飞行脊椎动物表现出复杂的Wingbeat运动学。他们的专门的前肢允许机翼变形动作在他们的水平飞行过程中与拍打动作加上,以前的可传单仿生平台已经成功地应用了生物启发的翼形变形,但不能被变形耦合的翼展图案推动。由此促进了这一点,我们开发了一个生物启发型扑翼空中车辆(FWAV),题为Robofalcon,配备了一种新颖的机制来推动蝙蝠式的变形翅膀,表现出变形耦合的翼型模式,并整体管理吸引力航班。 Robofalcon的新机制允许在需要在需要操纵时耦合变形和拍打,并在需要操纵时去耦,产生双侧不对称下划作,提供高轧制敏捷性。蝙蝠式的变形翼设计在腕关节的半径周围的倾斜安装角,以模仿飞行脊椎动物的手腕浸湿效果。通过几种轧制机动飞行测试评估了Robofalcon的敏捷性,与飞行生物和当前拍打翼平台相比,我们展示了其性能良好的敏捷性能力。风洞测试表明,不对称下午的辊矩与拍打频率相关,腕部安装角可用于调谐静止飞行状态的攻击角度和提升 - 推力配置。我们认为,这项工作产生了一个良好的仿生平台,为变形耦合扑拍飞行提供了新的驱动策略。
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This paper introduces a structure-deformable land-air robot which possesses both excellent ground driving and flying ability, with smooth switching mechanism between two modes. The elaborate coupled dynamics model of the proposed robot is established, including rotors, chassis, especially the deformable structures. Furthermore, taking fusion locomotion and complex near-ground situations into consideration, a model based controller is designed for landing and mode switching under various harsh conditions, in which we realise the cooperation between fused two motion modes. The entire system is implemented in ADAMS/Simulink simulation and in practical. We conduct experiments under various complex scenarios. The results show our robot can accomplish land-air switching swiftly and smoothly, and the designed controller can effectively improve the landing flexibility and reliability.
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拍打翅膀是一种生物启发的方法,可在空中机器人中产生升力和推动,从而导致安静有效的运动。该技术的优点是安全性和可操作性,以及与环境,人类和动物的物理互动。但是,为了实现大量应用,这些机器人必须栖息和土地。尽管最近在栖息场上取得了进展,但直到今天,拍打翼车辆或鸟类动物仍无法停止在分支上的飞行。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,该方法定义了一个可以可靠和自主将鸟鸟类降落在分支上的过程。该方法描述了拍打飞行控制器的联合操作,近距离校正系统和被动爪附件。飞行由三重俯仰高空控制器和集成的车身电子设备处理,允许以3 m/s的速度栖息。近距离校正系统,具有快速的光学分支传感可补偿着陆时的位置错位。这是通过被动双向爪设计可以补充的,可以锁定和固定2 nm的扭矩,在25毫秒内掌握,并且由于集成的肌腱致动而可以重新打开。栖息的方法补充了四步实验开发过程,该过程为成功的设计优化。我们用700 g的鸟杆验证了这种方法,并演示了在分支上拍打翼机器人的第一次自主栖息飞行,结果用第二个机器人复制。这项工作为在远程任务,观察,操纵和室外飞行中应用翼机器人的应用铺平了道路。
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Hybrid unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) integrate the efficient forward flight of fixed-wing and vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capabilities of multicopter UAVs. This paper presents the modeling, control and simulation of a new type of hybrid micro-small UAVs, coined as lifting-wing quadcopters. The airframe orientation of the lifting wing needs to tilt a specific angle often within $ 45$ degrees, neither nearly $ 90$ nor approximately $ 0$ degrees. Compared with some convertiplane and tail-sitter UAVs, the lifting-wing quadcopter has a highly reliable structure, robust wind resistance, low cruise speed and reliable transition flight, making it potential to work fully-autonomous outdoor or some confined airspace indoor. In the modeling part, forces and moments generated by both lifting wing and rotors are considered. Based on the established model, a unified controller for the full flight phase is designed. The controller has the capability of uniformly treating the hovering and forward flight, and enables a continuous transition between two modes, depending on the velocity command. What is more, by taking rotor thrust and aerodynamic force under consideration simultaneously, a control allocation based on optimization is utilized to realize cooperative control for energy saving. Finally, comprehensive Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulations are performed to verify the advantages of the designed aircraft and the proposed controller.
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We designed and constructed an A-sized base autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), augmented with a stack of modular and extendable hardware and software, including autonomy, navigation, control and high fidelity simulation capabilities (A-size stands for the standard sonobuoy form factor, with a maximum diameter of 124 mm). Subsequently, we extended this base vehicle with a novel tuna-inspired morphing fin payload module (referred to as the Morpheus AUV), to achieve good directional stability and exceptional maneuverability; properties that are highly desirable for rigid hull AUVs, but are presently difficult to achieve because they impose contradictory requirements. The morphing fin payload allows the base AUV to dynamically change its stability-maneuverability qualities by using morphing fins, which can be deployed, deflected and retracted, as needed. The base vehicle and Morpheus AUV were both extensively field tested in-water in the Charles river, Massachusetts, USA; by conducting hundreds of hours of operations over a period of two years. The maneuvering capability of the Morpheus AUV was evaluated with and without the use of morphing fins to quantify the performance improvement. The Morpheus AUV was able to showcase an exceptional turning rate of around 25-35 deg/s. A maximum turn rate improvement of around 35% - 50% was gained through the use of morphing fins.
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We address the theoretical and practical problems related to the trajectory generation and tracking control of tail-sitter UAVs. Theoretically, we focus on the differential flatness property with full exploitation of actual UAV aerodynamic models, which lays a foundation for generating dynamically feasible trajectory and achieving high-performance tracking control. We have found that a tail-sitter is differentially flat with accurate aerodynamic models within the entire flight envelope, by specifying coordinate flight condition and choosing the vehicle position as the flat output. This fundamental property allows us to fully exploit the high-fidelity aerodynamic models in the trajectory planning and tracking control to achieve accurate tail-sitter flights. Particularly, an optimization-based trajectory planner for tail-sitters is proposed to design high-quality, smooth trajectories with consideration of kinodynamic constraints, singularity-free constraints and actuator saturation. The planned trajectory of flat output is transformed to state trajectory in real-time with consideration of wind in environments. To track the state trajectory, a global, singularity-free, and minimally-parameterized on-manifold MPC is developed, which fully leverages the accurate aerodynamic model to achieve high-accuracy trajectory tracking within the whole flight envelope. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated through extensive real-world experiments in both indoor and outdoor field tests, including agile SE(3) flight through consecutive narrow windows requiring specific attitude and with speed up to 10m/s, typical tail-sitter maneuvers (transition, level flight and loiter) with speed up to 20m/s, and extremely aggressive aerobatic maneuvers (Wingover, Loop, Vertical Eight and Cuban Eight) with acceleration up to 2.5g.
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意识到高性能软机器人抓手是具有挑战性的,因为软执行器和人造肌肉的固有局限性。尽管现有的软机器人抓手表现出可接受的性能,但他们的设计和制造仍然是一个空旷的问题。本文探索了扭曲的弦乐执行器(TSA),以驱动软机器人抓手。 TSA已被广泛用于众多机器人应用中,但它们包含在软机器人中是有限的。提议的抓手设计灵感来自人类手,四个手指和拇指。通过使用拮抗剂TSA,在手指中实现了可调刚度。手指的弯曲角度,驱动速度,阻塞力输出和刚度调整是实验表征的。抓手能够在Kapandji测试中获得6分,并且还可以达到33个Feix Grasp Grasp分类法中的31个。一项比较研究表明,与其他类似抓手相比,提出的抓手表现出等效或卓越的性能。
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外骨骼和矫形器是可穿戴移动系统,为用户提供机械益处。尽管在过去几十年中有重大改进,但该技术不会完全成熟,以便采用剧烈和非编程任务。为了适应这种功能不全,需要分析和改进该技术的不同方面。许多研究一直在努力解决外骨骼的某些方面,例如,机构设计,意向预测和控制方案。但是,大多数作品都专注于设计或应用的特定元素,而无需提供全面的审查框架。本研究旨在分析和调查为改进和广泛采用这项技术的贡献方面。为了解决此问题,在引入辅助设备和外骨骼后,将从物理人员 - 机器人接口(HRI)的角度来研究主要的设计标准。通过概述不同类别的已知辅助设备的几个例子,将进一步开发该研究。为了建立智能HRI策略并为用户提供直观的控制,将研究认知HRI。将审查这种策略的各种方法,并提出了意图预测的模型。该模型用于从单个电拍摄(EMG)通道输入的栅极相位。建模结果显示出低功耗辅助设备中单通道输入的潜在使用。此外,所提出的模型可以在具有复杂控制策略的设备中提供冗余。
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中枢神经系统(CNS)利用预期(APA)和补偿性(CPA)的姿势调整以保持平衡。姿势调整包括质量中心的稳定性(COM)(COM)和身体的压力分布相互影响,如果存在他们俩缺乏表现。任何可预测的或突然的扰动都可能为COM与平衡和身体的均匀压力分布的分歧铺平道路。由于其不良的APA和CPA,并引起了它们的跌倒。神经系统患者跌倒风险的最小化方法正在利用基于扰动的康复,因为它有效地恢复了平衡障碍。根据发现的结果,我们的发现,我们的发现,我们的发现,我们的发现,我们的发现,我们的发现是有效的。介绍新型3 DOF平行操纵器的设计,实现和实验评估,以治疗M. M.的平衡障碍,机器人平台允许角运动脚踝基于其拟人化的自由。赋予上下平台的最终效应分别旨在评估每只脚的压力分布和身体的com。在机器人平台的高级控制中,用于调节任务的难度水平。在这项研究中,在模拟环境中得出并验证了机器人的运动学和动态分析。还通过PID控制器成功实现了对原型的低级控制。每个平台的容量都通过一组实验来评估,考虑评估最终效应器上的脚注和类似对象的压力分布和COM。实验结果表明,这样的系统井井有条,需要通过APA和CPA进行平衡技能培训和评估。
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Enabling vertical take-off and landing while providing the ability to fly long ranges opens the door to a wide range of new real-world aircraft applications while improving many existing tasks. Tiltrotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a better choice than fixed-wing and multirotor aircraft for such applications. Prior works on these aircraft have addressed aerodynamic performance, design, modeling, and control. However, a less explored area is the study of their potential fault tolerance due to their inherent redundancy, which allows them to tolerate some degree of actuation failure. This paper introduces tolerance to several types of actuator failures in a tiltrotor VTOL aircraft. We discuss the design and modeling of a custom tiltrotor VTOL UAV, which is a combination of a fixed-wing aircraft and a quadrotor with tilting rotors, where the four propellers can be rotated individually. Then, we analyze the feasible wrench space the vehicle can generate and design the dynamic control allocation so that the system can adapt to actuator failures, benefiting from the configuration redundancy. The proposed approach is lightweight and is implemented as an extension to an already-existing flight control stack. Extensive experiments validate that the system can maintain the controlled flight under different actuator failures. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first study of the tiltrotor VTOL's fault-tolerance that exploits the configuration redundancy. The source code and simulation can be accessed at https://theairlab.org/vtol.
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Snakes and their bio-inspired robot counterparts have demonstrated locomotion on a wide range of terrains. However, dynamic vertical climbing is one locomotion strategy that has received little attention in the existing snake robotics literature. We demonstrate a new scansorial gait and robot inspired by the locomotion of the Pacific Lamprey. This new gait allows a robot to steer while climbing on flat, near-vertical surfaces. A reduced-order model is developed and used to explore the relationship between body actuation and vertical and lateral motions of the robot. Trident, the new wall climbing lamprey-inspired robot, demonstrates dynamic climbing on flat vertical surfaces with a peak net vertical stride displacement of 4.1 cm per step. Actuating at 1.3 Hz, Trident attains a vertical climbing speed of 4.8 cm/s (0.09 Bl/s) at specific resistance of 8.3. Trident can also traverse laterally at 9 cm/s (0.17 Bl/s). Moreover, Trident is able to make 14\% longer strides than the Pacific Lamprey when climbing vertically. The computational and experimental results demonstrate that a lamprey-inspired climbing gait coupled with appropriate attachment is a useful climbing strategy for snake robots climbing near vertical surfaces with limited push points.
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虽然工程师在建造昆虫的昆虫规模微空中飞行器(Mavs)时,工程师进行了许多努力,资源和时间,但昆虫本身就是真正的飞行大师。如果我们将生活昆虫作为MAV的平台,那么怎么办?在这里,我们通过昆虫计算机混合机器人的飞行肌肉的电气刺激报告了飞行控制,这是可安装无线背包控制器和活甲虫的界面。甲虫使用间接飞行肌肉来驱动翼缝和三个主要的直接飞行肌肉(Basalar,Sumalar和第三腋(3AX)肌肉)来控制飞行机动的翅膀的运动学。虽然通过刺激基石和3辆肌肉已经实现了转向控制,但亚脚肌的电刺激导致飞行中的制动和高度控制。我们还通过刺激单个亚脚轮肌肉展示大约20度的对侧偏航和滚动。刺激亚级肌肉的肌肉增加20度,并将飞行减速1.5 m / s2,以及诱导2 m / s2的升高。
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