Inspired by the recent success of methods that employ shape priors to achieve robust 3D reconstructions, we propose a novel recurrent neural network architecture that we call the 3D Recurrent Reconstruction Neural Network (3D-R2N2). The network learns a mapping from images of objects to their underlying 3D shapes from a large collection of synthetic data [1]. Our network takes in one or more images of an object instance from arbitrary viewpoints and outputs a reconstruction of the object in the form of a 3D occupancy grid. Unlike most of the previous works, our network does not require any image annotations or object class labels for training or testing. Our extensive experimental analysis shows that our reconstruction framework i) outperforms the state-of-theart methods for single view reconstruction, and ii) enables the 3D reconstruction of objects in situations when traditional SFM/SLAM methods fail (because of lack of texture and/or wide baseline).
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We present a learnt system for multi-view stereopsis. In contrast to recent learning based methods for 3D reconstruction, we leverage the underlying 3D geometry of the problem through feature projection and unprojection along viewing rays. By formulating these operations in a differentiable manner, we are able to learn the system end-to-end for the task of metric 3D reconstruction. End-to-end learning allows us to jointly reason about shape priors while conforming to geometric constraints, enabling reconstruction from much fewer images (even a single image) than required by classical approaches as well as completion of unseen surfaces. We thoroughly evaluate our approach on the ShapeNet dataset and demonstrate the benefits over classical approaches and recent learning based methods.
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We study the notion of consistency between a 3D shape and a 2D observation and propose a differentiable formulation which allows computing gradients of the 3D shape given an observation from an arbitrary view. We do so by reformulating view consistency using a differentiable ray consistency (DRC) term. We show that this formulation can be incorporated in a learning framework to leverage different types of multi-view observations e.g. foreground masks, depth, color images, semantics etc. as supervision for learning single-view 3D prediction. We present empirical analysis of our technique in a controlled setting. We also show that this approach allows us to improve over existing techniques for single-view reconstruction of objects from the PASCAL VOC dataset.
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Understanding the 3D world without supervision is currently a major challenge in computer vision as the annotations required to supervise deep networks for tasks in this domain are expensive to obtain on a large scale. In this paper, we address the problem of unsupervised viewpoint estimation. We formulate this as a self-supervised learning task, where image reconstruction provides the supervision needed to predict the camera viewpoint. Specifically, we make use of pairs of images of the same object at training time, from unknown viewpoints, to self-supervise training by combining the viewpoint information from one image with the appearance information from the other. We demonstrate that using a perspective spatial transformer allows efficient viewpoint learning, outperforming existing unsupervised approaches on synthetic data, and obtains competitive results on the challenging PASCAL3D+ dataset.
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我们介绍了Amazon Berkeley对象(ABO),这是一个新的大型数据集,旨在帮助弥合真实和虚拟3D世界之间的差距。ABO包含产品目录图像,元数据和艺术家创建的3D模型,具有复杂的几何形状和与真实的家用物体相对应的物理基础材料。我们得出了具有挑战性的基准,这些基准利用ABO的独特属性,并测量最先进的对象在三个开放问题上的最新限制,以了解实际3D对象:单视3D 3D重建,材料估计和跨域多视图对象检索。
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where the highest resolution is required, using facial performance capture as a case in point.
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With the advent of deep neural networks, learning-based approaches for 3D reconstruction have gained popularity. However, unlike for images, in 3D there is no canonical representation which is both computationally and memory efficient yet allows for representing high-resolution geometry of arbitrary topology. Many of the state-of-the-art learningbased 3D reconstruction approaches can hence only represent very coarse 3D geometry or are limited to a restricted domain. In this paper, we propose Occupancy Networks, a new representation for learning-based 3D reconstruction methods. Occupancy networks implicitly represent the 3D surface as the continuous decision boundary of a deep neural network classifier. In contrast to existing approaches, our representation encodes a description of the 3D output at infinite resolution without excessive memory footprint. We validate that our representation can efficiently encode 3D structure and can be inferred from various kinds of input. Our experiments demonstrate competitive results, both qualitatively and quantitatively, for the challenging tasks of 3D reconstruction from single images, noisy point clouds and coarse discrete voxel grids. We believe that occupancy networks will become a useful tool in a wide variety of learning-based 3D tasks.
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Pixel-aligned Implicit function (PIFu): We present pixel-aligned implicit function (PIFu), which allows recovery of high-resolution 3D textured surfaces of clothed humans from a single input image (top row). Our approach can digitize intricate variations in clothing, such as wrinkled skirts and high-heels, including complex hairstyles. The shape and textures can be fully recovered including largely unseen regions such as the back of the subject. PIFu can also be naturally extended to multi-view input images (bottom row).
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我们介绍了日常桌面对象的998 3D型号的数据集及其847,000个现实世界RGB和深度图像。每个图像的相机姿势和对象姿势的准确注释都以半自动化方式执行,以促进将数据集用于多种3D应用程序,例如形状重建,对象姿势估计,形状检索等。3D重建由于缺乏适当的现实世界基准来完成该任务,并证明我们的数据集可以填补该空白。整个注释数据集以及注释工具和评估基线的源代码可在上获得。
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我们为RGB视频提供了基于变压器的神经网络体系结构,用于多对象3D重建。它依赖于表示知识的两种替代方法:作为特征的全局3D网格和一系列特定的2D网格。我们通过专用双向注意机制在两者之间逐步交换信息。我们利用有关图像形成过程的知识,以显着稀疏注意力重量矩阵,从而使我们的体系结构在记忆和计算方面可行。我们在3D特征网格的顶部附上一个detr风格的头,以检测场景中的对象并预测其3D姿势和3D形状。与以前的方法相比,我们的体系结构是单阶段,端到端可训练,并且可以从整体上考虑来自多个视频帧的场景,而无需脆弱的跟踪步骤。我们在挑战性的SCAN2CAD数据集上评估了我们的方法,在该数据集中,我们的表现要优于RGB视频的3D对象姿势估算的最新最新方法; (2)将多视图立体声与RGB-D CAD对齐结合的强大替代方法。我们计划发布我们的源代码。
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3D shape models are becoming widely available and easier to capture, making available 3D information crucial for progress in object classification. Current state-of-theart methods rely on CNNs to address this problem. Recently, we witness two types of CNNs being developed: CNNs based upon volumetric representations versus CNNs based upon multi-view representations. Empirical results from these two types of CNNs exhibit a large gap, indicating that existing volumetric CNN architectures and approaches are unable to fully exploit the power of 3D representations. In this paper, we aim to improve both volumetric CNNs and multi-view CNNs according to extensive analysis of existing approaches. To this end, we introduce two distinct network architectures of volumetric CNNs. In addition, we examine multi-view CNNs, where we introduce multiresolution filtering in 3D. Overall, we are able to outperform current state-of-the-art methods for both volumetric CNNs and multi-view CNNs. We provide extensive experiments designed to evaluate underlying design choices, thus providing a better understanding of the space of methods available for object classification on 3D data.
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In this work, we address the lack of 3D understanding of generative neural networks by introducing a persistent 3D feature embedding for view synthesis. To this end, we propose DeepVoxels, a learned representation that encodes the view-dependent appearance of a 3D scene without having to explicitly model its geometry. At its core, our approach is based on a Cartesian 3D grid of persistent embedded features that learn to make use of the underlying 3D scene structure. Our approach combines insights from 3D geometric computer vision with recent advances in learning image-to-image mappings based on adversarial loss functions. DeepVoxels is supervised, without requiring a 3D reconstruction of the scene, using a 2D re-rendering loss and enforces perspective and multi-view geometry in a principled manner. We apply our persistent 3D scene representation to the problem of novel view synthesis demonstrating high-quality results for a variety of challenging scenes.
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We present a deep convolutional decoder architecture that can generate volumetric 3D outputs in a compute-and memory-efficient manner by using an octree representation. The network learns to predict both the structure of the octree, and the occupancy values of individual cells. This makes it a particularly valuable technique for generating 3D shapes. In contrast to standard decoders acting on regular voxel grids, the architecture does not have cubic complexity. This allows representing much higher resolution outputs with a limited memory budget. We demonstrate this in several application domains, including 3D convolutional autoencoders, generation of objects and whole scenes from high-level representations, and shape from a single image.
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In recent years, substantial progress has been achieved in learning-based reconstruction of 3D objects. At the same time, generative models were proposed that can generate highly realistic images. However, despite this success in these closely related tasks, texture reconstruction of 3D objects has received little attention from the research community and state-of-the-art methods are either limited to comparably low resolution or constrained experimental setups. A major reason for these limitations is that common representations of texture are inefficient or hard to interface for modern deep learning techniques. In this paper, we propose Texture Fields, a novel texture representation which is based on regressing a continuous 3D function parameterized with a neural network. Our approach circumvents limiting factors like shape discretization and parameterization, as the proposed texture representation is independent of the shape representation of the 3D object. We show that Texture Fields are able to represent high frequency texture and naturally blend with modern deep learning techniques. Experimentally, we find that Texture Fields compare favorably to state-of-the-art methods for conditional texture reconstruction of 3D objects and enable learning of probabilistic generative models for texturing unseen 3D models. We believe that Texture Fields will become an important building block for the next generation of generative 3D models.
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We introduce an approach for recovering the 6D pose of multiple known objects in a scene captured by a set of input images with unknown camera viewpoints. First, we present a single-view single-object 6D pose estimation method, which we use to generate 6D object pose hypotheses. Second, we develop a robust method for matching individual 6D object pose hypotheses across different input images in order to jointly estimate camera viewpoints and 6D poses of all objects in a single consistent scene. Our approach explicitly handles object symmetries, does not require depth measurements, is robust to missing or incorrect object hypotheses, and automatically recovers the number of objects in the scene. Third, we develop a method for global scene refinement given multiple object hypotheses and their correspondences across views. This is achieved by solving an object-level bundle adjustment problem that refines the poses of cameras and objects to minimize the reprojection error in all views. We demonstrate that the proposed method, dubbed Cosy-Pose, outperforms current state-of-the-art results for single-view and multi-view 6D object pose estimation by a large margin on two challenging benchmarks: the YCB-Video and T-LESS datasets. Code and pre-trained models are available on the project webpage. 5
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单视图重建的方法通常依赖于观点注释,剪影,缺乏背景,同一实例的多个视图,模板形状或对称性。我们通过明确利用不同对象实例的图像之间的一致性来避免所有此类监督和假设。结果,我们的方法可以从描述相同对象类别的大量未标记图像中学习。我们的主要贡献是利用跨境一致性的两种方法:(i)渐进式调理,一种培训策略,以逐步将模型从类别中逐步专业为课程学习方式进行实例; (ii)邻居重建,具有相似形状或纹理的实例之间的损失。对于我们方法的成功也至关重要的是:我们的结构化自动编码体系结构将图像分解为显式形状,纹理,姿势和背景;差异渲染的适应性公式;以及一个新的优化方案在3D和姿势学习之间交替。我们将我们的方法(独角兽)在多样化的合成造型数据集上进行比较,这是需要多种视图作为监督的方法的经典基准 - 以及标准的实数基准(Pascal3d+ Car,Cub,Cub,Cub,Cub),大多数方法都需要已知的模板和Silhouette注释。我们还展示了对更具挑战性的现实收藏集(Compcars,LSUN)的适用性,在该收藏中,剪影不可用,图像没有在物体周围裁剪。
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通过手动创建或使用3D扫描工具来创建高质量的铰接3D动物3D模型。因此,从2D图像重建铰接的3D对象的技术至关重要且非常有用。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个实用问题设置,以估算只有几个(10-30)特定动物物种(例如马)的野外图像(Horse)的3D姿势和形状。与依赖于预定义模板形状的现有作品相反,我们不假设任何形式的2D或3D地面真相注释,也不利用任何多视图或时间信息。此外,每个输入图像合奏都可以包含具有不同姿势,背景,照明和纹理的动物实例。我们的主要见解是,与整体动物相比,3D零件的形状要简单得多,并且它们是强大的W.R.T.动物姿势关节。遵循这些见解,我们提出了Lassie,这是一个新颖的优化框架,以最少的用户干预以自我监督的方式发现3D部分。 Lassie背后的关键推动力是使用自我篇幅的深度功能实现2D-3D零件的一致性。与先前的艺术相比,关于Pascal-Part和自我收集的野生动物数据集的实验表明,3D重建以及2D和3D部分的发现都更好。项目页面
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