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We present a detailed study on Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) for anomalous jet tagging at the Large Hadron Collider. By taking in low-level jet constituents' information, and training with background QCD jets in an unsupervised manner, the VAE is able to encode important information for reconstructing jets, while learning an expressive posterior distribution in the latent space. When using the VAE as an anomaly detector, we present different approaches to detect anomalies: directly comparing in the input space or, instead, working in the latent space. In order to facilitate general search approaches such as bump-hunt, mass-decorrelated VAEs based on distance correlation regularization are also studied. We find that the naive mass-decorrelated VAEs fail at maintaining proper detection performance, by assigning higher probabilities to some anomalous samples. To build a performant mass-decorrelated anomalous jet tagger, we propose the Outlier Exposed VAE (OE-VAE), for which some outlier samples are introduced in the training process to guide the learned information. OE-VAEs are employed to achieve two goals at the same time: increasing sensitivity of outlier detection and decorrelating jet mass from the anomaly score. We succeed in reaching excellent results from both aspects. Code implementation of this work can be found at https://github.com/taolicheng/VAE-Jet
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异常检测是指识别偏离正常模式的观察,这是各个领域的活跃研究区域。最近,数据量表越来越多,复杂性和维度将传统的表示和基于统计的异常检测方法变得具有挑战性。在本文中,我们利用了高光谱图像异常检测的生成模型。 GIST是模拟正常数据的分布,而分布外样品可以被视为异常值。首先,研究了基于变分的基于异常的检测方法。理论上和经验地发现它们由于距离强烈的概念($ F $ -divergence)作为正则化而不稳定。其次,本文介绍了切片的Wasserstein距离,与F分歧相比,这是一种较弱的分布措施。然而,随机切片的数量难以估计真正的距离。最后,我们提出了一个投影的切片Wasserstein(PSW)基于AutoEncoder的异常筛选方法。特别是,我们利用计算友好的特征分解方法来找到切片高维数据的主成分。此外,我们所提出的距离可以用闭合形式计算,即使是先前的分布也不是高斯。在各种现实世界高光谱异常检测基准上进行的综合实验证明了我们提出的方法的卓越性能。
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Time series anomaly detection has applications in a wide range of research fields and applications, including manufacturing and healthcare. The presence of anomalies can indicate novel or unexpected events, such as production faults, system defects, or heart fluttering, and is therefore of particular interest. The large size and complex patterns of time series have led researchers to develop specialised deep learning models for detecting anomalous patterns. This survey focuses on providing structured and comprehensive state-of-the-art time series anomaly detection models through the use of deep learning. It providing a taxonomy based on the factors that divide anomaly detection models into different categories. Aside from describing the basic anomaly detection technique for each category, the advantages and limitations are also discussed. Furthermore, this study includes examples of deep anomaly detection in time series across various application domains in recent years. It finally summarises open issues in research and challenges faced while adopting deep anomaly detection models.
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人脑解剖图像的专家解释是神经放射学的中心部分。已经提出了几种基于机器学习的技术来协助分析过程。但是,通常需要对ML模型进行培训以执行特定的任务,例如脑肿瘤分割或分类。相应的培训数据不仅需要费力的手动注释,而且人脑MRI中可以存在多种异常 - 甚至同时发生,这使得所有可能的异常情况都非常具有挑战性。因此,可能的解决方案是一种无监督的异常检测(UAD)系统,可以从健康受试者的未标记数据集中学习数据分布,然后应用以检测​​分布样本。然后,这种技术可用于检测异常 - 病变或异常,例如脑肿瘤,而无需明确训练该特定病理的模型。过去已经为此任务提出了几种基于变异的自动编码器(VAE)技术。即使它们在人为模拟的异常情况下表现良好,但其中许多在检测临床数据中的异常情况下表现较差。这项研究提出了“上下文编码” VAE(CEVAE)模型的紧凑版本,并结合了预处理和后处理步骤,创建了UAD管道(Strega)(Strega),该步骤对临床数据更强大,并显示其在检测到其检测方面的适用性脑MRI中的肿瘤等异常。 The proposed pipeline achieved a Dice score of 0.642$\pm$0.101 while detecting tumours in T2w images of the BraTS dataset and 0.859$\pm$0.112 while detecting artificially induced anomalies, while the best performing baseline achieved 0.522$\pm$0.135 and 0.783$\ PM分别为0.111美元。
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Semiconductor lasers have been rapidly evolving to meet the demands of next-generation optical networks. This imposes much more stringent requirements on the laser reliability, which are dominated by degradation mechanisms (e.g., sudden degradation) limiting the semiconductor laser lifetime. Physics-based approaches are often used to characterize the degradation behavior analytically, yet explicit domain knowledge and accurate mathematical models are required. Building such models can be very challenging due to a lack of a full understanding of the complex physical processes inducing the degradation under various operating conditions. To overcome the aforementioned limitations, we propose a new data-driven approach, extracting useful insights from the operational monitored data to predict the degradation trend without requiring any specific knowledge or using any physical model. The proposed approach is based on an unsupervised technique, a conditional variational autoencoder, and validated using vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) and tunable edge emitting laser reliability data. The experimental results confirm that our model (i) achieves a good degradation prediction and generalization performance by yielding an F1 score of 95.3%, (ii) outperforms several baseline ML based anomaly detection techniques, and (iii) helps to shorten the aging tests by early predicting the failed devices before the end of the test and thereby saving costs
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随着深度学习生成模型的最新进展,它在时间序列领域的出色表现并没有花费很长时间。用于与时间序列合作的深度神经网络在很大程度上取决于培训中使用的数据集的广度和一致性。这些类型的特征通常在现实世界中不丰富,在现实世界中,它们通常受到限制,并且通常具有必须保证的隐私限制。因此,一种有效的方法是通过添加噪声或排列并生成新的合成数据来使用\ gls {da}技术增加数据数。它正在系统地审查该领域的当前最新技术,以概述所有可用的算法,并提出对最相关研究的分类法。将评估不同变体的效率;作为过程的重要组成部分,将分析评估性能的不同指标以及有关每个模型的主要问题。这项研究的最终目的是摘要摘要,这些领域的进化和性能会产生更好的结果,以指导该领域的未来研究人员。
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A new Lossy Causal Temporal Convolutional Neural Network Autoencoder for anomaly detection is proposed in this work. Our framework uses a rate-distortion loss and an entropy bottleneck to learn a compressed latent representation for the task. The main idea of using a rate-distortion loss is to introduce representation flexibility that ignores or becomes robust to unlikely events with distinctive patterns, such as anomalies. These anomalies manifest as unique distortion features that can be accurately detected in testing conditions. This new architecture allows us to train a fully unsupervised model that has high accuracy in detecting anomalies from a distortion score despite being trained with some portion of unlabelled anomalous data. This setting is in stark contrast to many of the state-of-the-art unsupervised methodologies that require the model to be only trained on "normal data". We argue that this partially violates the concept of unsupervised training for anomaly detection as the model uses an informed decision that selects what is normal from abnormal for training. Additionally, there is evidence to suggest it also effects the models ability at generalisation. We demonstrate that models that succeed in the paradigm where they are only trained on normal data fail to be robust when anomalous data is injected into the training. In contrast, our compression-based approach converges to a robust representation that tolerates some anomalous distortion. The robust representation achieved by a model using a rate-distortion loss can be used in a more realistic unsupervised anomaly detection scheme.
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Anomaly detection on time series data is increasingly common across various industrial domains that monitor metrics in order to prevent potential accidents and economic losses. However, a scarcity of labeled data and ambiguous definitions of anomalies can complicate these efforts. Recent unsupervised machine learning methods have made remarkable progress in tackling this problem using either single-timestamp predictions or time series reconstructions. While traditionally considered separately, these methods are not mutually exclusive and can offer complementary perspectives on anomaly detection. This paper first highlights the successes and limitations of prediction-based and reconstruction-based methods with visualized time series signals and anomaly scores. We then propose AER (Auto-encoder with Regression), a joint model that combines a vanilla auto-encoder and an LSTM regressor to incorporate the successes and address the limitations of each method. Our model can produce bi-directional predictions while simultaneously reconstructing the original time series by optimizing a joint objective function. Furthermore, we propose several ways of combining the prediction and reconstruction errors through a series of ablation studies. Finally, we compare the performance of the AER architecture against two prediction-based methods and three reconstruction-based methods on 12 well-known univariate time series datasets from NASA, Yahoo, Numenta, and UCR. The results show that AER has the highest averaged F1 score across all datasets (a 23.5% improvement compared to ARIMA) while retaining a runtime similar to its vanilla auto-encoder and regressor components. Our model is available in Orion, an open-source benchmarking tool for time series anomaly detection.
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时间序列的异常提供了各个行业的关键方案的见解,从银行和航空航天到信息技术,安全和医学。但是,由于异常的定义,经常缺乏标签以及此类数据中存在的极为复杂的时间相关性,因此识别时间序列数据中的异常尤其具有挑战性。LSTM自动编码器是基于长期短期内存网络的异常检测的编码器传统方案,该方案学会重建时间序列行为,然后使用重建错误来识别异常。我们将Denoising Architecture作为对该LSTM编码模型模型的补充,并研究其对现实世界以及人为生成的数据集的影响。我们证明了所提出的体系结构既提高了准确性和训练速度,从而使LSTM自动编码器更有效地用于无监督的异常检测任务。
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