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We study the uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for mean field Langevin dynamics with convex mean field potenital. Convergences in both Wasserstein-$2$ distance and relative entropy are established. We do not require the mean field potenital functional to bear either small mean field interaction or displacement convexity, which are common constraints in the literature. In particular, it allows us to study the efficiency of the noisy gradient descent algorithm for training two-layer neural networks.
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变性推理(VI)为基于传统的采样方法提供了一种吸引人的替代方法,用于实施贝叶斯推断,因为其概念性的简单性,统计准确性和计算可扩展性。然而,常见的变分近似方案(例如平均场(MF)近似)需要某些共轭结构以促进有效的计算,这可能会增加不必要的限制对可行的先验分布家族,并对变异近似族对差异进行进一步的限制。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个通用计算框架,用于实施MF-VI VIA WASSERSTEIN梯度流(WGF),这是概率度量空间上的梯度流。当专门针对贝叶斯潜在变量模型时,我们将分析基于时间消化的WGF交替最小化方案的算法收敛,用于实现MF近似。特别是,所提出的算法类似于EM算法的分布版本,包括更新潜在变量变异分布的E step以及在参数的变异分布上进行最陡峭下降的m step。我们的理论分析依赖于概率度量空间中的最佳运输理论和细分微积分。我们证明了时间限制的WGF的指数收敛性,以最大程度地减少普通大地测量学严格的凸度的通用物镜功能。我们还提供了通过使用时间限制的WGF的固定点方程从MF近似获得的变异分布的指数收缩的新证明。我们将方法和理论应用于两个经典的贝叶斯潜在变量模型,即高斯混合模型和回归模型的混合物。还进行了数值实验,以补充这两个模型下的理论发现。
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连续数据的优化问题出现在,例如强大的机器学习,功能数据分析和变分推理。这里,目标函数被给出为一个(连续)索引目标函数的系列 - 相对于概率测量集成的族聚集。这些问题通常可以通过随机优化方法解决:在随机切换指标执行关于索引目标函数的优化步骤。在这项工作中,我们研究了随机梯度下降算法的连续时间变量,以进行连续数据的优化问题。该所谓的随机梯度过程包括最小化耦合与确定索引的连续时间索引过程的索引目标函数的梯度流程。索引过程是例如,反射扩散,纯跳跃过程或紧凑空间上的其他L evy过程。因此,我们研究了用于连续数据空间的多种采样模式,并允许在算法的运行时进行模拟或流式流的数据。我们分析了随机梯度过程的近似性质,并在恒定下进行了长时间行为和遍历的学习率。我们以噪声功能数据的多项式回归问题以及物理知识的神经网络在多项式回归问题中结束了随机梯度过程的适用性。
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本文涉及高维度中经验措施的收敛。我们提出了一类新的指标,并表明在这样的指标下,融合不受维度的诅咒(COD)。这样的特征对于高维分析至关重要,并且与经典指标相反({\ it,例如,瓦斯泰尔距离)。所提出的指标源自最大平均差异,我们通过提出选择测试功能空间的特定标准来概括,以确保没有COD的属性。因此,我们将此类别称为广义最大平均差异(GMMD)。所选测试功能空间的示例包括复制的内核希尔伯特空间,巴伦空间和流动诱导的功能空间。提出了所提出的指标的三种应用:1。在随机变量的情况下,经验度量的收敛; 2. $ n $粒子系统的收敛到麦基·维拉索夫随机微分方程的解决方案; 3.构建$ \ varepsilon $ -NASH平衡,用于均质$ n $ - 玩家游戏的平均范围限制。作为副产品,我们证明,考虑到接近GMMD测量的目标分布和目标分布的一定表示,我们可以在Wasserstein距离和相对熵方面生成接近目标的分布。总体而言,我们表明,所提出的指标类是一种强大的工具,可以在没有COD的高维度中分析经验度量的收敛性。
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Despite its popularity in the reinforcement learning community, a provably convergent policy gradient method for continuous space-time control problems with nonlinear state dynamics has been elusive. This paper proposes proximal gradient algorithms for feedback controls of finite-time horizon stochastic control problems. The state dynamics are nonlinear diffusions with control-affine drift, and the cost functions are nonconvex in the state and nonsmooth in the control. The system noise can degenerate, which allows for deterministic control problems as special cases. We prove under suitable conditions that the algorithm converges linearly to a stationary point of the control problem, and is stable with respect to policy updates by approximate gradient steps. The convergence result justifies the recent reinforcement learning heuristics that adding entropy regularization or a fictitious discount factor to the optimization objective accelerates the convergence of policy gradient methods. The proof exploits careful regularity estimates of backward stochastic differential equations.
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We consider the constrained sampling problem where the goal is to sample from a distribution $\pi(x)\propto e^{-f(x)}$ and $x$ is constrained on a convex body $\mathcal{C}\subset \mathbb{R}^d$. Motivated by penalty methods from optimization, we propose penalized Langevin Dynamics (PLD) and penalized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (PHMC) that convert the constrained sampling problem into an unconstrained one by introducing a penalty function for constraint violations. When $f$ is smooth and the gradient is available, we show $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d/\varepsilon^{10})$ iteration complexity for PLD to sample the target up to an $\varepsilon$-error where the error is measured in terms of the total variation distance and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\cdot)$ hides some logarithmic factors. For PHMC, we improve this result to $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{d}/\varepsilon^{7})$ when the Hessian of $f$ is Lipschitz and the boundary of $\mathcal{C}$ is sufficiently smooth. To our knowledge, these are the first convergence rate results for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods in the constrained sampling setting that can handle non-convex $f$ and can provide guarantees with the best dimension dependency among existing methods with deterministic gradients. We then consider the setting where unbiased stochastic gradients are available. We propose PSGLD and PSGHMC that can handle stochastic gradients without Metropolis-Hasting correction steps. When $f$ is strongly convex and smooth, we obtain an iteration complexity of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d/\varepsilon^{18})$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\sqrt{d}/\varepsilon^{39})$ respectively in the 2-Wasserstein distance. For the more general case, when $f$ is smooth and non-convex, we also provide finite-time performance bounds and iteration complexity results. Finally, we test our algorithms on Bayesian LASSO regression and Bayesian constrained deep learning problems.
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解决基于图形的方法的半监督学习问题已成为近年来的趋势,因为图表可以代表各种数据,并为差分运算符提供了适当的框架,例如用于研究连续体限制。这里的流行策略是$ p $ -laplacian学习,它在该组未标记的数据上对所寻求的推理功能构成平滑状态。对于$ p <\ infty $ of the infult的$ of theftum,使用$ \ gamma $ -convergence的工具研究了这种方法。对于案件$ p = \ infty $,被称为Lipschitz学习,使用粘度溶液的概念研究了相关无限拉拉披肩方程的连续范围。在这项工作中,我们通过$ \ Gamma $ -Convergence证明了Lipschitz学习的连续内限。特别是,我们定义了一系列功能,该功能近似于图形功能的最大局部嘴唇常数,并以$ l ^ \ idty $ -topology以梯度的高价计算到梯度的$ \ gamma $ -convergence,因为图表变得更密集。此外,我们展示了暗示偶然的功能的紧凑性。在我们的分析中,我们允许改变一组标记的数据,该数据会聚到Hausdorff距离中的一般关闭集。我们将结果应用于非线性地面状态,即,最小化器,具有约束的$ L ^ P $ -Norm,并且作为副产品,证明了Graph距离函数的收敛到Geodeic距离功能。
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在本文中,我们在使用离散的Langevin扩散的三个方案中从目标密度采样的误差提供非渐近上限。第一个方案是Langevin Monte Carlo(LMC)算法,歌曲的欧拉分散化的歌曲扩散。第二个和第三种方案分别是用于可微分电位和动力学Langevin Monte Carlo的动力学Langevin Monte Carlo(KLMC),用于两次可分视电位(KLMC2)。主要焦点是在$ \ mathbb r ^ p $的目标密度上,但不一定强烈地抖动。在两种类型的平滑假设下获得计算复杂度的界限:电位具有嘴唇连续梯度,并且电位具有嘴角连续的Hessian基质。采样误差由Wassersein-$ Q $距离测量。我们倡导在计算复杂性定义中使用新的维度适应缩放,当考虑Wasserstein-$ Q $距离时。所获得的结果表明,实现小于规定值的缩放误差的迭代次数仅取决于多项尺寸。
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我们证明了连续和离散时间添加功能的浓度不平等和相关的PAC界限,用于可能是多元,不可逆扩散过程的无界函数。我们的分析依赖于通过泊松方程的方法,使我们能够考虑一系列非常广泛的指数性千古过程。这些结果增加了现有的浓度不平等,用于扩散过程的加性功能,这些功能仅适用于有界函数或从明显较小的类别中的过程的无限函数。我们通过两个截然不同的区域的例子来证明这些指数不平等的力量。考虑到在稀疏性约束下可能具有高维参数非线性漂移模型,我们应用连续的时间浓度结果来验证套索估计的受限特征值条件,这对于甲骨文不平等的推导至关重要。离散添加功能的结果用于研究未经调整的Langevin MCMC算法,用于采样中等重尾密度$ \ pi $。特别是,我们为多项式增长功能$ f $的样品蒙特卡洛估计量$ \ pi(f)提供PAC边界,以量化足够的样本和阶梯尺寸,以在规定的边距内近似具有很高的可能性。
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我们研究了无限 - 马,连续状态和行动空间的政策梯度的全球融合以及熵登记的马尔可夫决策过程(MDPS)。我们考虑了在平均场状态下具有(单隐层)神经网络近似(一层)神经网络近似的策略。添加了相关的平均场概率度量中的其他熵正则化,并在2-Wasserstein度量中研究了相应的梯度流。我们表明,目标函数正在沿梯度流量增加。此外,我们证明,如果按平均场测量的正则化足够,则梯度流将成倍收敛到唯一的固定溶液,这是正则化MDP物镜的独特最大化器。最后,我们研究了相对于正则参数和初始条件,沿梯度流的值函数的灵敏度。我们的结果依赖于对非线性Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov方程的仔细分析,并扩展了Mei等人的开拓性工作。 2020和Agarwal等。 2020年,量化表格环境中熵调控MDP的策略梯度的全局收敛速率。
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找到Reset中的参数的最佳配置是一个非凸显最小化问题,但一阶方法尽管如此,找到了过度分辨率制度的全局最优。通过将Reset的训练过程转化为梯度流部分微分方程(PDE)和检查该限制过程的收敛性能,我们研究了这种现象。假设激活函数为2美元 - 最佳或部分$ 1 $-homerence;正则Relu满足后一种条件。我们表明,如果Reset足够大,则深度和宽度根据代数上的准确性和置信水平,一阶优化方法可以找到适合培训数据的全局最小化器。
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We introduce and study a novel model-selection strategy for Bayesian learning, based on optimal transport, along with its associated predictive posterior law: the Wasserstein population barycenter of the posterior law over models. We first show how this estimator, termed Bayesian Wasserstein barycenter (BWB), arises naturally in a general, parameter-free Bayesian model-selection framework, when the considered Bayesian risk is the Wasserstein distance. Examples are given, illustrating how the BWB extends some classic parametric and non-parametric selection strategies. Furthermore, we also provide explicit conditions granting the existence and statistical consistency of the BWB, and discuss some of its general and specific properties, providing insights into its advantages compared to usual choices, such as the model average estimator. Finally, we illustrate how this estimator can be computed using the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm in Wasserstein space introduced in a companion paper arXiv:2201.04232v2 [math.OC], and provide a numerical example for experimental validation of the proposed method.
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We consider the problem of estimating the optimal transport map between a (fixed) source distribution $P$ and an unknown target distribution $Q$, based on samples from $Q$. The estimation of such optimal transport maps has become increasingly relevant in modern statistical applications, such as generative modeling. At present, estimation rates are only known in a few settings (e.g. when $P$ and $Q$ have densities bounded above and below and when the transport map lies in a H\"older class), which are often not reflected in practice. We present a unified methodology for obtaining rates of estimation of optimal transport maps in general function spaces. Our assumptions are significantly weaker than those appearing in the literature: we require only that the source measure $P$ satisfies a Poincar\'e inequality and that the optimal map be the gradient of a smooth convex function that lies in a space whose metric entropy can be controlled. As a special case, we recover known estimation rates for bounded densities and H\"older transport maps, but also obtain nearly sharp results in many settings not covered by prior work. For example, we provide the first statistical rates of estimation when $P$ is the normal distribution and the transport map is given by an infinite-width shallow neural network.
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