The space-air-ground integrated network (SAGIN), one of the key technologies for next-generation mobile communication systems, can facilitate data transmission for users all over the world, especially in some remote areas where vast amounts of informative data are collected by Internet of remote things (IoRT) devices to support various data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) services. However, training AI models centrally with the assistance of SAGIN faces the challenges of highly constrained network topology, inefficient data transmission, and privacy issues. To tackle these challenges, we first propose a novel topology-aware federated learning framework for the SAGIN, namely Olive Branch Learning (OBL). Specifically, the IoRT devices in the ground layer leverage their private data to perform model training locally, while the air nodes in the air layer and the ring-structured low earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellation in the space layer are in charge of model aggregation (synchronization) at different scales.To further enhance communication efficiency and inference performance of OBL, an efficient Communication and Non-IID-aware Air node-Satellite Assignment (CNASA) algorithm is designed by taking the data class distribution of the air nodes as well as their geographic locations into account. Furthermore, we extend our OBL framework and CNASA algorithm to adapt to more complex multi-orbit satellite networks. We analyze the convergence of our OBL framework and conclude that the CNASA algorithm contributes to the fast convergence of the global model. Extensive experiments based on realistic datasets corroborate the superior performance of our algorithm over the benchmark policies.
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This paper revisits building machine learning algorithms that involve interactions between entities, such as those between financial assets in an actively managed portfolio, or interactions between users in a social network. Our goal is to forecast the future evolution of ensembles of multivariate time series in such applications (e.g., the future return of a financial asset or the future popularity of a Twitter account). Designing ML algorithms for such systems requires addressing the challenges of high-dimensional interactions and non-linearity. Existing approaches usually adopt an ad-hoc approach to integrating high-dimensional techniques into non-linear models and recent studies have shown these approaches have questionable efficacy in time-evolving interacting systems. To this end, we propose a novel framework, which we dub as the additive influence model. Under our modeling assumption, we show that it is possible to decouple the learning of high-dimensional interactions from the learning of non-linear feature interactions. To learn the high-dimensional interactions, we leverage kernel-based techniques, with provable guarantees, to embed the entities in a low-dimensional latent space. To learn the non-linear feature-response interactions, we generalize prominent machine learning techniques, including designing a new statistically sound non-parametric method and an ensemble learning algorithm optimized for vector regressions. Extensive experiments on two common applications demonstrate that our new algorithms deliver significantly stronger forecasting power compared to standard and recently proposed methods.
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User-generated-content (UGC) videos have dominated the Internet during recent years. While many methods attempt to objectively assess the quality of these UGC videos, the mechanisms of human quality perception in the UGC-VQA problem is still yet to be explored. To better explain the quality perception mechanisms and learn more robust representations, we aim to disentangle the effects of aesthetic quality issues and technical quality issues risen by the complicated video generation processes in the UGC-VQA problem. To overcome the absence of respective supervisions during disentanglement, we propose the Limited View Biased Supervisions (LVBS) scheme where two separate evaluators are trained with decomposed views specifically designed for each issue. Composed of an Aesthetic Quality Evaluator (AQE) and a Technical Quality Evaluator (TQE) under the LVBS scheme, the proposed Disentangled Objective Video Quality Evaluator (DOVER) reach excellent performance (0.91 SRCC for KoNViD-1k, 0.89 SRCC for LSVQ, 0.88 SRCC for YouTube-UGC) in the UGC-VQA problem. More importantly, our blind subjective studies prove that the separate evaluators in DOVER can effectively match human perception on respective disentangled quality issues. Codes and demos are released in
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可见的红外人员重新识别(VI-REID)是与可见和红外形态相同的个人匹配的任务。它的主要挑战在于由在不同光谱上运行的相机引起的模态差距。现有的VI-Reid方法主要集中于跨模式学习的一般特征,通常是以特征可区分性为代价。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个基于周期的新型网络,用于中性但歧视性特征学习,称为环形。具体而言,Cycletrans使用轻巧的知识捕获模块(KCM)根据伪查询从与模态相关的特征地图捕获丰富的语义。之后,根据模态 - 欧罗威兰原型将这些特征转换为中性特征,将差异建模模块(DMM)部署为中性。为了确保特征可区分性,进一步部署了另外两个KCMs以进行特征周期结构。通过自行车结构,我们的方法可以在保留其出色的语义的同时学习有效的中性特征。在SYSU-MM01和REGDB数据集上进行的广泛实验验证了环形验证的优点针对最先进的方法,在SYSU-MM01中排名1的 +4.57%,REGDB中排名1 +2.2%。
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比较两个网络的两样本假设检验是一个重要但困难的问题。主要挑战包括:潜在的不同大小和稀疏度;邻接矩阵的未重复观察;计算可伸缩性;和理论研究,尤其是在有限样本的准确性和最小值最佳方面。在本文中,我们通过比较网络矩提出了第一个可证明的高阶准确的两样本推理方法。我们的方法将经典的两样本t检验扩展到网络设置。我们做出薄弱的建模假设,并可以有效地处理不同大小和稀疏度的网络。我们建立了强大的有限样本理论保证,包括速率 - 优先属性。我们的方法易于实现并快速计算。我们还设计了一个新型的离线哈希和快速查询的非参数框架,特别有效地维护和查询了非常大的网络数据库。我们通过全面的模拟证明了我们方法的有效性。我们将方法应用于两个现实世界数据集,并发现有趣的新颖结构。
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假新闻的广泛传播越来越威胁到个人和社会。在单个领域(例如政治)上自动假新闻发现已做出了巨大的努力。但是,相关性通常存在于多个新闻领域,因此有望同时检测多个域的假新闻。基于我们的分析,我们在多域假新闻检测中提出了两个挑战:1)域转移,是由域,情感,样式等领域之间的差异引起的。世界分类仅输出一个单个领域标签,而不管新闻文章的主题多样性如何。在本文中,我们提出了一个记忆引导的多视图多域假新闻检测框架(M $^3 $ fend),以应对这两个挑战。我们从多视图的角度对新闻作品进行建模,包括语义,情感和风格。具体而言,我们建议一个域存储库来丰富域信息,该信息可以根据可见的新闻和模型域特征来发现潜在的域标签。然后,以丰富的域信息为输入,域适配器可以从各个域中的新闻的多个视图中适应汇总歧视性信息。对英语和中文数据集进行的大量离线实验证明了M $^3 $ fend的有效性,在线测试在实践中验证了其优势。我们的代码可在上找到。
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