With the advent of Neural Style Transfer (NST), stylizing an image has become quite popular. A convenient way for extending stylization techniques to videos is by applying them on a per-frame basis. However, such per-frame application usually lacks temporal-consistency expressed by undesirable flickering artifacts. Most of the existing approaches for enforcing temporal-consistency suffers from one or more of the following drawbacks. They (1) are only suitable for a limited range of stylization techniques, (2) can only be applied in an offline fashion requiring the complete video as input, (3) cannot provide consistency for the task of stylization, or (4) do not provide interactive consistency-control. Note that existing consistent video-filtering approaches aim to completely remove flickering artifacts and thus do not respect any specific consistency-control aspect. For stylization tasks, however, consistency-control is an essential requirement where a certain amount of flickering can add to the artistic look and feel. Moreover, making this control interactive is paramount from a usability perspective. To achieve the above requirements, we propose an approach that can stylize video streams while providing interactive consistency-control. Apart from stylization, our approach also supports various other image processing filters. For achieving interactive performance, we develop a lite optical-flow network that operates at 80 Frames per second (FPS) on desktop systems with sufficient accuracy. We show that the final consistent video-output using our flow network is comparable to that being obtained using state-of-the-art optical-flow network. Further, we employ an adaptive combination of local and global consistent features and enable interactive selection between the two. By objective and subjective evaluation, we show that our method is superior to state-of-the-art approaches.
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Given two consecutive frames, video interpolation aims at generating intermediate frame(s) to form both spatially and temporally coherent video sequences. While most existing methods focus on single-frame interpolation, we propose an end-to-end convolutional neural network for variable-length multi-frame video interpolation, where the motion interpretation and occlusion reasoning are jointly modeled. We start by computing bi-directional optical flow between the input images using a U-Net architecture. These flows are then linearly combined at each time step to approximate the intermediate bi-directional optical flows. These approximate flows, however, only work well in locally smooth regions and produce artifacts around motion boundaries. To address this shortcoming, we employ another U-Net to refine the approximated flow and also predict soft visibility maps. Finally, the two input images are warped and linearly fused to form each intermediate frame. By applying the visibility maps to the warped images before fusion, we exclude the contribution of occluded pixels to the interpolated intermediate frame to avoid artifacts. Since none of our learned network parameters are time-dependent, our approach is able to produce as many intermediate frames as needed. To train our network, we use 1,132 240-fps video clips, containing 300K individual video frames. Experimental results on several datasets, predicting different numbers of interpolated frames, demonstrate that our approach performs consistently better than existing methods.
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Videos shot by laymen using hand-held cameras contain undesirable shaky motion. Estimating the global motion between successive frames, in a manner not influenced by moving objects, is central to many video stabilization techniques, but poses significant challenges. A large body of work uses 2D affine transformations or homography for the global motion. However, in this work, we introduce a more general representation scheme, which adapts any existing optical flow network to ignore the moving objects and obtain a spatially smooth approximation of the global motion between video frames. We achieve this by a knowledge distillation approach, where we first introduce a low pass filter module into the optical flow network to constrain the predicted optical flow to be spatially smooth. This becomes our student network, named as \textsc{GlobalFlowNet}. Then, using the original optical flow network as the teacher network, we train the student network using a robust loss function. Given a trained \textsc{GlobalFlowNet}, we stabilize videos using a two stage process. In the first stage, we correct the instability in affine parameters using a quadratic programming approach constrained by a user-specified cropping limit to control loss of field of view. In the second stage, we stabilize the video further by smoothing global motion parameters, expressed using a small number of discrete cosine transform coefficients. In extensive experiments on a variety of different videos, our technique outperforms state of the art techniques in terms of subjective quality and different quantitative measures of video stability. The source code is publicly available at \href{https://github.com/GlobalFlowNet/GlobalFlowNet}{https://github.com/GlobalFlowNet/GlobalFlowNet}
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可以通过定期预测未来的框架以增强虚拟现实应用程序中的用户体验,从而解决了低计算设备上图形渲染高帧速率视频的挑战。这是通过时间视图合成(TVS)的问题来研究的,该问题的目标是预测给定上一个帧的视频的下一个帧以及上一个和下一个帧的头部姿势。在这项工作中,我们考虑了用户和对象正在移动的动态场景的电视。我们设计了一个将运动解散到用户和对象运动中的框架,以在预测下一帧的同时有效地使用可用的用户运动。我们通过隔离和估计过去框架的3D对象运动,然后推断它来预测对象的运动。我们使用多平面图像(MPI)作为场景的3D表示,并将对象运动作为MPI表示中相应点之间的3D位移建模。为了在估计运动时处理MPI中的稀疏性,我们将部分卷积和掩盖的相关层纳入了相应的点。然后将预测的对象运动与给定的用户或相机运动集成在一起,以生成下一帧。使用不合格的填充模块,我们合成由于相机和对象运动而发现的区域。我们为动态场景的电视开发了一个新的合成数据集,该数据集由800个以全高清分辨率组成的视频组成。我们通过数据集和MPI Sintel数据集上的实验表明我们的模型优于文献中的所有竞争方法。
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快速移动受试者的运动模糊是摄影中的一个长期问题,由于收集效率有限,尤其是在弱光条件下,在手机上非常常见。尽管近年来我们目睹了图像脱毛的巨大进展,但大多数方法都需要显着的计算能力,并且在处理高分辨率照片的情况下具有严重的局部动作。为此,我们根据手机的双摄像头融合技术开发了一种新颖的面部脱毛系统。该系统检测到主题运动以动态启用参考摄像头,例如,最近在高级手机上通常可用的Ultrawide Angle摄像机,并捕获带有更快快门设置的辅助照片。虽然主镜头是低噪音但模糊的,但参考镜头却很锋利,但嘈杂。我们学习ML模型,以对齐和融合这两张镜头,并在没有运动模糊的情况下输出清晰的照片。我们的算法在Google Pixel 6上有效运行,每次拍摄需要463毫秒的开销。我们的实验证明了系统对替代单片,多帧,面部特异性和视频脱张算法以及商业产品的优势和鲁棒性。据我们所知,我们的工作是第一个用于面部运动脱毛的移动解决方案,在各种运动和照明条件下,在数千个图像中可靠地工作。
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视频帧插值(VFI)目前是一个非常活跃的研究主题,具有跨越计算机视觉,后期生产和视频编码的应用程序。 VFI可能非常具有挑战性,特别是在含有大型运动,闭塞或动态纹理的序列中,现有方法未能提供感知鲁棒的插值性能。在这种情况下,我们基于时空多流量架构介绍了一种基于深度学习的VFI方法ST-MFNET。 ST-MFNET采用新的多尺度多流量预测器来估计多对一的中间流动,它们与传统的一对一光流组合以捕获大型和复杂的运动。为了增强各种纹理的插值性能,还用于在扩展时间窗口上模拟内容动态的3D CNN。此外,ST-MFNET已经在ST-GaN框架内培训,该框架最初是为纹理合成而开发的,目的是进一步提高感知插值质量。我们的方法已被全面评估 - 与十四个最先进的VFI算法相比 - 清楚地展示了ST-MFNET在各种和代表性测试数据集上始终如一地优于这些基准,在PSNR中具有显着的收益,用于案件在PSNR中高达1.09dB包括大型运动和动态纹理。项目页面:https://danielism97.github.io/st-mfnet。
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We pose video object segmentation as spectral graph clustering in space and time, with one graph node for each pixel and edges forming local space-time neighborhoods. We claim that the strongest cluster in this video graph represents the salient object. We start by introducing a novel and efficient method based on 3D filtering for approximating the spectral solution, as the principal eigenvector of the graph's adjacency matrix, without explicitly building the matrix. This key property allows us to have a fast parallel implementation on GPU, orders of magnitude faster than classical approaches for computing the eigenvector. Our motivation for a spectral space-time clustering approach, unique in video semantic segmentation literature, is that such clustering is dedicated to preserving object consistency over time, which we evaluate using our novel segmentation consistency measure. Further on, we show how to efficiently learn the solution over multiple input feature channels. Finally, we extend the formulation of our approach beyond the segmentation task, into the realm of object tracking. In extensive experiments we show significant improvements over top methods, as well as over powerful ensembles that combine them, achieving state-of-the-art on multiple benchmarks, both for tracking and segmentation.
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在许多重要的科学和工程应用中发现了卷数据。渲染此数据以高质量和交互速率为苛刻的应用程序(例如虚拟现实)的可视化化,即使使用专业级硬件也无法实现。我们介绍了Fovolnet - 一种可显着提高数量数据可视化的性能的方法。我们开发了一种具有成本效益的渲染管道,该管道稀疏地对焦点进行了量度,并使用深层神经网络重建了全帧。 FOVEATED渲染是一种优先考虑用户焦点渲染计算的技术。这种方法利用人类视觉系统的属性,从而在用户视野的外围呈现数据时节省了计算资源。我们的重建网络结合了直接和内核预测方法,以产生快速,稳定和感知令人信服的输出。凭借纤细的设计和量化的使用,我们的方法在端到端框架时间和视觉质量中都优于最先进的神经重建技术。我们对系统的渲染性能,推理速度和感知属性进行了广泛的评估,并提供了与竞争神经图像重建技术的比较。我们的测试结果表明,Fovolnet始终在保持感知质量的同时,在传统渲染上节省了大量时间。
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The ubiquity of camera-embedded devices and the advances in deep learning have stimulated various intelligent mobile video applications. These applications often demand on-device processing of video streams to deliver real-time, high-quality services for privacy and robustness concerns. However, the performance of these applications is constrained by the raw video streams, which tend to be taken with small-aperture cameras of ubiquitous mobile platforms in dim light. Despite extensive low-light video enhancement solutions, they are unfit for deployment to mobile devices due to their complex models and and ignorance of system dynamics like energy budgets. In this paper, we propose AdaEnlight, an energy-aware low-light video stream enhancement system on mobile devices. It achieves real-time video enhancement with competitive visual quality while allowing runtime behavior adaptation to the platform-imposed dynamic energy budgets. We report extensive experiments on diverse datasets, scenarios, and platforms and demonstrate the superiority of AdaEnlight compared with state-of-the-art low-light image and video enhancement solutions.
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Motion blur from camera shake is a major problem in videos captured by hand-held devices. Unlike single-image deblurring, video-based approaches can take advantage of the abundant information that exists across neighboring frames. As a result the best performing methods rely on the alignment of nearby frames. However, aligning images is a computationally expensive and fragile procedure, and methods that aggregate information must therefore be able to identify which regions have been accurately aligned and which have not, a task that requires high level scene understanding. In this work, we introduce a deep learning solution to video deblurring, where a CNN is trained end-toend to learn how to accumulate information across frames. To train this network, we collected a dataset of real videos recorded with a high frame rate camera, which we use to generate synthetic motion blur for supervision. We show that the features learned from this dataset extend to deblurring motion blur that arises due to camera shake in a wide range of videos, and compare the quality of results to a number of other baselines 1 .
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The FlowNet demonstrated that optical flow estimation can be cast as a learning problem. However, the state of the art with regard to the quality of the flow has still been defined by traditional methods. Particularly on small displacements and real-world data, FlowNet cannot compete with variational methods. In this paper, we advance the concept of end-to-end learning of optical flow and make it work really well. The large improvements in quality and speed are caused by three major contributions: first, we focus on the training data and show that the schedule of presenting data during training is very important. Second, we develop a stacked architecture that includes warping of the second image with intermediate optical flow. Third, we elaborate on small displacements by introducing a subnetwork specializing on small motions. FlowNet 2.0 is only marginally slower than the original FlowNet but decreases the estimation error by more than 50%. It performs on par with state-of-the-art methods, while running at interactive frame rates. Moreover, we present faster variants that allow optical flow computation at up to 140fps with accuracy matching the original FlowNet.
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视频是一种流行的媒体形式,其中在线视频流最近聚集了很多人气。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的实时视频稳定方法 - 将摇晃视频转换为稳定的视频,仿佛它实时通过万向节稳定。我们的框架是以自我监督的方式进行培训,不需要使用特殊硬件设置(即,在立体声钻机或附加运动传感器上的两个摄像机)捕获的数据。我们的框架包括在给定帧之间的转换估计器,用于全局稳定性调整,然后通过空间平滑的光学流动的场景视差减少模块,以进一步稳定。然后,保证金修整模块填充稳定期间创建的缺失的边缘区域,以减少裁剪后的数量。这些顺序步骤将失真和边距减少到最小,同时增强稳定性。因此,我们的方法优于最先进的实时视频稳定方法以及需要相机轨迹优化的离线方法。无论分辨率(例如,480p或1080p),我们的方法程序大约需要41 fps的24.3 ms。
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我们提出了一种用于视频帧插值(VFI)的实时中流估计算法。许多最近的基于流的VFI方法首先估计双向光学流,然后缩放并将它们倒转到近似中间流动,导致运动边界上的伪像。RIFE使用名为IFNET的神经网络,可以直接估计中间流量从粗细流,速度更好。我们设计了一种用于训练中间流动模型的特权蒸馏方案,这导致了大的性能改善。Rife不依赖于预先训练的光流模型,可以支持任意时间的帧插值。实验表明,普里埃雷在若干公共基准上实现了最先进的表现。\ url {https://github.com/hzwer/arxiv2020-rife}。
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