicle interaction, and edge computing for practical deployment. The possible ways of dealing with the challenges are also explored while prioritizing practical deployment.
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Figure 1: We introduce datasets for 3D tracking and motion forecasting with rich maps for autonomous driving. Our 3D tracking dataset contains sequences of LiDAR measurements, 360 • RGB video, front-facing stereo (middle-right), and 6-dof localization. All sequences are aligned with maps containing lane center lines (magenta), driveable region (orange), and ground height. Sequences are annotated with 3D cuboid tracks (green). A wider map view is shown in the bottom-right.
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本文提出了一种新颖的方法,用于在具有复杂拓扑结构的地下领域的搜索和救援行动中自动合作。作为CTU-Cras-Norlab团队的一部分,拟议的系统在DARPA SubT决赛的虚拟轨道中排名第二。与专门为虚拟轨道开发的获奖解决方案相反,该建议的解决方案也被证明是在现实世界竞争极为严峻和狭窄的环境中飞行的机上实体无人机的强大系统。提出的方法可以使无缝模拟转移的无人机团队完全自主和分散的部署,并证明了其优于不同环境可飞行空间的移动UGV团队的优势。该论文的主要贡献存在于映射和导航管道中。映射方法采用新颖的地图表示形式 - 用于有效的风险意识长距离计划,面向覆盖范围和压缩的拓扑范围的LTVMAP领域,以允许在低频道通信下进行多机器人合作。这些表示形式与新的方法一起在导航中使用,以在一般的3D环境中可见性受限的知情搜索,而对环境结构没有任何假设,同时将深度探索与传感器覆盖的剥削保持平衡。所提出的解决方案还包括一条视觉感知管道,用于在没有专用GPU的情况下在5 Hz处进行四个RGB流中感兴趣的对象的板上检测和定位。除了参与DARPA SubT外,在定性和定量评估的各种环境中,在不同的环境中进行了广泛的实验验证,UAV系统的性能得到了支持。
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多摄像机多对象跟踪目前在计算机视野中引起了注意力,因为它在现实世界应用中的卓越性能,如具有拥挤场景或巨大空间的视频监控。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于空间升降的多乳制型配方的数学上优雅的多摄像多对象跟踪方法。我们的模型利用单摄像头跟踪器产生的最先进的TOOTWLET作为提案。由于这些Tracklet可能包含ID-Switch错误,因此我们通过从3D几何投影获得的新型预簇来完善它们。因此,我们派生了更好的跟踪图,没有ID交换机,更精确的数据关联阶段的亲和力成本。然后通过求解全局提升的多乳制型制剂,将轨迹与多摄像机轨迹匹配,该组件包含位于同一相机和相互相机间的Tracklet上的短路和远程时间交互。在Wildtrack DataSet的实验结果是近乎完美的结果,在校园上表现出最先进的追踪器,同时在PETS-09数据集上处于校准状态。我们将在接受纸质时进行我们的实施。
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Video, as a key driver in the global explosion of digital information, can create tremendous benefits for human society. Governments and enterprises are deploying innumerable cameras for a variety of applications, e.g., law enforcement, emergency management, traffic control, and security surveillance, all facilitated by video analytics (VA). This trend is spurred by the rapid advancement of deep learning (DL), which enables more precise models for object classification, detection, and tracking. Meanwhile, with the proliferation of Internet-connected devices, massive amounts of data are generated daily, overwhelming the cloud. Edge computing, an emerging paradigm that moves workloads and services from the network core to the network edge, has been widely recognized as a promising solution. The resulting new intersection, edge video analytics (EVA), begins to attract widespread attention. Nevertheless, only a few loosely-related surveys exist on this topic. A dedicated venue for collecting and summarizing the latest advances of EVA is highly desired by the community. Besides, the basic concepts of EVA (e.g., definition, architectures, etc.) are ambiguous and neglected by these surveys due to the rapid development of this domain. A thorough clarification is needed to facilitate a consensus on these concepts. To fill in these gaps, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the recent efforts on EVA. In this paper, we first review the fundamentals of edge computing, followed by an overview of VA. The EVA system and its enabling techniques are discussed next. In addition, we introduce prevalent frameworks and datasets to aid future researchers in the development of EVA systems. Finally, we discuss existing challenges and foresee future research directions. We believe this survey will help readers comprehend the relationship between VA and edge computing, and spark new ideas on EVA.
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基于时空的图(STMAP)方法显示出为车辆轨迹重建处理高角度视频的巨大潜力,可以满足各种数据驱动的建模和模仿学习应用的需求。在本文中,我们开发了时空深嵌入(STDE)模型,该模型在像素和实例水平上施加了平等约束,以生成用于STMAP上车辆条纹分割的实例感知嵌入。在像素级别上,每个像素在不同范围的8-邻居像素进行编码,随后使用该编码来指导神经网络学习嵌入机制。在实例级别上,歧视性损耗函数被设计为将属于同一实例的像素更接近,并将不同实例的平均值分开。然后,通过静脉 - 沃特算法算法优化时空亲和力的输出,以获得最终的聚类结果。基于分割指标,我们的模型优于其他五个用于STMAP处理的基线,并在阴影,静态噪声和重叠的影响下显示出稳健性。该设计的模型用于处理所有公共NGSIM US-101视频,以生成完整的车辆轨迹,表明具有良好的可扩展性和适应性。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,讨论了带有STDE和未来方向的扫描线方法的优势。代码,STMAP数据集和视频轨迹在在线存储库中公开可用。 github链接。
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近年来,多个对象跟踪引起了研究人员的极大兴趣,它已成为计算机视觉中的趋势问题之一,尤其是随着自动驾驶的最新发展。 MOT是针对不同问题的关键视觉任务之一,例如拥挤的场景中的闭塞,相似的外观,小物体检测难度,ID切换等,以应对这些挑战,因为研究人员试图利用变压器的注意力机制,与田径的相互关系,与田径的相互关系,图形卷积神经网络,与暹罗网络不同帧中对象的外观相似性,他们还尝试了基于IOU匹配的CNN网络,使用LSTM的运动预测。为了将这些零散的技术在雨伞下采用,我们研究了过去三年发表的一百多篇论文,并试图提取近代研究人员更关注的技术来解决MOT的问题。我们已经征集了许多应用,可能性以及MOT如何与现实生活有关。我们的评论试图展示研究人员使用过时的技术的不同观点,并为潜在的研究人员提供了一些未来的方向。此外,我们在这篇评论中包括了流行的基准数据集和指标。
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Traffic surveillance is an important issue in Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS). In this paper, we propose a novel surveillance system to detect and track vehicles using ubiquitously deployed magnetic sensors. That is, multiple magnetic sensors, mounted roadside and along lane boundary lines, are used to track various vehicles. Real-time vehicle detection data are reported from magnetic sensors, collected into data center via base stations, and processed to depict vehicle trajectories including vehicle position, timestamp, speed and type. We first define a vehicle trajectory tracking problem. We then propose a graph-based data association algorithm to track each detected vehicle, and design a related online algorithm framework respectively. We finally validate the performance via both experimental simulation and real-world road test. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed solution provides a cost-effective solution to capture the driving status of vehicles and on that basis form various traffic safety and efficiency applications.
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