近年来,3D视觉的自我监督预训练引起了研究的兴趣。为了学习信息的表示,许多以前的作品都利用了3D功能的不向导,\ eg,同一场景的视图之间的透视感,深度和RGB图像之间的模态侵权次数,点云和voxels之间的格式不变。尽管他们取得了令人鼓舞的结果,但以前的研究缺乏对这些不稳定的系统性比较。为了解决这个问题,我们的工作首次引入了一个统一的框架,根据该框架可以研究各种预培训方法。我们进行了广泛的实验,并仔细研究了3D预训练中不同不变的贡献。另外,我们提出了一种简单但有效的方法,该方法可以共同预先培训3D编码器和使用对比度学习的深度图编码器。通过我们的方法进行预训练的模型在下游任务方面具有显着的性能提高。例如,预先训练的投票表现优于Sun RGB-D和扫描对象检测基准的先前方法,并具有明显的利润。
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由于缺乏大规模标记的3D数据集,大多数3D神经网络都是从划痕训练。在本文中,我们通过利用来自丰富的2D数据集学习的2D网络来介绍一种新的3D预预测方法。我们提出了通过将像素级和点级别特征映射到同一嵌入空间中的对比度的像素到点知识转移来有效地利用2D信息。由于2D和3D网络之间的异构性质,我们介绍了后投影功能以对准2D和3D之间的功能以使转移成为可能。此外,我们设计了一个上采样功能投影层,以增加高级2D特征图的空间分辨率,这使得能够学习细粒度的3D表示。利用普雷累染的2D网络,所提出的预介绍过程不需要额外的2D或3D标记数据,进一步缓解了昂贵的3D数据注释成本。据我们所知,我们是第一个利用现有的2D培训的权重,以预先rain 3D深度神经网络。我们的密集实验表明,使用2D知识预订的3D模型可以通过各种真实世界3D下游任务进行3D网络的性能。
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3D感知最近的进展在了解3DACHAPES甚至场景的几何结构方面表现出令人印象深刻的进展。灵感来自这些进步的几何理解,我们旨在利用几何约束下学到的表示基于图像的感知。我们介绍一种基于多视图RGB-D数据学习View-Invariant的方法,用于网络预训练的网络预训练的几何感知表示,然后可以将其有效地传送到下游2D任务。我们建议在多视图IM-ysge约束和图像 - 几何约束下采用对比学习,以便在学习的2D表示中进行编码。这不仅仅是在几乎非仅对图像的语义分割,实例分段和对象检测的基于图像的基于图像的基于图像的TASK上学习而改进,而且,但是,在低数据方案中提供了显着的改进。我们对全数据的语义细分显示6.0%的显着提高,以及剪刀上的基线20%数据上的11.9%。
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Arguably one of the top success stories of deep learning is transfer learning. The finding that pre-training a network on a rich source set (e.g., ImageNet) can help boost performance once fine-tuned on a usually much smaller target set, has been instrumental to many applications in language and vision. Yet, very little is known about its usefulness in 3D point cloud understanding. We see this as an opportunity considering the effort required for annotating data in 3D. In this work, we aim at facilitating research on 3D representation learning. Different from previous works, we focus on high-level scene understanding tasks. To this end, we select a suite of diverse datasets and tasks to measure the effect of unsupervised pre-training on a large source set of 3D scenes. Our findings are extremely encouraging: using a unified triplet of architecture, source dataset, and contrastive loss for pre-training, we achieve improvement over recent best results in segmentation and detection across 6 different benchmarks for indoor and outdoor, real and synthetic datasets -demonstrating that the learned representation can generalize across domains. Furthermore, the improvement was similar to supervised pre-training, suggesting that future efforts should favor scaling data collection over more detailed annotation. We hope these findings will encourage more research on unsupervised pretext task design for 3D deep learning. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/PointContrast
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预训练已成为许多计算机视觉任务中的标准范式。但是,大多数方法通常都设计在RGB图像域上。由于二维图像平面和三维空间之间的差异,这种预先训练的模型无法感知空间信息,并用作3D相关任务的子最优解。为了弥合这种差距,我们的目标是学习可以描述三维空间的空间感知视觉表示,并且对这些任务更适合和有效。为了利用点云,在与图像相比提供空间信息时更有优越,我们提出了一个简单而有效的2D图像和3D点云无监督的预训练策略,称为Simipu。具体而言,我们开发了一种多模态对比学习框架,包括模态空间感知模块,用于从点云和模态特征交互模块中学习空间感知表示,以从点传输感知空间信息的能力云编码器分别到图像编码器。匹配算法和投影矩阵建立了用于对比损耗的正对。整个框架培训以无人监督的端到端时尚。据我们所知,这是第一项探索户外多模态数据集的对比学习训练策略的研究,其中包含配对的相机图像和LIDAR点云。 HTTPS://github.com/zhever/simipu提供代码和模型。
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We propose a novel approach to self-supervised learning of point cloud representations by differentiable neural rendering. Motivated by the fact that informative point cloud features should be able to encode rich geometry and appearance cues and render realistic images, we train a point-cloud encoder within a devised point-based neural renderer by comparing the rendered images with real images on massive RGB-D data. The learned point-cloud encoder can be easily integrated into various downstream tasks, including not only high-level tasks like 3D detection and segmentation, but low-level tasks like 3D reconstruction and image synthesis. Extensive experiments on various tasks demonstrate the superiority of our approach compared to existing pre-training methods.
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我们提出了一种新的方法来将4D动态对象前瞻灌输到学习的3D表示,通过无监督的预训练。我们观察到对象通过环境的动态移动提供了关于其对象的重要提示,因此提出了利用这种动态理解的学习学习的3D表示,然后可以有效地传送到下游3D语义场景中的改进性能。我们提出了一种新的数据增强方案,利用静态3D环境中移动的合成3D形状,并在3D-4D约束下采用对比学习,该约束将4D Imormces编码到学习的3D表示中。实验表明,我们无监督的代表学习导致下游3D语义分割,对象检测和实例分割任务的改进,而且,显着提高了数据稀缺方案的性能。
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大规模点云的注释仍然耗时,并且对于许多真实世界任务不可用。点云预训练是用于获得快速适配的可扩展模型的一个潜在解决方案。因此,在本文中,我们调查了一种新的自我监督学习方法,称为混合和解除戒(MD),用于点云预培训。顾名思义,我们探索如何将原始点云与混合点云分开,并利用这一具有挑战的任务作为模型培训的借口优化目标。考虑到原始数据集中的有限培训数据,这远低于普遍的想象,混合过程可以有效地产生更高质量的样本。我们构建一个基线网络以验证我们的直觉,只包含两个模块,编码器和解码器。给定混合点云,首先预先训练编码器以提取语义嵌入。然后,利用实例 - 自适应解码器根据嵌入来解除点云。尽管简单,编码器本质上是能够在训练后捕获点云关键点,并且可以快速适应下游任务,包括预先训练和微调范例的分类和分割。在两个数据集上的广泛实验表明编码器+我们的(MD)显着超越了从头划痕培训的编码器和快速收敛的编码器。在消融研究中,我们进一步研究了每个部件的效果,并讨论了拟议的自我监督学习策略的优势。我们希望这种自我监督的学习尝试点云可以铺平了减少对大规模标记数据的深度学习模型依赖的方式,并在将来节省了大量的注释成本。
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Reducing the quantity of annotations required for supervised training is vital when labels are scarce and costly. This reduction is especially important for semantic segmentation tasks involving 3D datasets that are often significantly smaller and more challenging to annotate than their image-based counterparts. Self-supervised pre-training on large unlabelled datasets is one way to reduce the amount of manual annotations needed. Previous work has focused on pre-training with point cloud data exclusively; this approach often requires two or more registered views. In the present work, we combine image and point cloud modalities, by first learning self-supervised image features and then using these features to train a 3D model. By incorporating image data, which is often included in many 3D datasets, our pre-training method only requires a single scan of a scene. We demonstrate that our pre-training approach, despite using single scans, achieves comparable performance to other multi-scan, point cloud-only methods.
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Masked Modeling (MM) has demonstrated widespread success in various vision challenges, by reconstructing masked visual patches. Yet, applying MM for large-scale 3D scenes remains an open problem due to the data sparsity and scene complexity. The conventional random masking paradigm used in 2D images often causes a high risk of ambiguity when recovering the masked region of 3D scenes. To this end, we propose a novel informative-preserved reconstruction, which explores local statistics to discover and preserve the representative structured points, effectively enhancing the pretext masking task for 3D scene understanding. Integrated with a progressive reconstruction manner, our method can concentrate on modeling regional geometry and enjoy less ambiguity for masked reconstruction. Besides, such scenes with progressive masking ratios can also serve to self-distill their intrinsic spatial consistency, requiring to learn the consistent representations from unmasked areas. By elegantly combining informative-preserved reconstruction on masked areas and consistency self-distillation from unmasked areas, a unified framework called MM-3DScene is yielded. We conduct comprehensive experiments on a host of downstream tasks. The consistent improvement (e.g., +6.1 mAP@0.5 on object detection and +2.2% mIoU on semantic segmentation) demonstrates the superiority of our approach.
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The past few years have witnessed the prevalence of self-supervised representation learning within the language and 2D vision communities. However, such advancements have not been fully migrated to the community of 3D point cloud learning. Different from previous pre-training pipelines for 3D point clouds that generally fall into the scope of either generative modeling or contrastive learning, in this paper, we investigate a translative pre-training paradigm, namely PointVST, driven by a novel self-supervised pretext task of cross-modal translation from an input 3D object point cloud to its diverse forms of 2D rendered images (e.g., silhouette, depth, contour). Specifically, we begin with deducing view-conditioned point-wise embeddings via the insertion of the viewpoint indicator, and then adaptively aggregate a view-specific global codeword, which is further fed into the subsequent 2D convolutional translation heads for image generation. We conduct extensive experiments on common task scenarios of 3D shape analysis, where our PointVST shows consistent and prominent performance superiority over current state-of-the-art methods under diverse evaluation protocols. Our code will be made publicly available.
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The understanding capabilities of current state-of-the-art 3D models are limited by datasets with a small number of annotated data and a pre-defined set of categories. In its 2D counterpart, recent advances have shown that similar problems can be significantly alleviated by employing knowledge from other modalities, such as language. Inspired by this, leveraging multimodal information for 3D modality could be promising to improve 3D understanding under the restricted data regime, but this line of research is not well studied. Therefore, we introduce ULIP to learn a unified representation of image, text, and 3D point cloud by pre-training with object triplets from the three modalities. To overcome the shortage of training triplets, ULIP leverages a pre-trained vision-language model that has already learned a common visual and textual space by training with massive image-text pairs. Then, ULIP learns a 3D representation space aligned with the common image-text space, using a small number of automatically synthesized triplets. ULIP is agnostic to 3D backbone networks and can easily be integrated into any 3D architecture. Experiments show that ULIP effectively improves the performance of multiple recent 3D backbones by simply pre-training them on ShapeNet55 using our framework, achieving state-of-the-art performance in both standard 3D classification and zero-shot 3D classification on ModelNet40 and ScanObjectNN. ULIP also improves the performance of PointMLP by around 3% in 3D classification on ScanObjectNN, and outperforms PointCLIP by 28.8% on top-1 accuracy for zero-shot 3D classification on ModelNet40. Our code and pre-trained models will be released.
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室内场景云的无监督对比学习取得了巨大的成功。但是,室外场景中无监督的学习点云仍然充满挑战,因为以前的方法需要重建整个场景并捕获对比度目标的部分视图。这在带有移动物体,障碍物和传感器的室外场景中是不可行的。在本文中,我们提出了CO^3,即合作对比度学习和上下文形状的预测,以无监督的方式学习3D表示室外景点云。与现有方法相比,Co^3具有几种优点。 (1)它利用了从车辆侧和基础架构侧来的激光点云来构建差异,但同时维护对比度学习的通用语义信息,这比以前的方法构建的视图更合适。 (2)在对比度目标的同时,提出了形状上下文预测作为预训练目标,并为无监督的3D点云表示学习带来了更多与任务相关的信息,这在将学习的表示形式转移到下游检测任务时是有益的。 (3)与以前的方法相比,CO^3学到的表示形式可以通过不同类型的LIDAR传感器收集到不同的室外场景数据集。 (4)CO^3将一次和Kitti数据集的当前最新方法提高到2.58地图。代码和模型将发布。我们认为Co^3将有助于了解室外场景中的LiDar Point云。
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Current outdoor LiDAR-based 3D object detection methods mainly adopt the training-from-scratch paradigm. Unfortunately, this paradigm heavily relies on large-scale labeled data, whose collection can be expensive and time-consuming. Self-supervised pre-training is an effective and desirable way to alleviate this dependence on extensive annotated data. Recently, masked modeling has become a successful self-supervised learning approach for point clouds. However, current works mainly focus on synthetic or indoor datasets. When applied to large-scale and sparse outdoor point clouds, they fail to yield satisfactory results. In this work, we present BEV-MAE, a simple masked autoencoder pre-training framework for 3D object detection on outdoor point clouds. Specifically, we first propose a bird's eye view (BEV) guided masking strategy to guide the 3D encoder learning feature representation in a BEV perspective and avoid complex decoder design during pre-training. Besides, we introduce a learnable point token to maintain a consistent receptive field size of the 3D encoder with fine-tuning for masked point cloud inputs. Finally, based on the property of outdoor point clouds, i.e., the point clouds of distant objects are more sparse, we propose point density prediction to enable the 3D encoder to learn location information, which is essential for object detection. Experimental results show that BEV-MAE achieves new state-of-the-art self-supervised results on both Waymo and nuScenes with diverse 3D object detectors. Furthermore, with only 20% data and 7% training cost during pre-training, BEV-MAE achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art method ProposalContrast. The source code and pre-trained models will be made publicly available.
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