视力范围有限的自动驾驶机器人在避免多边形障碍的2D环境中找到了目标的途径。在发现环境图的过程中,机器人必须返回以前标记的某些位置,机器人遍历要返回的区域被定义为线段束的束序列。本文提出了一种新型算法,用于根据多次拍摄的方法找到沿线段束序列的大约最短路径。提出了该方法的三个因素,包括捆绑分区,共线条件和射击点的更新。然后,我们证明,如果共线条件成立,则确定问题的最短路径,否则,通过将方法的更新收敛到最短路径,获得的路径序列。该算法在Python中实现,一些数值示例表明,使用我们的方法的自主机器人的路径计划的运行时间比使用Li和Klette在Euclidean最短路径中使用Li和Klette的橡皮筋技术更快,Springer,53-89(2011年)(2011年) )。
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识别息肉对于在计算机辅助临床支持系统中自动分析内窥镜图像的自动分析具有挑战性。已经提出了基于卷积网络(CNN),变压器及其组合的模型,以分割息肉以有希望的结果。但是,这些方法在模拟息肉的局部外观方面存在局限性,或者在解码过程中缺乏用于空间依赖性的多层次特征。本文提出了一个新颖的网络,即结肠形式,以解决这些局限性。 Colonformer是一种编码器架构,能够在编码器和解码器分支上对远程语义信息进行建模。编码器是一种基于变压器的轻量级体系结构,用于在多尺度上建模全局语义关系。解码器是一种层次结构结构,旨在学习多层功能以丰富特征表示。此外,添加了一个新的Skip连接技术,以完善整体地图中的息肉对象的边界以进行精确分割。已经在五个流行的基准数据集上进行了广泛的实验,以进行息肉分割,包括Kvasir,CVC-Clinic DB,CVC-ColondB,CVC-T和Etis-Larib。实验结果表明,我们的结肠构造者在所有基准数据集上的表现优于其他最先进的方法。
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深度学习已成功地用于解决从大数据分析到计算机视觉和人级控制的各种复杂问题。但是,还采用了深度学习进步来创建可能构成隐私,民主和国家安全威胁的软件。最近出现的那些深度学习驱动的应用程序之一是Deepfake。 DeepFake算法可以创建人类无法将它们与真实图像区分开的假图像和视频。因此,可以自动检测和评估数字视觉媒体完整性的技术的建议是必不可少的。本文介绍了一项用于创造深击的算法的调查,更重要的是,提出的方法旨在检测迄今为止文献中的深击。我们对与Deepfake技术有关的挑战,研究趋势和方向进行了广泛的讨论。通过回顾深层味和最先进的深层检测方法的背景,本研究提供了深入的深层技术的概述,并促进了新的,更强大的方法的发展,以应对日益挑战性的深击。
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互联网连接系统的规模大大增加,这些系统比以往任何时候都更接触到网络攻击。网络攻击的复杂性和动态需要保护机制响应,自适应和可扩展。机器学习,或更具体地说,深度增强学习(DRL),方法已经广泛提出以解决这些问题。通过将深入学习纳入传统的RL,DRL能够解决复杂,动态,特别是高维的网络防御问题。本文提出了对为网络安全开发的DRL方法进行了调查。我们触及不同的重要方面,包括基于DRL的网络 - 物理系统的安全方法,自主入侵检测技术和基于多元的DRL的游戏理论模拟,用于防范策略对网络攻击。还给出了对基于DRL的网络安全的广泛讨论和未来的研究方向。我们预计这一全面审查提供了基础,并促进了未来的研究,探讨了越来越复杂的网络安全问题。
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In this work, we propose a new approach that combines data from multiple sensors for reliable obstacle avoidance. The sensors include two depth cameras and a LiDAR arranged so that they can capture the whole 3D area in front of the robot and a 2D slide around it. To fuse the data from these sensors, we first use an external camera as a reference to combine data from two depth cameras. A projection technique is then introduced to convert the 3D point cloud data of the cameras to its 2D correspondence. An obstacle avoidance algorithm is then developed based on the dynamic window approach. A number of experiments have been conducted to evaluate our proposed approach. The results show that the robot can effectively avoid static and dynamic obstacles of different shapes and sizes in different environments.
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Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have gained much attention in various fields of engineering thanks to their capability of incorporating physical laws into the models. PINNs integrate the physical constraints by minimizing the partial differential equations (PDEs) residuals on a set of collocation points. The distribution of these collocation points appears to have a huge impact on the performance of PINNs and the assessment of the sampling methods for these points is still an active topic. In this paper, we propose a Fixed-Budget Online Adaptive Mesh Learning (FBOAML) method, which decomposes the domain into sub-domains, for training collocation points based on local maxima and local minima of the PDEs residuals. The stopping criterion is based on a data set of reference, which leads to an adaptive number of iterations for each specific problem. The effectiveness of FBOAML is demonstrated in the context of non-parameterized and parameterized problems. The impact of the hyper-parameters in FBOAML is investigated in this work. The comparison with other adaptive sampling methods is also illustrated. The numerical results demonstrate important gains in terms of accuracy of PINNs with FBOAML over the classical PINNs with non-adaptive collocation points. We also apply FBOAML in a complex industrial application involving coupling between mechanical and thermal fields. We show that FBOAML is able to identify the high-gradient location and even give better prediction for some physical fields than the classical PINNs with collocation points taken on a pre-adapted finite element mesh.
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Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalisation aims to build a model that can well generalise its learnt knowledge from source domains to an unseen target domain. However, current image classification models often perform poorly in the OOD setting due to statistically spurious correlations learning from model training. From causality-based perspective, we formulate the data generation process in OOD image classification using a causal graph. On this graph, we show that prediction P(Y|X) of a label Y given an image X in statistical learning is formed by both causal effect P(Y|do(X)) and spurious effects caused by confounding features (e.g., background). Since the spurious features are domain-variant, the prediction P(Y|X) becomes unstable on unseen domains. In this paper, we propose to mitigate the spurious effect of confounders using front-door adjustment. In our method, the mediator variable is hypothesized as semantic features that are essential to determine a label for an image. Inspired by capability of style transfer in image generation, we interpret the combination of the mediator variable with different generated images in the front-door formula and propose novel algorithms to estimate it. Extensive experimental results on widely used benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness of our method.
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