深度学习体系结构中离散算法组件的集成具有许多应用。最近,隐含的最大似然估计(Imle,Niepert,Minervini和Franceschi 2021)是一类用于离散指数家庭分布的梯度估计器,是通过通过与路径级别梯度估计器组合隐式分化来结合隐式分化的。但是,由于梯度的有限差近似,它对需要由用户指定的有限差步长的选择特别敏感。在这项工作中,我们提出了自适应IMLE(AIMLE),是第一个用于复杂离散分布的自适应梯度估计器:它通过在梯度估计中以偏见程度来换取梯度信息的密度来适应IMLE的目标分布。我们从经验上评估了关于合成示例的估计量,以及学习解释,离散的变异自动编码器和神经关系推理任务。在我们的实验中,我们表明我们的自适应梯度估计器可以产生忠实的估计值,同时需要的样本较少,而样品比其他梯度估计器少。
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The reparameterization trick enables optimizing large scale stochastic computation graphs via gradient descent. The essence of the trick is to refactor each stochastic node into a differentiable function of its parameters and a random variable with fixed distribution. After refactoring, the gradients of the loss propagated by the chain rule through the graph are low variance unbiased estimators of the gradients of the expected loss. While many continuous random variables have such reparameterizations, discrete random variables lack useful reparameterizations due to the discontinuous nature of discrete states. In this work we introduce CONCRETE random variables-CONtinuous relaxations of disCRETE random variables. The Concrete distribution is a new family of distributions with closed form densities and a simple reparameterization. Whenever a discrete stochastic node of a computation graph can be refactored into a one-hot bit representation that is treated continuously, Concrete stochastic nodes can be used with automatic differentiation to produce low-variance biased gradients of objectives (including objectives that depend on the log-probability of latent stochastic nodes) on the corresponding discrete graph. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Concrete relaxations on density estimation and structured prediction tasks using neural networks.
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Outstanding achievements of graph neural networks for spatiotemporal time series analysis show that relational constraints introduce an effective inductive bias into neural forecasting architectures. Often, however, the relational information characterizing the underlying data-generating process is unavailable and the practitioner is left with the problem of inferring from data which relational graph to use in the subsequent processing stages. We propose novel, principled - yet practical - probabilistic score-based methods that learn the relational dependencies as distributions over graphs while maximizing end-to-end the performance at task. The proposed graph learning framework is based on consolidated variance reduction techniques for Monte Carlo score-based gradient estimation, is theoretically grounded, and, as we show, effective in practice. In this paper, we focus on the time series forecasting problem and show that, by tailoring the gradient estimators to the graph learning problem, we are able to achieve state-of-the-art performance while controlling the sparsity of the learned graph and the computational scalability. We empirically assess the effectiveness of the proposed method on synthetic and real-world benchmarks, showing that the proposed solution can be used as a stand-alone graph identification procedure as well as a graph learning component of an end-to-end forecasting architecture.
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Perturb-and-MAP offers an elegant approach to approximately sample from an energy-based model (EBM) by computing the maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) configuration of a perturbed version of the model. Sampling in turn enables learning. However, this line of research has been hindered by the general intractability of the MAP computation. Very few works venture outside tractable models, and when they do, they use linear programming approaches, which as we show, have several limitations. In this work, we present perturb-and-max-product (PMP), a parallel and scalable mechanism for sampling and learning in discrete EBMs. Models can be arbitrary as long as they are built using tractable factors. We show that (a) for Ising models, PMP is orders of magnitude faster than Gibbs and Gibbs-with-Gradients (GWG) at learning and generating samples of similar or better quality; (b) PMP is able to learn and sample from RBMs; (c) in a large, entangled graphical model in which Gibbs and GWG fail to mix, PMP succeeds.Preprint. Under review.
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贝叶斯结构学习允许从数据推断贝叶斯网络结构,同时推理认识性不确定性 - 朝着实现现实世界系统的主动因果发现和设计干预的关键因素。在这项工作中,我们为贝叶斯结构学习(DIBS)提出了一般,完全可微分的框架,其在潜在概率图表表示的连续空间中运行。与现有的工作相反,DIBS对局部条件分布的形式不可知,并且允许图形结构和条件分布参数的关节后部推理。这使得我们的配方直接适用于复杂贝叶斯网络模型的后部推理,例如,具有由神经网络编码的非线性依赖性。使用DIBS,我们设计了一种高效,通用的变分推理方法,用于近似结构模型的分布。在模拟和现实世界数据的评估中,我们的方法显着优于关节后部推理的相关方法。
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Interacting systems are prevalent in nature, from dynamical systems in physics to complex societal dynamics. The interplay of components can give rise to complex behavior, which can often be explained using a simple model of the system's constituent parts. In this work, we introduce the neural relational inference (NRI) model: an unsupervised model that learns to infer interactions while simultaneously learning the dynamics purely from observational data. Our model takes the form of a variational auto-encoder, in which the latent code represents the underlying interaction graph and the reconstruction is based on graph neural networks. In experiments on simulated physical systems, we show that our NRI model can accurately recover ground-truth interactions in an unsupervised manner. We further demonstrate that we can find an interpretable structure and predict complex dynamics in real motion capture and sports tracking data.
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最近出现了许多子图增强图神经网络(GNN),可证明增强了标准(消息通话)GNN的表达能力。但是,对这些方法之间的相互关系和weisfeiler层次结构的关系有限。此外,当前的方法要么使用给定尺寸的所有子图,要随机均匀地对其进行采样,或者使用手工制作的启发式方法,而不是学习以数据驱动的方式选择子图。在这里,我们提供了一种统一的方法来研究此类体系结构,通过引入理论框架并扩展了亚图增强GNN的已知表达结果。具体而言,我们表明,增加子图的大小总是会增加表达能力,并通过将它们与已建立的$ k \ text { - } \ Mathsf {Wl} $ hierArchy联系起来,从而更好地理解其局限性。此外,我们还使用最近通过复杂的离散概率分布进行反向传播的方法探索了学习对子图进行采样的不同方法。从经验上讲,我们研究了不同子图增强的GNN的预测性能,表明我们的数据驱动体系结构与非DATA驱动的亚图增强图形神经网络相比,在标准基准数据集上提高了对标准基准数据集的预测准确性,同时减少了计算时间。
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机器学习(ML)管道中的组合优化(CO)层是解决数据驱动决策任务的强大工具,但它们面临两个主要挑战。首先,CO问题的解通常是其客观参数的分段常数函数。鉴于通常使用随机梯度下降对ML管道进行训练,因此缺乏斜率信息是非常有害的。其次,标准ML损失在组合设置中不能很好地工作。越来越多的研究通过各种方法解决了这些挑战。不幸的是,缺乏维护良好的实现会减慢采用CO层的速度。在本文的基础上,我们对CO层介绍了一种概率的观点,该观点自然而然地是近似分化和结构化损失的构建。我们从文献中恢复了许多特殊情况的方法,我们也得出了新方法。基于这个统一的观点,我们提出了inferpopt.jl,一个开源的朱莉娅软件包,1)允许将任何具有线性物镜的Co Oracle转换为可区分的层,以及2)定义足够的损失以训练包含此类层的管道。我们的图书馆使用任意优化算法,并且与朱莉娅的ML生态系统完全兼容。我们使用视频游戏地图上的探索问题来证明其能力。
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Categorical variables are a natural choice for representing discrete structure in the world. However, stochastic neural networks rarely use categorical latent variables due to the inability to backpropagate through samples. In this work, we present an efficient gradient estimator that replaces the non-differentiable sample from a categorical distribution with a differentiable sample from a novel Gumbel-Softmax distribution. This distribution has the essential property that it can be smoothly annealed into a categorical distribution. We show that our Gumbel-Softmax estimator outperforms state-of-the-art gradient estimators on structured output prediction and unsupervised generative modeling tasks with categorical latent variables, and enables large speedups on semi-supervised classification. * Work done during an internship at Google Brain.
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统计模型是机器学习的核心,具有广泛适用性,跨各种下游任务。模型通常由通过最大似然估计从数据估计的自由参数控制。但是,当面对现实世界数据集时,许多模型运行到一个关键问题:它们是在完全观察到的数据方面配制的,而在实践中,数据集会困扰缺失数据。来自不完整数据的统计模型估计理论在概念上类似于潜在变量模型的估计,其中存在强大的工具,例如变分推理(VI)。然而,与标准潜在变量模型相比,具有不完整数据的参数估计通常需要估计缺失变量的指数 - 许多条件分布,因此使标准的VI方法是棘手的。通过引入变分Gibbs推理(VGI),是一种新的通用方法来解决这个差距,以估计来自不完整数据的统计模型参数。我们在一组合成和实际估算任务上验证VGI,从不完整的数据中估算重要的机器学习模型,VAE和标准化流程。拟议的方法,同时通用,实现比现有的特定模型特定估计方法竞争或更好的性能。
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We marry ideas from deep neural networks and approximate Bayesian inference to derive a generalised class of deep, directed generative models, endowed with a new algorithm for scalable inference and learning. Our algorithm introduces a recognition model to represent an approximate posterior distribution and uses this for optimisation of a variational lower bound. We develop stochastic backpropagation -rules for gradient backpropagation through stochastic variables -and derive an algorithm that allows for joint optimisation of the parameters of both the generative and recognition models. We demonstrate on several real-world data sets that by using stochastic backpropagation and variational inference, we obtain models that are able to generate realistic samples of data, allow for accurate imputations of missing data, and provide a useful tool for high-dimensional data visualisation.
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该报告解释,实施和扩展了“更紧密的变化界限不一定更好”所介绍的作品(T Rainforth等,2018)。我们提供了理论和经验证据,这些证据增加了重要性的重要性数量$ k $在重要性加权自动编码器(IWAE)中(Burda等,2016)降低了推理中梯度估计量的信噪比(SNR)网络,从而影响完整的学习过程。换句话说,即使增加$ k $减少了梯度的标准偏差,但它也会更快地降低真实梯度的幅度,从而增加梯度更新的相对差异。进行广泛的实验以了解$ k $的重要性。这些实验表明,更紧密的变化界限对生成网络有益,而宽松的边界对推理网络来说是可取的。通过这些见解,可以实施和研究三种方法:部分重要性加权自动编码器(PIWAE),倍增重要性加权自动编码器(MIWAE)和组合重要性加权自动编码器(CIWAE)。这三种方法中的每一种都需要IWAE作为一种特殊情况,但采用不同的重量权重,以确保较高的梯度估计器的SNR。在我们的研究和分析中,这些算法的疗效在多个数据集(如MNIST和Omniglot)上进行了测试。最后,我们证明了三种呈现的IWAE变化能够产生近似后验分布,这些分布与IWAE更接近真正的后验分布,同时匹配IWAE生成网络的性能,或者在PIWAE的情况下可能超过其表现。
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The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning.
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