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As the interest to Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is growing, the importance of benchmarking and performance characterization studies of GNNs is increasing. So far, we have seen many studies that investigate and present the performance and computational efficiency of GNNs. However, the work done so far has been carried out using a few high-level GNN frameworks. Although these frameworks provide ease of use, they contain too many dependencies to other existing libraries. The layers of implementation details and the dependencies complicate the performance analysis of GNN models that are built on top of these frameworks, especially while using architectural simulators. Furthermore, different approaches on GNN computation are generally overlooked in prior characterization studies, and merely one of the common computational models is evaluated. Based on these shortcomings and needs that we observed, we developed a benchmark suite that is framework independent, supporting versatile computational models, easily configurable and can be used with architectural simulators without additional effort. Our benchmark suite, which we call gSuite, makes use of only hardware vendor's libraries and therefore it is independent of any other frameworks. gSuite enables performing detailed performance characterization studies on GNN Inference using both contemporary GPU profilers and architectural GPU simulators. To illustrate the benefits of our new benchmark suite, we perform a detailed characterization study with a set of well-known GNN models with various datasets; running gSuite both on a real GPU card and a timing-detailed GPU simulator. We also implicate the effect of computational models on performance. We use several evaluation metrics to rigorously measure the performance of GNN computation.
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最近,图形卷积网络(GCNS)已成为用于分析非欧几里德图数据的最先进的算法。然而,实现有效的GCN训练,特别是在大图中挑战。原因是许多折叠的原因:1)GCN训练引发了大量的内存占用。大图中的全批量培训甚至需要数百到数千千兆字节的内存,以缓冲中间数据进行反向传播。 2)GCN培训涉及内存密集型数据减少和计算密集型功能/渐变更新操作。这种异构性质挑战当前的CPU / GPU平台。 3)图形的不规则性和复杂的训练数据流共同增加了提高GCN培训系统效率的难度。本文提出了一种混合架构来解决这些挑战的混合架构。具体地,GCNEAR采用基于DIMM的存储系统,提供易于级别的存储器容量。为了匹配异构性质,我们将GCN培训操作分类为内存密集型减少和计算密集型更新操作。然后,我们卸载将操作减少到DIMM NMES,充分利用高聚合的本地带宽。我们采用具有足够计算能力的CAE来处理更新操作。我们进一步提出了几种优化策略来处理GCN任务的不规则,提高GCNEAR的表现。我们还提出了一种多GCNEAR系统来评估GCNEAR的可扩展性。
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Dynamic Graph Neural Networks (DGNNs) have been broadly applied in various real-life applications, such as link prediction and pandemic forecast, to capture both static structural information and temporal characteristics from dynamic graphs. Combining both time-dependent and -independent components, DGNNs manifest substantial parallel computation and data reuse potentials, but suffer from severe memory access inefficiency and data transfer overhead under the canonical one-graph-at-a-time training pattern. To tackle the challenges, we propose PiPAD, a $\underline{\textbf{Pi}}pelined$ and $\underline{\textbf{PA}}rallel$ $\underline{\textbf{D}}GNN$ training framework for the end-to-end performance optimization on GPUs. From both the algorithm and runtime level, PiPAD holistically reconstructs the overall training paradigm from the data organization to computation manner. Capable of processing multiple graph snapshots in parallel, PiPAD eliminates the unnecessary data transmission and alleviates memory access inefficiency to improve the overall performance. Our evaluation across various datasets shows PiPAD achieves $1.22\times$-$9.57\times$ speedup over the state-of-the-art DGNN frameworks on three representative models.
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图形神经网络(GNNS)已成为处理机器学习任务的有效方法,它为构建推荐系统带来了一种新方法,其中可以将推荐任务作为用户 - 项目的链接预测问题提出, 。培训基于GNN的推荐系统(GNNRECSYS)在大图上会引起大型内存足迹,很容易超过典型服务器上的DRAM容量。现有的解决方案诉诸分布式子图培训,这是由于动态构建子图和各个子图的大量冗余的高成本而效率低下。新兴的Intel Optane持久记忆使一台机器以可承受的成本具有最多6 TB的存储器,从而使单机器Gnnrecsys训练可行,从而消除了分布式培训中的效率低下。与DRAM相比,将Optane用于Gnnrecsys的一个主要问题是Optane相对较低的带宽。由于其主要的计算内核稀疏且内存访问密集,因此这种限制可能对Gnnrecsys工作量的高性能特别有害。为了了解Optane是否适合Gnnrecsys培训,我们对Gnnrecsys工作负载进行了深入的表征和全面的基准测试研究。我们的基准测试结果表明,经过正确配置后,基于Optane的单机器GNNRECSYS训练优于大幅度的培训,尤其是在处理深度GNN模型时。我们分析了加速度的来源,提供有关如何为GNNRECSYS工作负载配置Optane的指导,并讨论进一步优化的机会。
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a class of neural networks designed to extract information from the graphical structure of data. Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are a widely used type of GNN for transductive graph learning problems which apply convolution to learn information from graphs. GCN is a challenging algorithm from an architecture perspective due to inherent sparsity, low data reuse, and massive memory capacity requirements. Traditional neural algorithms exploit the high compute capacity of GPUs to achieve high performance for both inference and training. The architectural decision to use a GPU for GCN inference is a question explored in this work. GCN on both CPU and GPU was characterized in order to better understand the implications of graph size, embedding dimension, and sampling on performance.
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图形神经网络(GNN)在处理图形结构数据的问题上表现出巨大的希望。 GNNS的独特点之一是它们的灵活性适应多个问题,这不仅导致广泛的适用性,而且在为特定问题找到最佳模型或加速技术时会带来重要的挑战。此类挑战的一个例子在于一个事实,即GNN模型或加速技术的准确性或有效性通常取决于基础图的结构。在本文中,为了解决图形依赖性加速的问题,我们提出了预后,这是一个数据驱动的模型,可以通过检查输入图来预测给定GNN模型在任意特征图上运行的GNN训练时间指标。这样的预测是基于先前使用多样化的合成图数据集经过离线训练的回归做出的。在实践中,我们的方法允许做出明智的决定,以用于特定问题的设计。在本文中,为特定用例定义并应用了构建预后的方法,其中有助于确定哪种图表更好。我们的结果表明,预后有助于在多种广泛使用的GNN模型(例如GCN,GIN,GAT或GRAPHSAGE)中随机选择图表的平均速度为1.22倍。
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图形神经网络(GNNS)由于图形数据的规模和模型参数的数量呈指数增长,因此限制了它们在实际应用中的效用,因此往往会遭受高计算成本。为此,最近的一些作品着重于用彩票假设(LTH)稀疏GNN,以降低推理成本,同时保持绩效水平。但是,基于LTH的方法具有两个主要缺点:1)它们需要对密集模型进行详尽且迭代的训练,从而产生了极大的训练计算成本,2)它们仅修剪图形结构和模型参数,但忽略了节点功能维度,存在大量冗余。为了克服上述局限性,我们提出了一个综合的图形渐进修剪框架,称为CGP。这是通过在一个训练过程中设计在训练图周期修剪范式上进行动态修剪GNN来实现的。与基于LTH的方法不同,提出的CGP方法不需要重新训练,这大大降低了计算成本。此外,我们设计了一个共同策略,以全面地修剪GNN的所有三个核心元素:图形结构,节点特征和模型参数。同时,旨在完善修剪操作,我们将重生过程引入我们的CGP框架,以重新建立修剪但重要的连接。提出的CGP通过在6个GNN体系结构中使用节点分类任务进行评估,包括浅层模型(GCN和GAT),浅但深度散发模型(SGC和APPNP)以及Deep Models(GCNII和RESGCN),总共有14个真实图形数据集,包括来自挑战性开放图基准的大规模图数据集。实验表明,我们提出的策略在匹配时大大提高了训练和推理效率,甚至超过了现有方法的准确性。
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Graph convolutional neural networks (GCNs) have emerged as a key technology in various application domains where the input data is relational. A unique property of GCNs is that its two primary execution stages, aggregation and combination, exhibit drastically different dataflows. Consequently, prior GCN accelerators tackle this research space by casting the aggregation and combination stages as a series of sparse-dense matrix multiplication. However, prior work frequently suffers from inefficient data movements, leaving significant performance left on the table. We present GROW, a GCN accelerator based on Gustavson's algorithm to architect a row-wise product based sparse-dense GEMM accelerator. GROW co-designs the software/hardware that strikes a balance in locality and parallelism for GCNs, achieving significant energy-efficiency improvements vs. state-of-the-art GCN accelerators.
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图形神经网络(GNN)已被证明是分析非欧国人图数据的强大工具。但是,缺乏有效的分布图学习(GL)系统极大地阻碍了GNN的应用,尤其是当图形大且GNN相对深时。本文中,我们提出了GraphTheta,这是一种以顶点为中心的图形编程模型实现的新颖分布式和可扩展的GL系统。 GraphTheta是第一个基于分布式图处理的GL系统,其神经网络运算符以用户定义的功能实现。该系统支持多种培训策略,并在分布式(虚拟)机器上启用高度可扩展的大图学习。为了促进图形卷积实现,GraphTheta提出了一个名为NN-Tgar的新的GL抽象,以弥合图形处理和图形深度学习之间的差距。提出了分布式图引擎,以通过混合平行执行进行随机梯度下降优化。此外,除了全球批次和迷你批次外,我们还为新的集群批次培训策略提供了支持。我们使用许多网络大小的数据集评估GraphTheta,范围从小,适度到大规模。实验结果表明,GraphTheta可以很好地扩展到1,024名工人,用于培训内部开发的GNN,该工业尺度的Aripay数据集为14亿个节点和41亿个属性边缘,并带有CPU虚拟机(Dockers)群的小群。 (5 $ \ sim $ 12GB)。此外,GraphTheta比最先进的GNN实现获得了可比或更好的预测结果,证明其学习GNN和现有框架的能力,并且可以超过多达$ 2.02 \ tims $ $ 2.02 \ times $,具有更好的可扩展性。据我们所知,这项工作介绍了文献中最大的边缘属性GNN学习任务。
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been demonstrated to be a powerful algorithmic model in broad application fields for their effectiveness in learning over graphs. To scale GNN training up for large-scale and ever-growing graphs, the most promising solution is distributed training which distributes the workload of training across multiple computing nodes. However, the workflows, computational patterns, communication patterns, and optimization techniques of distributed GNN training remain preliminarily understood. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of distributed GNN training by investigating various optimization techniques used in distributed GNN training. First, distributed GNN training is classified into several categories according to their workflows. In addition, their computational patterns and communication patterns, as well as the optimization techniques proposed by recent work are introduced. Second, the software frameworks and hardware platforms of distributed GNN training are also introduced for a deeper understanding. Third, distributed GNN training is compared with distributed training of deep neural networks, emphasizing the uniqueness of distributed GNN training. Finally, interesting issues and opportunities in this field are discussed.
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这项工作提出了专门针对粒子探测器的低潜伏期图神经网络(GNN)设计的新型可重构体系结构。加速粒子探测器的GNN是具有挑战性的,因为它需要次微秒延迟才能在CERN大型强子撞机实验的级别1触发器中部署网络以进行在线事件选择。本文提出了一种自定义代码转换,并在基于互动网络的GNN中使用完全连接的图表中的矩阵乘法操作降低了强度,从而避免了昂贵的乘法。它利用了稀疏模式以及二进制邻接矩阵,并避免了不规则的内存访问,从而降低了延迟和硬件效率的提高。此外,我们引入了一种基于外部产品的基质乘法方法,该方法通过降低潜伏期设计的强度降低来增强。此外,引入了融合步骤,以进一步降低设计延迟。此外,提出了GNN特异性算法 - 硬件共同设计方法,该方法不仅找到了具有更好延迟的设计,而且在给定的延迟约束下发现了高精度的设计。最后,已经设计和开源了此低延迟GNN硬件体系结构的可自定义模板,该模板可以使用高级合成工具来生成低延迟的FPGA设计,并有效地利用资源。评估结果表明,我们的FPGA实施速度高24倍,并且消耗的功率比GPU实施少45倍。与我们以前的FPGA实施相比,这项工作的延迟降低了6.51至16.7倍。此外,我们的FPGA设计的延迟足以使GNN在亚微秒,实时撞机触发器系统中部署,从而使其能够从提高的精度中受益。
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Graph neural networks (GNNs) have received great attention due to their success in various graph-related learning tasks. Several GNN frameworks have then been developed for fast and easy implementation of GNN models. Despite their popularity, they are not well documented, and their implementations and system performance have not been well understood. In particular, unlike the traditional GNNs that are trained based on the entire graph in a full-batch manner, recent GNNs have been developed with different graph sampling techniques for mini-batch training of GNNs on large graphs. While they improve the scalability, their training times still depend on the implementations in the frameworks as sampling and its associated operations can introduce non-negligible overhead and computational cost. In addition, it is unknown how much the frameworks are 'eco-friendly' from a green computing perspective. In this paper, we provide an in-depth study of two mainstream GNN frameworks along with three state-of-the-art GNNs to analyze their performance in terms of runtime and power/energy consumption. We conduct extensive benchmark experiments at several different levels and present detailed analysis results and observations, which could be helpful for further improvement and optimization.
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Graph classification is an important area in both modern research and industry. Multiple applications, especially in chemistry and novel drug discovery, encourage rapid development of machine learning models in this area. To keep up with the pace of new research, proper experimental design, fair evaluation, and independent benchmarks are essential. Design of strong baselines is an indispensable element of such works. In this thesis, we explore multiple approaches to graph classification. We focus on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which emerged as a de facto standard deep learning technique for graph representation learning. Classical approaches, such as graph descriptors and molecular fingerprints, are also addressed. We design fair evaluation experimental protocol and choose proper datasets collection. This allows us to perform numerous experiments and rigorously analyze modern approaches. We arrive to many conclusions, which shed new light on performance and quality of novel algorithms. We investigate application of Jumping Knowledge GNN architecture to graph classification, which proves to be an efficient tool for improving base graph neural network architectures. Multiple improvements to baseline models are also proposed and experimentally verified, which constitutes an important contribution to the field of fair model comparison.
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