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数值验证是机器学习研究的核心,因为它允许评估新方法的实际影响,并确认理论和实践之间的一致性。然而,该领域的快速发展构成了一些挑战:研究人员面临着大量的方法来比较,有限的透明度和最佳实践的共识以及乏味的重新实施工作。结果,验证通常是非常部分的,这可能会导致错误的结论,从而减慢研究的进展。我们提出了Benchopt,这是一个协作框架,旨在在跨编程语言和硬件体系结构的机器学习中自动化,复制和发布优化基准。 Benchopt通过提供用于运行,共享和扩展实验的现成工具来简化社区的基准测试。为了展示其广泛的可用性,我们在三个标准学习任务上展示基准:$ \ ell_2 $ regulaine的逻辑回归,套索和RESNET18用于图像分类的培训。这些基准强调了关键的实际发现,这些发现对这些问题的最新问题更加细微,这表明在实际评估中,魔鬼在细节上。我们希望Benchopt能在社区中促进合作工作,从而改善研究结果的可重复性。
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Bilevel优化是在机器学习的许多领域中最小化涉及另一个功能的价值函数的问题。在大规模的经验风险最小化设置中,样品数量很大,开发随机方法至关重要,而随机方法只能一次使用一些样品进行进展。但是,计算值函数的梯度涉及求解线性系统,这使得很难得出无偏的随机估计。为了克服这个问题,我们引入了一个新颖的框架,其中内部问题的解决方案,线性系统的解和主要变量同时发展。这些方向是作为总和写成的,使其直接得出无偏估计。我们方法的简单性使我们能够开发全球差异算法,其中所有变量的动力学都会降低差异。我们证明,萨巴(Saba)是我们框架中著名的传奇算法的改编,具有$ o(\ frac1t)$收敛速度,并且在polyak-lojasciewicz的假设下实现了线性收敛。这是验证这些属性之一的双光线优化的第一种随机算法。数值实验验证了我们方法的实用性。
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来自脑电图(EEG)和磁脑电图(MEG)的非侵入性电生理学信号的定量分析归结为鉴定时间模式,例如诱发反应,神经振荡的短暂爆发,以及闪烁的数据清洁。几项作品表明,这些模式可以通过无监督的方式有效提取,例如使用卷积词典学习。这导致基于事件的数据描述。鉴于这些事件,一个自然的问题是估算某些认知任务和实验操作如何调节其发生的情况。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种点过程方法。虽然过去曾在神经科学中使用点过程,尤其是用于单细胞记录(尖峰列车),但诸如卷积词典学习之类的技术使它们可以基于EEG/MEG信号来适应人类研究。我们开发了一个新型的统计点过程模型驱动的时间点过程(DRIPP) - 点过程模型的强度函数与一组与刺激事件相对应的点过程链接。我们得出了一种快速而有原则的期望最大化(EM)算法,以估计该模型的参数。模拟显示,可以从足够长的信号中识别模型参数。标准MEG数据集的结果表明,我们的方法论揭示了与事件相关的神经反应,并引起了诱导和分离,并隔离了非任务特定的时间模式。
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View-dependent effects such as reflections pose a substantial challenge for image-based and neural rendering algorithms. Above all, curved reflectors are particularly hard, as they lead to highly non-linear reflection flows as the camera moves. We introduce a new point-based representation to compute Neural Point Catacaustics allowing novel-view synthesis of scenes with curved reflectors, from a set of casually-captured input photos. At the core of our method is a neural warp field that models catacaustic trajectories of reflections, so complex specular effects can be rendered using efficient point splatting in conjunction with a neural renderer. One of our key contributions is the explicit representation of reflections with a reflection point cloud which is displaced by the neural warp field, and a primary point cloud which is optimized to represent the rest of the scene. After a short manual annotation step, our approach allows interactive high-quality renderings of novel views with accurate reflection flow. Additionally, the explicit representation of reflection flow supports several forms of scene manipulation in captured scenes, such as reflection editing, cloning of specular objects, reflection tracking across views, and comfortable stereo viewing. We provide the source code and other supplemental material on https://repo-sam.inria.fr/ fungraph/neural_catacaustics/
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Edge computing is changing the face of many industries and services. Common edge computing models offload computing which is prone to security risks and privacy violation. However, advances in deep learning enabled Internet of Things (IoTs) to take decisions and run cognitive tasks locally. This research introduces a decentralized-control edge model where most computation and decisions are moved to the IoT level. The model aims at decreasing communication to the edge which in return enhances efficiency and decreases latency. The model also avoids data transfer which raises security and privacy risks. To examine the model, we developed SAFEMYRIDES, a scene-aware ridesharing monitoring system where smart phones are detecting violations at the runtime. Current real-time monitoring systems are costly and require continuous network connectivity. The system uses optimized deep learning that run locally on IoTs to detect violations in ridesharing and record violation incidences. The system would enhance safety and security in ridesharing without violating privacy.
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Cognitive Computing (COC) aims to build highly cognitive machines with low computational resources that respond in real-time. However, scholarly literature shows varying research areas and various interpretations of COC. This calls for a cohesive architecture that delineates the nature of COC. We argue that if Herbert Simon considered the design science is the science of artificial, cognitive systems are the products of cognitive science or 'the newest science of the artificial'. Therefore, building a conceptual basis for COC is an essential step into prospective cognitive computing-based systems. This paper proposes an architecture of COC through analyzing the literature on COC using a myriad of statistical analysis methods. Then, we compare the statistical analysis results with previous qualitative analysis results to confirm our findings. The study also comprehensively surveys the recent research on COC to identify the state of the art and connect the advances in varied research disciplines in COC. The study found that there are three underlaying computing paradigms, Von-Neuman, Neuromorphic Engineering and Quantum Computing, that comprehensively complement the structure of cognitive computation. The research discuss possible applications and open research directions under the COC umbrella.
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