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计算Wassersein BaryCenters(A.K.A.最佳运输重构)是由于数据科学的许多应用,最近引起了相当大的关注的几何问题。虽然存在任何固定维度的多项式时间算法,但所有已知的运行时间都在维度中呈指数级。这是一个开放的问题,无论是这种指数依赖性是否可改进到多项式依赖性。本文证明,除非P = NP,答案是否定的。这揭示了Wassersein的BaryCenter计算的“维度诅咒”,其不会发生最佳运输计算。此外,我们对计算Wassersein的硬度结果延伸到近似计算,看似简单的问题案例,以及在其他最佳运输指标中平均概率分布。
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本文展示了如何适应$ k $ -MEANS问题的几种简单和经典的基于采样的算法,以使用离群值设置。最近,Bhaskara等人。 (Neurips 2019)展示了如何将古典$ K $ -MEANS ++算法适应与异常值的设置。但是,他们的算法需要输出$ o(\ log(k)\ cdot z)$ outiers,其中$ z $是true Outliers的数量,以匹配$ o(\ log k)$ - 近似值的$ k的近似保证$ -Means ++。在本文中,我们以他们的想法为基础,并展示了如何适应几个顺序和分布式的$ k $ - 均值算法,但使用离群值来设置,但具有更强的理论保证:我们的算法输出$(1+ \ VAREPSILON)z $ OUTLIERS Z $ OUTLIERS在实现$ o(1 / \ varepsilon)$ - 近似目标函数的同时。在顺序世界中,我们通过改编Lattanzi和Sohler的最新算法来实现这一目标(ICML 2019)。在分布式设置中,我们适应了Guha等人的简单算法。 (IEEE Trans。知道和数据工程2003)以及Bahmani等人的流行$ K $ -Means $ \ | $。 (PVLDB 2012)。我们技术的理论应用是一种具有运行时间$ \ tilde {o}(nk^2/z)$的算法,假设$ k \ ll z \ ll n $。这与Omacle模型中此问题的$ \ Omega(NK^2/z)$的匹配下限相互补。
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我们介绍了联合多维缩放,这是一种无监督的歧管比对的新方法,该方法从两个不同的域中映射数据集,没有数据集中的数据实例之间没有任何已知的对应关系,以绘制到一个常见的低维欧几里得空间。我们的方法集成了多维缩放(MDS)和Wasserstein Procrusteres分析成一个关节优化问题,以同时生成数据的等距嵌入数据,并从两个不同数据集中学习实例之间的对应关系,而仅需要内部范围内的成对差异差异作为输入。这种独特的特征使我们的方法适用于数据集,而无需访问输入功能,例如求解不精确的图形匹配问题。我们提出了一种交替优化方案,以解决可以完全受益于MDS和Wasserstein Procrustes的优化技术的问题。我们证明了方法在几种应用中的有效性,包括两个数据集的联合可视化,无监督的异质域的适应性,图形匹配和蛋白质结构比对。
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In this paper, we propose Wasserstein Isometric Mapping (Wassmap), a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique that provides solutions to some drawbacks in existing global nonlinear dimensionality reduction algorithms in imaging applications. Wassmap represents images via probability measures in Wasserstein space, then uses pairwise Wasserstein distances between the associated measures to produce a low-dimensional, approximately isometric embedding. We show that the algorithm is able to exactly recover parameters of some image manifolds including those generated by translations or dilations of a fixed generating measure. Additionally, we show that a discrete version of the algorithm retrieves parameters from manifolds generated from discrete measures by providing a theoretical bridge to transfer recovery results from functional data to discrete data. Testing of the proposed algorithms on various image data manifolds show that Wassmap yields good embeddings compared with other global and local techniques.
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我们在$ d $ dimensional Euclidean Space中研究私人$ k $ -Median和$ k $ -means聚集问题。通过利用树的嵌入,我们提供了一种有效且易于实现的算法,该算法在非私人方法的经验上具有竞争力。我们证明我们的方法计算一个最多$ o(d^{3/2} \ log n)\ cdot opt + o(k d^2 \ log^2 n / \ epsilon^2)$的解决方案,其中$ \ Epsilon $是隐私担保。 (使用标准尺寸缩小技术可以用$ o(\ log k)$替换尺寸项,$ d $。)尽管最坏的案例保证比最先进的私人聚类方法的状态更糟糕,但算法是我们建议是实用的,以接近线性的方式运行,$ \ tilde {o}(nkd)$,时间和比例为数千万分。我们还表明,我们的方法适合在大规模分布式计算环境中并行化。特别是我们表明,我们的私人算法可以在sublinear内存制度中的对数MPC弹奏数中实现。最后,我们通过经验评估来补充理论分析,证明了该算法与其他隐私聚类基线相比的效率和准确性。
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Optimal transport (OT) has become exceedingly popular in machine learning, data science, and computer vision. The core assumption in the OT problem is the equal total amount of mass in source and target measures, which limits its application. Optimal Partial Transport (OPT) is a recently proposed solution to this limitation. Similar to the OT problem, the computation of OPT relies on solving a linear programming problem (often in high dimensions), which can become computationally prohibitive. In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm for calculating the OPT problem between two non-negative measures in one dimension. Next, following the idea of sliced OT distances, we utilize slicing to define the sliced OPT distance. Finally, we demonstrate the computational and accuracy benefits of the sliced OPT-based method in various numerical experiments. In particular, we show an application of our proposed Sliced-OPT in noisy point cloud registration.
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我们考虑经典的1中心问题:给定度量空间中的n个点P,找到p中的点,最小化到P的其他要点的最大距离。我们研究了D维$ \中这个问题的复杂性。 ell_p $ -metrics和编辑和ulam度量串的长度d。我们的1中心问题的结果可以根据D分类如下。 $ \ bullet $ small d:我们提供固定维度$ \ ell_1 $指标中的1中心问题的第一线性时间算法。另一方面,假设击中集猜测(HSC),我们显示,当$ d =ω(\ log n)$时,没有子种式算法可以在任何$ \ ell_p $ -metrics中解决1中心问题,或者在编辑或ulam指标中。 $ \ bullet $大d。当$ d =ω(n)$时,我们将条件下限扩展到编辑度量标准中的1中心问题的子四分之一算法(假设量化SETH)。另一方面,我们给出了一个$(1+ \ epsilon)$ - ulam度量标准中的1美元逼近,运行时间$ \ tilde {o _ {\ epsilon}}(nd + n ^ 2 \ sqrt {d}) $。我们还通过允许近似或通过减小维度D来加强一些上述下限,而是仅针对列出所有必要解决方案的较弱的算法类别。此外,我们扩展了我们的硬度结果,以便在编辑度量标准中排除次级学习的1中位问题的亚级算法,其中给出了一组长度n的n个字符串,目标是在集合中找到一个字符串这最小化了集合中的其余字符串的编辑距离之和。
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聚类是基于它们的相似性对组对象的重要探索性数据分析技术。广泛使用的$ k $ -MEANS聚类方法依赖于一些距离的概念将数据划分为较少数量的组。在欧几里得空间中,$ k $ -Means的基于质心和基于距离的公式相同。在现代机器学习应用中,数据通常是作为概率分布而出现的,并且可以使用最佳运输指标来处理测量值数据。由于瓦斯坦斯坦空间的非负亚历山德罗夫曲率,巴里中心遭受了规律性和非舒适性问题。 Wasserstein Barycenters的特殊行为可能使基于质心的配方无法代表集群内的数据点,而基于距离的$ K $ -MEANS方法及其半决赛计划(SDP)可以恢复真实的方法集群标签。在聚集高斯分布的特殊情况下,我们表明SDP放松的Wasserstein $ k $ - 金钱可以实现精确的恢复,因为这些集群按照$ 2 $ - WASSERSTEIN MERTRIC进行了良好的分离。我们的仿真和真实数据示例还表明,基于距离的$ K $ -Means可以比基于标准的基于质心的$ k $ -Means获得更好的分类性能,用于聚类概率分布和图像。
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机器学习中出现的广泛优化问题可以通过梯度下降算法来解决,并且该领域的核心问题是如何有效地压缩大规模数据集,以降低计算复杂性。 {\ em coreset}是一种流行的数据压缩技术,以前已经过广泛研究过。然而,大多数现有的Coreset方法都是问题依赖性的,不能用作更广泛的应用程序的常规工具。关键障碍物是它们经常依赖于伪尺寸和可以非常高或难以获得的总敏感性。在本文中,基于梯度下降算法的“地方性”属性,我们提出了一个新的框架,被称为“顺序Coreset”',其有效地避免了这些障碍。此外,我们的方法特别适用于稀疏优化,因此电气尺寸可以进一步减少,仅减少到尺寸的多对数上。在实践中,实验结果表明,与基线算法相比,我们的方法可以节省大量的运行时间。
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Optimal Transport (OT) provides a useful geometric framework to estimate the permutation matrix under unsupervised cross-lingual word embedding (CLWE) models that pose the alignment task as a Wasserstein-Procrustes problem. However, linear programming algorithms and approximate OT solvers via Sinkhorn for computing the permutation matrix come with a significant computational burden since they scale cubically and quadratically, respectively, in the input size. This makes it slow and infeasible to compute OT distances exactly for a larger input size, resulting in a poor approximation quality of the permutation matrix and subsequently a less robust learned transfer function or mapper. This paper proposes an unsupervised projection-based CLWE model called quantized Wasserstein Procrustes (qWP). qWP relies on a quantization step of both the source and target monolingual embedding space to estimate the permutation matrix given a cheap sampling procedure. This approach substantially improves the approximation quality of empirical OT solvers given fixed computational cost. We demonstrate that qWP achieves state-of-the-art results on the Bilingual lexicon Induction (BLI) task.
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我们研究了用于线性回归的主动采样算法,该算法仅旨在查询目标向量$ b \ in \ mathbb {r} ^ n $的少量条目,并将近最低限度输出到$ \ min_ {x \ In \ mathbb {r} ^ d} \ | ax-b \ | $,其中$ a \ in \ mathbb {r} ^ {n \ times d} $是一个设计矩阵和$ \ | \ cdot \ | $是一些损失函数。对于$ \ ell_p $ norm回归的任何$ 0 <p <\ idty $,我们提供了一种基于Lewis权重采样的算法,其使用只需$ \ tilde {o}输出$(1+ \ epsilon)$近似解决方案(d ^ {\ max(1,{p / 2})} / \ mathrm {poly}(\ epsilon))$查询到$ b $。我们表明,这一依赖于$ D $是最佳的,直到对数因素。我们的结果解决了陈和Derezi的最近开放问题,陈和Derezi \'{n} Ski,他们为$ \ ell_1 $ norm提供了附近的最佳界限,以及$ p \中的$ \ ell_p $回归的次优界限(1,2) $。我们还提供了$ O的第一个总灵敏度上限(D ^ {\ max \ {1,p / 2 \} \ log ^ 2 n)$以满足最多的$ p $多项式增长。这改善了Tukan,Maalouf和Feldman的最新结果。通过将此与我们的技术组合起来的$ \ ell_p $回归结果,我们获得了一个使$ \ tilde o的活动回归算法(d ^ {1+ \ max \ {1,p / 2 \}} / \ mathrm {poly}。 (\ epsilon))$疑问,回答陈和德里兹的另一个打开问题{n}滑雪。对于Huber损失的重要特殊情况,我们进一步改善了我们对$ \ tilde o的主动样本复杂性的绑定(d ^ {(1+ \ sqrt2)/ 2} / \ epsilon ^ c)$和非活跃$ \ tilde o的样本复杂性(d ^ {4-2 \ sqrt 2} / \ epsilon ^ c)$,由于克拉克森和伍德拉夫而改善了Huber回归的以前的D ^ 4 $。我们的敏感性界限具有进一步的影响,使用灵敏度采样改善了各种先前的结果,包括orlicz规范子空间嵌入和鲁棒子空间近似。最后,我们的主动采样结果为每种$ \ ell_p $ norm提供的第一个Sublinear时间算法。
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Graph clustering is a fundamental problem in unsupervised learning, with numerous applications in computer science and in analysing real-world data. In many real-world applications, we find that the clusters have a significant high-level structure. This is often overlooked in the design and analysis of graph clustering algorithms which make strong simplifying assumptions about the structure of the graph. This thesis addresses the natural question of whether the structure of clusters can be learned efficiently and describes four new algorithmic results for learning such structure in graphs and hypergraphs. All of the presented theoretical results are extensively evaluated on both synthetic and real-word datasets of different domains, including image classification and segmentation, migration networks, co-authorship networks, and natural language processing. These experimental results demonstrate that the newly developed algorithms are practical, effective, and immediately applicable for learning the structure of clusters in real-world data.
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在设计聚类算法时,初始中心的选择对于学习簇的质量至关重要。在本文中,我们基于数据的构建,我们开发了一种新的初始化方案,称为$ k $ -Median问题(例如图形引起的离散空间),基于数据的构造。从树中,我们提出了一种新颖有效的搜索算法,用于良好的初始中心,随后可用于本地搜索算法。我们提出的HST初始化可以产生与另一种流行初始化方法$ K $ -Median ++的初始中心,具有可比的效率。 HST初始化也可以扩展到差异隐私(DP)的设置,以生成私人初始中心。我们表明,应用DP本地搜索后,我们的私有HST初始化会改善对近似错误的先前结果,并在小因素内接近下限。实验证明了理论的合理性,并证明了我们提出的方法的有效性。我们的方法也可以扩展到$ k $ -MEANS问题。
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Kernel matrices, as well as weighted graphs represented by them, are ubiquitous objects in machine learning, statistics and other related fields. The main drawback of using kernel methods (learning and inference using kernel matrices) is efficiency -- given $n$ input points, most kernel-based algorithms need to materialize the full $n \times n$ kernel matrix before performing any subsequent computation, thus incurring $\Omega(n^2)$ runtime. Breaking this quadratic barrier for various problems has therefore, been a subject of extensive research efforts. We break the quadratic barrier and obtain $\textit{subquadratic}$ time algorithms for several fundamental linear-algebraic and graph processing primitives, including approximating the top eigenvalue and eigenvector, spectral sparsification, solving linear systems, local clustering, low-rank approximation, arboricity estimation and counting weighted triangles. We build on the recent Kernel Density Estimation framework, which (after preprocessing in time subquadratic in $n$) can return estimates of row/column sums of the kernel matrix. In particular, we develop efficient reductions from $\textit{weighted vertex}$ and $\textit{weighted edge sampling}$ on kernel graphs, $\textit{simulating random walks}$ on kernel graphs, and $\textit{importance sampling}$ on matrices to Kernel Density Estimation and show that we can generate samples from these distributions in $\textit{sublinear}$ (in the support of the distribution) time. Our reductions are the central ingredient in each of our applications and we believe they may be of independent interest. We empirically demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithms on low-rank approximation (LRA) and spectral sparsification, where we observe a $\textbf{9x}$ decrease in the number of kernel evaluations over baselines for LRA and a $\textbf{41x}$ reduction in the graph size for spectral sparsification.
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K-means++ is an important algorithm to choose initial cluster centers for the k-means clustering algorithm. In this work, we present a new algorithm that can solve the $k$-means++ problem with near optimal running time. Given $n$ data points in $\mathbb{R}^d$, the current state-of-the-art algorithm runs in $\widetilde{O}(k )$ iterations, and each iteration takes $\widetilde{O}(nd k)$ time. The overall running time is thus $\widetilde{O}(n d k^2)$. We propose a new algorithm \textsc{FastKmeans++} that only takes in $\widetilde{O}(nd + nk^2)$ time, in total.
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基于中心的聚类(例如,$ k $ -means,$ k $ -Medians)和使用线性子空间的聚类是两种最受欢迎的技术,可以将真实数据分配到较小的群集中。但是,当数据由敏感人群组组成时,不同敏感组的每点的聚集成本显着不同,可能会导致与公平相关的危害(例如,服务质量不同)。社会公平聚类的目的是最大程度地降低所有组中每点聚类的最大成本。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个统一的框架,以解决社会公平的基于中心的聚类和线性子空间聚类,并为这些问题提供实用,高效的近似算法。我们进行了广泛的实验,以表明在多个基准数据集上,我们的算法要么紧密匹配或超越最先进的基线。
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The research area of algorithms with predictions has seen recent success showing how to incorporate machine learning into algorithm design to improve performance when the predictions are correct, while retaining worst-case guarantees when they are not. Most previous work has assumed that the algorithm has access to a single predictor. However, in practice, there are many machine learning methods available, often with incomparable generalization guarantees, making it hard to pick a best method a priori. In this work we consider scenarios where multiple predictors are available to the algorithm and the question is how to best utilize them. Ideally, we would like the algorithm's performance to depend on the quality of the best predictor. However, utilizing more predictions comes with a cost, since we now have to identify which prediction is the best. We study the use of multiple predictors for a number of fundamental problems, including matching, load balancing, and non-clairvoyant scheduling, which have been well-studied in the single predictor setting. For each of these problems we introduce new algorithms that take advantage of multiple predictors, and prove bounds on the resulting performance.
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