With the advent of Neural Style Transfer (NST), stylizing an image has become quite popular. A convenient way for extending stylization techniques to videos is by applying them on a per-frame basis. However, such per-frame application usually lacks temporal-consistency expressed by undesirable flickering artifacts. Most of the existing approaches for enforcing temporal-consistency suffers from one or more of the following drawbacks. They (1) are only suitable for a limited range of stylization techniques, (2) can only be applied in an offline fashion requiring the complete video as input, (3) cannot provide consistency for the task of stylization, or (4) do not provide interactive consistency-control. Note that existing consistent video-filtering approaches aim to completely remove flickering artifacts and thus do not respect any specific consistency-control aspect. For stylization tasks, however, consistency-control is an essential requirement where a certain amount of flickering can add to the artistic look and feel. Moreover, making this control interactive is paramount from a usability perspective. To achieve the above requirements, we propose an approach that can stylize video streams while providing interactive consistency-control. Apart from stylization, our approach also supports various other image processing filters. For achieving interactive performance, we develop a lite optical-flow network that operates at 80 Frames per second (FPS) on desktop systems with sufficient accuracy. We show that the final consistent video-output using our flow network is comparable to that being obtained using state-of-the-art optical-flow network. Further, we employ an adaptive combination of local and global consistent features and enable interactive selection between the two. By objective and subjective evaluation, we show that our method is superior to state-of-the-art approaches.
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我们提出了一种新颖的方法,即沙拉,用于将预先训练的“源”域网络适应“目标”域的挑战性视觉任务,在“目标”域中注释的预算很小,标签空间的变化。此外,该任务假定由于隐私问题或其他方式,源数据无法适应。我们假设这样的系统需要共同优化(i)从目标域中选择固定数量的样本以进行注释的双重任务,以及(ii)知识从预训练的网络转移到目标域。为此,沙拉由一个新颖的引导注意转移网络(GATN)和一个主动学习功能组成。 GATN启用了从预训练的网络到目标网络的特征蒸馏,并与HAL采用的转移性和不确定性标准相辅相成。沙拉有三个关键的好处:(i)它是任务不合时宜的,可以在各种视觉任务(例如分类,分割和检测)中应用; (ii)它可以处理从预训练的源网络到目标域的输出标签空间的变化; (iii)它不需要访问源数据进行适应。我们对3个视觉任务进行了广泛的实验,即。数字分类(MNIST,SVHN,VISDA),合成(GTA5)与真实(CityScapes)图像分割和文档布局检测(PublayNet to DSSE)。我们表明,我们的无源方法(沙拉)比先前的适应方法提高了0.5%-31.3%(跨数据集和任务),该方法假设访问大量带注释的源数据以进行适应。
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基于深度神经网络的物体探测器在各种域中取得了巨大的成功,如自主车辆,生物医学成像等。众所周知,他们的成功取决于来自兴趣领域的大量数据。虽然深层模型在整体准确性方面经常表现良好,但它们通常在稀有但关键的数据切片上的性能斗争。例如,像“夜间摩托车”或“夜间摩托车”的数据切片通常很少见但是自动驾驶应用的非常关键的切片,如这种罕见的切片上的假底片可能导致违法的失败和事故。主动学习(AL)是一个着名的范例,可以逐步逐步地和自适应地构建循环中的人类训练数据集。然而,目前基于AL的采集功能并没有充分配备,以解决具有稀有片的真实数据集,因为它们基于图像的不确定性分数或全局描述符。我们提出了Talisman,一种用于使用子模块互信息的稀有切片的目标主动学习或物体检测的新框架。我们的方法使用利用感兴趣区域(ROI)的特征来实用的子模块互信息功能,以有效地靶向并获得具有稀有片的数据点。我们在标准Pascal Voc07 + 12和BDD100K上评估我们的框架,这是一个真实的自动驾驶数据集。我们观察到Talisman在稀有片的平均精度方面优于其他方法,以及地图。
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Given a large graph with few node labels, how can we (a) identify the mixed network-effect of the graph and (b) predict the unknown labels accurately and efficiently? This work proposes Network Effect Analysis (NEA) and UltraProp, which are based on two insights: (a) the network-effect (NE) insight: a graph can exhibit not only one of homophily and heterophily, but also both or none in a label-wise manner, and (b) the neighbor-differentiation (ND) insight: neighbors have different degrees of influence on the target node based on the strength of connections. NEA provides a statistical test to check whether a graph exhibits network-effect or not, and surprisingly discovers the absence of NE in many real-world graphs known to have heterophily. UltraProp solves the node classification problem with notable advantages: (a) Accurate, thanks to the network-effect (NE) and neighbor-differentiation (ND) insights; (b) Explainable, precisely estimating the compatibility matrix; (c) Scalable, being linear with the input size and handling graphs with millions of nodes; and (d) Principled, with closed-form formula and theoretical guarantee. Applied on eight real-world graph datasets, UltraProp outperforms top competitors in terms of accuracy and run time, requiring only stock CPU servers. On a large real-world graph with 1.6M nodes and 22.3M edges, UltraProp achieves more than 9 times speedup (12 minutes vs. 2 hours) compared to most competitors.
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Large language models have ushered in a golden age of semantic parsing. The seq2seq paradigm allows for open-schema and abstractive attribute and relation extraction given only small amounts of finetuning data. Language model pretraining has simultaneously enabled great strides in natural language inference, reasoning about entailment and implication in free text. These advances motivate us to construct ImPaKT, a dataset for open-schema information extraction, consisting of around 2500 text snippets from the C4 corpus, in the shopping domain (product buying guides), professionally annotated with extracted attributes, types, attribute summaries (attribute schema discovery from idiosyncratic text), many-to-one relations between compound and atomic attributes, and implication relations. We release this data in hope that it will be useful in fine tuning semantic parsers for information extraction and knowledge base construction across a variety of domains. We evaluate the power of this approach by fine-tuning the open source UL2 language model on a subset of the dataset, extracting a set of implication relations from a corpus of product buying guides, and conducting human evaluations of the resulting predictions.
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In nonparametric independence testing, we observe i.i.d.\ data $\{(X_i,Y_i)\}_{i=1}^n$, where $X \in \mathcal{X}, Y \in \mathcal{Y}$ lie in any general spaces, and we wish to test the null that $X$ is independent of $Y$. Modern test statistics such as the kernel Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC) and Distance Covariance (dCov) have intractable null distributions due to the degeneracy of the underlying U-statistics. Thus, in practice, one often resorts to using permutation testing, which provides a nonasymptotic guarantee at the expense of recalculating the quadratic-time statistics (say) a few hundred times. This paper provides a simple but nontrivial modification of HSIC and dCov (called xHSIC and xdCov, pronounced ``cross'' HSIC/dCov) so that they have a limiting Gaussian distribution under the null, and thus do not require permutations. This requires building on the newly developed theory of cross U-statistics by Kim and Ramdas (2020), and in particular developing several nontrivial extensions of the theory in Shekhar et al. (2022), which developed an analogous permutation-free kernel two-sample test. We show that our new tests, like the originals, are consistent against fixed alternatives, and minimax rate optimal against smooth local alternatives. Numerical simulations demonstrate that compared to the full dCov or HSIC, our variants have the same power up to a $\sqrt 2$ factor, giving practitioners a new option for large problems or data-analysis pipelines where computation, not sample size, could be the bottleneck.
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Metric learning aims to learn distances from the data, which enhances the performance of similarity-based algorithms. An author style detection task is a metric learning problem, where learning style features with small intra-class variations and larger inter-class differences is of great importance to achieve better performance. Recently, metric learning based on softmax loss has been used successfully for style detection. While softmax loss can produce separable representations, its discriminative power is relatively poor. In this work, we propose NBC-Softmax, a contrastive loss based clustering technique for softmax loss, which is more intuitive and able to achieve superior performance. Our technique meets the criterion for larger number of samples, thus achieving block contrastiveness, which is proven to outperform pair-wise losses. It uses mini-batch sampling effectively and is scalable. Experiments on 4 darkweb social forums, with NBCSAuthor that uses the proposed NBC-Softmax for author and sybil detection, shows that our negative block contrastive approach constantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods using the same network architecture. Our code is publicly available at : https://github.com/gayanku/NBC-Softmax
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Fusion-in-Decoder (FiD) is a powerful retrieval-augmented language model that sets the state-of-the-art on many knowledge-intensive NLP tasks. However, FiD suffers from very expensive inference. We show that the majority of inference time results from memory bandwidth constraints in the decoder, and propose two simple changes to the FiD architecture to speed up inference by 7x. The faster decoder inference then allows for a much larger decoder. We denote FiD with the above modifications as FiDO, and show that it strongly improves performance over existing FiD models for a wide range of inference budgets. For example, FiDO-Large-XXL performs faster inference than FiD-Base and achieves better performance than FiD-Large.
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Biomedical image segmentation is one of the fastest growing fields which has seen extensive automation through the use of Artificial Intelligence. This has enabled widespread adoption of accurate techniques to expedite the screening and diagnostic processes which would otherwise take several days to finalize. In this paper, we present an end-to-end pipeline to segment lungs from chest X-ray images, training the neural network model on the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT) dataset, using UNet to enable faster processing of initial screening for various lung disorders. The pipeline developed can be readily used by medical centers with just the provision of X-Ray images as input. The model will perform the preprocessing, and provide a segmented image as the final output. It is expected that this will drastically reduce the manual effort involved and lead to greater accessibility in resource-constrained locations.
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It is essential to classify brain tumors from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) accurately for better and timely treatment of the patients. In this paper, we propose a hybrid model, using VGG along with Nonlinear-SVM (Soft and Hard) to classify the brain tumors: glioma and pituitary and tumorous and non-tumorous. The VGG-SVM model is trained for two different datasets of two classes; thus, we perform binary classification. The VGG models are trained via the PyTorch python library to obtain the highest testing accuracy of tumor classification. The method is threefold, in the first step, we normalize and resize the images, and the second step consists of feature extraction through variants of the VGG model. The third step classified brain tumors using non-linear SVM (soft and hard). We have obtained 98.18% accuracy for the first dataset and 99.78% for the second dataset using VGG19. The classification accuracies for non-linear SVM are 95.50% and 97.98% with linear and rbf kernel and 97.95% for soft SVM with RBF kernel with D1, and 96.75% and 98.60% with linear and RBF kernel and 98.38% for soft SVM with RBF kernel with D2. Results indicate that the hybrid VGG-SVM model, especially VGG 19 with SVM, is able to outperform existing techniques and achieve high accuracy.
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