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Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMP) have found remarkable applicability and success in various robotic tasks, which can be mainly attributed to their generalization and robustness properties. Nevertheless, their generalization is based only on the trajectory endpoints (initial and target position). Moreover, the spatial generalization of DMP is known to suffer from shortcomings like over-scaling and mirroring of the motion. In this work we propose a novel generalization scheme, based on optimizing online the DMP weights so that the acceleration profile and hence the underlying training trajectory pattern is preserved. This approach remedies the shortcomings of the classical DMP scaling and additionally allows the DMP to generalize also to intermediate points (via-points) and external signals (coupling terms), while preserving the training trajectory pattern. Extensive comparative simulations with the classical and other DMP variants are conducted, while experimental results validate the applicability and efficacy of the proposed method.
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Dynamical systems are found in innumerable forms across the physical and biological sciences, yet all these systems fall naturally into universal equivalence classes: conservative or dissipative, stable or unstable, compressible or incompressible. Predicting these classes from data remains an essential open challenge in computational physics at which existing time-series classification methods struggle. Here, we propose, \texttt{phase2vec}, an embedding method that learns high-quality, physically-meaningful representations of 2D dynamical systems without supervision. Our embeddings are produced by a convolutional backbone that extracts geometric features from flow data and minimizes a physically-informed vector field reconstruction loss. In an auxiliary training period, embeddings are optimized so that they robustly encode the equations of unseen data over and above the performance of a per-equation fitting method. The trained architecture can not only predict the equations of unseen data, but also, crucially, learns embeddings that respect the underlying semantics of the embedded physical systems. We validate the quality of learned embeddings investigating the extent to which physical categories of input data can be decoded from embeddings compared to standard blackbox classifiers and state-of-the-art time series classification techniques. We find that our embeddings encode important physical properties of the underlying data, including the stability of fixed points, conservation of energy, and the incompressibility of flows, with greater fidelity than competing methods. We finally apply our embeddings to the analysis of meteorological data, showing we can detect climatically meaningful features. Collectively, our results demonstrate the viability of embedding approaches for the discovery of dynamical features in physical systems.
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大多数现有的机器人收割机都使用单一的方法;单臂通过分离运动抓住农作物并将其脱离,或者通过特殊设计的抓地力/切割器最终效果切割茎。但是,这种单人的解决方案不能用于敏感的农作物和杂乱的环境(如葡萄和葡萄园),其中障碍物可能会阻塞茎并且没有空间容纳切割机的放置。在这种情况下,该解决方案将需要一个双人机器人,以便在视觉上揭开茎并操纵抓地力的作物,以创建与人类使用的实践相似的切割负担能力。在这项工作中,提出了一种达到茎预切口状态的双臂协调运动控制方法。配备刀具的摄像头正到达茎,尽可能将其揭开,而第二臂则将握住的农作物移向周围的自由空间,以促进其茎切割。在使用塑料葡萄簇的模型葡萄藤设置进行实验室实验可评估所提出的方法,涉及两个UR5E机器人臂和一个Realsense D415摄像头。
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保证案件提出了一个明确且可辩护的论点,并得到证据支持,即系统将按照特定情况下的意图运行。通常,保证案例提出了一个论点,即系统在其预期的上下文中将是安全的。值得信赖的AI研究社区中的一项新兴建议是扩展和应用这种方法,以保证使用AI系统或自治系统(AI/AS)在特定情况下将是可接受的道德。在本文中,我们进一步提出了这一建议。我们通过为AI/AS提供基于原则的道德保证(PBEA)论点模式来做到这一点。 PBEA参数模式为推理给定AI/AS的整体道德可接受性提供了一个框架,它可能是特定道德保证案例的早期原型模板。构成PBEA论证模式基础的四个核心道德原则是:正义;福利;非遗憾;并尊重个人自主权。在整个过程中,我们将参数模式的阶段连接到AI/作为应用程序的示例。这有助于显示其最初的合理性。
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当与输入的高维投影结合使用时,多层感知器(MLP)已被证明是有效的场景编码器,通常称为\ textit {位置{位置编码}。但是,频谱频谱的场景仍然是一个挑战:选择高频进行位置编码会引入低结构区域中的噪声,而低频率则导致详细区域的拟合不佳。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个渐进的位置编码,将分层MLP结构暴露于频率编码的增量集。我们的模型可以准确地使用广泛的频带重建场景,并以细节的渐进级别学习场景表示形式\ textit {没有明确的每级监督}。该体系结构是模块化的:每个级别都编码一个连续的隐式表示,可以分别利用其各自的分辨率,这意味着一个较小的网络来进行更粗糙的重建。与基线相比,几个2D和3D数据集的实验显示了重建精度,代表性能力和训练速度的提高。
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