Recently, diffusion frameworks have achieved comparable performance with previous state-of-the-art image generation models. Researchers are curious about its variants in discriminative tasks because of its powerful noise-to-image denoising pipeline. This paper proposes DiffusionInst, a novel framework that represents instances as instance-aware filters and formulates instance segmentation as a noise-to-filter denoising process. The model is trained to reverse the noisy groundtruth without any inductive bias from RPN. During inference, it takes a randomly generated filter as input and outputs mask in one-step or multi-step denoising. Extensive experimental results on COCO and LVIS show that DiffusionInst achieves competitive performance compared to existing instance segmentation models. We hope our work could serve as a simple yet effective baseline, which could inspire designing more efficient diffusion frameworks for challenging discriminative tasks. Our code is available in
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Privacy in AI remains a topic that draws attention from researchers and the general public in recent years. As one way to implement privacy-preserving AI, differentially private learning is a framework that enables AI models to use differential privacy (DP). To achieve DP in the learning process, existing algorithms typically limit the magnitude of gradients with a constant clipping, which requires carefully tuned due to its significant impact on model performance. As a solution to this issue, latest works NSGD and Auto-S innovatively propose to use normalization instead of clipping to avoid hyperparameter tuning. However, normalization-based approaches like NSGD and Auto-S rely on a monotonic weight function, which imposes excessive weight on small gradient samples and introduces extra deviation to the update. In this paper, we propose a Differentially Private Per-Sample Adaptive Clipping (DP-PSAC) algorithm based on a non-monotonic adaptive weight function, which guarantees privacy without the typical hyperparameter tuning process of using a constant clipping while significantly reducing the deviation between the update and true batch-averaged gradient. We provide a rigorous theoretical convergence analysis and show that with convergence rate at the same order, the proposed algorithm achieves a lower non-vanishing bound, which is maintained over training iterations, compared with NSGD/Auto-S. In addition, through extensive experimental evaluation, we show that DP-PSAC outperforms or matches the state-of-the-art methods on multiple main-stream vision and language tasks.
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我们为图形结构数据(名为Kog-Transformer)和一个名为GASE-NET的3D姿势对形状估计网络提出了一个新颖的基于注意力的2到3D姿势估计网络,并提出了一个名为KOG-Transformer的数据。先前的3D姿势估计方法集中在对图卷积内核的各种修改上,例如放弃重量共享或增加接受场。其中一些方法采用基于注意力的非本地模块作为辅助模块。为了更好地模拟图形结构数据中的节点之间的关系并以差异化的方式融合不同邻居节点的信息,我们对注意模块进行了针对性的修改,并提出了设计用于图形结构数据的两个模块,图形相对位置编码多头自我注意事项(GR-MSA)和K级面向图形的多头自我注意力(KOG-MSA)。通过堆叠GR-MSA和KOG-MSA,我们提出了一个新型的网络KOG转换器,以进行2到3D姿势估计。此外,我们提出了一个在手数据上进行形状估计的网络,称为Graistention形状估计网络(GASE-NET),该网络以3D姿势为输入,并逐渐将手的形状从稀疏到密集建模。我们通过广泛的实验从经验上证明了KOG转化器的优势。实验结果表明,KOG转换器在基准数据集Human36M上的先前最新方法显着优于先前的最新方法。我们评估了GASE-NET对两个公共可用手数据集的影响Obman和Interhand 2.6M。 GASE-NET可以预测具有强泛化能力的输入姿势的相应形状。
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图形卷积网络(GCN)已显示出容易受到小型对抗扰动的影响,这成为严重的威胁,并在很大程度上限制了其在关键安全场景中的应用。为了减轻这种威胁,大量的研究工作已致力于增加GCN对对抗攻击的鲁棒性。但是,当前的防御方法通常是为整个图表而设计的,并考虑了全球性能,在保护重要的本地节点免受更强的对抗性靶向攻击方面面临着挑战。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种简单而有效的方法,名为Graph Universal对抗防御(Guard)。与以前的作品不同,Guard可以保护每个单独的节点免受通用防御贴片的攻击,该节点是一次生成的,可以应用于图中的任何节点(节点-Agnostic)。在四个基准数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,我们的方法可显着提高几种已建立的GCN的鲁棒性,以针对多种对抗性攻击,并且胜过大幅度的最先进的防御方法。我们的代码可在上公开获取。
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流量店调度(FSS)已被广泛研究,因为它在许多类型的领域中的应用,而人类参与者对这个问题带来了巨大挑战。人力调度捕捉注意力为各种熟练程度的分配工人对适当的阶段,这对生产效率具有重要意义。在本文中,我们提出了一种称为自编码Barnace交配优化器(SBMO)的新型算法,其解决了考虑工人熟练程度的FSS问题,定义为一个新问题,流店人力调度问题(FSMSP)。 SBMO算法的亮点是与编码方法,交叉和突变运算符的组合。此外,为了解决局部最佳问题,我们设计了邻居搜索方案。最后,进行了广泛的比较模拟,以证明所提出的SBMO的优越性。结果表明,与经典和流行的对应相比,SBMO近似比率,强大的稳定性和执行时间的有效性。
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在对象检测中,边界框回归(BBR)是决定对象定位性能的关键步骤。但是,我们发现BBR的大多数先前的损失功能都有两个主要缺点:(i)$ \ ell_n $ -norm和IOU基于IOU的损失功能都无法效率地描述BBR的目标,这会导致收敛速度缓慢和不准确的回归结果。 。 (ii)大多数损失函数都忽略了BBR中的不平衡问题,即与目标盒有较小重叠的大量锚盒对BBR的优化有最大的影响。为了减轻造成的不利影响,我们进行了彻底的研究,以利用本文中BBR损失的潜力。首先,提出了有关联合(EIOU)损失的有效交集,该交集明确测量了BBR中三个几何因素的差异,即重叠面积,中心点和侧面长度。之后,我们说明有效的示例挖掘(EEM)问题,并提出了焦点损失的回归版本,以使回归过程集中在高质量的锚点上。最后,将上述两个部分组合在一起以获得新的损失函数,即焦点损失。对合成数据集和真实数据集进行了广泛的实验。与其他BBR损失相比,在收敛速度和定位精度上都可以显着优势。
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Palmprint recognition has become more and more popular due to its advantages over other biometric modalities such as fingerprint, in that it is larger in area, richer in information and able to work at a distance. However, the issue of palmprint privacy and security (especially palmprint template protection) remains under-studied. Among the very few research works, most of them only use the directional and orientation features of the palmprint with transformation processing, yielding unsatisfactory protection and identification performance. Thus, this paper proposes a palmprint template protection-oriented operator that has a fixed length and is ordered in nature, by fusing point features and orientation features. Firstly, double orientations are extracted with more accuracy based on MFRAT. Then key points of SURF are extracted and converted to be fixed-length and ordered features. Finally, composite features that fuse up the double orientations and SURF points are transformed using the irreversible transformation of IOM to generate the revocable palmprint template. Experiments show that the EER after irreversible transformation on the PolyU and CASIA databases are 0.17% and 0.19% respectively, and the absolute precision loss is 0.08% and 0.07%, respectively, which proves the advantage of our method.
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