In spite of many dataset efforts for human action recognition, current computer vision algorithms are still severely limited in terms of the variability and complexity of the actions that they can recognize. This is in part due to the simplicity of current benchmarks, which mostly focus on simple actions and movements occurring on manually trimmed videos. In this paper we introduce ActivityNet, a new largescale video benchmark for human activity understanding. Our benchmark aims at covering a wide range of complex human activities that are of interest to people in their daily living. In its current version, ActivityNet provides samples from 203 activity classes with an average of 137 untrimmed videos per class and 1.41 activity instances per video, for a total of 849 video hours. We illustrate three scenarios in which ActivityNet can be used to compare algorithms for human activity understanding: untrimmed video classification, trimmed activity classification and activity detection.
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Computer vision has a great potential to help our daily lives by searching for lost keys, watering flowers or reminding us to take a pill.To succeed with such tasks, computer vision methods need to be trained from real and diverse examples of our daily dynamic scenes. While most of such scenes are not particularly exciting, they typically do not appear on YouTube, in movies or TV broadcasts. So how do we collect sufficiently many diverse but boring samples representing our lives? We propose a novel Hollywood in Homes approach to collect such data. Instead of shooting videos in the lab, we ensure diversity by distributing and crowdsourcing the whole process of video creation from script writing to video recording and annotation. Following this procedure we collect a new dataset, Charades, with hundreds of people recording videos in their own homes, acting out casual everyday activities. The dataset is composed of 9,848 annotated videos with an average length of 30 seconds, showing activities of 267 people from three continents, and over 15% of the videos have more than one person. Each video is annotated by multiple free-text descriptions, action labels, action intervals and classes of interacted objects. In total, Charades provides 27,847 video descriptions, 66,500 temporally localized intervals for 157 action classes and 41,104 labels for 46 object classes. Using this rich data, we evaluate and provide baseline results for several tasks including action recognition and automatic description generation. We believe that the realism, diversity, and casual nature of this dataset will present unique challenges and new opportunities for computer vision community.
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This paper introduces a video dataset of spatiotemporally localized Atomic Visual Actions (AVA). The AVA dataset densely annotates 80 atomic visual actions in 430 15-minute video clips, where actions are localized in space and time, resulting in 1.58M action labels with multiple labels per person occurring frequently. The key characteristics of our dataset are: (1) the definition of atomic visual actions, rather than composite actions; (2) precise spatio-temporal annotations with possibly multiple annotations for each person; (3) exhaustive annotation of these atomic actions over 15-minute video clips; (4) people temporally linked across consecutive segments; and (5) using movies to gather a varied set of action representations. This departs from existing datasets for spatio-temporal action recognition, which typically provide sparse annotations for composite actions in short video clips.AVA, with its realistic scene and action complexity, exposes the intrinsic difficulty of action recognition. To benchmark this, we present a novel approach for action localization that builds upon the current state-of-the-art methods, and demonstrates better performance on JHMDB and UCF101-24 categories. While setting a new state of the art on existing datasets, the overall results on AVA are low at 15.6% mAP, underscoring the need for developing new approaches for video understanding.
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设计可以成功部署在日常生活环境中的活动检测系统需要构成现实情况典型挑战的数据集。在本文中,我们介绍了一个新的未修剪日常生存数据集,该数据集具有几个现实世界中的挑战:Toyota Smarthome Untrimmed(TSU)。 TSU包含以自发方式进行的各种活动。数据集包含密集的注释,包括基本的,复合活动和涉及与对象相互作用的活动。我们提供了对数据集所需的现实世界挑战的分析,突出了检测算法的开放问题。我们表明,当前的最新方法无法在TSU数据集上实现令人满意的性能。因此,我们提出了一种新的基线方法,以应对数据集提供的新挑战。此方法利用一种模态(即视线流)生成注意力权重,以指导另一种模态(即RGB)以更好地检测活动边界。这对于检测以高时间差异为特征的活动特别有益。我们表明,我们建议在TSU和另一个受欢迎的挑战数据集Charades上优于最先进方法的方法。
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The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge is a benchmark in object category classification and detection on hundreds of object categories and millions of images. The challenge has been run annually from 2010 to present, attracting participation from more than fifty institutions. This paper describes the creation of this benchmark dataset and the advances in object recognition that have been possible as a result. We discuss the chal-
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The PASCAL Visual Object Classes (VOC) challenge is a benchmark in visual object category recognition and detection, providing the vision and machine learning communities with a standard dataset of images and annotation, and standard evaluation procedures. Organised annually from 2005 to present, the challenge and its associated dataset has become accepted as the benchmark for object detection.This paper describes the dataset and evaluation procedure. We review the state-of-the-art in evaluated methods for both classification and detection, analyse whether the methods are statistically different, what they are learning from the images (e.g. the object or its context), and what the methods find easy or confuse. The paper concludes with lessons learnt in the three year history of the challenge, and proposes directions for future improvement and extension.
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With nearly one billion online videos viewed everyday, an emerging new frontier in computer vision research is recognition and search in video. While much effort has been devoted to the collection and annotation of large scalable static image datasets containing thousands of image categories, human action datasets lag far behind. Current action recognition databases contain on the order of ten different action categories collected under fairly controlled conditions. State-of-the-art performance on these datasets is now near ceiling and thus there is a need for the design and creation of new benchmarks. To address this issue we collected the largest action video database to-date with 51 action categories, which in total contain around 7,000 manually annotated clips extracted from a variety of sources ranging from digitized movies to YouTube. We use this database to evaluate the performance of two representative computer vision systems for action recognition and explore the robustness of these methods under various conditions such as camera motion, viewpoint, video quality and occlusion.
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While large datasets have proven to be a key enabler for progress in computer vision, they can have biases that lead to erroneous conclusions. The notion of the representation bias of a dataset is proposed to combat this problem. It captures the fact that representations other than the ground-truth representation can achieve good performance on any given dataset. When this is the case, the dataset is said not to be well calibrated. Dataset calibration is shown to be a necessary condition for the standard state-of-the-art evaluation practice to converge to the ground-truth representation. A procedure, RESOUND, is proposed to quantify and minimize representation bias. Its application to the problem of action recognition shows that current datasets are biased towards static representations (objects, scenes and people). Two versions of RE-SOUND are studied. An Explicit RESOUND procedure is proposed to assemble new datasets by sampling existing datasets. An implicit RE-SOUND procedure is used to guide the creation of a new dataset, Div-ing48, of over 18,000 video clips of competitive diving actions, spanning 48 fine-grained dive classes. Experimental evaluation confirms the effectiveness of RESOUND to reduce the static biases of current datasets.
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每天,人类都会执行许多紧密相关的活动,这些活动涉及微妙的判别动作,例如穿衬衫与穿夹克,或握手与给高五个。道德视觉AI的活动识别可以为我们的日常生活模式提供见解,但是现有的活动识别数据集并不能捕捉到世界各地这些人类活动的巨大多样性。为了解决此限制,我们介绍Collector,这是一个免费的移动应用程序,以录制视频,同时注释同意主题的对象和活动。这个新的数据收集平台用于策划People(CAP)数据集的同意活动,这是全球人的第一个大规模,细粒度的活动数据集。 CAP数据集包含145万个日常生活的512个细粒子活动标签的视频片段,由33个国家 /地区的780名受试者收集。我们为该数据集提供活动分类和活动检测基准,并分析基线结果,以深入了解世界周围人如何进行共同活动。可以在上使用数据集,基准,评估工具,公共排行榜和移动应用程序。
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We address temporal action localization in untrimmed long videos. This is important because videos in real applications are usually unconstrained and contain multiple action instances plus video content of background scenes or other activities. To address this challenging issue, we exploit the effectiveness of deep networks in temporal action localization via three segment-based 3D ConvNets: (1) a proposal network identifies candidate segments in a long video that may contain actions; (2) a classification network learns one-vs-all action classification model to serve as initialization for the localization network; and (3) a localization network fine-tunes the learned classification network to localize each action instance. We propose a novel loss function for the localization network to explicitly consider temporal overlap and achieve high temporal localization accuracy. In the end, only the proposal network and the localization network are used during prediction. On two largescale benchmarks, our approach achieves significantly superior performances compared with other state-of-the-art systems: mAP increases from 1.7% to 7.4% on MEXaction2 and increases from 15.0% to 19.0% on THUMOS 2014.
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人类相互作用的分析是人类运动分析的一个重要研究主题。它已经使用第一人称视觉(FPV)或第三人称视觉(TPV)进行了研究。但是,到目前为止,两种视野的联合学习几乎没有引起关注。原因之一是缺乏涵盖FPV和TPV的合适数据集。此外,FPV或TPV的现有基准数据集具有多个限制,包括样本数量有限,参与者,交互类别和模态。在这项工作中,我们贡献了一个大规模的人类交互数据集,即FT-HID数据集。 FT-HID包含第一人称和第三人称愿景的成对对齐的样本。该数据集是从109个不同受试者中收集的,并具有三种模式的90K样品。该数据集已通过使用几种现有的动作识别方法验证。此外,我们还引入了一种新型的骨骼序列的多视图交互机制,以及针对第一人称和第三人称视野的联合学习多流框架。两种方法都在FT-HID数据集上产生有希望的结果。可以预期,这一视力一致的大规模数据集的引入将促进FPV和TPV的发展,以及他们用于人类行动分析的联合学习技术。该数据集和代码可在\ href {} {here} {}中获得。
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The appearance of an object can be fleeting when it transforms. As eggs are broken or paper is torn, their color, shape and texture can change dramatically, preserving virtually nothing of the original except for the identity itself. Yet, this important phenomenon is largely absent from existing video object segmentation (VOS) benchmarks. In this work, we close the gap by collecting a new dataset for Video Object Segmentation under Transformations (VOST). It consists of more than 700 high-resolution videos, captured in diverse environments, which are 20 seconds long on average and densely labeled with instance masks. A careful, multi-step approach is adopted to ensure that these videos focus on complex object transformations, capturing their full temporal extent. We then extensively evaluate state-of-the-art VOS methods and make a number of important discoveries. In particular, we show that existing methods struggle when applied to this novel task and that their main limitation lies in over-reliance on static appearance cues. This motivates us to propose a few modifications for the top-performing baseline that improve its capabilities by better modeling spatio-temporal information. But more broadly, the hope is to stimulate discussion on learning more robust video object representations.
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Surveillance videos are able to capture a variety of realistic anomalies. In this paper, we propose to learn anomalies by exploiting both normal and anomalous videos. To avoid annotating the anomalous segments or clips in training videos, which is very time consuming, we propose to learn anomaly through the deep multiple instance ranking framework by leveraging weakly labeled training videos, i.e. the training labels (anomalous or normal) are at videolevel instead of clip-level. In our approach, we consider normal and anomalous videos as bags and video segments as instances in multiple instance learning (MIL), and automatically learn a deep anomaly ranking model that predicts high anomaly scores for anomalous video segments. Furthermore, we introduce sparsity and temporal smoothness constraints in the ranking loss function to better localize anomaly during training.We also introduce a new large-scale first of its kind dataset of 128 hours of videos. It consists of 1900 long and untrimmed real-world surveillance videos, with 13 realistic anomalies such as fighting, road accident, burglary, robbery, etc. as well as normal activities. This dataset can be used for two tasks. First, general anomaly detection considering all anomalies in one group and all normal activities in another group. Second, for recognizing each of 13 anomalous activities. Our experimental results show that our MIL method for anomaly detection achieves significant improvement on anomaly detection performance as compared to the state-of-the-art approaches. We provide the results of several recent deep learning baselines on anomalous activity recognition. The low recognition performance of these baselines reveals that our dataset is very challenging and opens more opportunities for future work. The dataset is
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Neural networks trained on datasets such as ImageNet have led to major advances in visual object classification. One obstacle that prevents networks from reasoning more deeply about complex scenes and situations, and from integrating visual knowledge with natural language, like humans do, is their lack of common sense knowledge about the physical world. Videos, unlike still images, contain a wealth of detailed information about the physical world. However, most labelled video datasets represent high-level concepts rather than detailed physical aspects about actions and scenes. In this work, we describe our ongoing collection of the "something-something" database of video prediction tasks whose solutions require a common sense understanding of the depicted situation. The database currently contains more than 100,000 videos across 174 classes, which are defined as caption-templates. We also describe the challenges in crowd-sourcing this data at scale.
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第一人称视频在其持续环境的背景下突出了摄影师的活动。但是,当前的视频理解方法是从短视频剪辑中的视觉特征的原因,这些视频片段与基础物理空间分离,只捕获直接看到的东西。我们提出了一种方法,该方法通过学习摄影师(潜在看不见的)本地环境来促进以人为中心的环境的了解来链接以自我为中心的视频和摄像机随着时间的推移而张开。我们使用来自模拟的3D环境中的代理商的视频进行训练,在该环境中,环境完全可以观察到,并在看不见的环境的房屋旅行的真实视频中对其进行测试。我们表明,通过将视频接地在其物理环境中,我们的模型超过了传统的场景分类模型,可以预测摄影师所处的哪个房间(其中帧级信息不足),并且可以利用这种基础来定位与环境相对应的视频瞬间 - 中心查询,优于先验方法。项目页面:
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Human pose estimation has made significant progress during the last years. However current datasets are limited in their coverage of the overall pose estimation challenges. Still these serve as the common sources to evaluate, train and compare different models on. In this paper we introduce a novel benchmark "MPII Human Pose" 1 that makes a significant advance in terms of diversity and difficulty, a contribution that we feel is required for future developments in human body models. This comprehensive dataset was collected using an established taxonomy of over 800 human activities [1]. The collected images cover a wider variety of human activities than previous datasets including various recreational, occupational and householding activities, and capture people from a wider range of viewpoints. We provide a rich set of labels including positions of body joints, full 3D torso and head orientation, occlusion labels for joints and body parts, and activity labels. For each image we provide adjacent video frames to facilitate the use of motion information. Given these rich annotations we perform a detailed analysis of leading human pose estimation approaches and gaining insights for the success and failures of these methods.
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肢体语言是一种引人注目的社交信号,其自动分析可以大大提高人工智能系统,以理解和积极参与社交互动。尽管计算机视觉在诸如头部和身体姿势估计之类的低级任务中取得了令人印象深刻的进步,但探索诸如示意,修饰或摸索之类的更微妙行为的发现尚未得到很好的探索。在本文中,我们介绍了BBSI,这是复杂的身体行为的第一组注释,嵌入了小组环境中的连续社交互动中。根据心理学的先前工作,我们在MpiigroupContraction数据集中手动注释了26个小时的自发人类行为,并具有15种不同的肢体语言类别。我们介绍了所得数据集的全面描述性统计数据以及注释质量评估的结果。为了自动检测这些行为,我们适应了金字塔扩张的注意网络(PDAN),这是一种最新的人类动作检测方法。我们使用四个空间特征的四种变体作为PDAN的输入进行实验:两流膨胀的3D CNN,颞段网络,时间移位模块和SWIN变压器。结果是有希望的,这表明了这项艰巨的任务改进的好空间。 BBSI代表了自动理解社会行为的难题中的关键作品,研究界完全可以使用。
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