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最近的研究表明,减少时间和空间冗余都是有效的视频识别方法的有效方法,例如,将大多数计算分配给与任务相关的框架或每个帧中最有价值的图像区域。但是,在大多数现有的作品中,任何一种类型的冗余通常都是用另一个缺失建模的。本文探讨了在最近提出的ADAFOCUSV2算法之上的时空动态计算的统一配方,从而有助于改进的ADAFOCUSV3框架。我们的方法仅在一些小但有益的3D视频立方体上激活昂贵的高容量网络来降低计算成本。这些立方体是从框架高度,宽度和视频持续时间形成的空间中裁剪的,而它们的位置则以每样本样本为基础的轻加权政策网络自适应地确定。在测试时间,与每个视频相对应的立方体的数量是动态配置的,即,对视频立方体进行顺序处理,直到产生足够可靠的预测为止。值得注意的是,可以通过近似可插入深度特征的插值来有效地训练adafocusv3。六个基准数据集(即ActivityNet,FCVID,Mini-Kinetics,Something Something V1&V2和潜水48)上的广泛经验结果表明,我们的模型比竞争性基线要高得多。
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定义和分离癌症亚型对于促进个性化治疗方式和患者预后至关重要。由于我们深入了解,子类型的定义一直在经常重新校准。在此重新校准期间,研究人员通常依靠癌症数据的聚类来提供直观的视觉参考,以揭示亚型的内在特征。聚集的数据通常是OMICS数据,例如与基本生物学机制有很强相关性的转录组学。但是,尽管现有的研究显示出令人鼓舞的结果,但它们却遭受了与OMICS数据相关的问题:样本稀缺性和高维度。因此,现有方法通常会施加不切实际的假设来从数据中提取有用的特征,同时避免过度拟合虚假相关性。在本文中,我们建议利用最近的强生成模型量化量化自动编码器(VQ-VAE),以解决数据问题并提取信息的潜在特征,这些特征对于后续聚类的质量至关重要,仅保留与重建有关的信息相关的信息输入。 VQ-VAE不会施加严格的假设,因此其潜在特征是输入的更好表示,能够使用任何主流群集方法产生出色的聚类性能。在包括10种不同癌症的多个数据集上进行的广泛实验和医学分析表明,VQ-VAE聚类结果可以显着,稳健地改善对普遍的亚型系统的预后。
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神经消息传递是用于图形结构数据的基本功能提取单元,它考虑了相邻节点特征在网络传播中从一层到另一层的影响。我们通过相互作用的粒子系统与具有吸引力和排斥力的相互作用粒子系统以及在相变建模中产生的艾伦 - 卡恩力进行建模。该系统是一个反应扩散过程,可以将颗粒分离为不同的簇。这会导致图形神经网络的艾伦 - 卡恩消息传递(ACMP),其中解决方案的数值迭代构成了消息传播。 ACMP背后的机制是颗粒的相变,该颗粒能够形成多群集,从而实现GNNS预测进行节点分类。 ACMP可以将网络深度推向数百个层,理论上证明了严格的dirichlet能量下限。因此,它提供了GNN的深层模型,该模型避免了GNN过度厚度的常见问题。具有高均匀难度的各种实际节点分类数据集的实验表明,具有ACMP的GNN可以实现最先进的性能,而不会衰减Dirichlet Energy。
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最近的作品表明,通过降低空间冗余,可以显着提高视频识别的计算效率。作为代表性的工作,自适应焦点方法(Adafocus)通过动态识别和参加每个视频帧中的信息区域来实现精度和推理速度之间的有利权衡。然而,除非领需要一个复杂的三阶段训练管道(涉及强化学习),导致收敛缓慢,对从业者不友好。这项工作通过引入基于分配的内插的补丁选择操作来重新重新培训ADAFOCUS作为简单的单级算法,实现有效的端到端优化。我们进一步提出了一种改进的培训计划,以解决一级制定的问题,包括缺乏监督,投入多样性和培训稳定性。此外,提出了一种条件 - 退出技术,用于在没有额外训练的情况下在Adafocus的顶部执行时间自适应计算。在六个基准数据集(即,ActivityNet,FCVID,Mini-Kinetics,Something-V1&V2和Jesters)上进行了广泛的实验表明,我们的模型显着优于原始的Adafocus和其他竞争基础,同时培训更简单和有效。代码可在https://github.com/leaplabthu/adafocusv2获得。
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The development of social media user stance detection and bot detection methods rely heavily on large-scale and high-quality benchmarks. However, in addition to low annotation quality, existing benchmarks generally have incomplete user relationships, suppressing graph-based account detection research. To address these issues, we propose a Multi-Relational Graph-Based Twitter Account Detection Benchmark (MGTAB), the first standardized graph-based benchmark for account detection. To our knowledge, MGTAB was built based on the largest original data in the field, with over 1.55 million users and 130 million tweets. MGTAB contains 10,199 expert-annotated users and 7 types of relationships, ensuring high-quality annotation and diversified relations. In MGTAB, we extracted the 20 user property features with the greatest information gain and user tweet features as the user features. In addition, we performed a thorough evaluation of MGTAB and other public datasets. Our experiments found that graph-based approaches are generally more effective than feature-based approaches and perform better when introducing multiple relations. By analyzing experiment results, we identify effective approaches for account detection and provide potential future research directions in this field. Our benchmark and standardized evaluation procedures are freely available at: https://github.com/GraphDetec/MGTAB.
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Image Virtual try-on aims at replacing the cloth on a personal image with a garment image (in-shop clothes), which has attracted increasing attention from the multimedia and computer vision communities. Prior methods successfully preserve the character of clothing images, however, occlusion remains a pernicious effect for realistic virtual try-on. In this work, we first present a comprehensive analysis of the occlusions and categorize them into two aspects: i) Inherent-Occlusion: the ghost of the former cloth still exists in the try-on image; ii) Acquired-Occlusion: the target cloth warps to the unreasonable body part. Based on the in-depth analysis, we find that the occlusions can be simulated by a novel semantically-guided mixup module, which can generate semantic-specific occluded images that work together with the try-on images to facilitate training a de-occlusion try-on (DOC-VTON) framework. Specifically, DOC-VTON first conducts a sharpened semantic parsing on the try-on person. Aided by semantics guidance and pose prior, various complexities of texture are selectively blending with human parts in a copy-and-paste manner. Then, the Generative Module (GM) is utilized to take charge of synthesizing the final try-on image and learning to de-occlusion jointly. In comparison to the state-of-the-art methods, DOC-VTON achieves better perceptual quality by reducing occlusion effects.
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Dynamic treatment regimes assign personalized treatments to patients sequentially over time based on their baseline information and time-varying covariates. In mobile health applications, these covariates are typically collected at different frequencies over a long time horizon. In this paper, we propose a deep spectral Q-learning algorithm, which integrates principal component analysis (PCA) with deep Q-learning to handle the mixed frequency data. In theory, we prove that the mean return under the estimated optimal policy converges to that under the optimal one and establish its rate of convergence. The usefulness of our proposal is further illustrated via simulations and an application to a diabetes dataset.
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